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Not One More !

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posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:30 AM
The gun didn't commit the crime. I have guns and know many, many people who have guns who've never committed a crime with them. Stop trying to blame guns for idiotic behavior, and please stop trying to infringe on Americans second amendment rights. It's not gonna happen so give it up. Educate your children about guns and be keen to the culture they are involved in. -Just a prediction: The day the second amendment is stripped will be the day America falls into the bloodiest war ever seen on earth.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:35 AM
The American pro-gun advocate is anti-life.

The lives lost mean nothing to them. You can see it by their responses. Cold, disconnected.
The only thing that matters is their rights to play/pose with their toys.

Hope it's worth it.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:40 AM
What we need is less freedom.

Less freedom to act, less freedom to choose, less freedom to decide our own paths.

We need more laws, harsher penalties, and a kind benevolent tyranny to control our every thought, motive and desire.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:10 AM
You all say people need to change, they are the ones who kill... but You, the same people who ask for change, don't change! How ridiculous is this?

You are the ones who are killing your sons!

You are the ones who defend freedom, but at same time you lock yourself up at home, You build fences, You buy guns, You build bunkers and store food for Armageddon... Yes... you fight for freedom but yet your are cowards.

You need guns to impose your will to others if necessary!

You think you will live forever? Guns aren't your passport to life! Guns, will be your death.. a death to life, to a life lived w/fear.. and You inflict that same Fear to others!

The water flows down stream, we know we can't stop her, but we can delay it.
edit on v2014149America/ChicagoMon, 26 May 2014 09:17:45 -05002 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: voyger2

Do you view defense of ones home, family and self as 'imposing your will on others'?

You don't have to own a firearm, but if you deny others the right to self defense... You are the one imposing your will on others. You just let the government do it with their guns.
Who is the coward?

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: voyger2

Not true. I don't own a single firearm, yet I support the right of others to do so. I don't need guns to protect myself or my family. My answer is vigilance. I remain aware of my surroundings, I'm not looking at my phone while I'm walking, or listening to music. I don't put myself or loved ones in a position to become victims.

A little common sense will get you a long way in life.

+1 more 
posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: voyger2

Why is the media blowing out of proportion that a gun was used, but burying the fact 3 paragraphs down, that Rodgers used a knife to kill at least 3 of the 6? He also ran over cyclists with his car leaving the scene. Couldn't be some kind of anti gun agenda, could it? Nahhhh, couldn't be that.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: voyger2

You seem to not even attempt to listen to others as to why they own a firearm. My firearms put food on the table and they defend my home (as long as I am there).

Americans don't all walk around the streets armed to the teeth like Hollywood or progressives would have you believe.

The father instantly lost any sympathy from me when he started railing against firearms. He's using his own sons untimely death to further his own agenda. Pretty sickening in my opinion.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: voyger2

I appreciate the guy's sentiments and I agree with him... if there was actually a way to accomplish his wishes. There are no laws that could be passed (even if we totally pissed on the 2nd amendment) that would actually eliminate guns. As another poster said when comparing it to "Pandora's box".

It's shutting the barn door after all the horses got out. People will still have all those horses. The only way you could eliminate guns is to stop making them and then invent some ridiculous sci-fi device that would make all gun powder inert globally.

Until there are some serious actions being taken to reduce the actual amount of physical guns in existence, I don't see how attacking the 2nd amendment could help. The only gun control laws I support are ones that ensure they are in safer hands but not less hands. For example, I would vote for a law that required mandatory training classes to own any firearm but I wouldn't vote to make ownership illegal.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: voyger2

edit on 26-5-2014 by chopperswolf because: whats the point ?

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 11:04 AM
Op.... listen to me on this.

Yeah it sucks he lost his kid but im not giving up my right just because of soem dead kid i do not know or care about. Oh you lost a family member/friend? Well join the club. Ive done both. Does he think he has the right to tell the rest of us what we should do?

Sheesh the anti gunners are shameless when it comes to propagandizing this stuff. I myself dont care what happenned to that man myself,As far as his opinion that is. as fo rhis loos that sucks dude,but not giving up my guns to spare your feelings.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: voyger2
a reply to: DeadSeraph

You should ask yourself, why do I even need to use a gun?

Pause ...

People leave in fear and because of that more fear they create around them.

