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The Proud Whopper - Burger King serves GAY Food - This is the beginning of the END

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posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: My_Reality

The LGBTQ community did try to go for civil unions, problem is that most States wouldn't recognize them as equal to marriage unless it was a hetero couple getting the civil union. It really doesn't or shouldn't matter what it's called as long as everyone receives the same benefits 'marriage' offers. Some Christians believe that only a man and a woman can be married, that's fine, they are entitled to believe that all they want... as long as the government doesn't deem that Christians are correct. Either that or that no marriage is deserving of special privileges.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 07:48 AM

Burger King serves GAY Food

I don't think food has a sexual orientation.

- This is the beginning of the END

Humanity is indeed headed for 'the end', but I doubt the whopper is taking us there.

That being said .. this is Burger King taking a political stand and engaging in a marketing tool. If people don't want their burgers wrapped in rainbow paper and they don't want to support Burger King in this ... then eat lunch at home or brown bag it to work.

Honestly, I support marriage equality and all that, but I'm looking forward to the day when no one cares what another persons sexual orientation is and we dont have to have all this sex stuff in our faces. (yes, i'm 52 and a prude. PDA and condom commercials and viagra ads ... I find it tiresome ... like I said, I am of the generation that thinks that is all private stuff ... so I just put up with it)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

I am not allowed to have a business that only hires white people

Yes you are (and there's millions of them) as long as you're not outwardly stating that you will only hire whites.

but there are businesses and/or groups that only hire black people

Yes there are and as long as they don't outwardly state that they will only hire black people it's legal.

If you want everyone to be treated fairly and can't start treating people as special with special allowances.

Well that's not really the case here though is it? I'll use the example I used earlier in the thread. You have all the legos and now you're suddenly noticing that little Tommy has one duplo block now you're throwing a tantrum because you don't have any duplo blocks.

You and others that share your view that the USA is descending into PC hell where everyone is a special snowflake except white, christian men... need to realize that white, christian men have always been the special snowflake, they made the laws of the land, the rules of society, and control over every aspect of living, loving and learning in this country that you can think of... other groups now claiming power and demanding equal access changes nothing for white christian males it just means you might have to adjust to new dishes at the buffet. No one is pushing you away from the table but yourselves and even then you still have the most seats at the table... for now.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: JohnPhoenix

On a scale of 1 to 10.... 1 being meh and 10 being wow, thats incredibly important... it rates a .2 or zzzzzzzz..

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: My_Reality
I simply have the pragmatic approach that the gay community should adopt a word or phrase other than marriage to achieve the social and financial benefits they want oh so badly.

Well, what of people like me, who are heterosexual, but not religious or a "believer". Should I opt for "marriage" or this new word or phrase?

Truth is, I don't think the government should be involved in marriage, but it is. And until that's not the case, anyone who wants to marry should be permitted to. We already tried "separate but equal" and it didn't work.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
So with that position...if people can have a gay parade, others can have an anti-gay parade.

There have been straight pride parades.

I am not allowed to have a business that only hires white people, but there are businesses and/or groups that only hire black people. Well...everyone knows the list.

I don't know the list. What businesses only hire black people?

If you want everyone to be treated fairly and can't start treating people as special with special allowances.

Yeah, those damn wheelchair ramps piss me off! Who do they think they are? Special? And veterans... They get all kind of government help! Who do they think they are?

So...Burger King always used to sell burgers for everyone equally. Now...they are selling a special burger implying that gay is special, non-equal or worse yet...different. Definitely not equality. Actually...the opposite.

They were celebrating an occasion. Companies and restaurants do that all the time. Special promotions. Catering to kids. Green beer on St. Patrick's Day, Specials on Mother's Day (freaking mothers think they're SPECIAL! - Pisses me off!) Ladies' nights at bars. Senior day at Albertson's (10% off every first Wednesday of the month)

So, what the hell are you talking about???

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: JohnPhoenix
Homosexual Hamburgers: When the World Goes Mad

What say you ATS?

edit on Fri Jul 4 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed long quote IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

Who cares?

