posted on Jan, 15 2015 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to:
This is, I have to say, the first time I have ever had a cold feeling in the pit of my gut after reading a thread here, and I have read some pretty
heavy threads in my time. It is by no means the first time I have been affected by a thread, but this hit me where I live. I already have my concerns
about the changing attitudes and opinions on relationships and love, and what these things mean for my future, and the future of the species, not to
mention my own son.
I do not want my son to grow up into a world where ANY gender bias is permitted. I want his generation to grow up freer than mine, and in a future
where the freedom to fall in love might bring him into contact with some kind of xenophobia... As I said in the thread... stop the planet. I want to
get off!
I can deal with the threat of being blown to bits by a terrorist, or shot to ribbons by the same, I can stand to think of the horrors physical,
inflicted on human beings all over the world, because I have trained my mind to be steeled against it, mostly as a result of brutality I experienced
at the hands of other children when I was a school boy. But the emotional void described by the woman who advocates the dystopian future described in
that thread, that is an entirely different kind of emotional venom... I do not know what to do with the fact that there are women out there who want
this, and if the article is anything to go by 14,000 of them.
That is not many when one considers the size of the human population of the planet, but how many harbour these thoughts, or could be persuaded to?
Bah... once again. It sucks.