posted on May, 14 2014 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to:
A little unnecessary.
Hiii. A lot of people say that they feel like they are being observed by something seemingly extra dimensional when they go to the ranch. Some
people say they hear voices in a language they can't understand mumbling around them and it seems like it's talking about them. Like they are being
observed/ toyed / experimented with by extra dimensional scientists or something.
I have always wondered if somewhere outside this dimension, or even simply aliens on another planet use dimensional portholes to send things like orbs
and other probes, drones, even possibly avatars for the creatures to places they want to explore. Wonder if Skinwalker ranch is like a lab for these
entites whether they are aliens or ultra dimensional. Maybe they are sitting in a lab on acrturus eridani hg729 with a device that opens up a portal
to other places, like a stargate or looking glass, in which they can send things through or even simply observe and interact with from said porthole.
Maybe thats whats happening at the ranch. The wolves and other animals might be their attempt at subterfuge.
Maybe they are examining us spiritually and emotionally and thats whats up with them generally manifesting ones fears or concerns when people visit
the ranch.
What say you Hiii.