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Just wrote a new book on Skinwalker Ranch happy to answer any questions you may have here.

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posted on May, 15 2014 @ 11:36 PM
I don't know if this question has been asked yet since I have only made it to page 5, but do you intend to issue a non-Kindle version of the book at any point? All I see is the Kindle option and don't currently own a Kindle device.

Edited...Ok, got my answer on page 8, someone asked the same question on page 7. Print version is still forthcoming, any day.
edit on 16-5-2014 by bigrex because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:50 AM
First, the Skinwalker topic is why I first came in here long ago. Second, I have been watching everything I could find on Skinwalker. My question is since you were there, did you get the sense their was something going on underground? I have seen aerial photo maps of the place and its surroundings, and little weird things show up. Like the fact there are a zillion oil wells just south of the ranch, but none on the ranch(What kind of dirt-farmer doesn't want to be an oil man?). Also, there is a power substation that seems much too large for the "Ute" reservation it reports to serve(just east of the ranch). Another thing, is that the road leading up to Skinwalker is a very wide and expensive one, that just ends at the Homestead. I cant see any county paying for that, just to serve one family. Remember, the prior family claimed they heard machine noises from underground.
Thanks/Keep up the good work!

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: hiii_98

I just downloaded your book. Can't wait to read it!

Thanks for stopping in to chat with us, and let us know about the book before it gets banned.


posted on May, 16 2014 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: bigrex
I don't know if this question has been asked yet since I have only made it to page 5, but do you intend to issue a non-Kindle version of the book at any point? All I see is the Kindle option and don't currently own a Kindle device.

Edited...Ok, got my answer on page 8, someone asked the same question on page 7. Print version is still forthcoming, any day.

You can get a Kindle App for your PC, Android Tablet, phone, etc. at the Amazon store. That's what I have. I have all kinds of e-books on my desktop, and tablet. Works as good as a reader.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 04:32 AM


posted on May, 16 2014 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: hiii_98

This isn't about MONEY, its about getting the files out there before the book gets banned (and it likely will)

Why do you think the book will be banned?

Unless I've missed something, you mention this a few times, but give no explanation.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: hiii_98

What were the 3 most surprising things you learned at the ranch?

just when I think I'm prepared for any question. hmmm

that whatever is out there can manipulate your emotions on a whim

it can follow you home

that there is a ancient native American tied in with the phenomena.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer I'm not going to answer your torrent of countless skeptical questions, sorry I would need to provide elaborate answers to each one. Like I said if you have a SINGLE question or something straight forward that you want me to "prove" go for it, shoot.

If not I have neither the time nor the interest. If you don't believe me I respect your opinion and that is that.

edit on 16-5-2014 by hiii_98 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: hiii_98

Ryan, do you suppose these ... critters... could be dumped/deposited here from wherever they come from originally? The location seems odd and remote for there to be any purpose in an in-depth study by invisible mumbling scientists and spirit wolves.

Maybe the ranch is where the garbage chute ends?

The whole thing reminds me of the Stephen King book "From A Buick 8" where an old car's trunk acted as a portal for otherworldly critters who'd accidentally tumble through.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: mtnshredder
Do you believe the "Diaz" photo you have on your site,( which has no disclosure of origin, other than the premise it was taken at Skinwalker Ranch) is really a plasma entity of sorts? Do you believe his story that the aliens gave him the tripod to help him photograph these ships of lights? How similar or different were the ones you saw, compared to the "Diaz" photo on your site or Is that an exact replication of what you saw?

I only incorporated that photo into my collection because it is identical to exactly what I saw. Yes I believe whatever these things are , they start out as balls of a plasma like substance.

I believe it is never a coincidence when you see an true alien-like encounter. They put on a display for you for reasons unknown. Again I only include the Diaz picture because its exactly what I saw, same color, even down to the different tendrils of light ebbing from the it.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: DissidentCitizen
a reply to: hiii_98

Ryan, do you suppose these ... critters... could be dumped/deposited here from wherever they come from originally? The location seems odd and remote for there to be any purpose in an in-depth study by invisible mumbling scientists and spirit wolves.

Maybe the ranch is where the garbage chute ends?

The whole thing reminds me of the Stephen King book "From A Buick 8" where an old car's trunk acted as a portal for otherworldly critters who'd accidentally tumble through.

