originally posted by: azamber
No, no, no. You can not lump the anarchists in with the liberals.
I just did. And, in a significant measure, so did you in the post I'm replying to.
1. In many to most things regarding beliefs, motivations and behaviors . . . the ends of the horseshoe are closer to each other--functionally,
dynamically and potentially--than they are to the middle. And, opposites often 'flip' to become the other end of the horseshoe.
2. The oligarchy certainly has cast the anarchist's 'mean average beliefs and goals' in with the liberals in these respects:
(A) They are using the anarchists to help shred and all the faster the "OLD ORDER" . . . resulting in the NWO being enabled to rise on top of said
ashes and
(B) They are using the anarchists to demonstrate and act out great hostility to the oligarchy's own ruthless usurption of all the wealth and power.
See (A) above. The oligarchy is confident that when the dust settles from the Anarchists' assisted delivery of
ANARCHY, that the oligarchy will STILL be in power and well able to squash whatever remains of the anarchists . . . that the oligarchy
will remain in power
(C) . . . at the top of the heap of a bastardized form of communism and bastardized monopolistic pseudo capitalism. This goal is well represented in
some of their quotes in their own words at this first link:
That is a total contradiction.
Yes and no.
Primarily it functions as a logical kind of contradiction . . . particularly for Western minds addicted to strictly linear thinking.
However, the FOR MORE GOVERNMENT vs HOSTILE TO ALL GOVERNMENT assessment that some seem unable to . . . logically consider fully in the context of the
ruthless Oligarchy--that 'construct' [in the rather George Kelly sense of a
bi-polar construct that
we all use 26 or less of to channel
our choices and our lives--in all cultures] . . . that construct is a very functional unit for the oligarchy.
It is a continuum that the Oligarchy plays like a piano to its ruthless ends just as it plays the extreme left to extreme right bi-polar
construct--playing all ends against the middle.
On the one end, the Oligarchy clusters the brazenly overt liberals screaming for maximum government. And it manipulates that group extremely
effectively pushing the envelope, moving the goal posts to absurd tyrannical levels just as they have planned for several hundred years for this era.
On the other end, those fleeing the maximum government meme are clustered together as anarchists--serving the Oligarchy in destroying THE OLD ORDER OF
MORE LIMITED GOVERNMENT . . . ultimately delivering into the laps of the ruthless Oligarchy controllers, a world much easier to raise
ON TOP OF THE ASHES OF ANARCHY the utterly total and ruthless maximized dictatorial government of the one
world government married to the one world religion . . . in which NO COG, NO SLAVE, NO SERF IN THEIR VAST MACHINE can
even think independently, much less act independently, much less act unobserved, unlabeled, unpunsihed . . . undestroyed as anything resembling an
independent anarchist organism.
"Liberal types" are for more government and anarchists are for none.
See above.
If anything, we'd be more closely aligned with libertarians.
I think the libertarian movement is a fascinating one. I'd be mostly a conservative libertarian, in my own construct system.
I have NO DELUSIONS NOR ILLUSIONS that the libertarians are anything but YET ANOTHER cluster of the pretend
electorate--which--the Oligarchy has carefully constructed and managed from its inception. THEY TOO collect a major chunk of
the populace into an identifiable cluster of individuals with a scripted set of goals, values and emotional attachments . . . all ripe and vulnerable
for the very skillful manipulation by the Oligarchy toward globalist ends.
There are extremely few individuals OUTSIDE such constructed, controlled, manipulated, scripted clusters/groups. It has been the
Oligarchy's business to INSURE that all serfs and slaves were accounted for in their assigned or "self-selected" [as though that were still possible]
cluster or group.
Anarchists along with hyper socialists/Communicsts/liberals are both being used to build the piles of fodder for the bonfire of
ANARCHY with which to REDUCE TO ASHES the old order--thereby, Phoenix-like, birthing the NEW W.O. . . . as new as
satan worshiping Babylong of millenia past.
These facts are discernable in the Oligarchy's rather brazen own quotes in their own words at the links above.
I would be curious to see which types of anarchists are on this board, though, as there is a wide range of beliefs amongst us. I'd be
more of the anti-capitalist variety.
BINGO! . . . filling the SAME ROLE of shredding, demonstrating hostility to . . . capitalism . . . precisely as the COMMUNISTS,
LIBERALS, SOCIALISTS script from the Oligarchy calls for--and has delivered--for a very long time.
It won't matter. The Oligarchy has them all clustered sufficiently together to be able to easily herd them into useful roles and functions as the
ruthless shove down the chute to hell progresses across the Nation and the planet.
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