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Pictures Of Mystery Plane Over Wichita

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posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
So who's up for a nice slow pitch, right over the heart of the plate, to help figure it out?

Me me me me me....

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 08:35 PM
Ok, try this.

Fighter: Done
Strike: Testing
Bomber: In development
Tanker: Wouldn't that be interesting to see.
ISR: Multiple platforms in testing or operational.

Now, looking at US warfighting doctrine, with regards to air power, what's missing from that list?

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58


posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: BlackDog10

Which can be combined with another aircraft. There's one that can only really combine well with the EW mission.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
Ok, try this.

Fighter: Done
Strike: Testing
Bomber: In development
Tanker: Wouldn't that be interesting to see.
ISR: Multiple platforms in testing or operational.

Now, looking at US warfighting doctrine, with regards to air power, what's missing from that list?

Troop Carrier - Transport

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:09 PM
Something along the lines of senior citizen then?

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

An aircraft capable of out maneuvering a particle-beam weapon? LASERS. They make "Air Force" obsolete ! Just like the taliban did silly !

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:11 PM
Could even call it 'Ghost Rider'..


That would be nice for the Royal Marine SF to ride into Libya inside, courtesy of USA SOF flight.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: Astr0

There's that one too, but it's flying around somewhere. Nice little beast too.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:13 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: Astr0

There's that one too, but it's flying around somewhere. Nice little beast too.

'Like a Boss'


edit on 11-7-2014 by Astr0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:35 PM
ground attack? lol

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Astr0

Can you imagine what you could do with a VVLO AWACS, with laser comms, capable of going in with or even slightly ahead of the package? Damn near unstoppable.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: BlackDog10

That would be under Strike.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
Ok, try this.

Fighter: Done
Strike: Testing
Bomber: In development
Tanker: Wouldn't that be interesting to see.
ISR: Multiple platforms in testing or operational.

Now, looking at US warfighting doctrine, with regards to air power, what's missing from that list?

Close air support under SAM threat
Evacuation of soldiers/pilots
Anti-submarine (does P8 work?)
Material resupply under SAM threat/austere conditions
Zapping ballistic missiles with positrons
Correllian transport to planet dirt

edit on 12-7-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 04:07 AM
Dude. I'm thinking an awac with a few of the "new companions" would be able to control the entire battlefield. awac would detect anything within its domain. Coordinate assets to achieve whatever the mission is. A companion or two could roam and go where ever it's been dispatch to via awacs and "deal" with whatever it has to. Super stealthy strikers could then go in and, well, do whatever they please. Especially if they have a little buddy drone tagging along.Pretty much shut down the entire battlefield (air & ground) Nobody's going to be surprising anybody with migs and their fancy new missiles. they will be dealt with long, long, long before they get close to any asset we are protecting. To me it seems like we have total air dominance. Its our ball and bat and china and russia are going to strike out.

We have a very robust "new" airforce it would seem.

Seems like we have just about every angle covered to deal with any contingency.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

My real question is just how capable would a new "Companion" be. I'm thinking extremely capable. Also, is it me or is just about everything we will be coming out with "soon" got quiet boom technology integrated into it somehow. Wow. talk about leaving the rest of the world in our technological dust.

And if I'm thinking the new companion is what I think it may be. then damn. Why not just write with a piece of chalk on the side of the plane. "Companion" have it do a mission, land, scratch off the chalk and write "Recon" on the side have it go up and do a mission, land wipe of the chalk and write "bomber" on the side of the craft, do a mission, land and erase the chalk and write "whatever the hell it's decided it needs to be for that mission" I mean if it's what i think it is then it truly is that capable and probably more so. Oh yeah I'm thinking a "new companion" is VVVLO and VVVVVFAST.

And finally the last of my insane ramblings, I'm willing to bet that whatever our new awacs will look like it won't have any domes or frisbees attached to it. it's shape will be the dome or more so it's skin with be the dome/frisbee.

edit on 12-7-2014 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2014 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 04:29 AM
New AWACS coordinate fast attack plane great idea

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: Astr0

Can you imagine what you could do with a VVLO AWACS, with laser comms, capable of going in with or even slightly ahead of the package? Damn near unstoppable.


posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: BASSPLYR

My real question is just how capable would a new "Companion" be. I'm thinking extremely capable. Also, is it me or is just about everything we will be coming out with "soon" got quiet boom technology integrated into it somehow. Wow. talk about leaving the rest of the world in our technological dust.

The only problem with the quiet boom technology as of right now is its not very stealthy when installed on an aircraft.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: boomer135
The only problem with the quiet boom technology as of right now is its not very stealthy when installed on an aircraft.

I'd like to hear this: 'fuggit, lets go straight to no boom and see them yellow bitches weep in their noodles'.

or some thing like that......


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