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Not One More !

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posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: voyger2

Thats all great and good and well, and i appreciate your heart being in the right place...........

But it doesnt get much more simple then this. you......are........WRONG

Sorry, but it doesnt matter what YOU believe about guns, taking them out of the equation doesnt fix the problem.

The issue is mental health and how we handle it, not the object they use to carry out their fits of rage.

For gods sake a year ago two people used a pressure cooker to blow up a race, do you REALLY think psycopaths wont find something else to use, maybe even on a grander scale to kill people?

Your solution is short sighted..........

And I dont know about you, but I carry a concealed weapon at all times. And I dont fear a damn thing

Except my Fiance' when her hair is acting up........

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:10 AM
edit on 5/27/2014 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: manna2

Why reply to me?Im confused. I was posting to the OP
I cant tell if you are agreeing or insulting me lol.
i am agreeing with you. You are spot on.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: voyger2
a reply to: DeadSeraph

You should ask yourself, why do I even need to use a gun?

Pause ...

People leave in fear and because of that more fear they create around them.

Pause again please...

Listen to this fathers voice. Really listen to him. Do you believe in him? ... Do you recognize the truth on his voice?

I'm a little guy from a little country, that doesn't understand how can people live safely, when everyone on the street can have gun and start shooting, just because...

You should ask again, why do you even need a gun?

I listened to the father. His anger is directed in an irrational manner. The NRA did not cause this. California has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. He should direct the blame where it belongs--at the hands of a criminal and the parents who enabled him.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: voyger2

I believe this is the truth. We should not need firearms to defend ourselves in a free country. Laws for people and Guns for wars.

How do we stop the lawless? What magic formula will stop those that do not care? Laws are for people who will actually follow them. What is it that you can do when the lawless enters your life? What prevents you from becoming nothing more than evidence at the scene of a crime. So they catch the bad guy and he goes to jail, but what fixes you, what bring you back? Law is all about justice after the crime is committed, so how do you stop the crime from reaching its conclusion in the first place?

And guys, calm down don't get nervous with lies or stupid arguments, get nervous w/ the truth that makes you feel uncomfortable.

What is the truth? Do you think that crime rate or murder rate would drop if we were able to instantly make all guns disappear? One thing to remember, crime, lawless, murders etc have all been around a lot longer than guns have.
edit on 27-5-2014 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
Yes, you can outlaw guns- but you can never get them out of the hands of criminals.
For every insane act by someone allowed to have a gun, there are hundreds more committed by someone who is not legally allowed to posses a gun. Funny how that never hits the media.

The media doesn't report the news so much as they report what will drive ratings. The average American can associate with victims of shooting sprees such as the ones we hear about. They hit where people least expect it like movie theaters, schools and shopping malls. Meanwhile, violence among criminals is passed off as status quo because they happen in neighborhoods that most people don't go to. Out of sight, out of mind and poor ratings.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:54 AM
NOT ONE MORE thread on this same thing again?!


posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: voyger2
Let me see if I follow you.

I can bash a home invader's skull in with my 36 ounce Louisville Slugger or gut him with my 12" Wusthof Chef's knife but if I flat blast him with my trusty Sig Sauer I am a bad, bad man?

How do the much more civilized Portuguese citizens deal with a home invasion scenario?

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: manna2

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: manna2

Why reply to me?Im confused. I was posting to the OP
I cant tell if you are agreeing or insulting me lol.
i am agreeing with you. You are spot on.

ahhh ok. star for your post. Its really weird that all these people come out like this.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:31 AM
Lets say(LOL) that they take all the guns.
Then, every attack is with knives. Many murders with knives. Then what?

Say the government takes all the knives. What then? Baseball bats start being used in murders. Instead of drive-byes, it would be drive-by baseball bat to the head. Then what? We allow the anti baseball bat nuts to outlaw baseball? This is a slippery slope where common sense is rarely used. I feel for the guy that he lost his son, I really do, but trying to infringe on Americans' rights by-way of a tragedy is a shameful act. Just imagine someone with the same rhetoric against knives.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: voyger2

The problem in the US with guns, is the NRA wants one in every hand. Sane or not, even children.

Amazing is it not, how we americans are persuaded to kill ourselves and our children, so that the lobbyists can enrich themselves and their politicians.

I am tired.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

The problem in the US with guns, is the NRA wants one in every hand.

Do you have a link that might verify where the NRA stated this specifically?
I never knew that they stated this.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
The problem in the US with guns, is the NRA wants one in every hand. Sane or not, even children.

I thought pro gun control Democrat Senator Leland Lee wanted that? Or at least he tried with his illegal gun running.

Amazing is it not, how we americans are persuaded to kill ourselves and our children, so that the lobbyists can enrich themselves and their politicians.

