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Just wrote a new book on Skinwalker Ranch happy to answer any questions you may have here.

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posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: hiii_98

let me point out despite WakeUpBeer's offer to contact me, and my own willingness to discuss this, he never made contact, I still do not have a email from him.

I never offered to contact you outside this thread. Nor am I "trolling". Anyone can look back and review our posts and see that.
edit on 16-5-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer you are correct. I apologize, I was wrong. Confused you with another poster.

edit on 16-5-2014 by hiii_98 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: WakeUpBeer
Despite this I wrote a response to his questions earlier. Again ignored with only this berating reply above.

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: hiii_98
Thank you for your answer to my chosen question. You understood the essence perfectly.

edit on 16-5-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:44 PM
Firstly, I am loving this thread! Only on page nine yet, so still more to go, but I wanted to ask a question before you vanish again.

George Knapp has had two AMA's on ATS. While talking about the ranch on the first one, he commented that he thought it was moreless a hotbed of activity in the 90's, but seemed to believe that in more recent years things have grown quiet around those parts. What are your thoughts on that? Does there seem to be a decrease in activity in the last few years?

Also, these beings... whatever they may be. Do you have a theory about what they might be up to? Or are they just sightseeing, scaring the locals, or does it occur to you that their actions are purposeful? Are they preparing for something? Has anyone seen them doing anything constructive, or what might be called "work"?

If they are intelligent, it seems they would grow bored with simply "hanging out". Know what I mean?

OR... could it be they hang around because they are somehow trapped here? Or banished to here? (from er, 'there').

Any thoughts you've toyed around with I'm sure would be interesting.

Thanks for the interesting thread. Look forward to reading your new book.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: angeldoll those are all fascinating questions , to none of which I have an answer to. Yes Knapp tried to dispel the growing curiosity in the ranch by claiming the activity has died since the 90's . Its a half truth. The activity has subsided compared to portals popping up consistently for the Shermans, however it is completely untrue that the activity there has stopped. It is extremely active, more so than any other hotspot I have yet visited in the united states. I also learned that these things come in 10 year waves, which the next potential wave to hit sometime in 2015 or 2016 (in theory, who knows....) The inside rumor is that whatever is out there is on a 10 year cycle. Also the place is actively patrolled day and night by armed guards every single day of the year in rotating shifts, flown or bused in from the las vegas compound. Skinwalker is NOT abandoned as Bigelow would like you to believe.

If I was forced to guess what "they" are up to... I don't know if I could. I feel like they are on a mission and these balls of light are just like sentries patrolling the area. I really have no clue what the final agenda is... not sure I would want to know despite my curiosity

edit on 16-5-2014 by hiii_98 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: hiii_98

Welll, my curiosity gets the best of me, and I would love to know the agenda, or even if there is one. Honestly, if push came to shove and I had to offer a suggestion, I'm not sure it would be a good one. This doesn't sound like the "soft and gentle white light" we've heard about. It has a foreboding aspect to it. Even a " dread", which you yourself have indicated. Exhilarating and energizing in ways (adrenaline rush? lol) but still, something to be dreaded and feared.

And congrats on the book! I don't think I can stay focused enough to write one. Kudos!

An added thought: If I ever did write one, I've have no problem whatsoever wanting to be paid. Your time. Your research. Your money. Nothing to feel defensive about. Just saying.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 08:16 PM
Ok, found the paperback version. I apologize if this has already been posted: Skinwalker Ranch: No Tresspassing (Paperback)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: hiii_98

I'm sure you can guess I'm foaming at the mouth with other questions!

My honest opinion at this time, is that most of this is a hoax (maybe all). I feel you're ultimately weaving a false narrative and using confidence to help sell it. Some of the issues I have brought up you don't want to address. I believe it's because your evidence is weak (referring to various images and videos for the most part) and can easily be explained when one looks at them objectively. You have said it is because all my questions would take an elaborate answer and you have neither the time nor desire to entertain my skepticism. Since this is a popular topic and many other people also have questions for you, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Thank you for your answer to my chosen question. You understood the essence perfectly. Perhaps since another page or two have gone by since my finely worded question I may be allotted another.

