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GOP Scrambles to Condemn Rancher's Remarks on Race

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posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: buster2010

All right Mr. Buster. Never thought it would happen but I'll give you this one.

Good find.

Star and Flag.

I don't care how it was edited or what the reporter said to "goad" him into saying that; that was just... awful.

I'm not sure how I feel about the BLM stand off in principle but these militias should have picked a better guy to rally around. It's too bad because (my prediction) this conflict with the BLM will puff into smoke now. There may be some gloating from the media when they eat this guys lunch in court but that is about it.

Maybe they'll be smarter about who they make their stand with next time because this one was just too far around the bend. One might say....

Suspiciously so. He does seem like a good poster child to discredit these militia movements and paint them as off-kilter lunatics. (It is a conspiracy site after all. Just thought I would put that out there).

edit on 24-4-2014 by redhorse because: didn't need the "what"

edit on 24-4-2014 by redhorse because: too many "stands"

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

What do you expect when you get behind the world's biggest freeloading idiot who cannot so much as open his mouth without sticking his foot in it?

I mean seriously... I have never been so disappointed in my fellow republicans as I have been since I watched them say how wonderful it is to use women as human shields and other such wonderful statements I have heard as of late.

All for a flipping idiot who doesn't want to pay grazing fees? The cattlemen's association wont even stand behind this man! Yet the republican party wants to stand behind this man and support him????

its crazy! And as a result you have made yourself very large targets...
edit on 24-4-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: redhorse

I'd have thought the same thing but there have been people I know, or at least thought I knew.. support some of this #...

I think the world just went insane on us all... completely flipping insane.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: luciddream

originally posted by: stirling
Buster you are the problem NOT the answer.....Your anti freedom stand is duly noted.....
The remarks as reported are not even racist...they are more about the racist treatment of negroes in America.....
get a life...................your anti liberty hysteria is not catching on.....regards, STIRLING....

You fail to see the racism because you have the same mindset?

I wonder.

Buying in to the NYT hit piece is very dangerous and just what they wanted all along, and that is fostering more racism. This has been the New York Times mandate for a few generations now as well as other media outlets.
To see so many people taking this article from this rag of a biased and radically left paper as truth so quickly is seriously embracing total brainwashing and koolaid drinking on a minute by minute basis.

What it additionally shows is that many people WANT racism to continue because they feel like they belong to something and use it to fill a void, so they help racism continue by being biased, and judgemental, and always accusing others, and so on...
This was what Harry Reid was alluding to when he said something will happen. How convenient and totally predictable this news being reported, is.

edit on 24-4-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
That wasn't the first goddamn "free speech zone" the governement set up! Where the hell were you the first damn time they did it?

No, it wasn't... lack of precident doesn't equal "right."
The entire United States, coast to coast, border to border, inlusive of Puerto Rico, Guan, Hawaii, and Alaska, is Constitutionally defined as a free speech zone. ANything other than that is flat out illegal and morally repugnant.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

So stand up against what is wrong... no matter what. Two wrongs don't make a right!

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
That wasn't the first goddamn "free speech zone" the governement set up! Where the hell were you the first damn time they did it?

No, it wasn't... lack of precident doesn't equal "right."
The entire United States, coast to coast, border to border, inlusive of Puerto Rico, Guan, Hawaii, and Alaska, is Constitutionally defined as a free speech zone. ANything other than that is flat out illegal and morally repugnant.

I may disagree with 90% (maybe 91%) of what you say, but I'm with you all the way on free speech zones. Just thinking about it I get so angry I find it hard to articulate the depth of my revulsion.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
That wasn't the first goddamn "free speech zone" the government set up! Where the hell were you the first damn time they did it?

No, it wasn't... lack of precident doesn't equal "right."
The entire United States, coast to coast, border to border, inlusive of Puerto Rico, Guan, Hawaii, and Alaska, is Constitutionally defined as a free speech zone. ANything other than that is flat out illegal and morally repugnant.

