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Washington state will require kid-proof packaging for pot

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posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

As much as the parents are responsible, this is the 21st century. I can't watch my kids 24hrs a day.

Why education is the key? Kids are the most curious things on the planet. Satisfying that curiosity under adult supervision might prevent all that mystery from building to a breaking point. If kids want to do something or try something, they will.

Do it with them and then they won't have to sneak around. If someone had smoked a cigarette with me before peer pressure set in, I wouldn't have gone on to be so "cool" (and addicted). When they get old enough some kid will bring it to school and double dog dare all their budding egos.

The "educated" child will say, "Oh, no thanks. I already know what thats about, my parents showed me".

Just my experience.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower
a reply to: James1982

The container it comes it, the design on the package, etc are not going to have ANY effect on children using marijuana

People who have conducted psychological studies regarding cigarettes and alcohol would disagree with you. Smoking rates in our country dropped quite a bit after we started hiding the cigarettes behind the counter among other things.

I'm in general agreement with you that we should not focus on this, as it really is a non issue in the end. What's more important is for the industry to be ahead of these problems that can cause huge headaches for legalization efforts in other parts of the country.

It's a big picture, 'branding' type care that needs to be taken in regards to this new thing. Trust me, I've worked in this industry medically for a very long time.


I'm sure they would. Psychological studies can say whatever they want them to say. Packaging will definitely play a part in deciding between brands, but you aren't going to start smoking weed because it comes it a purple cartoon box that's really easy to open.

I agree with you that it's good for companies to get ahead of this stuff and quash it before the nut jobs start attacking them, but it appears this is a government regulation not just stores planning to do this on their own. While rules about packaging may not have any negative effect on the legal consumer, other things they are talking about do.

Edibles work very well for many people, especially people who don't want to smoke. Most find the taste of cannabis and it's extracts to be a bit.. cloying I guess would be an accurate word, it's kind of a sickly sweet taste that makes a lot of people gag. Edibles like infused chocolates, gummies, etc allow the person to consume it without issue.

They sell adult multivitamins in candy flavored gummies. They put sugar coatings on many common pills to make them easier to swallow. Liquid medicines are laced with fruit flavoring as well as tons of corn syrup. Not to mention the old school "a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"

It's nothing new to be wrapping drugs up in more tasty wrappers. And there's nothing to indicate any nefarious actions at targeting minors. Yet people seem to want to make candy cannabis into some sort of evil trick those dastardly potheads cooked up to get kids addicted to drugs! Oh noes! Why aren't these same people fighting to remove candy flavors and sugar from other medicines? Because they take some themselves and understand without the additives it would be nasty as hell.

It's just pure hypocrisy which is never ever a good or positive thing.

As for testing regulations, I support testing the stuff, but there's more to it than that. There doesn't exists a test that shows you whether your sample is "clean" You can only test for specific things. So either the list of things tested for is all encompassing and therefore prohibitively expensive, or you only test for a few things, which really doesn't offer any protection. Being "tested as clean" may make people worry less, but in reality will do little to curb contamination of the product. Unless done on a scale large enough that expense makes it impossible.

All the "tricks" used by nefarious black market growers just don't really have much of a purpose for a legal market. Educated consumers can easily detect adulterants in their product, and those adulterants are used to try to bring a low quality product to a higher quality price by how it looks. The stuff that will be sold is already at that actual high quality point, it doesn't need additives to look good in other words.

Additionally the market works this out on its own. Testing in Oregon clubs has already been taking place for a long time now, simply due to patient pressure and market trends. No law required.

edit on 24-6-2014 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: Skyfloating
I agree that it should be parents responsibility to administer pot to their children, not the shops.

Good one

All drugs need to be kept safe and away from kids and that includes Asprin and weed too.

Whats killing people is GMOs but lets not talk about that else it might cut my corporate profits down to size and whats being said here to get so many posts deleted/censored.

I can tell you I am anti drugs because my doctor keeps wanting to put me on more of them and the cure is worse than the desease but when you raise concerns you get told to trust them even when its clear that they have little to no clue on the subject.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: VirusGuard

originally posted by: Skyfloating
I agree that it should be parents responsibility to administer pot to their children, not the shops.

Good one

All drugs need to be kept safe and away from kids and that includes Asprin and weed too.

Whats killing people is GMOs but lets not talk about that else it might cut my corporate profits down to size and whats being said here to get so many posts deleted/censored.

I can tell you I am anti drugs because my doctor keeps wanting to put me on more of them and the cure is worse than the desease but when you raise concerns you get told to trust them even when its clear that they have little to no clue on the subject.

Are you talking about narcotic pain medication? If so, stories like this make little sense to me. Doctors are incredibly stingy with narcotics, where are these doctors pushing them on people? Because there is a huge number of people actively searching for such doctors with zero luck. If they exist, they are few and far between.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: James1982

I agree with everything you're saying, but I still maintain that if we refuse to operate in the way that brands have traditionally done so, by making the packing all light hearted and fun, we will avoid many an issue.

I only mean from the fight against the people who will come up against legalization and regulation.

