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Hating America

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posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 10:43 AM
Our country is under attack, but instead of bombs and bullets � the weapons of choice are hateful words and images aimed at distorting American policy and image around the world.

Is this true?

Are the Arab, French, British, etc. media distorting American policy? I know the people of these countries are growing increasingly intollerant of us. Is this because of the media reporting being done here?

Now that we are the sole "Super Power" are they afraid of us?

America, in short, is a mess�a cultural wasteland, an economic nightmare, a political abomination, an international misfit, outlaw, parasite, and pariah. If Americans don�t know this already, it is, in Hertsgaard�s view, precisely because they are Americans: �Foreigners,� he proposes, �can see things about America that natives cannot. . . . Americans can learn from their perceptions, if we choose to.� What he fails to acknowledge, however, is that most foreigners never set foot in the United States, and that the things they think they know about it are consequently based not on first-hand experience but on school textbooks, books by people like Michael Moore, movies about spies and gangsters, �Ricki Lake,� �C.S.I.,� and, above all, the daily news reports in their own national media. What, one must therefore ask, are their media telling them? What aren�t they telling them? And what are the agendas of those doing the telling? Such questions, crucial to a study of the kind Hertsgaard pretends to be making, are never asked here. Citing a South African restaurateur�s assertion that non-Americans �have an advantage over [Americans], because we know everything about you and you know nothing about us,� Hertsgaard tells us that this is a good point, but it�s not: non-Americans are always saying this to Americans, but when you poke around a bit, you almost invariably discover that what they �know� about America is very wide of the mark.

Thanks to Michael Moore's footage of Bush in an elementary school classroom on the day of 9/11, we've heard countless unfair jokes about the president and "My Pet Goat." But in "Hating America" John Gibson revealed that a "scapegoat" is what George W. Bush truly is, a scapegoat for all the jealousy, envy, and hatred foreigners have for the United States. Viewers were warned not to buy in to that leftist propaganda about people hating the administration but still liking us as a people. When you see protests abroad where Europeans are carrying signs with a bastardized visage of our president, it might just as well be the Statue of Liberty they're disfiguring so hatefully. That protesters never seem to actually put Lady Liberty on their vile signs is only because our president's photo is so much easier to find on the Internet. read this review.

I'll add more as I find it... but I have stuff to do right now.

Let's try to keep this clean people

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 10:47 AM
Sadly, its not just the rest of the world who have become irritated with America, but its the American people too. I, for one, am an American who is disgusted with current American policy and actions.
When so many people see something wrong, you have to question authority. In this case, I truly feel that it IS America in the wrong.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
British, etc. media distorting American policy?

The British people have got fed up of being Bush's little pet country, so our media retaliates with programs such as 2DTV

I don't hate America, i hate Bush.

Without Bush, America would be viewed in a much better light

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:01 AM
hmmmmm... but by hating Bush aren't you hating the Americans who voted for him?

Can I ask you another question? When is the last time you heard something positive about Bush or the war in Iraq on the BBC? Or have you ever?

Even the british troops in Iraq are refusing to watch the BBC because it is underminding what they're doing there.

And are you really our pet country? C'mon we've helped you through many tough times before. Now that there is no real threat to your country you can just toss us asside and forget about us?

That sounds a bit selfish.

I'm not blaming you for hating Bush, I personally believe the media is telling you to hate Bush.
Bush is just the scapegoat, it's easier to find pictures of Bush on the web then say the statue of liberty.

[edit on 29-11-2004 by LostSailor]

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by UK Wizard
I don't hate America, i hate Bush.
Without Bush, America would be viewed in a much better light

Every country has been through their share of unfavorable leaders of whom are supposed to represent the people but only represent their own self interests...

Viktor Yanukovych former and could be prime minister of Ukraine again... former prime minister jean chretien of Canada, Jaruzelski of Poland, Chinese president Hu Jintao, and Bush....

But the world is full of different perspectives, some people like these guys or they wouldn't be voted in.... Or are they??? oooo a could be conspiracy...

