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GOP Scrambles to Condemn Rancher's Remarks on Race

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posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: luciddream
lol what the heck.

Disagree but STOP DEFENDING his racist attitude. Its out.

it just make you look stupid.

See this is the Alinsky stuff at work right here on ATS, if ya can't beat the messege, attack the messenger using any means available to discredit and ridicule.

Going forward you folks will drop the race card rather than debate the underlying issues be it Bundy, Oathkeepers or anyone who favors Bundy's cause. Especially if debate does not conform to your liking - boom drop the card.

Tell me that's what's not going to happen and have it be truthful.


posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

Even b4 these racist issue came, which is just icing on the cake. im looking at this story and to my surprised, all the right wing who hated these illegal activities all of a sudden put him on the pedestal like a hero.

Im like what the heck? Just cause he uses his gun to attarct the "patriots", that does not mean what he did was right.

I guess some people looked at this story with a gun-coloured glasses i suppose? They were tricked by his talk even tho he was in the wrong.

Well their hero is not a good hero is he? or is he? i guess it depends on how much they relate to his view.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 12:49 PM
You people are just kidding yourselves if you can't see that blacks are still slaves just in a different not so in your face way. You may want to try to figure out why GOD or the system has made it so. You see on the other side the black vessel is highly prized role to get the suffering over with in one life time. Plus many non blacks get a chemically induced craving for the sex it is kind of a bonus.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Phoenix

originally posted by: adjensen
a reply to: seeker1963

There is NO PROOF he even made the comment!

Video here: Cliven Bundy on blacks: ‘Are they better off as slaves?’

It would be honest of the liberal media attack machine to upload the full video rather than this snipped version so one could hear just how Cliven was goaded into his comment on the plight of minorities at the hands of the government.

The distraction provided is classic divide and conquer tactics best taught by Alinsky.

Tells me Cliven, his cause and his supporters were deemed to be getting too popular for the FedLib-o-Media machine to tolerate.

There is no such beast as the "liberal media attack machine." Cable news is utterly dominated by conservative media in the form of Fox News with market share of like 67%. There are about a dozen conservative national talk radio hosts who own an even larger slice of that market.

Print media, in this country at least, has something closer to an even split but readership has been in constant decline since the mid-90s. What's that leave? Exclusively web based sources? I don't know the current statistics, but unlike radio stations, TV channels, newspapers, etc there is a basically unlimited selection to choose from.

The fact that you keep playing the "Alinsky card" shows how programmed you are. He's just not that significant a figure to the majority of people on the left.
edit on 2014-4-24 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Phoenix

Its pretty asinine to say people are "using the race card" when there is actually racism involved.

I see how a typical racist avoids his racism by saying "they are using race card."

Race card is when police arrest you, and you reply by saying "you only arrest me because im purple"... that would be using race card, learn the difference.
edit on 4/24/2014 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: luciddream
a reply to: Phoenix

Its pretty asinine to say people are "using the race card" when there is actually racism involved.

I how this is how typical racist avoids his racism by saying they are using race card.

Race card is when, police arrest you, and you reply by saying "you arrest me because im purple"... that would be using race card, learn the difference.

There was a thread last night with a topic to the effect of "When will racism end in this country" and the majority of opinions expressed right off the bat were that racism doesn't really exist, alleging racism is solely a tool for minorities to garner "an advantage," and pointing out racism is actually the cause of racism.

It's a defense mechanism evolved by a parasitical meme to keep the host from becoming aware of it's existence.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: buster2010

First, if he is right he is right. His land claim issue...he is right.

On the other issue, unrelated to his land claim, we have him musing about whether or not the black population he saw was better of under slavery. This is a fair question. Obviously any man is better of free, unbound by the relatively safe harbor of slavery.

The common perception of black people in the early 1900's was that they were lazy. The reason for them not working was less about laziness and more about having opportunities refused to them.

I cannot pretend to know bundy's feelings, as I don't know him. but when I see the label "racist" thrown about, I am suspicious. Especially in politically hot situations.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: luciddream
a reply to: Phoenix

Its pretty asinine to say people are "using the race card" when there is actually racism involved.

I how this is how typical racist avoids his racism by saying they are using race card.

Race card is when, police arrest you, and you reply by saying "you arrest me because im purple"... that would be using race card, learn the difference.

The "race card" is used whenever a figure gets to much popular support on subjects not dovetailing with progressive beliefs. That card hardly ever gets dropped when a liberal figure makes even more damning racial commentary.

