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Mass shooting at Walmart in Las Vegas

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posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: TKDRL
They didn't need to alter too many frames because there is just a brief part of the video that is not zoomed in close. I will show you a specific area where there is a glaring difference. I'm not familiar with the nuke effect. What's that?

Look at this image from the Metro Productions video. Look in the area of the orange box. The grey photo shopped walls are hiding the area where there should be two blue Walmart signs as seen in the Liveleak video. Their mock up Walmart studio missed putting up the blue signs. They had put so much effort in syncing the fake police radio audio to their fake video of the scumbags finale, they erred in having a second or two wide shot showing the error with the blue signs. Before Metro Productions released the video, they must have realized their mistake and tried to "paint it out." Amateur film makers...

Here you can see in the Liveleak video the two blue signs and the walls are actually a very pale shade of blue! Their fake finale was filmed somewhere else, not Walmart! It's not even close. Sorry Metro Productions, you're busted!

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 08:38 AM
One other more important detail in the fake video is that on the Walmart building at 201 N. Nellis Blvd. there is no single door that is on the north side of the building except one by the loading dock. The only other doors on the north side are a set of double doors. So their fake video showing the inside of the store on a corner can not possibly match up with the building at 201 N. Nellis Blvd. Look at these images for the only doors on the north side of the building which is the back of the store.

double doors on north side

single door on north side at loading dock

single door on east side at north east corner

You can verify these facts by looking at the building on Google Earth street view. Search for 201 N. Nellis Blvd. Las Vegas, NV go into street view around the back of the store and you'll see I'm telling it like it is. Metro Productions are nothing but lying propagandist "artists."

edit on 14-6-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Mikeultra
It's a pretty badass compositing software.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: TKDRL
Well if it's badass, meaning high tech and good, Metro Productions didn't use that. They must have used photo shop or Microsoft Paint frame by frame to color those walls grey in the wide shot.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 01:02 PM
I found some posts that Jerad/Jared made at Infowars on May 28, 2012 after his drug arrest in Indiana. If you read the back and forth comments from other people after his post, there's a prophetic post by Andrew. part of it reads:

These servile terrorists have been mind-programmed to regard people like you as “the enemy” and they will exterminate you if you provoke them. Actually “Jerad” you have written a rather “provocative” post above — and these sub-human, state-sponsored, hired henchmen thug terrorists have probably run you through their computer systems to identify you already. This might make them even more likely to murder you (and your fiancé) if they decided to raid your house.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 03:56 PM
I'm not going to address the outside photos of the building because (a) I am not familiar with that building and (b) it doesn't matter. A local person went there and posted a video of the automotive section aisles where it happened. There is no question that the door is there in the automotive section, so the North-South-East-West argument is pointless. All the rest matches pretty well. Even Mikeultra's own highlight box points out areas that match. The shadow of the sign on the back wall is visible just above his box. The security camera is higher up and aimed downward so it doesn't show the signs on the back wall. There is no photoshopping of the upper wall indicated or needed. What would be the point (other than maybe WM not wanting their name or logo included)? Everything happened down at floor level, not 10 feet or so high on the back wall. As for the floor, they might have replaced the tiles in that area. If not, they almost certainly did a thorough cleaning (including stripping the old wax).

Let's address any remaining serious issues with this and similar events, if and when there any, and stop with all the nutty stuff. We don't need to encourage other delusional societal misfits out there to go off half-cocked on a crazed mission to avenge some perceived injustice or conspiracy which never actually occurred. There are enough real problems that we don't need to make any up.
edit on 14-6-2014 by toidiem because: typoo

edit on 14-6-2014 by toidiem because: typo2

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: Mikeultra

I could go into the problems with pointing fingers at specific family lines due to the sheer propensity of them as a result of an early small reproductive population within the US but that'd be taking the thread way too far off topic and I've brought it up on older threads. I'll just sum it up that many of the early American familyies of the 17th and 18th centuries did tend to have noble lineages and wealth because they were the ones that could afford to bring themselves here along with any indentured servants. In a time period where one didn't marry beneath their station, marriage between someone from any of those indentured servant lines would've been unthinkable and social death. Like my ancestor who got tossed out on her butt for loving a stable boy. How cliche is that? I'm also the descendent of a horse thief, a coal miner, a long line of struggling farmers, morticians, engineers, and a guy that worked at a paper plant. Rationally, doesn't those ancestors negate the "Illuminati" brand?

