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Hating America

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posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 12:19 AM
Let someone who did not vote for Bush add somethings.

1. The U.S has not condemned all Muslims as terrorists. In fact after 9-11 the Justice Department as well as the President went to the extreme to point this out. A number of anti-muslim hate crime laws were passed to ensure this.

2. It was the U.S who pushed for military action in the Balkans on behalf of muslims who were being killed by the thousands. It was the U.S who used it's military in overwhelming numbers in comparison to European countries who were slow to see this need.

3. I grew up in Europe and am grateful to have had that chance but Europeans have a more lberal way of life than we do. This is not meant as an insult but for you to understand that we do not see things the way you do.

4. Not all Americans think that the Iraq war was needed, but just because we will not turn our back on our troops does not make us wrong. I believe that it shows that we Americans have learned from our mistakes (Vietnam)

5. I am proud to be an American. I am proud to have served in the U.S. military. I will make no apologies for either of those facts. If that is typical American arrogance then I am guilty.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
America is the most prosperous the most exciting, the most energetic, the most technologically advanced, the most beautiful, the most safe, the most democratic, and to some degree the most spoiled.

The Communist and Socialist spend billions of dollars every year on propaganda to make America look bad.

They are terrified that if the word got out on how well Capitalism works that their barbaric Socialistic ideas would never fly.

Now don't get too carried away with the thought of Socialists Spending BILLIONS to make the US look Bad...that's just not right..At this point in time,no one needs to spend a penny to make the states look bad,they're doing a great job themselves for free...

I know where you are coming from,and I don't think that Italians are gonna spendmuch time looking at, or feeling sorry for America,like you said You are the whealthyest & most beautifull,sure!!! I agree ....But SAFE...dai !!
with an estimate of some 12people being shot every min.the question is like Harry puts it "Are You Feeling Lucky Today",gumba!! capisce...

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 06:05 AM
Lost Sailor,

It is an interesting concept that you present in that the world is being brainwashed by foriegn media. That possibly America is not being depicted in a fair and even-handed manner.

Could we consider the possibility then that it is in fact the U.S mainstream media which is not reporting the facts in a truthful and unbiased manner and it is the average American who has the distorted view of the facts?

Here is a link to a website which highlights a large number of examples. Please Click Here

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 06:44 AM
I for one Love America I do however hate the games that politicians play
so as the saying goes don't hate the Player Hate the Game!!!


posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Frosty

Yep, we haven't done a thing to help fight the IRA.�Found=true

yes you identified this now but what about before this? did the IRA just spark up that moment?
no this happened to improve US UK ties.

What he is trying to say is that the US is fighting a war against terrorism in the middle east and in south america and across the rest of the globe against groups that have ties to attacks or planned attacks on US targets.

yes but how much is this accomplishing? not a lot.
you do this alone and threaten countries and exspect them to support you?
what exsactly did iraq threaten though? US oil reserves in kuwait? doubt it.

Who cares about the UN or France for that matter. If the French wish to not support us in the middle east, so be it.

this is the attitude that starts wars...enough said. how is the good old pre 1914 thinking doing?

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Psychoses
Lost Sailor,

It is an interesting concept that you present in that the world is being brainwashed by foriegn media. That possibly America is not being depicted in a fair and even-handed manner.

Could we consider the possibility then that it is in fact the U.S mainstream media which is not reporting the facts in a truthful and unbiased manner and it is the average American who has the distorted view of the facts?

Here is a link to a website which highlights a large number of examples. Please Click Here

Hey I'm not going to argue with you that the "mainstream" American media is biased... But this thread is about Foreign media subliminaly preaching anti-american news coverage. If anything American media is also preaching the same thing... I think most Americans can see through the crap however.

[edit on 30-11-2004 by LostSailor]

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp

yes you identified this now but what about before this? did the IRA just spark up that moment?
no this happened to improve US UK ties.

No... I really think this happened because instead of Clinton in office... talking the talk... we have Bush in the office... walking the walk. Bush, the man you hate... actually had the balls to do something about it.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:00 AM
Yes Lost Sailor, but how do you determine what is anti-american when your own media has not presented the facts. Things may be reported overseas which you may consider to be lies simply because your media has not made you aware of them. Do you see my perspective?

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor

No... I really think this happened because instead of Clinton in office... talking the talk... we have Bush in the office... walking the walk. Bush, the man you hate... actually had the balls to do something about it.

walks the walk because he blew up a third world country?
WHOOOPTY DO! good old miss thatcher took on a second world country! shall we get into a penis size compatition about this?
also you are givieng us money........that really really does improve our effectiveness. why doesnt the FBI offer support?

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Psychoses
Lost Sailor,

It is an interesting concept that you present in that the world is being brainwashed by foriegn media. That possibly America is not being depicted in a fair and even-handed manner.

Could we consider the possibility then that it is in fact the U.S mainstream media which is not reporting the facts in a truthful and unbiased manner and it is the average American who has the distorted view of the facts?

Here is a link to a website which highlights a large number of examples. Please Click Here

he is making a very good point. How can we only debate this topic when an American is accusing the whole of the world being brainwashed because we dont agree with American views?? this is a joke. If the whole world can see the truth i doubt we are the one's being brainwashed.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Reverie
I, for one, am an American who is disgusted with current American policy and actions. In this case, I truly feel that it IS America in the wrong.

