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Do you Smoke or drink?

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posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
I would like to become a beer conoisseur and become a snotty little bitch.
high expectations indeed.

Ok, start out with some Saranac. It's a small brew house in Upstate NY, not too far from me. the Adirondack Amber will have you smacking your man for the last bottle! They have specialty brews that shouldn't be missed, like the Mocha Stout & Octoberfest.
Modelo Negro is an awesome Mexican beer that I flip back & forth on as my favorite ( Dos XX is the other, although Sol is the bet when it's hot and you need to hydrate).

The snotty bitch part?

- Don't call people back
- Always tip 5%
- Finish first & leave him hanging
- Get big presents, give cheap cards

My consulting fee invoice is in the mail!

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 02:30 PM
Used to smoke Dunhill's now just an occasional cigar and I like a nice single malt scotch. My current favorite is Balvenie Portwood 21yo. For beer I like stout.


posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 08:44 PM
I myself do not drink at all, Have no use for it. But when it comes to the smoke, I like the finest weed availible to me. And besides there is nothing like a finger size bone of the cronic! And just for the record you can still function quite proficient. You just have a big grin on your face.

[Edited on 24-11-2004 by kam]

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 09:44 PM
Most people whom I've talked to only do it because their friends do it and are curious to see why it's so hated. This is just ridiculous, and smoking costs a fortune which can lead to havoc among stupid underage smokers and teens. Also, not only they are stupid, but they need to find any way they can possibly can to get it.


posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 10:07 PM
I smoke cigarettes (Cowboy killers, one to two packs a day), and... well, let's just say I didn't become Grandmaster Bongsman by not rockin' the ganj every night

I drink occasionally, and more frequently in times of stress (e.g. final exams :w: ) ... I prefer dark English beer to most others, but I generally make do with some Budweiser, or rum and cola if both are available.

p.s. for the haters: we don't ride your ass about not smoking or drinking, and both were legal until ideas like yours hit the government circa 1920. give us a break.

edit: friggin' smiley parentheses...

[Edited on 11/24/2004 by Odd]


posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:18 AM
Smoke pot occasionally, no cigs.

Drink roughly once a week - this is not including football season.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time

Originally posted by TrueLies
I would like to become a beer conoisseur and become a snotty little bitch.
high expectations indeed.

Ok, start out with some Saranac. It's a small brew house in Upstate NY, not too far from me. the Adirondack Amber will have you smacking your man for the last bottle! They have specialty brews that shouldn't be missed, like the Mocha Stout & Octoberfest.
Modelo Negro is an awesome Mexican beer that I flip back & forth on as my favorite ( Dos XX is the other, although Sol is the bet when it's hot and you need to hydrate).

The snotty bitch part?

- Don't call people back
- Always tip 5%
- Finish first & leave him hanging
- Get big presents, give cheap cards

My consulting fee invoice is in the mail!

Great advice....Duly noted!

So my husband goes out and buys me long sexy beer glasses last night as a surprise, got my wheat beer and sat in the hot tub, I figured with all the years of drinking beer just to get toasted I might as well educate myself on the different kinds and learn to appreciate them more.
I am definitely going to hit that beer bar you mentioned, as my family lives north of there in Canada so I need to drive through up state new york to get there.

[Edited on 29-11-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 02:25 PM
Go to for more info.

Here's the Wheat Beer method: long glass with a slice of orange, and it has to be very cold.

If you're going to be by me, I'd suggest the Gilded Otter in New Paltz, NY. Really cool micro brew/bistro with outstanding burgers. They've got a great blueberry brew.

Now, you drink beer & hottub......I don't think you're going to be too succesful at bitch training!
It's tough, but you'll just have to face facts like I're cool!

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 04:41 PM
get it later...

[Edited on 30-11-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 04:42 PM
I smoke cigarettes, and will take down a rum-n-coke or jack-n-coke every once in a while (like once a month, maybe). I don't get wasted. As far as drugs overall, I am addicted to caffeine and nicoteine. Face it, they're drugs. Out side of that, I stay away from anything that will totally shift my look at reality. If thats your thing, cool. Its not for me.


posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 08:20 PM
Reality blows anyway

and Bout Time, the Saranac is some good advice. Their Black and Tan is one of the best I've tasted

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:12 AM
All the dark beers are awesome that Saranac makes.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:25 AM
I don't smoke.

I seldom drink, and even then it's not to get drunk (maybe a little buzzed, but not drunk). Besides, I have a strange drug tolerance, so it takes me a lot to even get to that point...

I don't do any kind of drugs. I did try marijuana once when I was younger, even quite a bit of it that day...did nothing to me at I really didn't see the point.... It sure messed everyone else up though, hehe...

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 04:10 AM
I will tell you that at the age of 21, I did drink, now I no longer drink and have never smoked. Great question

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 06:47 PM
I smoke (cigs- Camels), I drink (beer and wine), I smoke reefer. I do all of these too much. I have been at this for......time immemorial. Since I was a kid. I am 38 yrs old, can pass for late 20's. I don't have the energy I used to though, so I have cut down on all, bod just can't take it!

If you're going to do anything you have got to moderate and balance. I saw a guy on Dr. Phil who was addicted to his metal detector! His wife was going to leave him, he lost jobs over it! (This is one of those thingies that people scan the ground with, looking for coins and such).

