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Hatred Of America Is Greater Than Love Of Freedom For Some On The Left

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posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 12:56 PM
I find it amazing how many people have swallowed this administration's propaganda

Hook Line and Stinker!

There's a tremendous difference between hating Americans and wondering how on earth we could
allow someone like Bush to do all that he has done without stopping him.

If you think this nightmare is some sort of holy inspired blessed event then you need professional help.

These madmen would lock up Jesus as an enemy combatant!

The very foundation of our freedom is in the U.S. Constitution.

Just because I think these crooks belong in prison, does not make me a liberal ( by your definition )

I am FAR more conservative than you could ever hope to be when it comes to attacks on our Constitution and our civil liberties.

How do you define conservative?

What? Party loyalty to a bunch of crooks and liars who pander for your vote by preying on your
misguided religious ideology?

Profiteering by military industrialists pretending to actually care about US?

Or maybe you believe that our leadership should protect the interests of corporations
before they protect the interests of the people.

I can only assume that your perception of being a conservative is tied to personal religious beliefs
and if I'm wrong I have no problem with your position as long as you back it up with FACT.

Darn it Ed , I know you mean well, but your blind faith in these crooks is disturbing.

I am not questioning your patriotism, so don't question miine.

[edit on 30-9-2006 by FallenFromTheTree]

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 05:10 PM
Just so you know - I didn't like Bush, campaigned against him in 2000, but he has grown on me and he is definitly better than who WOULD have been in office either time.

I don't swallow what this admin says, its horsepucky for the press, whom I also dislike.

I do however know that this war in Iraq is DIRECTLY related to the war on terrorism and Islamic Facism. Be it Bush or whoever, we are in for a very large fight. I prefer to be on the offensive for this fight and not the defensive as the stand of the left is.

Conservative? yes but not in the way you think. I am NOT a republican....

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 09:14 PM
Ed, you still have anti-tulipwalker on your profile- that's not nice.

I thought you were going to change that.

This thread should be dead, imo, its the biggest flamer of all time!!!

Ed, you, not a Republican??? Bush grows on you? Are you serious???

BTW, i'm not picking on you, its good to see you posting, but the anti-tulip thing should be changed. ATS has changed.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 08:43 AM
OK Fair enough -- no more Anti-Tulipwalker...

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Keep peddling your wares, Ed. If all goes according to plan, you will not have the internet to post on and all your liberties will be taken away.

Then you will sing a different tune.....

Not at all DG. These people don't care about things like that. They look forward to shutting down things like the internet and/or making it something that is as controlled and sterile as their ways of thinking. The less information available to people the better. No opinions contrary to their beliefs will make it past their wall of censure if it does survive. This is truly the cowards way out. Shut everyone up, lock them down and shear them like the sheep they wish everyone to be.

People like this don't worry me anymore. They are getting desperate now since so many people are rallying against them. Not just liberals either. They want to make America something its never been and never intended to have been. Maybe they will do as the original founders of America once did, tire of the way things are, get in a boat and sail off with their little pilgrim hats on and head for antartica and make it the gulag they always dreamed of.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 11:25 AM
What? Shut down access to the internet? thats funny....

No I just don't like the attitude that the US is the only bad guy in the world and that we should appease those that are trying to kill us.

ban the internet, thats funny. Information is king.........Still laughing.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 12:12 PM
Ya know Ed, I find it utterly astonishing that with one simple stroke of the pen, you have managed to insult, hate and badmouth a goodly portion of American citizens. Who's the one who hates America now Ed?

How can you possibly make such blanket prejudiced and uninformed statements? I am proudly a progressive Liberal, always have been and I do NOT hate America. I hate our govt, both parties BTW and I hate the stupdity and ignorance that so many Americans seem to embrace wholeheartedly. There is a big difference. I will defend to the death the preservation of the Constitution. I love what America once stood for, but I don't like what is being done in the name of America right now. We have behaved as an empire, sticking our noses into way too many places where it doesnt belong and in the end, savaging other countries.

Ed you seem to be confused and think that hatred of Bush equals hatred of country. What, we should never criticize our country when we think it's made a bad move? How wouldl anything ever change for the better? I have news for you Ed, this country was founded by left wing revolutionary terrorists.

How can you question my loyalty and love for America when you've never met me and have no idea what is in my heart and mind? You must live in a pretty hate-filled world, that's sad. Your statements are very insulting and your thread is accomplishing nothing except more divisiveness.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:02 PM
One word for the explanation of just what the left has done to this nation,


And just look at what he says now. I mean he is a nice guy but I sure as heck am glad he holds no power now. What ALL Americans need to realize is that we are in the cross hairs of the world now. Most nations hate us and it was that way long before Bush. Just look at what the Left did during the Reagan buidup in the 80's, remember the peace marchs in Europe? Just what do you think made the USSR crumble?

Peace through strength, not through appeasment.