you know for us to say its a highly advanced space portal could be the biggest form of human egotism. Your answer could be the correct one as the majority of whatever is spilling out seems to defy rational. Ectoplasmic trans-dimensional poop shoot, lol.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: EHowardHuntClub
First, the Skinwalker topic is why I first came in here long ago. Second, I have been watching everything I could find on Skinwalker. My question is since you were there, did you get the sense their was something going on underground? I have seen aerial photo maps of the place and its surroundings, and little weird things show up. Like the fact there are a zillion oil wells just south of the ranch, but none on the ranch(What kind of dirt-farmer doesn't want to be an oil man?). Also, there is a power substation that seems much too large for the "Ute" reservation it reports to serve(just east of the ranch). Another thing, is that the road leading up to Skinwalker is a very wide and expensive one, that just ends at the Homestead. I cant see any county paying for that, just to serve one family. Remember, the prior family claimed they heard machine noises from underground.
Thanks/Keep up the good work!
this is my personal opinion only. We have found ZERO evidence of doorways or secret bunkers, however my gut feel (what whatever non empirical data that is worth) tells me that yes there is something going on underground. You can sometimes feel the ground vibrate and even here the distant sound of machinery banging and clanging from what sounds to be under your feet. Also the balls of like vanish typically into the mesa walls... Makes me wonder what is really below.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: cuckooold

originally posted by: hiii_98

This isn't about MONEY, its about getting the files out there before the book gets banned (and it likely will)

Why do you think the book will be banned?

Unless I've missed something, you mention this a few times, but give no explanation.
HOPEFULLY NEVER. I'd rather not discuss that too. the book is more than just theories and bizarre stories... ok

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: hiii_98

Hi Ryan, you ever see anything like these on your investigations;

Those are portal designs, or perhaps more properly they represent inter-connectivity between the Underworld/Terrestrial/Celestial planes, in those examples from the Atacama desert Peru, but the motif is the same in the Utah region as seen on traditional rug patterns.

A lot of what is described for Skinwalker sounds like portals opened through shamanic practise and not properly closed, perhaps when they also saw a wolf they legged it and never went back

edit on Kam531135vAmerica/ChicagoFriday1631 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

this is seen on the property across from Skinwalker... interesting huh?

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: hiii_98

Yes that looks the most likely candidate for a shamanic portal, as in the Atacama they seem to have been created upon low lying hills, the history for these goes back at least 11,000 years, here's a Neolithic example on the worlds oldest brick wall and painted mural in Turkey, my reconstruction of pattern, the black represents the Underworld, red terrestrial, white celestial planes;

A Tibetan example, were the swastika represents Ursa Major, the South American chakana varuants are considered to relate to the Southern cross, the point being a South-North celestial axis.

And a Central American traditional rug again;

It can be seen on these examples there is something of a grid pattern created, this was understood as a net and was thought in some way to trap or contain the spirits within the portal, the same was practised in Sumeria were this was understood as 'the Divine plans' and used in exorcism created around someone you wanted to banish spirits from.

At Skinwalker then there is some suggestion that an opening has been created and remains open, that design on the hillside could well be the epi-centre

Could do with a better look at that, stones used, colours, sequence. Looking at your past research on the motif it seems it relates to the Diamond bar cattle ranch brand, that it's on a hill on their land, but that they act weird and put strange glowing lights around it at night!

Maybe they unwittingly created a sacred symbol and the spirits sort of take it out on the cattle, just a thought...
edit on Kam531135vAmerica/ChicagoFriday1631 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: WakeUpBeer I'm not going to answer your torrent of countless skeptical questions, sorry I would need to provide elaborate answers to each one. Like I said if you have a SINGLE question or something straight forward that you want me to "prove" go for it, shoot.

If not I have neither the time nor the interest. If you don't believe me I respect your opinion and that is that.

Please don't refer to my genuine questions as a "torrent of countless skeptical questions" as if they come from a die hard skeptic that can't be convinced of anything. I assure you I am not one of those. Also, I'm not necessarily asking you to prove anything. I completely understand that when it comes to things like paranormal activity it can be difficult. What my problem with the Skinwalker Ranch case is should be obvious since I stated it plainly. Some things simply don't don't add up and seem fishy. I feel the reason they don't add up can't be attributed to the paranormal. Does this mean the ranch is a hoax? Possibly, but not necessarily. Perhaps there is more information I need!

None of my questions required elaborate answers but regardless..
Here is my SINGLE question.

Why would Skinwalker Ranch and the alleged activity (e.g. portals, bullet proof wolves etc.) going on there, and the incredible documentation of these activities by NIDS, be so widely reported on, if the aforementioned incredible documentation by NIDS etc. was never intended to be offered up as evidence to support their claims (instead taking the form of blurry pictures, anecdotes and things that perpetually sell) in the first place? Knowing full well that all the attention the ranch would receive, would solidify it forever in paranormal literature etc.

Thank you.
edit on 16-5-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 09:07 AM
Pics or it didnt happen.

Joking, but in all seriousness; Have you ever tried videotaping these experiences? If not, why?

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: whatsup86

Speaking of "Pics or it didn't happen," has anyone tried utilizing a full-spectrum camera on any of the hotspots on the ranch?

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: hiii_98
a reply to: Kantzveldt

this is seen on the property across from Skinwalker... interesting huh?

Cattle brand or Masonic Symbol on a hilltop near the skinwalker ranch

And now a possible portal apparently.

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