It's a marketing ploy to increase sales from the gay community, who in general, IIRC, have a greater amount of disposable income than the heterosexual community. If it works, that's great. Subaru tried it with their "Made that way" campaign. If they've got a "proud" burger that doesn't mean they have to equalize and make a "jesus" burger too. (and if a jesus burger, why not a buddha burger, moses burger, thor burger, allah burger...etc?) Like most advertising, this one will soon fade away into the distance and we'll say "oh yeah, I remember the proud burger."
edit on 5-7-2014 by kelbtalfenek because: spelling correction "their" for "there"

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 09:48 AM

. Subaru tried it with there "Made that way" campaign. If they've got a "proud" burger that doesn't mean they have to equalize and make a "jesus" burger too. (and if a jesus burger, why not a buddha burger, moses burger, thor burger, allah burger...etc?) Like most advertising, this one will soon fade away into the distance and we'll say "oh yeah, I remember the proud burger."

I'm not even Monotheistic, and I'm insanely interested in the AllahBurger and the Thor Burger.....

I do find people getting revved up on such a temporary thing ridiculous. I'm trying to figure out what rights are being taken away.

....AND WHAT THE HELL IS HETRO???!?!?!?! Do they mean Hetero?? Is Hetro something different than Hetero? Because you know we can't have too many different sexual orientations. That'd be weird.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: Rob48
a reply to: JohnPhoenix

So many people so annoyed that the rest of the world is finally realising that bigotry and hatred based on absurd 2000-year-old folk tales is utterly anachronous in the 21st century.

Get over it. The rest of us have grown out of hating people because some dusty old book tells us we should. Humans are humans. Religion is the biggest force for evil in the world today, just as it has been for hundreds of years.

A hamburger in a rainbow wrapper kind of pales into insignificance compared to centuries of religious persecution, don'tcha think?

I just wanted to repost this particular post because I am flabbergasted at the unchecked irony of it re: "bigotry and hatred" that seems to be going unchecked.

I guess maybe there is GOOD "bigotry and hatred" and BAD "bigotry and hatred".

I don't think this is my world any more... I leave it in the hands of the illogical.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: nenothtu

"There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch."
-Nigel Powers (Movie Goldmember)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: KyoZero

You know, I agree with you in general. BK, Hobby Lobby, Chick-Fil-A, and everyone else has a right to run their lives/businesses as they see fit. No one else has a right to say "BOO" about it, either, until it impacts their own rights negatively. All of the rest of us have a right to do or not do business (except insurance corps - the gummint says we don't have a right not to do business with insurance corps) with anyone we choose, and people running businesses should also have that right.

We can always say "that just ain't right" and refuse to do business with ANY business (other than insurance corps), or refuse to associate with any given individual, and it immediately ends any impact they have on us personally. Do what you want at home, trade with whom you want in the street, makes no difference to me, and has no impact on what I do.

Live and let live. Call your domestic arrangements a "marriage", a "domestic partnership", a "civil union" or a "hockey team" for all I care - what you call yours has no impact on mine - the label you choose doesn't change the content, or matter at all to me.

I do have to wonder at your assertion here, though:

..and btw...dn't give me that bullcrap about LGBT marriage = pedophila crap. You are sick if you say that...period...

Now, suppose a fella comes along who enjoys the occasional molestation of a dead baby mouse, covering all of his bases in one fell swoop. He reads that and says "who are they to judge MY lifestyle?" What's your answer? How can one protest others judging THEIR lifestyle, then turn around and pronounce judgement of "just sick" on yet another?

Where, on the sliding scale of deviancy ("deviancy" in the sense of deviating form the norm, not necessarily a bad thing, as we ALL deviate in some respect, or else there would be no individuals, only multitudinous carbon copies of the same person) do we put up the sign "ROAD ENDS HERE", and how do we justify that particular point? Do we stop at our own particular deviancy, or are we inclusive of the deviations of everyone else, or inclusive of just SOME others, and why.

I'm not trying to be mean, I really want to know. You see, I'm an old guy trying to find his way in an alien world that he's never been in before, and was unwittingly thrown into it while he was looking the other way. For example, I find that i don't know how to talk to people any more - I don't know whether to address you as "sir", "madame" or "whatever", because Emily Post just never covered some of the situations that we find ourselves in nowadays.

So I need to know. I need to know where that road sign is to be posted, and why.

edit on 2014/7/5 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

and how!

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: JohnPhoenix

Someone's got an AGENDA.

Oh, for crying out loud already! Of course there's an agenda - it's a civil rights agenda. It's all about inclusion - and guess what?