I like to get a buzz, hey you need to at times! I LOVE to get high! While I do care about my health, I also am a Nihilist and would rather trade a few years rotting away in an old folks home for some fun right now!

There is a philosophy, linked with the Dadaist Art Movement that goes something like: "A human exists for their own personal amusement". This is my philosophy! One of the reasons I never had (and never will!) children is because it would cut into my party time! (I am CF for many reasons though).

The hardest drugs I've had were: Cocaine (occasionally, I did not care for it-I don't like to be jittery, plus the hangover is awful), Ecstacy (liked it, wouldn't do it now.....fear what I'd be getting......drain cleaner?), Morphine (And LOTS OF IT!!! (Was nearly killed in a car accident-car was totaled and so was I!), and that's all, I guess. I pretty much stick to the "lite" stuff.........................
So not all of us become raging addicts!!!! There is too much stigma on certain drugs, they are not all the same. A glass of beer is not the same as a bottle of grain alcohol, ok? I think Marijuana should be legal and I belong to NORML (political action group). I am not ashamed of this, people need to talk about it and be less biased. I am a grad student (MS candidate, Physics), I just had another IQ test, its 154. People would call me a "yuppie" to look at me. I work hard and help others. Weed is no big deal. There are health issues of course, smoking will give you cancer. Awareness of all angles is necessary.

I hated to see Ephedra go, because I discovered that it works wonders for hayfever and is natural. A few people abused it, so nuts to us who have hayfever. So now I am stuck with the Corporate Drugs. That is another thing I'd like to point out: All these Depression Pills and Sex Pills are legal! I have known several people on these "Anti Depressants" and in my opinion, they are DANGEROUS GARBAGE! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are a MINUTE PERCENTAGE of people who truly have "chemical imbalances", but these are far too overprescribed and some have really scary side effects: Wellbutrin can give you seizures! I am reasonably familiar with these things because I used to date a guy who was on them. And they made him nuts!!!!
Worse then his usual crappy self. He eventually began stalking me. He was literally addicted to this stuff, was the 'drugstore cowboy' and was on all kind of corollary pills as well-Valium, Vicodin, etc. I knew he had been on Anti Depressants for years----did no good. I have known other similar cases. I avoid these people like the plague now.

Andrea Yates drowned her kids while on Anti Depressants. Marilyn Lemak (of my birthplace, Naperville (Yuppieland!) USA, did likewise. I've never heard of someone smoking a joint and killing their kids........................................

Well, thats my 2 cents. The cigarettes have got to go, for sure.......I know I am not addicted to reefer or beer by how I feel about cigs------ I jones for cigs in the worst way!, I am truly

addicted to these things, I must quit! Anything else (booze, weed, coffee, Pepsi, money, sex, self esteem) I have lived without in the past -and it was no big deal. Cigs-I can understand why prisoners stab each other in the Yard over them!

For those who like to up end the bottle you might want to check out the
Modern Drunkard website

Lots of crazy stuff here and the chat boards are a sight to behold!


PS: In the above mentioned car accident, I was stone cold sober. I never drink and drive! And neither should YOU! Get drunk at home----its cheaper!
Call a cab, they need your business!

[edit on 22-1-2005 by Niki]

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 08:35 PM
Drink of choice = ice cold corona with a fresh lime...mmmmmm
I cant smoke cigerettes as they make me ill however an occasional joint is fine with me.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:43 AM
i do drink and occasionally smoke i have strange views about this. for instance some people say that smoking is worse than drinking and to a certain extent i do agree with this but i feel that alcohol can be more damaging. a lot has been said about bing drinking and i think i heard that for a man, having over four pints is binge drinking for a man which when we go out for a drink, we have anyway. that is why i think many abuse alcohol and can be worse than fags.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 07:32 AM

Kam: all hail "THE NORTHEN LIGHTS"

I personally was not impressed after I had heard all the hype....but then again in this godforsaken corner of the planet it probably wasn't pure strain...

I smoke have done since I was a some good points got some bad points..but i still smoke

Cigarettes i have just taken up again after leaving a bad marriage

I don't drink much at all proably once a month two or three drinks but I am a coke addict...coca cola that is.......

Other drugs I used to like my speed when I was young but I have a family now and maybe once every six months or so when I know I have two days of time to recover then I will play for a night...

I find I can't be a good mum and party much myself the two just do not go hand in hand and the kids win out.........

I get my kicks now watching them grow and living a life of fun and sun

but I still get to satisfy the demon within

[edit on 3-3-2005 by Mayet]

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 12:03 PM
i dont smoke,
but i drink way too much, but i've cut down

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by 29MV29
I'd like to know the percentage of ATSers out there that smoke or drink, or even both.

don't be afraid, no replies are needed.

I'm not afraid to answer. Yes, I smoke weed but do not drink. I have had very bad experiences drinking and I found out that weed, for me at least, has the complete opposite effect.

[Edited on 24-7-2003 by 29MV29]

Smoke Cigs (3-4 times a day)
Have a beer once every two months or so.

Originally posted by bigxbaddaxboom
I drink occasionally and I smoke cigarettes, but I don't smoke drugs or take any other forms of illegal substances. Got a big enough trouble trying to quit cigarettes.

Seriously I hear ya bro. Its tuff to quit.

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