I must admit I have a desire to start my own thread about the ranch and all my issues. Few people in this one seem interested in discussing them. The ranch definitely warrants more research on my end imo.

I thought I would throw something other than skepticism in as well this time. On your site you claim there have been magnetic anomalies at the ranch. Perhaps that suggests some of the unusual activity is in the mind. I am no expert on the subject by any stretch of the imagination, but I though the "God Helmet" would be worth mentioning. It's very interesting research to say the least.
It seems to me you want hiii to discuss everything in the book.If he does that here,what would be the reason for anyone to buy it.

I personally have read MANY threads by hiii on the subject of Skinwalker Ranch,over the course of MANY years here at ATS.I see no reason why he would hoax something for so long.Also there are many other folks that have been there and reported very strange things.For that many people(including the folks that live in the area)to be lying would be absurd.

I think that hiii's threads on Skinwalker are both interesting and fascinating.I'm sure many other members here do too.I fyou don't believe him fine.But don't say the guy is hoaxing things to sell a book.Thank you.

edit on 16-5-2014 by crazyeddie68 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 09:37 PM
Hi there Ryan
I am glad to see you back here. The ranch has been an interest of mine for some time and always welcome your input here.
I have a question for you. I am actually watching Lost Tapes on Netflix right now and come across the Skinwalker episode.
Were you interviewed for this taping? I understand the premise of the show is re-enactments but the coincidence sparked the question.

I'll be getting your book soon.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 09:39 PM
writers don't make a lot of money usually so that would not be the purpose of him doing all this.

Its not for cash, no one goes out there and says all this for fame, its for information so that if you run into the same things.

Its to get the information and awareness out there.

He had some experiences and he wants to share them with people to see if he can get some answers himself.
It leads one on a quest to find like minded situations, In his quest he compiled a book.

If your skeptical about a man who is willing to admit that space warevolves exist and that they stalk people well maintaining that you are not a creep its something that *ordinary* sane people don't do.
I really have no buisness making crap up as much as he does. I let people know what i know because these experiences are rare and if no one said anything than no one would know or have any base guidelinds on something they might of seen that could be within the same catagory. Its for people who think they are being followed by demons when that's not the case... It's for anyone who want's to delve in that direction that whitnesses sometimes venture towards.

Remember, a majority of the people that see these things are to terrorfied to talk about it... even admit it... only when you talk to them alone....

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: crazyeddie68 thanks, I remember you from over the years, appreciate the support!

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: shadow watcher
Hi there Ryan
I am glad to see you back here. The ranch has been an interest of mine for some time and always welcome your input here.
I have a question for you. I am actually watching Lost Tapes on Netflix right now and come across the Skinwalker episode.
Were you interviewed for this taping? I understand the premise of the show is re-enactments but the coincidence sparked the question.

I'll be getting your book soon.
I believe that show is 100% madeup, like almost every show you see on tv. The Conspiracy Theory show I did

, although I admit looks incredibly fake, actually happened. Sean Stone pretending to be shot in the leg by a directed energy weapon was insane,.... I don't even remember that happening in real life and think it was editing magic. Oddly the more bizarre things actually did happen (the crew batteries dying...ufo we saw... so many things that night)
edit on 16-5-2014 by hiii_98 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

Its not for cash, no one goes out there and says all this for fame, its for information so that if you run into the same things.
Its to get the information and awareness out there.

thank you for saying that, its exactly how I feel.

I feel in some way what we are doing now is historic. I feel like I'm laying the breadcrumbs for some future generation to pickup the trail and figure this mystery out, or at least be prepared for it.

That's why I build the website and wrote the book, to pose as a timeless vault of information for someone else to pickup the torch and continue the adventure.