[Edited on 29-11-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:11 AM
The way I see it is America is the young man who's not quite agreeing with Mum & Dad's mature advice..It's that simple;the man's a Rebel...
America is founded by Europeans,Arabs,Africans etc...We all look at it as the strongest sibling,maybe not the wisest but hey no one's perfect right..
It like when you are restling against your own conscience;when you're not qyite sure if what you 're doing is right or wrong..that's how the American people feel right now..
It's not just about attacking America by pointing the finger,it is according to the parents that some sence needs to be drummed in the rebelious man,which he himself does'nt seem to see the path he's walking on is a destructive one.
There is not much point in just criticizing;like you mentioned that Also the UK,is in on the 'attack',well the UK,is the older brother who himself got involved in the fight,but now is left wondering what it had to acchieve in the first place and at what cost..
As much as he loves his younger bro..he nas to find a way to show him that maybe there could have been other ways to deal with the provocation..As for sister France,well she was'nt atall into the tit for tat way of approach in the first place.I guess you could say a woman can handle things like that in a stealthy or more diplomatic way..then the overflowing testosteron filled bro..
Am I on the wrong page here;I starting to wonder myself...

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
hmmmmm... but by hating Bush aren't you hating the Americans who voted for him?

Not really, we don't like Bush, I personally don't have anything against those who voted for him.

Originally posted by LostSailor
Can I ask you another question? When is the last time you heard something positive about Bush or the war in Iraq on the BBC? Or have you ever?

Proberly never, well atleast i can't remember the last time.

Originally posted by LostSailor
And are you really our pet country?

Yup, Bush says WMD's are in Iraq and Blair says sure George we'd love to send some troops.

Originally posted by LostSailor
I'm not blaming you for hating Bush, I personally believe the media is telling you to hate Bush.
Bush is just the scapegoat, it's easier to find pictures of Bush on the web then say the statue of liberty.

Bush is the image of all that is wrong with America, yes the media have stereotyped him, but you have to admit Bush is a bit of a idiot.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Now that we are the sole "Super Power" are they afraid of us?

Your not the only super power, if you look at the world China is a super power to and probably will be the main super power in the next 10 years. Why would me, a british male, be afraid of America?? your miltary?...oh scary...two words to the American Miltary.."friendly fire".

This whole war on terrorism is a joke. My dad was fighting against terrorism in N.Ireland when the American govenment was backing terrorism. When something bad happens to America its meant to be a huge tragedy, no offence, but if 9/11 happen to any other country, America wouldnt have decided to start a "war on terrorism" to save the world. America only does something good if there is something in return.

Sorry for the "blunt" style of my post, but i dislike it when Americans accuse the rest of the world as being "afraid" or "jealous"

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Can I ask you another question? When is the last time you heard something positive about Bush or the war in Iraq on the BBC? Or have you ever?

Even the british troops in Iraq are refusing to watch the BBC because it is underminding what they're doing there...

...I'm not blaming you for hating Bush, I personally believe the media is telling you to hate Bush.

That reminds me of one of my favorite 'Daily Show' moments:

Corddry: How does one report the facts in an unbiased way when the facts themselves are biased?

Stewart: I�m sorry, Rob, did you say the facts are biased?

Corddry: That�s right Jon. From the names of our fallen soldiers to the gradual withdrawal of our allies to the growing insurgency, it�s become all too clear that facts in Iraq have an anti-Bush agenda.

It's kind of hard to put a good light on the Iraq war and on Bush when the facts keep getting in the way.

[edit on 29-11-2004 by AceOfBase]

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:21 AM

That protesters never seem to actually put Lady Liberty on their vile signs is only because our president's photo is so much easier to find on the Internet.

Nobody would hate Lady Liberty. She is french :p

Come on. Do the Republicans hate the Democrats? Do football teams hate each other?
We have every right to have our own opinion. So have you.
You cannot make it that easy and claim that we hate you when we disagree with you.
If we hated you, we'd not trade with you,watch your movies or visit you.

Just wake up.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by LostSailor
Now that we are the sole "Super Power" are they afraid of us?

Your not the only super power, if you look at the world China is a super power to and probably will be the main super power in the next 10 years.