One of the reasons why I could see the possibility of the footage being altered in that region is because it would've likely shown recognizable and trademarked brands. The upper deck of Walmart along the walls, if I recall correctly, frequently houses additional product in boxes for restocking purposes and those boxes often feature a large version of the trademark on the box. Probably an avoidance of lawsuit if it has indeed been altered and that's a big if.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: toidiem

But it does matter if the outside of the building and the fire exit doors in the Metro Productions video is passing off as Walmart at 201 N. Nellis Blvd. doesn't match! Remember the motto here is to deny ignorance. All fire exit doors lead immediately outside, correct? So if that is true the propaganda video can not possibly match with the fire doors on the building as seen on Google Earth street view.

Who knows if the Liveleak video is even the actual Walmart. You are buying that hook, line, and sinker as genuine? How do you know so?

This image shows all the single and double fire exit doors on the south, east, and north side of the building with red squares. It could be possible that there is an internal wall running north/south on the west side of the building (orange dashed line). Perhaps the single fire exit door in the video is on the north end of that wall, marked by the black X? But I think doors that are marked as fire exits, lead directly outside. Not through the loading dock and then outside.

I guarantee you that there will be no other surveillance video released! They are really bad at faking it.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: toidiem
What other issues besides the ones I pointed out, are serious and need to be looked at further. What about the news conference that you provided a link to, where the cops totally forget to mention Wilcox the CCW citizen? That's an issue...

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 09:52 PM
He did discuss the shooting of the citizen. Same video, starting at 3:40, is where he talks about them heading over to Wal-Mart. But I'd recommend just starting at the beginning. The officer doing the briefing is the same one cited as the source in the article you referred to.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 10:21 PM
I find this to be very interesting. C.R.I. Counter Terrorism and Crime Training School located in... Las Vegas!

ACTIVE SHOOTER COURSE Duration: 3 days – Other Active Shooter courses are various lengths and costs. Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Active Shooter - The Israeli Method Course Summary: This is our Main 3 day course, which is open to all. This course is one of the most successful and useful courses that we instructed in Israel, mainly to school staff, teachers and students. Students, Consumers, Office Workers, Restaurant and Nightclub employees that operate a large portion of their lives in a workplace environment can suddenly find themselves in very dangerous situations involving a determined and most likely suicidal Active Shooter. We have developed this primary course to assist personnel in dealing with this reality.

The course is open to all. Perhaps the Millers took the course and were selected to be patsies?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 10:27 PM
Remember during that Metro news conference the cops were praising the local fusion center for info they got from Indiana. That's because they were not going to receive the federal dollars this fiscal year as they have in the past. Solution? Create some fake crime!

They started conducting the drill around 7:15 a.m. The scenario: What to do if two armed gunmen got into the school and started opening fire. "Even though it's unlikely that it could happen here, it just has to happen once," said Chief Elique. "There has been an increase in these types of incidents in the nation, unfortunately. And things that were unheard of, someone attacking an elementary or grammar school now seem to be, I won't say the norm, but people are engaged in that type of activity. So we have got to be very vigilant and always be very prepared."

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 10:38 PM

Agent provocateurs! They're not patriots at all. They pretended to be! They were actually left wingers tied in with OWS!

IMAGE: ‘The Dark Knight’ – Amanda Miller shown here also protesting at the ‘Million Mask March’ near her hometown in Indiana. The Millers appeared to fit in amongst other lefty OWS protesters. Indeed, Why Do You Wear That Mask? (photo Facebook) The Las Vegas shooter duo were directly linked to the one of the largest quasi-political movements in recent history, Occupy Wall Street aka the Occupy Movement. Occupy, along with hacktivist group Anonymous, are both Largely a left-wing formation, it may still come as a surprise to some that Occupy was not only infiltrated and co-opted by White House insiders and its third sector community organizers, but was funded and steered by multimillion dollar think-tanks and foundations from their start. Some have suggested that the Millers were fostering a militant element from within the public protest movement. Why would Jerad and Amanda later portray themselves to believe in liberty, when their views or actions couldn’t be further from anything considered patriotic?