If your skeptical about a man who is willing to admit that space warevolves exist

oh my god that's funny! LOL I never thought of it that way, I guess I do believe in space werewolves! lol saying that outloud really does sounds crazy! maybe I should keep all this to myself.

edit on 16-5-2014 by hiii_98 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: hiii_98

Ever come across anything like in Predator .Creatures or whatever that seem to bend light round them just like in the movie

I have seen things like this twice in my life within a mile of each event and within months of each event and nothing like this has ever happened to me since

I just shook my head and blamed it on my eye- sight
But i have read online others say the same
edit on 16/5/2014 by douglas5 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 10:30 PM
I'm not a one dimensional researcher. can someone tell me more about the God Helmet? I've practiced all types of sensory deprivation techniques, astral projection, frank's box, long term isolation, shamanism rituals, D.M.T. and other ethnogens... I am always willing to do whatever it takes to peek behind the curtain and see the inter workings of God's(?) creation. I believe I may have read or heard about a helmet scientists created years and years ago. is it a device that purports to give users a OBE or a spiritual awakening type encounter once its attached? If so how available are these? and how dramatic is the experience? I believe I've tried almost every "technique" to commune ... if this is what I think it is...why not combine it with one of the acts I described above (evil grin).
edit on 16-5-2014 by hiii_98 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: douglas5
a reply to: hiii_98

Ever come across anything like in Predator .Creatures or whatever that seem to bend light round them just like in the movie

no but I have read about it in the Hunt for the Skinwalker book. I wouldn't be all that surprised honestly if I did notice that.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 11:14 PM
My final thoughts on this thread, part one.

First I brought up how,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
This image of a UFO is reminiscent of this UFO image taken by Carlos Diaz.

Your reply stated,

originally posted by: hiii_98
that is the picture by Carlos , the exact one, it is also 100% exactly what I saw drift over a ridgeline. I never took a picture of it. That picture is identical to what I saw, hence I included it on the site.

I pointed out that,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
The caption for that image, "Ufo seen at the ranch" is somewhat misleading. The caption and title of the album it's in ("Skinwalker Ranch Photos") implies it was taken at the ranch.. You may want to clarify on the site.

Later I again addressed the image caption and description printed on your site, asking,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
You don't think that's misleading people?

You have ignored the question and issue of lack of clarification for visitors to your site.

I then brought up this possible contradiction.

originally posted by: hiii_98
the book contains secret files in it that have never been shared with anyone other than those who work for the government and Bigelow.

originally posted by: hiii_98
All of NIDS/Bigelow's crystal clear video evidence is under lock and key

And asked

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
What secret files are in your book if you don't have access to NIDS/Bigelow's secret files? Why did they decide to share them with you?

I reposted my question when it wasn't addressed after you had answered many others. You responded with

originally posted by: hiii_98
I am electing to not answer this question at this time. I am sorry, just be happy that files are available now. At this time I can not comment on them, maybe as enough time passes (years?) I will feel more comfortable.

That didn't make a lot of sense because for one, if there isn't a contradiction I'd think you would want to clear it up. And for second, in a previous post you said

originally posted by: hiii_98
This is my second book on the topic, but again what makes it unique is I reveal to the audience everything I know, I hold no secrets back regarding what I've learned and the secrets I've held onto for the past 7 years.

thesaneone asked,

originally posted by: thesaneone
do you have any photos or vids of these entities coming out of these portals?

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: thesaneone yes its on my website.

And I asked,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
Could you tell me more about this photo?

Because I'm curious where it was taken and why it appears more like a camera flash.

In the same post, I asked for more information on an image claiming to be a bullet proof wolf.

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
What about this one of an alleged bullet proof wolf.. How come there are no videos of it being shot at?

How do you (or the photographer Ryan Burns) know this is a bullet proof wolf?

I wanted to know more about the implant removed from your arm.

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
Perhaps you could elaborate on this strange object removed from your arm?

For example, are there more images of it? What more do you know about the "neurons" it's wrapped in?