As for loyalty I really doubt that most on the left hate the US, but they sure have a funny way of showing it at times.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:40 PM
Ed, when do you go back to the United States Interrogating false Prisoners programme?

Its been nice having you here. Remember- dont forget to get therapy yourself so you can return to us as human.

Carry on, soldier.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
One word for the explanation of just what the left has done to this nation,


And just look at what he says now. I mean he is a nice guy but I sure as heck am glad he holds no power now. What ALL Americans need to realize is that we are in the cross hairs of the world now. Most nations hate us and it was that way long before Bush. Just look at what the Left did during the Reagan buidup in the 80's, remember the peace marchs in Europe? Just what do you think made the USSR crumble?

Peace through strength, not through appeasment.

As for loyalty I really doubt that most on the left hate the US, but they sure have a funny way of showing it at times.

carter???'s problems can be traced back to....Carter???....30+ years ago.....why don't you go for the gold, and trace it all the way back to that actions that were taken after WW 2? you'd be more accurate! carter didn't do sqaut, good or bad...he just was! and he has more power now, or at least he's using more power now, than he used as president. so, oh ya...use him as an example of what the left has done to the country......

by the way, there's no peace for the tortured, or the torturer for that matter...
and the soviet union crumbled without a shot being fired...what's wrong with this president? he's overextending our miitary and can't bring a few terrorists to justice?

[edit on 3-10-2006 by dawnstar]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:55 AM

As for loyalty I really doubt that most on the left hate the US, but they sure have a funny way of showing it at times.

I'm a liberal who has served. I know lots of liberals who have served in peace and war. I know were the threat a little closer, like Mexico or Canada, they would jump in their SUV's and beat the conservatives to the border to defend it.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by dawnstarcarter???'s problems can be traced back to....Carter???....30+ years ago.....

No it is not all traced to him but the crisis in Iran DIRECTLY can. Anyway, it was an example of what foreign policy executed in a appeasment manner causes. We are still paying for it 30 years later.

Clinton policy of appeasment with North Korea worked very well now didnt it?

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
Just what do you think made the USSR crumble?

I'll tell you exactly what made the USSR crumble; it was their own mismanaged govt.
I was in the Soviet Union for a month in 1977. What I saw was that they couldn't even build a building correctly, there were crooked corners everywhere, things were falling apart and the money all went to the upper members of govt. Reagan tried to outspend them on arms but he bankrupted the U.S. to do it. It was only a matter of time that the USSR fell apart, Reagan just helped it along a little, but he took credit for ending the Cold War. THe truth is the USSR had been crumbling for quite awhile before Reagan took over.

Peace through strength, not through appeasement.

So you support war as a first response before diplomacy? Sounds like you think war is a wonderful thing. And what kind of "strength" does it take for America to be the world's bully?

As for loyalty I really doubt that most on the left hate the US...

Really? Then why on earth are you saying that liberals hate the U.S.???

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

No it is not all traced to him but the crisis in Iran DIRECTLY can. Anyway, it was an example of what foreign policy executed in a appeasment manner causes. We are still paying for it 30 years later.

Clinton policy of appeasment with North Korea worked very well now didnt it?

and who was in the shadows, wheeling and dealing with the iranians to hold the hostages longer, so they could be let go after carter left office??

maybe we could say it could be trace directly back to reagan??

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar

maybe we could say it could be trace directly back to reagan??

No we can't, Carter's policy's let it happen, LONG before the elections.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by forestlady

Really? Then why on earth are you saying that liberals hate the U.S.???

See: Hatred Of America Is Greater Than Love Of Freedom For Some On The Left

See the word SOME?

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

No we can't, Carter's policy's let it happen, LONG before the elections.

and just what policies were you mean that he had enough integrety to know not to illegally sell missles to Iran for the money to illegally give the contras...APPEASEMENT!!! sell them missles in hopes that they don't hold many more americans hostage!!! and as an added perk, we'll use the money to meddle into the affairs of this little county down south of us....

and you will have to go back further than carter when it comes to selling Iran arms.....

May 1972
President Richard Nixon agrees to allow the Shah of Iran to purchase virtually any type of conventional weaponry in the U.S. arsenal, including advanced F-14, AWACS aircraft, and Phoenix and Maverick missiles.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by dawnstar]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:53 PM
Carter didnt sell anymore than any other before him. What Carter did was make the US weak in the eyes of the Iranians. I am not saying the Shah was good but when the new governement condoned the hostage taking, we should have hit them hard then, then Beruit would have never happened.

Carter's foreign policy was terrible and it has cost us dearly.

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 03:59 AM

I find it interesting that you convert opposition to one President and his policies to a hatred of the United States, while demonstrating your own hatred for another President and his policies.

Does this mean you hate the United States too?

[edit on 6-10-2006 by loam]

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 07:41 AM
Not at all, I just don't like weak administrations, ones that do not hold the use of force as a legitimate option. You cant play poker if you dont play your cards.

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