Pause again please...

Listen to this fathers voice. Really listen to him. Do you believe in him? ... Do you recognize the truth on his voice?

I'm a little guy from a little country, that doesn't understand how can people live safely, when everyone on the street can have gun and start shooting, just because...

You should ask again, why do you even need a gun?

The short and simple answer to your question is this: Because bad people (and crazy people) don't obey the law.

Case in point:

I live in Canada where it is illegal to carry a handgun. It is legal to own them if you take a safety course and pass a background check, but you cannot carry them with you on your person outside of your home, the only exception being if you are on your way to the shooting range, in which case they must be locked up in a gun safe with the ammo locked up separately in the trunk of your vehicle.

Guess what? People still get shot here all the time. There was a drive by shooting yesterday where I live, and gun violence still exists here. Take a wild guess if the perpetrators of these crimes use legal firearms, or have their licenses. I'll give you a hint: They have neither. They use guns bought on the black market with their serial numbers filed off, and none of them have firearms licenses. They are already breaking the law by carrying them around as well, so shooting people isn't much of a step up from there.

Criminals do not obey the law. I'm not sure why that is so hard for gun control advocates to understand. The only way you will ever eliminate the problem of gun violence completely, is to eliminate guns completely. Even if such a thing were possible, people would just kill each other with knives, sticks, or even rocks. Taking away the ability for good, law abiding people to protect themselves just makes the problem worse and emboldens criminals, and puts people at greater risk when the mentally ill decide to go on a rampage by making sure there is nobody around that can stop them effectively until the police show up.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 11:54 AM
3 People killed with a knife
3 with a handgun

This happened in a vast gun free zone known as California. This state has the toughest gun laws of any state in the union.

Tell me again how gun rights and gun owners are to blame? Tell me again how you can blame the NRA for that?

This OP is ridiculous.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:06 PM
He killed three people with a knife as well. Should we ban those as well? It's the person not the medium that was evil.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:10 PM
Imposing our will on others?, Really?...

That must be why the U.S. is so against Iran having nukes because it would give them the ability to defend themselves against those who would want to impose their will upon them....

The world is bigger than you think, and everyone is out to take advantage or exploit each other if those they want to exploit cannot defend themselves from being exploited.

Like the criminal who cares not who he harms taking a gun into a gun free zone and exploiting all of those silly people who cannot defend themselves.

Like many governments have done to their citizens in the past, gee whiz, wasn't there a fairly recent genocide where the majority of those killed were hacked to death with machetes?.

Tools, tools, tools...

Guns are only tools and hopefully never have to be used, it is better to have and not need than to need and not have, like when you have a flat tire and no jack or spare....

a reply to: voyger2

edit on 26-5-2014 by MyHappyDogShiner because: sda

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:20 PM
The chances of surviving against a guy with a Gun are Very Different from a guy with a Knife!

This kind of comparison (like the peanuts one) is ridiculous!

Only cowards need guns on free and democratic society! People create there own reality. Fear is the most important reality factor in the life of arsenal gun owners.

Again, I say this:
The water flows down stream, we know we can't stop her, but we can delay it.
edit on v20141412America/ChicagoMon, 26 May 2014 12:23:37 -05002 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: voyger2
The chances of surviving against a guy with a Gun are Very Different from a guy with a Knife!

This kind of comparison (like the peanuts one) is ridiculous!

Only cowards need guns on free and democratic society! People create there own reality. Fear is the most important reality factor in the life of arsenal gun owners.

Again, I say this:
The water flows down stream, we know we can't stop her, but we can delay it.
honestly you make no sense. I have a friend from my construction days. He is a Columbian. He'ld talk of poker games I Columbia where they had machetes on their sides as a deterrant from cheating rather than guns. Why? Seriously, do you need a visual? If malice is intended evil methods are chosen. In this case a machete is far more a deterant. As othe4s have said these are tools, either for defense or malicious intent. I want to be impersonal in a defensive position. A gun helps create distance.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: voyger2

Gun rights? PLEASE! This nutcase killed just as many with a knife the other day and ran one down with his car...

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 01:04 PM
Are you seriously saying it's all the fault of those awful, nasty guns? Where's your thread about banning kitchen knives?

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: voyger2
Simple solution. You stay in your "free and democratic society" in portugal. Worry about your own country.

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