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GOP Scrambles to Condemn Rancher's Remarks on Race

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posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: ProfessorChaos

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: ProfessorChaos

It does sound a little bit different !!!

Sounds like he was saying the government is to blame for many problems.

All part of his psych-tactics.

He may not be as dumb as he portrays.

I honestly think it's his accent that screws him up.

Oh yes for sure.

And I think he was trying to make a comparison.

The comparison is historical.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
Does he have any paperwork to back this claim up? When the Bundy's moved out west they only settled on 160 acres and Bundy is using far more than that to graze his cattle on. So his claim to have the right to graze on that land is false.

The issue is even if he doesn't recognize the federal Government (stupid concept BTW) it was the State's Constitution that gave the Federal Government the right to manage the land. It seems for decades he didn't have a problem with that and paid his taxes, but then he stopped and is now suggesting he has rights that go back to the 1800s even though his family didn't own the land until 1946.

This is not to say that in 1946 there might have been State level rights going back into the 1800s for them to use the land freely, but the change in the State's Constitution is something he should, by his own admission, follow.

edit on 24-4-2014 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
Are talking about Clive Bundy who thinks that he should graze cattle, which he sells for a few grand a pop, on public land who is not taking responsibility for the fact that he hasn't paid grazing fees for 20+ years?

Nope, he should pay his grazing fees, or else he might as well considered it a long term, and illegal subsidy. Pretty much the same thing he is complaining about...hehe

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
And I think he was trying to make a comparison.
The comparison is historical.

The comparison is that the people he saw doing nothing and living on subsidies have never learned how to work, have never develop a skill, and all they do is sit around.

Where he went wrong, and that error was most likely because he thinks in a much different era then most of us, is he used picking cotton as work, which is really hard work, and suggesting that even slaves knew how to work, which today many don' this point it can only go down hill from there....

edit on 24-4-2014 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: theantediluvian
Are talking about Clive Bundy who thinks that he should graze cattle, which he sells for a few grand a pop, on public land who is not taking responsibility for the fact that he hasn't paid grazing fees for 20+ years?

Nope, he should pay his grazing fees, or else he might as well considered it a long term, and illegal subsidy. Pretty much the same thing he is complaining about...hehe

I agree with that statement 100%.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: buster2010

GOP are cowards!

They let political correctness and divisive issues taint the real ramifications of what the government is doing!

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 02:56 PM
He said "I wonder if they were happier picking cotton"

Not "They should still be picking cotton"

The bottom line, is that those on the system, blacks, whites, doesn't matter are slaves to the system. I got the point he was trying to make without seeing him as a rabid racist. I think he was stupid for making the comments he should have known that they would come back to haunt him.

When Liberals say racist things like Melissa Harry Parris making fun of a Black adopted Romney child, everyone looks the other way.

Always ready to jump on the hate filled band wagon when a white person questions things, who is the real racists?

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: buster2010

GOP are cowards!

They let political correctness and divisive issues taint the real ramifications of what the government is doing!

I disagree to a point.

The progressives hold a massive weapon called political correctness and they are not afraid to use it. In one single blow they can take any GOP member down if they stray an inch off the line, the true power is they refrain from using it on anyone else that agrees with them.

Racism aside, just look at the Gay marriage issue. Gay activist have picked up this same weapon and because a person thinks differently then them they will hurt them, socially, financially, career wise etc all that they can.

How do you stand up to something that even questioning it instantly labels you a racist, Gay basher, homophobia...

Extremely powerful weapon indeed...

edit on 24-4-2014 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: luciddream

The interesting part is, when Obama came to be the presdient, the right wing became gurus on finance and economics. They barely cared about it before...

Not sure what this has to do with anything, regarding the BLM and Bundy. I'd be on Bundy's side if he was some Hippy Lefty minding his own business not hurting anyone, who didn't pay some "govt fee" either. I don't understand why people hold Bundy to a higher standard of law obeyance than they hold elected, power hungry politicans to. Why is Bundy expected to follow the law, yet politicians/govt constantly subvert, skirt, and ignore the law, while expecting "all the little people" to obey the laws they write? This is my view and this is why whatever "racist" views he holds are totally irrelevent to me. As I said, if he was any other stripe of person doing the same thing, I'd be on his side, because he's merely doing what the govt does most of the time, and I refuse to hold a private citizen to a higher standard than a public, elected official should be held to. Who is he hurting and thumbing his nose at? No one but the fed gov, and the fed gov hurts us and thumbs their nose at us far more than Cliven Bundy ever could, or ever will.

...half the nation was already ignorant that racism existed, it chnaged nothing.
Racism lives. Racist can rant, and it will be called out. They both have the rights...

Call it out as often as you like, and I will call out govt malfeasance and abuse, whether they call me "racist" for holding the govt to a higher standard than I expect of a private citizen, or not.

Looks like you got into the media frenzy as well. They called every fight(which happens every single minute) into a knockout game. you know more stigma.

Wrong. This became "mainstream" last fall, and was almost exclusive to blacks decking unsuspecting whites, and the media kept infering that it was some kind of "game," not racist, not thuggish, nothing. Just poor, misunderstood "yutes" was all, nothing more. No overt racism on the part of blacks...nothing to see here, just a "game," move along. You bought what they were selling, it looks like. Not me. We disagree.