Yaaay another American seeing whats what... welcome to the rest of the Planet buddie.. hope lots more like you follow!

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Our country is under attack, but instead of bombs and bullets � the weapons of choice are hateful words and images aimed at distorting American policy and image around the world.

It's because of our illegal and immoral behavior/policies.

Are the Arab, French, British, etc. media distorting American policy?

No. They're telling it like it is; unlike the cowed and bought US Mainstream media.

Now that we are the sole "Super Power" are they afraid of us?

This notion that we are the world's sole super power is pure nonsense. Here's a little secret: just because someone on tv or some college prof. sez something, it doesn't necessarily make it true.
China, anybody? Russia? They are not afraid of us. They are watching our slow motion destruction. They will re-assert themselves when the time is right.

[edit on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:07 AM
Lost Sailor,

You are being very presumptious in your statements. Claiming that people "hate" Bush before even asking them.

It's fine that you feel that "good" things are happening in Iraq. I too think that there are some good things happening in Iraq. Hwoever, I think the damage being done, may outweigh the good. It still remains to be seen as the fighting hasn't stopped.

I think that if you took the time to compare foreign media to American media you would realize that foreign media is much less likely to provide a bias report of the facts than the American media. This is why there are many more negative views of the US portrayed in foreign media than American media. It's not that foreign media has anything particular against Bush, but the facts don't paint a very pretty picture. However, that is not to say that Bush hasn't done anythign good because he has. However, I think the magnitude of the things he has done badly outweigh the things he has done well.


posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:10 AM
What we've done in Iraq is abominable. This administration's concerns and goals have nothing to do with what's best for Iraqis. We will never win this "war." I'm not saying that b/c I don't believe in our military (I do). But when you are in the wrong, you will come out the loser. One need only look back to Vietnam for proof of that.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Psychoses
Yes Lost Sailor, but how do you determine what is anti-american when your own media has not presented the facts. Things may be reported overseas which you may consider to be lies simply because your media has not made you aware of them. Do you see my perspective?

November 27th: BBC News mentions that one of the Palestinian presidential candidates has been jailed by Israel for being involved with a terr... sorry, a 'rebel' grouping. Untrue. He has been jailed by Israel for the murder of five innocent civilians.

November 27th: The BBC's 'balanced' coverage of the Ukraine crisis includes mentioning at every opportunity that the 'winner' who fiddled the election has supporters soming into Kiev too. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to stretch to mentioning that the 'winner' is having to bribe these 'supporters with money, free transport and free liquor. I wonder why?

November 23rd: BBC coverage of an American soldier shooting an Iraqi feigning death, main news. BBC coverage of another Iraqi feigning death and then trying to kill two American soldiers - there's probably a link on the website somewhere...

November 15th: Latest BBC in-word for Iraqi Muslim terrorists, rebels. Sounds so hip and trendy, with no hint of racism, murder or the scum behind it.

November 13th: I note that BBC News always gives 'bias warnings' about embedded reporters, but never about anti-American Iraqi journalists, whose articles litter their site. Why?

November 10th: A week on from the US election, and already the BBC is making jokes about having Bush assassinated. Sad. But predictable.

November 6th: Over 500 complaints were received (and ignored) at the Beeb when one of their many anti-Semitic presenters, Barbara Platt, said 'she cried for Arafat'. Crying for a man responsible for the deaths of thousands. Somehow I don't think may people outside the BBC and the chattering classes cried with her.

I'm not saying they are reporting lies phsycoses... It's what they report on a regular basis... and what they don't report...

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:20 AM
But all those stories are from the one source. I got the impression you thought a large percentage of foriegn news was bias, not just the BBC

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Psychoses
But all those stories are from the one source. I got the impression you thought a large percentage of foriegn news was bias, not just the BBC

I do... look at middle eastern media... frances media... German media... its all the same.

I started this thread in the hopes it might actually make people look a little deeper into what they hear, read, see from the media in a more objecctive way.

I know I do... I voted for Bush fer Christ's sake... If I listened to the media here in the states you'd think I voted for Satan.

[edit on 30-11-2004 by LostSailor]

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor

Originally posted by Psychoses
But all those stories are from the one source. I got the impression you thought a large percentage of foriegn news was bias, not just the BBC

I do... look at middle eastern media... frances media... German media... its all the same.

Well if all foriegn media is saying the same thing then it is obviously time to start questioning the validity of U'S mainsream media.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Psychoses

Originally posted by LostSailor

Originally posted by Psychoses
But all those stories are from the one source. I got the impression you thought a large percentage of foriegn news was bias, not just the BBC

I do... look at middle eastern media... frances media... German media... its all the same.

Well if all foriegn media is saying the same thing then it is obviously time to start questioning the validity of U'S mainsream media.

"Why don't you just be another brainless wonder spewing out a bunch of liberal vomit?" - Thomas Crowne

Sorry I had to borrow that quote as i think it fits nicely here... I'm out

Peace bro

BTW... that is by far the scariest Avatar I've ever seen... nice choice

[edit on 30-11-2004 by LostSailor]

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:30 AM
Lok at the bright side, at least you won't get flagged for it

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