Well if you people continue to vote for hypocrites, you can lay in the hole that you dug for yourselves.

I am tired.

Supporting frauds is overwhelming. Take a nap then. ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: voyger2

The problem in the US with guns, is the NRA wants one in every hand. Sane or not, even children.

I am tired.

But that is not true. The NRA, which is composed of over 3 million of your fellow citizens, is for legal and safe gun ownership and use. It is for punishing criminals who use a gun illegally. It is for safe and responsible use and most of your police have been trained by NRA certified instructors. The NRA is the largest gun safety organization in the country. The leftist lie, that you repeated above, is untrue.

Think on this. The NRA has never given a gun to a criminal. Can you say the same about the Justice Department after Fast and Furious? Given this, who is more trustworthy?

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:40 AM
We do not need gun control we need psychologist control. Each and every one of these recent shooters had been on some kind of psychotropic drug to change behavior. These drugs were prescribed by some so called mind doctor and this is the result. If you don't want this result stop pushing the drugs with the expectation that something different will happen this time.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:44 AM
I congratulate the very few (like 5% on this thread) who dare to have a different opinion from the established and aggressive gun defenders.

From the various threads i read (superficial i must say) about mass shooting it end's up in the conspiracy about gun control.

Majority, here, in ATS forum (some of them in the process of changing opinion, i believe) aggressively attack anyone who dares to question the Gun status quo.

Most people preach the fight for there rights, the right for having a gun if so. But they forget to fight for there freedom. They say the right to have a gun is a freedom right. True. But the essence behind it is False. And essence is freedom. Freedom that You don't have, because you need a Gun to proclaim it.

Fear is rotting your hearts. You are afraid to walk on the streets, because your own neighbor can walk with a gun freely, and shoot at you in a bad day.

You need get rid of old dogmas and raise your children in a society where guns are the exception and not the rule.

Remember, back in the days, that slavery and racism where the rule, that you people fought against. More battles faces your society a head , one of them IMO is getting gun of the street's.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: voyger2
I congratulate the very few (like 5% on this thread) who dare to have a different opinion from the established and aggressive gun defenders.

From the various threads i read (superficial i must say) about mass shooting it end's up in the conspiracy about gun control.

Majority, here, in ATS forum (some of them in the process of changing opinion, i believe) aggressively attack anyone who dares to question the Gun status quo.

Most people preach the fight for there rights, the right for having a gun if so. But they forget to fight for there freedom. They say the right to have a gun is a freedom right. True. But the essence behind it is False. And essence is freedom. Freedom that You don't have, because you need a Gun to proclaim it.

Fear is rotting your hearts. You are afraid to walk on the streets, because your own neighbor can walk with a gun freely, and shoot at you in a bad day.

You need get rid of old dogmas and raise your children in a society where guns are the exception and not the rule.

Remember, back in the days, that slavery and racism where the rule, that you people fought against. More battles faces your society a head , one of them IMO is getting gun of the street's.

You make too many assumptions and comment on things you don't understand. Do not mistake pragmatism and common sense for fear. That demonstrates already that you have a superficial understanding about us.

Slavery and racism were wrong because they infringed upon the rights of human beings just like gun control does. In fact, the first gun control laws in the US were part of racist reconstruction era known as "Jim Crow." The first gun control laws were intended to control and intimidate newly freed slaves.

Freedom exists because people are willing to fight for it. As Mao said," political power comes out of the barrel of a gun." You may like having tenuous freedom that only exists because of the indulgence of others but Americans tend to be more independently minded than that.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:03 AM
Do you see now? How I am attacked and others, because I want to address this issue of guns in the wrong hands.

We are no different from the cultures that we go and fight. We sacrifice our children on the alter of Religion and Ideology.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:04 AM
Shame on whoever put this guy on the podium. He's obviously upset and not thinking. After the irrational ranting he's left with a pitiful "no one needs three guns" line.

California: background checks, mandatory waiting period, 1 gun month rule, no carry permit, full on AWB, magazine limits of 10 rounds, statewide registry, microstamping

He was in therapy and even passed a police interview which is something lots of prohibitionists push for.

The only thing left to push for in CA is an outright ban.

For all of posterity this guy is on film making a fool of himself. I know, it pales in comparison to the loss of his son. It still sucks though.

I guess if it were a 'smart' gun then only the owner could have shot....oh, that's right. He was the owner.
edit on 27-5-2014 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: James1982

If you read all my replies you would also see that there are 1.05 guns per capita in the US and that no matter what you do gun deaths will always be a reality in your country its simple mathematics what amuses me is the they are coming for my teddy bear doesn't matter if they do you'll always be able to get a gun.

There is one thing they can control though that is ammunition and I would pull all 5.56 and 7.62 off the market as well as 9mm and that sir would radically reduce the number of deaths.

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