...As a Right wing Hero, he will just encourage such nonsense among his followers...

He's not my hero. He's just an old man who stood up to a hypocritical govt that refuses to obey the laws they write, while expecting everyone else to obey the law. Bundy is an old dude who lives in the middle of nowhere. For all you know, he's entirely out of the loop when it comes to modern "political correctness," and his words likely have nothing to do with any overt "hate" regarding blacks, but are more of his own personal reflections, without all the PC garbage to nice-it-up, as to how the govt has ruined the black family. The fact that leftist think he is more harmful to blacks than a govt that encourages black dependency on said govt, is all I need to know regarding leftist views on what is "really" harmful to blacks, and what isn't. You think some words in the middle of nowhere from a crusty old rancher are more damaging to blacks than a govt system that encourages dependency? Good luck selling that. You will sell it to the emotional, but not the logical.

Why do the innocuous words of a nobody rancher bother you more than people being dependent on their govt overlords who routinely break laws? The more dependency you have on ANYTHING or ANYONE (not just the govt) the less freedom you have as an individual, and I'm for maximum freedom of the individual, whenever possible.

It isn't just blacks either, it is everyone becoming dependent on the govt to subsidize their lives. This benefits NO ONE but politicians, in the long run.

Fake number, promoting black stereotype. Are you sure your not a media fed republican?

It isn't "fake." It's a well known stat, supplied by Obama's own govt. It's a stat that is rising among ALL racial demographics, but in the black community, it's at it's worst point ever. Don't bury your head in the sand when truths you don't like smack you in the face.

Here. Check the link to an NBC story from 2010. Four years ago, they pegged the rate of illegitimacy in the black family at 72%. Do you think it got better the last 4 years?


Those democrats split in the 60's the and joined the current republicans.

Robert Byrd. Just died a few years ago. Lifetime Dem Senator from W Va. KKK head honcho. But he was OK with the left because he had a "D" in front of his name, which shows you the selective outrage of the left when it comes to "racism." Name one modern, influential, "mainstream" Republican who was in the KKK.

After civil rights became law in the 60s, LBJ and the rest of the Southern Dem party found a new way to oppress and enslave blacks, since they couldn't do it the old way anymore, and that was to make them dependent on Democrats, just like they were dependent on the kindness of "massah" during the slave days. The Dem party is the modern day plantation owner, and you encourage their behavior by defending their horrid opinion of blacks and this nation, which is that blacks are too helpless to help themselves, and that America is a terrible, racist nation with no hope for blacks (never mind our black POTUS).

edit on 24-4-2014 by Gozer because: to add link, which I probably didn't do right.

edit on 24-4-2014 by Gozer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
How do you stand up to something that even questioning it instantly labels you a racist, Gay basher, homophobia...

By refusing to personally grant it any power.

I've said this before on guys like Imus and Micheal Richards vs Charlie Sheen and Alec Baldwin. Imus and Richards fell all over themselves and acted like asses, weeping and begging forgiveness publically all because some thin skinned fools goaded the public into believing they were vile. Look at their careers since, all the supplication served as blood to the media wolves and neither man's career has recovered, even though they followed the blueprint and self identified as fitting the "evil bigot who deserves your hatred" role. Now look at Sheen and Baldwin, both guilty of saying a hell of a lot worse than Richards or Imus, both freely waving both middle fingers at their detractors, openly not giving two squirts what the public thought... and both still enjoying prosperous careers. Americans are simplistic sheep, they become single-minded when confronted with the combination of an accusation and an admittance of guilt by the accused. They heard Sharpton flap his little lips about Richards and Imus and then they heard and saw the two men making asses of themselves and the two vissions combined into one: "They're called racists and they're appologizing for being racists... *gasp* THEY'RE RACISTS!!!" It confuses them, however, when they encounter an accused who essentially ignores his accuser and proceeds as if nothing had even been said. Furthermore, there is a latent "defy authority" attitude within Americans (within humanity as a whole?) and the "Your criticisms don't mean jack to me" attitude speaks to that in people.

Step #1 for anyone publically accused of being a racist, bigot, homophobe, terrorist, whatever in America has got to be a shrug of the shoulders and a simple "oh well." Then follow it up with a behavior pattern that is consistant with what your image was before the accusation. That strategy would absolutely eliminate all of these ridiculous decks of cards American personalities love to use as distractions from real issues and obfuscators of facts.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: buster2010

GOP are cowards!

They let political correctness and divisive issues taint the real ramifications of what the government is doing!

What, you mean carrying out something that Reagan started and which has taken 20 years to go through the courts? Yes, darn those meddling Feds, being all precipitate or something...

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: buster2010

GOP are cowards!

They let political correctness and divisive issues taint the real ramifications of what the government is doing!