I brought up the ice circle found on the property.

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
While interesting, the ice circle isn't unique to the ranch and is a natural phenomenon.

An uncommon natural occurrence but implied to be related the the paranormal phenomenon at the ranch?

I wondered,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
What makes you suspect this may be a Masonic symbol?

In a later reply to another user discussing portals, you link the image as if it could be one.

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: Kantzveldt

this is seen on the property across from Skinwalker... interesting huh?

I'm still wondering,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
What is this spiral supposed to represent and may I get the coordinates?

I made a joke about,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
A "bait pen"? "used for scientists to observe cattle mutilations first hand from a supposed safe viewing platform. Cattle is staked and tied inside pen while researcher observes." Why didn't Linda Moulton Howe think of that!

In my opinion the idea of craft coming to abduct cows from a pen with an observation platform and scientists taking notes is laughable.
edit on 17-5-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 11:15 PM
My final thoughts on this thread, continued.

Your response to these intrigues was to take the defensive. Not answering any questions, while telling me to ask a question..

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: WakeUpBeer I'm not interested in entertaining your slew of skepticism. If you have one question go for it. I'm not under trial here.

Regarding files buy the book and i'll refund you if you think they (files) are BS. But I will not be caught in print explaining this one topic to you or to anyone. Nothing to gain, everything to lose, Sorry. I know when its smart to shut my mouth in print and on this one topic I choose to do so.

To which I responded, in part,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
You mean you're not interested in answering questions that put you, and Skinwalker Ranch under healthy criticism. You are "on trial" because your material has flaws and contradictions you don't want to address. I told you before I'm not a skeptic of the paranormal. Just a skeptic of claims that are full of holes.

You responded, again on the defensive,

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: WakeUpBeer I'm not going to answer your torrent of countless skeptical questions, sorry I would need to provide elaborate answers to each one. Like I said if you have a SINGLE question or something straight forward that you want me to "prove" go for it, shoot.

If not I have neither the time nor the interest. If you don't believe me I respect your opinion and that is that.

Again accusing me of unleashing a "torrent of countless skeptical questions." Politely respecting my right to doubt you. You also limited me to one question.

So I again attempt to convey the reason I have doubts, and let you know that I'm not a hardened skeptic. I decided a good question to ask was,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
Why would Skinwalker Ranch and the alleged activity (e.g. portals, bullet proof wolves etc.) going on there, and the incredible documentation of these activities by NIDS, be so widely reported on, if the aforementioned incredible documentation by NIDS etc. was never intended to be offered up as evidence to support their claims (instead taking the form of blurry pictures, anecdotes and things that perpetually sell) in the first place? Knowing full well that all the attention the ranch would receive, would solidify it forever in paranormal literature etc.

A link to your response. (This post is already a big wall of text and since your answer was lengthy I opted out of quoting it.)

I state my position,

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
My honest opinion at this time, is that most of this is a hoax (maybe all). I feel you're ultimately weaving a false narrative and using confidence to help sell it. Some of the issues I have brought up you don't want to address. I believe it's because your evidence is weak (referring to various images and videos for the most part) and can easily be explained when one looks at them objectively. You have said it is because all my questions would take an elaborate answer and you have neither the time nor desire to entertain my skepticism. Since this is a popular topic and many other people also have questions for you, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Thank you for your answer to my chosen question. You understood the essence perfectly.

You go on the defensive again. First you confused me with another member. An honest mistake which you did apologize for. Before your post was edited you claimed you were still waiting for that e-mail. You may want to check your inbox or contact this user if it was lost.

originally posted by: Uggielicious

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: Uggielicious go to my site, shoot me an email under contact and I'll send you a copy. If you read it and still feel its all bs you lose nothing. I am that confident that it might sway your opinion. I co-authored the book for both skeptics and believers alike. Fair?

Thank you for the offer which I've accepted in an email to you.