If it is illegal Then the leaders of the DNC and the RNC should be placed under arrest. If you go to their conventions you will find free speech zones so this would imply that the rest of the arena is a no free speech zone.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
If it is illegal Then the leaders of the DNC and the RNC should be placed under arrest. If you go to their conventions you will find free speech zones so this would imply that the rest of the arena is a no free speech zone.

Totally agree. I thought the Secret Service under Bush was unlawful in using them, I think the WTO was unlawful in using them, and I think the conventions are unlawful in using them. Furthermore, the SCOTUS is dead wrong in allowing them while hypocritically protecting those idiots from Westboro free reign over disrupting funerals on non-federal land.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
I could give a rat's ass who or what Cliven Bundy is or what he's doing

Well that's the excuse from bundy supporters now? Trying to make what Bundy believes or who he is irrelevant despite the fact that Bundy himself is the very center of this entire issue. You can't take Bundy out of this matter Burdman sorry. Bundy is supposedly the person being stepped over by the Federal government, he's freedoms are supposedly being taken away here, this is the center of the argument. Yet there's mounting evidence indicating he has no rights to that federal land, that he's being avoiding grazing fees despite everybody else paying for them, and then there's he's slavery comments in regards to blacks. This guy is supposedly fighting for freedom, yet he makes these comments about blacks and thinks they were better as slaves? Yea, he's a real freedom fighter.

You know what, sit here all you want and make excuses for yourself as a Bundy supporter, please do. You're not doing your movement a whole lot good, Bundy just made himself out to be an even larger idiot on national TV. Hannity is even starting to distance himself from Bundy. He did a bang up job there I tell ya what. He's not helping your cause one bit.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: alienreality
Buying in to the NYT hit piece is very dangerous and just what they wanted all along,

Blaming NYT for something Bundy chose to say, something he very clearly believes, is well delusional. It's not NYT's fault that Bundy is racist, rather silly to blame them for that. Also, in regards to whether Bundy was prompted or pressured to make these comments:

New York Times journalist Adam Nagourney was not planning to catch the quote that is starting to unravel Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s support from the right wing.

“We went out there to just do a story on this whole stand-off outside of Las Vegas, and I wanted to interview him so I arranged something with somebody in his entourage who told me he has this 1:00 p.m. news conference everyday, and I could catch him after that so I went up there,” Nagourney, the newspaper's Los Angeles bureau chief, told POLITICO on Thursday.
Nagourney, who interviewed Bundy and reported on the statements, said he didn’t ask a question during the press conference, where the only members of the media were himself and a Times photographer.

“The stuff he is in trouble over today was stuff he said on his own unprompted toward the beginning of the event. He said it and I just kept my head down, kept my tape recorder on took notes and that was it,” Nagourney said.

None of Bundy’s supporters seemed to react to the quote and no one from Bundy’s entourage sought to clarify or defend it while he was visiting, Nagourney said, though he immediately knew it was going to be big.


posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:55 PM
Now and forevermore all those who have rallied to support Bundy, and any who would dare in the future will be portrayed as racists.

Completely destroyed by the words of the man at the center of all of it.


posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 09:03 PM
just another attempt to distract from what happened, ..remeber the overwhelming armed govt response to a questionable unpaid bill? ...we all still remember that, right?

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: buster2010

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire

Assuming that Bundy actually said those things (Seeker1963 has a valid point), I still defend his right to say it. I don't agree with him, they are his opinions.

And I will remind everyone of this gem, with my own edit:

First they came for the racists/bigots, and I did not speak out -- Because I am not a racist/bigot.
Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

~ Martin Niemöller

The GOP lacks backbones of any kind. Instead of standing up and saying EXACTLY what I just said, they are backing down like a bunch of scared children. (The Democrats are just as bad/worse.)

No one is standing up for a human being because he has opinions that differ from that of other people or are unpopular. So what? This ranch issue isn't about race. Why is the MSM, GOP, etc. making it about race?

It's gaining too much attention we must distract the sheeple!

..:: D i S t R a C t I o N ::..

edit on 24-4-2014 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2014 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: clearmind

The media will make sure that in the end it was all about supporting a racist rancher that was greedy and didn't want to pay his bills.