To me, the two parties have a "good cop/bad cop" deal worked out with each other, and what they're doing is moving ever towards complete control, regardless of which party controls the overall power, politically.
Dems = goooooooooood cop. "We...we only want to help you..."
GOP = baaaaaaaaaaad cop. "We're going to take away everything the other guys want to hand to you, and make you earn it in life. This is good for our overall national health... (but really we won't take anything away and make anyone actually earn anything, we're just saying we will...just vote for'll see...we're on the same team! We just have to say that so you think you have a 'choice!' )"

After paying attention to politics since about 1990 (when the 1st Gulf War broke out when I had a month left of service in the US Navy, and they were pulling certain rates off my ship to join ships heading for the Gulf) I've come to the conclusion that all of us have nothing but a false choice, regardless, as in the end, it is nothing but self empowerment that both parties are concerned with, as they have assumed control of nearly everything. They are fine, really, with whoever is in power, as long as it is one of them, as their goals are identical, deep down: Maintain power at all costs.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
So his claim to have the right to graze on that land is false.

Do not forget that Bundy outright OWNs 170+ or - acres...of his own.

Prove he did not give the rest of land to Nevada with
the promise of continued grazing rights!
He did not give the land to the BLM, that is for sure.

And as for his comments, maybe Harry Reid can understand,
since he made similar comments himself
not so long ago?

Obviously its only ok if Dingy Harry says it, or does it.
Comments about race,
insiders to keep his land claims, etc!?

quote Reid as saying privately that Obama, as a black
could be successful thanks, in part, to his
"light-skinned" appearance
and speaking patterns
"with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

edit on 24-4-2014 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2014 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:04 PM
Why does the left and right use normal american joes and propel them to star status to push there own agenda.

Mr bundy is just a tool used by those who see issues with the governement, now there disapointed he might have said something bad. The left is just re using the mud the right was throwing for the past week.

Rinse and repeat

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:04 PM
Sounds pretty close to the speech Bill Cosby made recently. And he was applauded for it.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:18 PM
Whoa! Waht a shocker! As soon as the GOP can't use this obviously mis-guided, potentially senile old law-breaker anymore for their own adgenda, (that is, as soon as this old coot goes of half cocked about his views on race), they drop him. Just more indication that this whole show was ginned up for publicity - the right kind of pubicilty. of course. This bozo has no legs to stand on, and now he can not stand on them all by himself, (except for the other racists that are there waving their American flags around - the flag that represents the country they don't recognize...???) Idiots.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: buster2010

"scrambling, "GOP support" I really love the clever words used here.

More like people with brains and condemning bigotry. I never knew the man in the first place, my only gripe is the situation between the BLM and his ranch.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: namehere

originally posted by: namehere
i think he was comparing how the government behaves today to slave owners, saying that life is worse now for poor and minorities than slavery ever made it, in his opinion. i don't think he was trying to be racist at all, i think he was just pointing out how destructive the government is to the people.

I'll paraphrase what hes saying.
  • Blacks under slavery had a skill, cotton picking, which they passed on to their children. As silly as it may seem, it was an actual skill when you consider the abrasiveness of the plant itself.
  • Without skills, they and their families were now left relying on government subsidies.
  • He goes on to say that the family unit was more in tact during those days than it is today.
Is there some truth to what he's saying? Possibly.

Is it a poorly worded analogy? I'd say yes.

Does he really think that slavery was a good thing? I doubt it.

a reply to: anon72

originally posted by: anon72
IF he did make those statements,

Does not lessen the wrong doings by the Feds/BLM.

This is absolutely correct.

Regardless of his personal beliefs and opinions, it is absolutely inexcusable for the government to send an army of 200 to 300 men to "collect fees" and impound cattle.

This is nothing more than a red herring.

Character assassination plain and simple intended to deflect from the real issue: the fact that our government is quickly turning America into a police state.

edit on 24-4-2014 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: brandiwine14
He said "I wonder if they were happier picking cotton"

Not "They should still be picking cotton"

The bottom line, is that those on the system, blacks, whites, doesn't matter are slaves to the system. I got the point he was trying to make without seeing him as a rabid racist. I think he was stupid for making the comments he should have known that they would come back to haunt him.

When Liberals say racist things like Melissa Harry Parris making fun of a Black adopted Romney child, everyone looks the other way.

Always ready to jump on the hate filled band wagon when a white person questions things, who is the real racists?

Common sense dictates that black folks weren't happier under slavery. Don't be ridiculous.

Melissa Harris Perry hosted a segment where a couple of comedians cracked two jokes about Mitt Romney's adopted grandchild while a picture of the Romney family was on the screen. What happened? There was a huge backlash, the next time she was on the air she issued a tearful public apology.

There was a huge fall out from it, do I need to post 100 links to prove it? It was on Fox and CNN, in NYT, The Blaze, Politico, Huff Post, NY Daily, Daily Mail, CS Monitor, etc etc.

You know what's worse than people "pulling the race card?" People pulling the "they're just pulling the race card, card" to excuse every ignorant old hillbilly who says some stupid sh*t in front of a camera.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian


NO need for anyone to imply that slavery was a good thing for anyone. Ripping families apart, daily whippings, no freedom, shackles, no rights, rape, murder, torture, no chance of a better life...yeah slavery was horrible. Anyone who tries to compare poverty to slavery has some serious issues and so do their apologists.

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