Lke I said, I've worked in this industry in Canada for many years and have deal with the insane amount of confusion and misinformation spread by those who wish to keep it illegal.

I would just rather not shoot ourselves in the foot and be caught arguing about a non issue like packaging. Get ahead of the curve, prevent the stupid arguments that people will use to draw attention away from the real issue.


posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower
a reply to: James1982

I agree with everything you're saying, but I still maintain that if we refuse to operate in the way that brands have traditionally done so, by making the packing all light hearted and fun, we will avoid many an issue.

I only mean from the fight against the people who will come up against legalization and regulation.

Lke I said, I've worked in this industry in Canada for many years and have deal with the insane amount of confusion and misinformation spread by those who wish to keep it illegal.

I would just rather not shoot ourselves in the foot and be caught arguing about a non issue like packaging. Get ahead of the curve, prevent the stupid arguments that people will use to draw attention away from the real issue.


I agree, I guess my frustration is more towards the people out there who get tricked by such things. I guess doing silly things for the "greater good" is better than doing evil things for the greater good.

Although I suspect that time is drawing near where only a tiny portion of the population are going to have any problems with recreational cannabis, and their ignorant opinions will be made irrelevant just like those of the site owners.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 06:18 PM
Wow, that will really cut down on pot smoking. When they get high it will take them hours to open the package so it will last longer. Pure genius. People tend to get sidetracked by stuff like that when they are high. I don't know why I would know that.
edit on 24-6-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower Lab testing at random would more beneficial all around and should be done from tax revenue not at the expense of the grower.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 06:38 PM
Colorado has been doing it this way for 6months+ at least. All the ingredients are listed and it's always in a childproof container usually within another childproof container or bag lol not that I would know.

Anyways, this is great to see all around! Adds some legitimacy to the movement.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower
I see, it was something I was not comprehending, I have never heard of spraying with 7 UP but I do catch your drift as to why.
Let's just say I know growers as well, but I guess this scenario never came up as "they" use what they grow.
This is akin to "big tobacco" adding fiberglass and the supposed 200 other chemicals to tobacco to hook people.
I see now.
It just read like someone was saying Voldermort was deadly itself.
I use the word Voldermort here on ATS as it is "he who must not be named"!!!

Back toward the main topic though, if fully decriminalized and properly packaged for the kiddies safety, I'd never use commercially grown stuff.
I even know my tobacco grower for my smokes.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: g146541

I'd never use commercially grown stuff.

it's actually unlikely that the industry will be able to support large scale industrial production, because people are always going to want variety. I don't see any particular company, even tobacco being willing to sell so many different products at a time, and to consistently change those based on market wants.

if anything they will grow very low quality in high amounts and undercut the local growing operations and their high quality products. Idiots will always buy stuff cheaper regardless of quality.

Wal-Mart is a testament to that fact.


posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: tothetenthpower

As much as the parents are responsible, this is the 21st century. I can't watch my kids 24hrs a day.

Why education is the key? Kids are the most curious things on the planet. Satisfying that curiosity under adult supervision might prevent all that mystery from building to a breaking point. If kids want to do something or try something, they will.

Do it with them and then they won't have to sneak around. If someone had smoked a cigarette with me before peer pressure set in, I wouldn't have gone on to be so "cool" (and addicted). When they get old enough some kid will bring it to school and double dog dare all their budding egos.

The "educated" child will say, "Oh, no thanks. I already know what thats about, my parents showed me".

Just my experience.

I completely agree with you. When my sisters and I were young my Mom made us do research on drugs so we knew what we were putting in our bodies and the damage that could be done. She then told us if we were to do drugs that she would hope we do the ones God put on this earth that man hasn't done anything to, cannabis & mushrooms.

I remember my older sister (2yrs older) offering me my first puff of cannabis when I was 12 & it tasted like dirt so I didn't try it again until after high school.

My younger sister (7yrs younger) had it differently because my Mom was binge drinking at the time. I told my younger sister than if she wanted to try anything, to please do it with me so that I could keep an eye on her. If you do it with friends, make sure one person stays clean so that if something goes wrong there will be someone who can think & react properly.
She actually did listen to me & had her first drink & cannabis with me so that she could me watched properly.

Unfortunately my sisters have tried other drugs but I've only done what God put on this earth that hasn't been changed by man. I made sure that there was someone who stayed clean so that if something went wrong they could bring me to the hospital. My friend who stayed clean had OD on mushrooms before so he wanted to make sure that didn't happen to me.

I also find it silly how we want to make sure cannabis isn't marketed to kids yet alcohol is. More people are dying from prescription drugs than other substances.

There needs to be a Global & National database set up for cannabis that has all records of studies conducted on cannabis. All health care professionals & citizens should have access to the database so they can make informative decisions & see what advancements are being done.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: knoledgeispower

There needs to be a Global & National database set up for cannabis that has all records of studies conducted on cannabis.

Maybe, maybe not.
I know all I need to know of the stuff, pretty much what you put.
The stuff is natural from the creator.
Plus if a database was to be established they would be forced to repeal decades of propaganda making themselves look like exactly what they are, control freaks.
I'd love to see any logical person explain away reefer madness!

