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These servile terrorists have been mind-programmed to regard people like you as “the enemy” and they will exterminate you if you provoke them. Actually “Jerad” you have written a rather “provocative” post above — and these sub-human, state-sponsored, hired henchmen thug terrorists have probably run you through their computer systems to identify you already. This might make them even more likely to murder you (and your fiancé) if they decided to raid your house.
ACTIVE SHOOTER COURSE Duration: 3 days – Other Active Shooter courses are various lengths and costs. Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Active Shooter - The Israeli Method Course Summary: This is our Main 3 day course, which is open to all. This course is one of the most successful and useful courses that we instructed in Israel, mainly to school staff, teachers and students. Students, Consumers, Office Workers, Restaurant and Nightclub employees that operate a large portion of their lives in a workplace environment can suddenly find themselves in very dangerous situations involving a determined and most likely suicidal Active Shooter. We have developed this primary course to assist personnel in dealing with this reality.
They started conducting the drill around 7:15 a.m. The scenario: What to do if two armed gunmen got into the school and started opening fire. "Even though it's unlikely that it could happen here, it just has to happen once," said Chief Elique. "There has been an increase in these types of incidents in the nation, unfortunately. And things that were unheard of, someone attacking an elementary or grammar school now seem to be, I won't say the norm, but people are engaged in that type of activity. So we have got to be very vigilant and always be very prepared."
IMAGE: ‘The Dark Knight’ – Amanda Miller shown here also protesting at the ‘Million Mask March’ near her hometown in Indiana. The Millers appeared to fit in amongst other lefty OWS protesters. Indeed, Why Do You Wear That Mask? (photo Facebook) The Las Vegas shooter duo were directly linked to the one of the largest quasi-political movements in recent history, Occupy Wall Street aka the Occupy Movement. Occupy, along with hacktivist group Anonymous, are both Largely a left-wing formation, it may still come as a surprise to some that Occupy was not only infiltrated and co-opted by White House insiders and its third sector community organizers, but was funded and steered by multimillion dollar think-tanks and foundations from their start. Some have suggested that the Millers were fostering a militant element from within the public protest movement. Why would Jerad and Amanda later portray themselves to believe in liberty, when their views or actions couldn’t be further from anything considered patriotic? ovided-the-backdrop/
Defaming patriotism from the inside Jerad and Amanda’s political ideology was a boiling pot of extremes, as the had attempted to link anarchy with libertarianism and individual rights with a disguised cultural Marxisim, suggesting that the Millers may not have been operating alone, when you consider other anomalies in this case. One online image shows Miller in what appears to be full tactical gear, which further points towards him receiving some kind of assistance along the way. Any rational thinking patriot would question people like the Millers and most likely cast them out – and that’s exactly what happened. As new details emerge in the Vegas shooting case, it appears that we could be looking at a psy-op or provocateured event, as there is evidence to suggest that the Millers had attempted to congregate in Bunkerville at the Bundy Ranch. The Millers were promptly kicked off the ranch after Jerad’s violent leanings had been disclosed during a major media interview and his long criminal history was exposed. It was also reported that he had been asking for firearms while on location – all of which lead to the Bundy family politely asking the couple to leave. What is clear to most liberty-based individuals is that anyone who is a career criminal, has not shown respect to others rights, couple that with Jerad Miller’s highly sensational video messages and social media rants where he appears to have been playing a role, its difficult to accept the shooting at face value.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports Las Vegas was ranked too low on a threat assessment list to receive federal funding in the current federal budget, a move that brought swift criticism from Nevada officials.
Nevada's Homeland Security Commission on Thursday approved a grant allocation plan that will increase funding for the region's fusion center to nearly $1.1 million, up from $750,000 this year.
Born in Baltimore Maryland and raised in Southern California. During the 1980-81 school year, she lived with her father, a network news cameraman which provided the opportunity to attend the Anglo American School in Moscow Russia. She portrayed a police officer on the popular daytime drama Days Of Our Lives for over seven years. Working in conjunction with her mother and business partner, Ann Werner, she is the author of two non-fiction books: The Virgin Diaries and Ain't No Sunshine: Men Reveal the Pain of Heartbreak. Read her articles on the Liberals Unite blog.