Nothing changes the fact that BLM went in hells bells and attempted to constrain free speech as well.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:14 PM
Bundy should have kept his mouth shut while he had all the support he did. He is on subsidy just as much as any "negro".
He just shot himself in the foot. Way to go, Bundy. And I Was on your side. You know you're a national figure now, and not sitting on the porch in a rocker playing checkers at the hardware store. Act like it.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: buster2010

My reply for the GOP:

Cliven's Bundy's views on race have nothing to do with the rights he is afforded by the laws of the land, and have nothing to do with people coming to his aid when they see Big Brother overstepping his bounds.

But this is why I'm not a Republican. They are gutless, spineless, cowards, driven into the dark corners so easily with the word "racist!" whenever the left utters it. We all knew this was coming anyway. When Obama is sucking, pull the race card. When Holder is sucking, pull the race card. When the entire LEFT is sucking because a rancher won ONE small battle with armed federal agents in tanks and Hueys, pull the race card.

The race card has become the last refuge of leftist scoundrels.

Fewer people care about "the race card" anymore. It's been used so many times by the left, they are numb to it, like the boy who cried wolf. Now, because of their stupidity in using "race" to drive votes or win arguments they can't win on merit, half the nation won't even listen, even in cases of REAL racism.

The race card is worn and tattered, and worthless now. When blacks go around randomly punching whites, the leftist media, like the NY Times, call it a "game" (the knockout "game"). When an old white rancher 'perhaps' uttered politically 'insensitive' words, awww hell, he's a rabid racist not even deserving of any rights at all!

Meanwhile, what actual "harm" has Cliven Bundy done to blacks in his life?

As far as I know, even if he is a racist, holding racist views isn't against the constitution unless those views take away the rights of someone else. Has Cliven Bundy taken away rights from black people?

Whether he's racist or not, it changes nothing regarding the BLM, except for emotional leftist, who shun logic/laws and reason in favor of emotional gratification, exclaiming their "thought superiority" over all others who don't think like them.

With leftists, I see better than I hear. I hear people who do nothing but lament the condition of inner cities, yet are for all the policies that continue the downward trends in the black community.

Don't listen to what they say, watch the results of their policies. The results of Dem policies on the black family have produced the weakest family unit in American history, now that daddy govt is there to take the place of black males, 8 of 10 which don't live in the same home as their kids. The Dems think we need more of this. Shall we go for 9 out of 10? How about we have ZERO % black fathers living with their kids? I guess that's the ultimate Dem/plantation goal.

The KKK was started by Democrats. They'd be proud to see what the Dem party has done to black families in the USA, all under the guise of "we care about you more than they do!"

edit on 24-4-2014 by Gozer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:20 PM
He’s basically stealing. He also is manipulating all the right wingers into the mud.
But they happily go along a they drag this country to sure destruction.

People always forget the foulness of the right wing GOP tea partiers such as when they shut down the government and display attitudes like Bundy here.

The GOP then tries to hide their true colors but it never works as they come out with a character like Bundy.

The stupid American people though will forget and vote these monsters in office again.

One time, though, they will do it, vote the GOP in power, and they will destroy the country because people forget the nature of these people.

Then it will be too late!

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: luciddream

i think you don't get it, how are those words untrue? minorities and poor alike are herded into small isolated poverty stricken communities, forced to rely on handouts even if they find a job and put in a situation that encourages crime, unemployment, poverty, drug abuse and violence that they can't escape. you've never been truly poor, trampled upon or abandoned by society have you? it's only racist because you lack understanding.

what was racist in pointing out how the government destroys the lives of minorities?

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: buster2010

Well, time for me to make a public apology for my first statement!

I did see the Bundy interview that media matters posted!

My apology goes to the reporter I bashed!

If you watch the video, Bundy is not being racist per se, just an old man whom grew up differently than the rest of us! Listen to what he says closely. He is saying, I took it as comparing how the government and by it's use of using welfare is nothing more than a new form of slavery.

Perhaps he wasn't PC with what he said, but he didn't say anything different than a lot of Black Leaders have been trying to say! If Bundy was a Black man, this would be a non issue.....

I get it though, ya'll Progressives don't have a whole lot to go on except the race card.

Keep trying!

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: buster2010

First, if he is right he is right. His land claim issue...he is right.

On the other issue, unrelated to his land claim, we have him musing about whether or not the black population he saw was better of under slavery. This is a fair question. Obviously any man is better of free, unbound by the relatively safe harbor of slavery.

The common perception of black people in the early 1900's was that they were lazy. The reason for them not working was less about laziness and more about having opportunities refused to them.

I cannot pretend to know bundy's feelings, as I don't know him. but when I see the label "racist" thrown about, I am suspicious. Especially in politically hot situations.

Please enlighten me as to how Civen Bundy is right about "his land claim?"

The fact that you would even pretend that it's a credible issue for speculation whether or not black people in this country were better off under slavery is astonishing to me.