Then you claim,

originally posted by: hiii_98
let me point out despite WakeUpBeer's offer to contact me, and my own willingness to discuss this, he never made contact, I still do not have a email from him.

originally posted by: hiii_98
I also reached out to personally discuss this and even offered a free copy of the book for your own raw unedited critique. I'm done with this game.

My problem here is that, in terms of reaching out, neither you or I have done so outside of this thread. What kind of discussion would you like to have? Because so far it seems my efforts to discuss things get shot down by you.

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
As I have also reached out as an open minded individual with his own personal experiences with the paranormal, with pertinent questions that you avoid answering, except with accusations that I'm playing a game and suggestions that I'm a die-hard skeptic that can't be convinced of anything. Something I have made perfectly clear that I am not.

You make it sound as if I've ignored you when that isn't the case (as far as I'm aware).

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: WakeUpBeer
Despite this I wrote a response to his questions earlier. Again ignored with only this berating reply above.

But I didn't ignore that response.

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: hiii_98
Thank you for your answer to my chosen question. You understood the essence perfectly.

edit on 17-5-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 11:16 PM
My final thoughts on this thread, conclusion.

crazyeddie68 said,

originally posted by: crazyeddie68
It seems to me you want hiii to discuss everything in the book.

No not at all. Perhaps this post has clarified my current position for you.

originally posted by: crazyeddie68
But don't say the guy is hoaxing things to sell a book.Thank you.

I have not said that, although I can see why you think I am.

hiii_98 said,

originally posted by: hiii_98
I forget what was my motivation again for this elaborate hoax started by a billionaire I don't even personally know? what did I gain? I've lost everything by this stupid persuit/obsession of mine. More I think about what I've lost vs what I've gained.... troll elsewhere. lost my marriage, money, community respect as a business leader, personal friendships from this persuit that has no reward. You honestly think a BOOK PAYS!?!? You have no clue how little money a ufo book generates, even if its a best seller. That's NOT my motivation, I'm seriously driven and passionate about this topic.

Please understand where I am coming from. I don't know you "in the real world", nor have I been to the ranch. I'm not going to believe something on blind faith. The only information I have to go off of is what you and the others put out there for me to absorb and consider. My frustration doesn't just stem from a lack of evidence, it stems from the fact that much of the evidence provided, statements made etc. doesn't stand up to scrutiny. I'm not talking about the legitimate unknowns. My doubts grow when key figures in the study of this case, act in the manner in which you have, in regards to my scrutiny. Put yourself in my shoes here, or think about other areas of paranormal research you know of with fishiness involved. What conclusion would you come to? It's because I can tell you are passionate about the subject, and because I am as well, that I put it under a microscope. Sure, I sound accusational, and yes, my opinion at this time is that the ranch isn't all it's cracked up to be. So help me understand ok? My questions were good questions, and not the kind that would require you to give up everything in your books. I too have an open mind. As I said in one of my posts, I have also had paranormal experiences of my own. You can bet your ass I'm not going to call bs on other peoples stories unless I feel there is good reason. I still have an open mind about the ranch because I understand that I don't have all the information to conclude what the truth is. I am certainly not trying to sound as if I'm waving a finger at you calling you a liar. I apologize for my comment in a previous post, where I said you have an agenda. It was uncalled for and not very mature. Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot and misread each others intentions. Perhaps you will reconsider addressing my issues so they can be put to rest. If not np. I understand. For my part I will reserve final judgement on the Skinwalker Ranch case until I have done further study. I'll consider the book when I have extra money, to help with your efforts.

Thank you for all your time reading this wall of text.

About the "God Helmet". I don't know anything more about it than what was briefly touched upon in the video I linked. Perhaps I will see what's going on with that research these days. I'll let you know if I find anything worth mentioning.
edit on 17-5-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 11:44 PM
So I tracked down one of the scientists: "Eric W. Davis"

Did you bother interviewing him for your book? It took me all of 2 days to find him.

Interesting guy, should be approached for an interview if nothing else.

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