The tide has turned - and now that they're being included - there is going to be more and more of this everywhere and in everything. In America - if a little bit is good - then more must be better. We'll see more of this in advertising, TV, movies - everything

It's about time. After this blitzkrieg of acceptance is over - we won't think twice about any of it. Most of us anyhow

Now there's more money to be made being pro-gay than there is being anti-gay. Yay capitalism - let no opportunity go to waste. Even if it's not sincere (though it just may be) - it's still a good sign
edit on 7/5/2014 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah
Well dammit, if everyone is going to demand a sandwich promotion for themselves, I'm getting on this bandwagon while I can.

Edit: On second thought, I know better and I rather like having an account here. Crossed the line I did, hop off the bandwagon while I still can I will.


I feel left out now - everyone else got to read it, and I slept through it! I'll have to forever wonder now...

I feel SO excluded at the moment!

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: My_Reality

The LGBTQ community did try to go for civil unions, problem is that most States wouldn't recognize them as equal to marriage unless it was a hetero couple getting the civil union. It really doesn't or shouldn't matter what it's called as long as everyone receives the same benefits 'marriage' offers. Some Christians believe that only a man and a woman can be married, that's fine, they are entitled to believe that all they want... as long as the government doesn't deem that Christians are correct. Either that or that no marriage is deserving of special privileges.

Butbutbut - hetero couple DO get "Civil Unions", every day!

My wife and I have both a "Civil Union" (gummint stamp of approval on that one - sort of), and a religious "marriage". Of the two, the religious "marriage" is both more restrictive and more permissive, simple because it isn't limited to all those silly civil laws that gays cite as their alleged reason for wanting a "marriage".

The "Civil Union" didn't work out as planned, because the gummint refused us the same rights as other hetero couples in civil unions have, even though it was licensed and stamped with the state's approval. Don't care to get into the specifics of that here, though.

In my opinion, EVERY alleged "marriage" licensed through the state is nothing more than a "civil union", specifically because it is civilly permitted. Doesn't matter if it's a man and a woman, a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or a dog and a cat. If we are to have a true separation of Church and State, then by definition deities cannot be involved in contracts sponsored by the state. To have a religious marriage (either in combination with or in lieu of a mere "civil union"), one has to go another route, an extra mile, and involve a deity in - and exclude the state from - that hitchin' up.

That's the only way I can logically reconcile it when all factors are included.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
no marriage is deserving of special privileges.

That is exactly what I believe. Being married doesn't grant a couple any sort of special status. It just means they love one another. The Government (Fed, State or local) have no place in it.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
After this blitzkrieg of acceptance is over - we won't think twice about any of it. Most of us anyhow

Just an aside - I am a dog trainer. I know a lot about dog psychology. When a dog has been allowed to get away with something for some time and then the owner decides to change that behavior, the dog experiences what we call an "extinction burst". For example, if a dog has been permitted to jump on people for attention when he's a puppy (because it's cute), as he grows, it becomes an undesirable behavior. When the owner tries to change the behavior by ignoring it and NOT giving attention, the dog becomes very forceful and relentless in jumping and will jump more than ever for a while, trying to get that attention, until he realizes that he's not getting the desired outcome (attention) and he eventually stops. That's an extinction burst. As the behavior extinguishes, there's a burst (blitzkrieg) of the behavior.

I believe that's what we're seeing in the religious/gay situation. For many years, religious folks have been in the majority as regards the view of homosexuality. Only relatively recently has it been unclassified as a mental illness and more and more people are accepting it and working toward equal rights for gay people. Gay people are getting married now, having children, living normal lives, they're in commercials and on TV shows... They're everywhere! Now that religion isn't getting its way anymore and can no longer deny equal rights to gay people, they're working harder and harder to make things the way they used to be. Extinction burst.

I don't think we're all that different from our four-legged friends.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic


I like that - and you're right - works with cats too (though not quite as obviously - or fast. Or, at all - cats are like that)

I think it's interesting how ideas have a tipping point - and now that it's begun to tip the other way - more people who were on the fence are off the fence - in a big way

like I said - in this country more is always better than less - rainbows for everybody from here on out

edit on 7/5/2014 by Spiramirabilis because: facts is facts

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: nenothtu
Lol, check your U2Us, Neno

a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

That's a good way of putting it. At the most basic level, it's all about breaking reactive behavior. Like someone else said, though, it's going to take each generation's bigots dying off for bigotry to die down, even with social change in the meantime.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 01:46 PM
Nine pages?? Come on people, it's just a burger in a rainbow wrapper.
Serving cakes to homosexuals was a better complaint for Eff sake
edit on 7/5/2014 by EyesOpenMouthShut because: (no reason given)

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