The relatively safe harbor of slavery? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? It disgusts me to hear people espouse a serious belief in the natural right of any person to be free and then immediately go on to pretend that, "ehh, maybe slavery wasn't so bad." Maybe Cliven Bundy could go set up a cotton plantation on some public lands in Alabama and you can try out slavery for a month or two and report back to us on what a relative safe harbor it was.
edit on 2014-4-24 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: stirling
Buster you are the problem NOT the answer.....Your anti freedom stand is duly noted.....
The remarks as reported are not even racist...they are more about the racist treatment of negroes in America.....
get a life...................your anti liberty hysteria is not catching on.....regards, STIRLING....

I totally agree with the OP on this. And Your anti-freedom pro-slavery remarks are duely noted. Someone has a different point of view here and all of a sudden they are the "problem not the answer". Bundy's remarks WERE racist and suggesting that the days of slavery were better because we taught them how to "pick cotton".

Suggestion - don't insult people who see things differently than you. It ain't gonna cut it. Rarely is somebody 100% wrong or 100% right. There's usually an answer somewhere between 2 different views.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:31 PM
Ok, he's a jerk. The question remains, however, so what? I can think a person is a complete and total nimrod, and I would still be against BLM bringing in heavy artillery and snipers to a land dispute. I can vehemently disagree with the BLM's slaughter and mass burial of cattle, the fake desert tortoise reasoning (why are they euthanizing 100's of these if they're endangered?) and Reid's "it's not over" attitude - even if the person having this done to them isn't someone I'd ever have over to dinner because he's a racist jerk.

That would be like supporting an no-warrant raid, complete with MRAPs and snipers on Rev. Wright's church paid mansion because of his racist preachings. (See how I turned that from the issue at hand to "nyah-nyah, look what the other party does? Same thing.)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

what do you expect when asked a racist question? of course the answer will seem bad in such context. if anything it seems to me that this reporter and new york times are the racists here, using the plight of minorities to advance some political agenda.
edit on 24-4-2014 by namehere because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2014 by namehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Gozer
a reply to: buster2010
When Obama is sucking, pull the race card. When Holder is sucking, pull the race card. When the entire LEFT is sucking because a rancher won ONE small battle with armed federal agents in tanks and Hueys, pull the race card.

The interesting part is, when Obama came to be the presdient, the right wing became gurus on finance and economics. They barely cared about it before.

Fewer people care about "the race card" anymore. It's been used so many times by the left, they are numb to it, like the boy who cried wolf. Now, because of their stupidity in using "race" to drive votes or win arguments they can't win on merit, half the nation won't even listen, even in cases of REAL racism.

half the nation was already ignorant that racism existed, it chnaged nothing.
Racism lives. Racist can rant, and it will be called out. They both have the rights.

When blacks go around randomly punching whites, the leftist media, like the NY Times, call it a "game" (the knockout "game").

Looks like you got into the media frenzy as well. They called every fight(which happens every single minute) into a knockout game. you know more stigma.

Meanwhile, what actual "harm" has Cliven Bundy done to blacks in his life?

As a Right wing Hero, he will just encourage such nonsense among his followers.

With leftists, I see better than I hear. I hear people who do nothing but lament the condition of inner cities, yet are for all the policies that continue the downward trends in the black community.
...9/10 black father leave their kids..

Fake number, promoting black stereotype. Are you sure your not a media fed republican?

The KKK was started by Democrats. They'd be proud to see what the Dem party has done to black families in the USA, all under the guise of "we care about you more than they do!"

Those democrats split in the 60's the and joined the current republicans.

edit on 4/24/2014 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: namehere
a reply to: luciddream

i think you don't get it, how are those words untrue? minorities and poor alike are herded into small isolated poverty stricken communities, forced to rely on handouts even if they find a job and put in a situation that encourages crime, unemployment, poverty, drug abuse and violence that they can't escape. you've never been truly poor, trampled upon or abandoned by society have you? it's only racist because you lack understanding.

what was racist in pointing out how the government destroys the lives of minorities?

Do you actually know the amount of recipient of hand out by race?

Or are you going stick with the stereotype?

Time to update your rebuttals.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Mountainmeg

How about law enforcement executing a court order meeting with armed resistance, followed by a bunch of yahoos who want to escalate things because they imagine that they are freedom fighters?

Exactly how much proof is there of this mass cattle grave or that it has anything to do with BLM?

I don't know what point you're trying to make talking about the racist Rev. Wright? Nobody took Cliven Bundy to court for being a racist douche, and Rev. Wright isn't grazing cattle on federally managed public lands and refusing to pay grazing fees under the 1934 Taylor Act because he doesn't recognize the existence of the U.S. Government.

edit on 2014-4-24 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

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