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 10:36 PM
This might be a simple answer but...

What ever happened to a lock and key?

Sell it in a container with a key, just don't smoke so much that you forget where you left it.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: g146541
a reply to: knoledgeispower

There needs to be a Global & National database set up for cannabis that has all records of studies conducted on cannabis.

Maybe, maybe not.
I know all I need to know of the stuff, pretty much what you put.
The stuff is natural from the creator.
Plus if a database was to be established they would be forced to repeal decades of propaganda making themselves look like exactly what they are, control freaks.
I'd love to see any logical person explain away reefer madness!

You may know all you need to know about cannabis but other people may not.

I don't know every single study that is being conducted or has been conducted on cannabis but I would like to read them. I hear all the time about people being cured from cannabis & others whose illness has been greatly reduced. If other people had access to those studies they could see that it is truly beneficial.

My doctor knows all the misinformation of the past but nothing about the studies currently being done. He didn't even know about Charlottes Web & he thought that if you took away the psychoactive part of cannabis, that cannabis was completely useless.

Cannabis was only made illegal because of hemp. Hemp would have destroyed the cotton industry as well as the forest industry. Now the pharmaceutical industry will also take a big hit. As we all know, that goes against American Corporations whose number one goal is to increase profits.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: knoledgeispower
Good points so I must agree.
I do not know if RSO cures cancer as I personally do not know anyone personally who claims to have been cured of anything actually.
A study on certain problems done by true clean independent sources would be nice I guess.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: James1982

Are you talking about narcotic pain medication? If so, stories like this make little sense to me. Doctors are incredibly stingy with narcotics, where are these doctors pushing them on people?

Apparently, you have never been to southwest VA. You are sadly mistaken if you think doctors are "stingy" with them (not all doctors...not generalizing here but) they are just stingy about WHO they give them to. At one time, they used my locale as "testing grounds" for oxycontin....there was no "stingy" then. Purdue pharma was sued and that was stifled by enforcement of the law, etc. They turned around, built methadone clinics and now "maintain" the junkies....they STILL make their money!

Where are the doctors pushing them? Again, come to southwest VA....though, you won't find most of "those doctors" these days. Many of them sit in prison cells as we speak. Trading scripts for cash, sex, other name it.
The problems regarding narcotics is epidemic in my area, and that is understating it.

On topic......So we need "child proof" "protection" in regards to the EVIL POT, yet it really isn't hard to open that can of beer or that bottle of liquor sitting in the fridge....
Make sense....

Alcohol is marketed to children all the time. They may claim it isn't marketed specifically to children but when one is watching the NFL on the tube with daddy/his buddies and the "light beer" commercial is in the background while daddy and company sip a cold one.....yeah, I don't think I need to elaborate on that.

This world is full of hypocrisy and, frankly, I am sick to death of busy bodys' trying to tell others what they can and cannot put into their own bodies and how they have to package it and how it can be marketed and how to administer and on and on and on....

I feel like I was born into an eternal elementary school, run by a bunch of high school kids who got the "hall monitor" job that they SOOO wanted....

Power....control...power...control! It ALL boils down to this....everything else is just filler for those ends.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:06 AM
Nobody under 21 should do pot, imnho, because of the development of their brain. The smart ones will wait. The dumb ones will think they are doing it but will be smoking oregano. The almost-smart ones will be the losers, and will think they are doing it the right way. Nope, over 21 has been the norm advice of pot activists.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:20 AM
Legalize it. Regulate it. Tax it. HIDE IT. Safely package it.

We have to realize that teens are going to go ga-ga for it anyways. It's in their nature. Sneak beer. Sneak dope. Drink cough syrup and see if anything happens. They'll find ways to break through the safety packaging. When they do, we'll see the anti-legalize folks all go nutz and demand it be taken off the market all because their little darling teenager broke into the package and got high. (*eyeroll)

It's my hope that tobacco companies will switch over their products from cigarette tobacco to medicinal MJ. I think that would be good for medical supply stockpiles as well as good for cost. I'd think it would tick off the drug cartels no end, which is also a good thing. A lot of chronically ill folks buy illegally and they no longer would have to with a legal stockpile. The drug cartels will suffer financial loss and weaken a bit. Cops will like that too.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:44 AM
my only issue is the fact that a lot of times a child can open supposedly childproof containers easier than adults. i know when i was a kid i ended up having to open pill containers and such my parents or grandparents had trouble opening. years back when they first started with the childproof cigarette lighters, some of them were a major pain. my boss had bought one, he couldn't get it to work and in annoyance threw it onto the coffee table. a few minutes later he looked up to see his 5 year old daughter with it lit, playing with it. scary thing to see. yet i have never seen a lighter that was childproof that a child could not light up. lets face it the only thing that is childproof is something that is LOCKED with a good quality lock and no key for the child to use. just as a friend of mine has always done with their drug box when camping. they keep ALL medications be it their pot or anything else, short of emergency items like "eppypens" stored that way. they apparently do this at home as well the place ALL medication and pot is stored is locked with a good lock, to keep both small and teenaged hands from getting at them.

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