And this is the most single important and pertinent question when it comes Jehovah and how he moves.
Before i actually started believing, i ascribed to a combo of a couple of your theories, which ancient aliens on history channel solely helped me come
towards, where Jehovah, Zeus, Krishna, Huitzilopotchli, Amaterasu, are advanced aliens from nibiru/planet x, and all came to earth at the same time,
and created mini version of themselves here on earth, and for various reasons. That was until i came across the satanism and occultism rife in general
mass media, and the satanic ritual abusers, torturers, and pedophiles, rapists, drug runners, and murderers that happen to always be the worlds elite
in business, entertainment and government, who are always thoroughly protected and covered for by the worlds governments, and even if found guilty of
something, they are always given a light tap on the wrist, and a small fine, allowed to carry on, all behind closed doors.
Then i started looking at the giant 9-20 foot skeletal remains and their weapons, and other that have been discovered all over the world for hundreds
of years, and shadily ignored, explained away, hidden away, or very mysteriously, INCINERATED by highly recognized archaeology institutions like the
Smithsonian institute. The scriptures repeatedly talks about these giants.
The thing is, God has micro- managed and governed humans through spectacle that we can see and hear for a very long time, but despite this, humans
still f*ck around too much and don't bother listening. They know God is RIGHT THERE, and know what he likes and don't like, but yet do there own
thing, and always to there detriment. I think after awhile, God said screw this, i'm not going to hold these peoples hands anymore, it is up to them
and them alone, to use the faculties of reasoning and logic, moral discernment, along with faith, to come to me. If they need me to dispatch an angel,
or a giant meteor sent into their face, in order to sort themselves out, and is not able or refuses to see that i am present and in control, then
their souls are not worth being in my company. If they are too stupid, deluded, or distracted to figure out what's true, and what is evil, despite all
of the evil influence around them, then they are not worthy.
God don't like ugly. He also don't like stupid. The fool will not make it into the kingdom, despite there best intentions.
Many people on earth know better, and have been able to resist and break through this fake, insane world we inhabit, and continue to live separate
from it's wiles and traps. It's just sad that most don't know, don't want to know, are not interested in knowing, and don't care.
There are people who despite being raised and taught a certain way, who ultimately become the opposite. Many brought into an environment of evil and
degradation, but were able to mold themselves of a higher value material. These are the souls God wants.
I think purposefully tossed Satan and his rebellious cohorts down to earth instead of hurling there asses into space, so that he can observe how
humans are able to deal with them. All we have to do is just ignore them, not regard them, and look to God, and these entities can do NOTHING. But
look how that has turned out. I think it is a good plan of God to sort out the morally and mentally strong from the amoral and apathetic.
edit on 23-4-2014 by bigman88 because: (no reason given)