Sorry for the "blunt" style of my post, but i dislike it when Americans accuse the rest of the world as being "afraid" or "jealous"

RIGHT ON!!!!!! China will take over for the "superpower" really soon....that is like obvious because america is goin down...
And NO we are not jealous at all!!!!! I'm not afraid either....We just have different values than american-republican, that's it! And our news, are much more objective then subjective....maybe on YOUR news, they tell you that we hate america just to provoke you and make you beleive it!


posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by infinite
This whole war on terrorism is a joke. My dad was fighting against terrorism in N.Ireland when the American govenment was backing terrorism. When something bad happens to America its meant to be a huge tragedy, no offence, but if 9/11 happen to any other country, America wouldnt have decided to start a "war on terrorism" to save the world. America only does something good if there is something in return.

Are you 100% sure of this? That's a big statement to make.

It's kind of hard to put a good light on the Iraq war and on Bush when the facts keep getting in the way.

I suppose only the facts you hear being reported by the media.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by tsuribito
Nobody would hate Lady Liberty. She is french :p

Come on. Do the Republicans hate the Democrats? Do football teams hate each other?
We have every right to have our own opinion. So have you.
You cannot make it that easy and claim that we hate you when we disagree with you.
If we hated you, we'd not trade with you,watch your movies or visit you.

Just wake up.

Good point,
If the world really hated you we would just boycott America...

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Amelia

And NO we are not jealous at all!!!!! I'm not afraid either....We just have different values than american-republican, that's it! And our news, are much more objective then subjective....maybe on YOUR news, they tell you that we hate america just to provoke you and make you beleive it!

Who said jealous? who said afraid? And no our news doesn't say it. You make it obvious!

Maybe that is just it. China will beccome the new superpower... I don't care. But whats going to happen when/if China gets trigger happy? Who are you going to come running to?

I'm trying to keep this thread from turning into mud slinging... but alas I think it may be hopeless.

I still think... By hating Bush you are hating America, or at least the Americans who voted for him. whether you realize this or not.

[edit on 29-11-2004 by LostSailor]

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor

Originally posted by infinite
This whole war on terrorism is a joke. My dad was fighting against terrorism in N.Ireland when the American govenment was backing terrorism. When something bad happens to America its meant to be a huge tragedy, no offence, but if 9/11 happen to any other country, America wouldnt have decided to start a "war on terrorism" to save the world. America only does something good if there is something in return.

Are you 100% sure of this? That's a big statement to make.

Of course im sure, your country only thinks about itself. America doesnt care about anyone. I feel truely sorry for Americans due to the amount of crap they are feed by their media.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Who said jealous? who said afraid? And no our news doesn't say it. You make it obvious!

You said afraid:

Originally posted by LostSailor
Now that we are the sole "Super Power" are they afraid of us?

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Of course im sure, your country only thinks about itself. America doesnt care about anyone. I feel truely sorry for Americans due to the amount of crap they are feed by their media.

As opposed to the crap you are fed by your media?

And we don't need anyone to feel sorry for us thanks

quote: Originally posted by LostSailor
Now that we are the sole "Super Power" are they afraid of us?

My bad...

[edit on 29-11-2004 by LostSailor]

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Who said jealous? who said afraid? And no our news doesn't say it. You make it obvious!

Read threads on this board. Come to Europe one day and you will see for yourself. I've lost count on how many American i know who are shocked when they come here and really see how bad the way your country is controlled.

Maybe that is just it. China will beccome the new superpower... I don't care. But whats going to happen when/if China gets trigger happy? Who are you going to come running to?

Get trigger happy? has the American media been telling you China is gonna take over the world?

I'm trying to keep this thread from turning into mud slinging... but alas I think it may be hopeless.

This is nothing compared to threads i've seen in the mud pit..God..some of them got very personal.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor

Originally posted by infinite

Of course im sure, your country only thinks about itself. America doesnt care about anyone. I feel truely sorry for Americans due to the amount of crap they are feed by their media.

As opposed to the crap you are fed by your media?

UK media is free from political views. No one station is Labour, Conservative, Liberal, etc. If you dont believe me...just ask UK Wizard. The media over here is free.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
As opposed to the crap you are fed by your media?

We get fed less crap by our media than yours.... that sounds gross

Originally posted by LostSailor
And we don't need anyone to feel sorry for us thanks

You sure, America is filled with some of the best people in the world, it is those i feel sorry for, as they have to share a country will countless morons, who are happy to reck the reputation of good Americans.

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