a reply to:
sorry i didnt read all of it. just a few pages but wanted to toss a few things out there.
first you need to figure out how happy with her and yourself the way things are now. now think about how happy you will be when things go the way she
wants them with 'space'.
is this wanting space pretty new? is she wanting to be touched less than she did before? if so, did anything happen just before the changes in wanting
to be touched. did either of you do something?
if youre saying no and she just wants this space well there is a reason for that. something changed.
she can still love you and want to be with you but have feelers out there for other guys. not saying she is, just that it happens.
just from the post you made, if i had to take a guess she has fallen out of love with you. now i am sure she loves you. you are her kids father. you
two share time. of course she loves you. goo chance she is no longer 'in love' with you and thats the part that sucks.
you said there has been no physical contact... you said she looks away from you and then you said she told you she does not know if there are feelings
she could ever get back for you.
sounds to me like she is trying to find her exit strategy... seems to me like she wants out but its gong to play out little by little.
if it were me, i would grab a lawyer as fast as possible. try to keep lines of communication with her open so you can try and figure what her plans
are. of course you dont have to tell her everything you are doing.
these situations suck but you have to look out for yourself. you dont neeed to be mean or leave the wife high and dry if anything even happens. you
just want to protect yourself man.
without getting into childrens ages, who pays the bills....
just dont let it sneak up on you.
retain a lawyer and draw up the papers so they are ready to be filed at any time. get the lawyer to start crunching numbers. how much you both make.
how much each of you pay and to what. house paid for? how much owed?
what can you live without. what stays no matter what...
that kind of crap man.
i would just have those papers ready to be filed at the court house at a moments notice. that way if you guys still have comm lines open and she tells
you or you get wind that she wants to file then you can dodge that bullet and file first.
sorry. i hope all this is just a bad day but this is how it starts.
protect yourself