Defaming patriotism from the inside Jerad and Amanda’s political ideology was a boiling pot of extremes, as the had attempted to link anarchy with libertarianism and individual rights with a disguised cultural Marxisim, suggesting that the Millers may not have been operating alone, when you consider other anomalies in this case. One online image shows Miller in what appears to be full tactical gear, which further points towards him receiving some kind of assistance along the way. Any rational thinking patriot would question people like the Millers and most likely cast them out – and that’s exactly what happened. As new details emerge in the Vegas shooting case, it appears that we could be looking at a psy-op or provocateured event, as there is evidence to suggest that the Millers had attempted to congregate in Bunkerville at the Bundy Ranch. The Millers were promptly kicked off the ranch after Jerad’s violent leanings had been disclosed during a major media interview and his long criminal history was exposed. It was also reported that he had been asking for firearms while on location – all of which lead to the Bundy family politely asking the couple to leave. What is clear to most liberty-based individuals is that anyone who is a career criminal, has not shown respect to others rights, couple that with Jerad Miller’s highly sensational video messages and social media rants where he appears to have been playing a role, its difficult to accept the shooting at face value. ovided-the-backdrop/

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 10:45 PM
"Don't cut our federal dollars!"

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports Las Vegas was ranked too low on a threat assessment list to receive federal funding in the current federal budget, a move that brought swift criticism from Nevada officials.

Nevada's Homeland Security Commission on Thursday approved a grant allocation plan that will increase funding for the region's fusion center to nearly $1.1 million, up from $750,000 this year.

So the local fusion center gets the increased federal dollars, and in return they thank Barry by creating a fake shooting!

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 11:03 PM
More evidence the Millers were agent provocateurs!

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 11:27 PM
It looks like Jerad Miller is not Tea Party! He was an Obama Zombie, an unsatisfied Obama Zombie. He's no different than all the other deranged "active shooters". He was a Demonrat!

edit on 15-6-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 12:08 AM
Here's some liberal crap blog that Jerad Miller was rambling on.

Part 2 of the video from my previous post making the connections that this is all a planned assault upon the Tea Party by liberal scum. Don't be distracted from the message of the video because of AJ, pay attention to the connections of who's behind the agenda (demonrats).

edit on 15-6-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 02:49 AM

What I'd really like to ask him is if he was ever in the armed services. He likes to wear that Army cap a lot. And if he was a veteran, what was his specialty--psy ops?

And if he wasn't in the military, why does he put on Army garb--to demonize the vets?

I am able to find out very little of this man's background. I wonder why.....

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: starviego
You should look into Samuel Warde. He is the one who runs this blog where the Jerad fable was born. Very left wing liberals from California.

He runs this blog also. Lots of Anonymous related crap on there.

And this photo from the banner of the Liberals Unite blog looks a lot like Jerad, perhaps some photo shop to alter the ears. This article was published January 07, 2014. That's when Jerad left for his mission in Las Vegas.

Look at the teeth. That's him!

edit on 15-6-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:36 AM
Liberal lefty Kimberly A. Johnson authored the article on Liberals Unite. She lived in Moscow, Russia from 1980-1981 with her cameraman father. Learning from the masters the art of propaganda? Also wrote two non-fiction books. One about virgins.

Born in Baltimore Maryland and raised in Southern California. During the 1980-81 school year, she lived with her father, a network news cameraman which provided the opportunity to attend the Anglo American School in Moscow Russia. She portrayed a police officer on the popular daytime drama Days Of Our Lives for over seven years. Working in conjunction with her mother and business partner, Ann Werner, she is the author of two non-fiction books: The Virgin Diaries and Ain't No Sunshine: Men Reveal the Pain of Heartbreak. Read her articles on the Liberals Unite blog.

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