I have never seen the narrative so effectively shifted on something as big and important as this.


posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: WCmutant
a reply to: buster2010

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire

Assuming that Bundy actually said those things (Seeker1963 has a valid point), I still defend his right to say it. I don't agree with him, they are his opinions.

And I will remind everyone of this gem, with my own edit:

First they came for the racists/bigots, and I did not speak out -- Because I am not a racist/bigot.
Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

~ Martin Niemöller

The GOP lacks backbones of any kind. Instead of standing up and saying EXACTLY what I just said, they are backing down like a bunch of scared children. (The Democrats are just as bad/worse.)

No one is standing up for a human being because he has opinions that differ from that of other people or are unpopular. So what? This ranch issue isn't about race. Why is the MSM, GOP, etc. making it about race?

It's gaining too much attention we must distract the sheeple!

..:: D i S t R a C t I o N ::..

Videos have been posted so there is no assuming he made them. He did make them and has even repeated them so it's fact.

The quickest way to lose a politicians support is to make a racist comment. Simply because politicians know they will get voted out of a job if it is known that they support a known racist. Bundy with his ignorant comments made this ranch issue a issue about race.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: clearmind
just another attempt to distract from what happened, ..remeber the overwhelming armed govt response to a questionable unpaid bill? ...we all still remember that, right?

naw, racism trumps everything.

i for one, think he is not far off on what he said. yeah.

gee, does anyone think he would be PC? lol! used the wrong words, i guess. imagine that.

after the emancipation, what were slaves supposed to do? they did what they knew.
share croppers or when they got land of their own.

lots stayed where they were because they didn't really have anyplace to go and were treated fairly as it was.
some went north to do the same jobs they had down south.
blacksmiths, carpenters, animal husbandry, farming! you think they were just a janitorial service and whites did all the real work? hell no!

he is right, they had skills to be self sustaining and had close knit families.
i could go on but no need.

education was slightly out of reach for most, like alot of people today of all colors, but there were plenty who got one.
look it up. politicians, scientists, inventors, etc.

now in 2014, how is he wrong? who doesn't see that?

and what the heck does his remarks have to do with the BLM fiasco, anyway?

i know i am going against the grain here.
bundy is not a harvard grad, people.
probably doesn't even know wtf PC means or cares, like a lot of other people. (me for one)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: WCmutant
a reply to: buster2010

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire

Assuming that Bundy actually said those things (Seeker1963 has a valid point), I still defend his right to say it. I don't agree with him, they are his opinions.

And I will remind everyone of this gem, with my own edit:

First they came for the racists/bigots, and I did not speak out -- Because I am not a racist/bigot.
Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

~ Martin Niemöller

The GOP lacks backbones of any kind. Instead of standing up and saying EXACTLY what I just said, they are backing down like a bunch of scared children. (The Democrats are just as bad/worse.)

No one is standing up for a human being because he has opinions that differ from that of other people or are unpopular. So what? This ranch issue isn't about race. Why is the MSM, GOP, etc. making it about race?

It's gaining too much attention we must distract the sheeple!

..:: D i S t R a C t I o N ::..

Videos have been posted so there is no assuming he made them. He did make them and has even repeated them so it's fact.

The quickest way to lose a politicians support is to make a racist comment. Simply because politicians know they will get voted out of a job if it is known that they support a known racist. Bundy with his ignorant comments made this ranch issue a issue about race.

ya right, voted out of a job because of that? lol!

you talking about the USA?

and tell me WHO made it an issue? the left!

you don't like his wording. bummer. "negro, cotton picking, slaves"

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 11:04 PM
Be sure to check out the hottest ATS thread as of Thursday night:

HOAX EXPOSED: Full Clip of Bundy’s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Remarks Vs.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: anon72

Thanks for this, I saw the cut/pause edit mark around the 17: mark
exactly the place where the content went missing and audio did
not match up to video.

Desperate politicians who have uttered worse themselves,
they want this man to be left standing alone.....for obvious

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