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Historic Breaking News: Canada, Vatican & Crown GUILTY of Genocide

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posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada’s Genocide is a 106-minute documentary that chronicles the deliberate genocide of Canada’s Indigenous people, from early colonization and the first use of biological warfare, to church-run residential schools, to the ongoing theft of resource-rich Native land. Solid historical information and first-hand testimonies of residential school survivors are interwoven with Annett’s own story to create a powerful and educational film.

With the film recently garnering a Best Director Award at the 2006 New York Independent Film and Video Festival, and winning the award for Best International Documentary at the 2006 Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, Annett’s efforts are finally being recognized.


posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 08:19 PM

With the film recently garnering a Best Director Award at the 2006 New York Independent Film and Video Festival, and winning the award for Best International Documentary at the 2006 Los Angeles Independent Film Festival,

Again, how about showing us the results from the film festival website - as it looks like it did not win according to the LA film festival website from the link already posted here....

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Gee, I don't know Sweety. Maybe you should try searching under the name of the director/producer, Louie Lawless. It wasn't hard for me to find a lot interviews with Lawless, articles and reviews that all site the documentary's awards.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 12:09 PM

Again, how about showing us the results from the film festival website - as it looks like it did not win according to the LA film festival website from the link already posted here...

Again, how about showing us WHY you actually believe what the government and religion have been saying...

Believing lies isn't something to be ashamed of, I did it unknowingly for most of my life.

Once you begin to savor the truth, I think you'll find it MUCH more palatable.

"The truth tastes funny to those accustomed to a steady diet of lies." ~ Dave vonKleist

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by Runciter33

It is clear that even in this day and age, the idea of anyone stepping into the public arena to address genocide on the shores of Canada and America will be shouted down by those who need documents for everything. Documents don't exist in my grandfathers case. He was in a residential school. It so traumatized him that somehow, by means I cannot even begin to explain, he passed as white as an adult. Joined the Masons and proceeded to do to African Americans what was done to him. I did not even know that we were First Nations till I was well into my fourth decade of life. Certainly explained a great deal.
Certainly explained why every time I went into any Catholic CHurch tears would flow unbidden . I think the ancestors were telling me something my family would not.

Later , I would go on to find out that he HAD to pass. In the state where he lived, he would have been lynched if he was known to be Tsalagi(Cherokee) I am not going to go into anymore details. We, who are of native blood, know well what was done to us, to our families, to our ancestors. WE don't need to document it to know it happened and who did it. We don't need white mens approval either ANNETT went that route because of the total lack of BALLS by any legal body in Canada and elsewhere.

To go any further would reveal who I am .I am NOT going to go there. I know well how far abusers and the men who profit from them will go to stop this coming out. Child trafficking is at an all time high. The people who did this to these children in Canada had a SHAM Truth and Reconciliation commission. Nothing like the one in South Africa.

I am not sure that it is possible for me to even speak of it without throwing up.

It's true. IT happened. WHO Knows ..for all you know your own damn house could be over a mass grave..IN the states they hid them better. I suspect anyone who suggest it's a hoax.. of either being 1 ignorant 2. involved in it 3. profits from it.4, works for the Catholic Church

A typical tactic of those who cover up abuse is to claim those exposing it are loonies.
I noted the guy who DENIED this is from SCOTLand.. are you going to say HOllie Grieg didn't happen either.. IF Hollie Grieg didn't happen, why is SCotland holding him prisoner to shut him up

Truth is abuse of children on an industrial scale is out there. DO you own research. use you own discernment. Thank goodness we are no longer in a century where saying this would get me shot. I waited all my life to learn who I am and will never know what my relatives and ancestors experienced on the TRail of Tears directly.. UNfortunately, because my Grandfather had to pass as white that is lost to me. I am grateful for the wonderful relatives and cousins who have welcomed me into the fold and allowed me to feel as if I have come home.

Blessings to the dear man who used the analogy of "how would you like it if?" Wado(thank you. I understand that here, at ATS , one does not usually allow emotion to cloud logic.. However , in this case.. you can take a hike if you don't like what I said.I KNOWE KNOW what is true. BLood is on the hands of the USA as well. I laughed at the BUndy thing.Wanted to scream.. hey guess you didn't consider that you stole the land you are on in the first place. NOw, I shall retire to sit back and learn much. You cannot silence truth.. it rises like bread.. and when finally baked.. the truth doth set you free and norusihes the world and frees those still in bondage due to theis pervaisve menace of child and women trafficking 600 missing and murdereed Aboriginal women. Guess that idiot from SCotland will say that's a hoax too.

Ya know the funniest thing in all this.. I tend to see all sides..I empathize with the Bundys but at same time.. I could not be bothered with sympathy .Just as they could not be bothered with sympathy for folks of color. Nor even consider they live on stolen land. One day Faux news will be called out for it's race baiting. and for the promotion of violence for it's own sake.. till then ..I shall only converse with the civil and non racists. IF you are a racist don't expect a reply from me. There's my gauntlet

OH on a side note.I spent about four hours tonight researching the Catholic Church and what Malachi Martin said about it. Listened to an old ART Bell show.. Martin had the voice of an honest man.NO he did not touch on the pedophilia but he did say the dark side has bought the ranch. The Catholic church has many crimes to answer for.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Runciter33

thank you

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 02:51 AM

reply to post by DenyFlatulence

Anyone still unaware that the globalists running things largely under the table on this planet

ARE satanists at heart . . .

who [as their predecessors in their elitist groups] have long been working to establish the Biblically warned about one world government and one world religion forcing worship of satan incarnate as God . . .

anyone still unaware of those basic facts . . .

is either

--willfully ignorant; or
--grossly uninformed; or
--addicted to terminal rationalizing; or

--utterly and inexplicably clueless; or
--lost in Alice's rabbit hole while pretending to still be attached to mummy's boob; or

--a hermit in a very deep hole in Siberia; or
--devoid of all capacity to read, hear, think; or

--. . . ???



edit on 5/4/2014 by BO XIAN because: left out "or"

OR they work for those doing the dark practices. It is obvious to me that people who claim to be "CHRISTIAN" but go on to say mean ,vile, hateful things as well as ignoring suffering are not CHRISTIANS but the opposite. I would also surmise from reading this thread that .. there may well be some who are just here to throw spanners in the works. Keep sexual abuse quiet doesn't just happen by accident , it is as endemic as the abuse. I look forward to lambasting the negative people who deny what really happened in history with tons of proof. ..I don't owe them that. IF the bodies accused of abuse had NOTHING to hide, they'd face the courts. Having been at the end of serious retaliation for reporting abuse, I know well, very well., how a body of power will go out of it's way to avoid the truth. WHY? Cause it cuts into their profits

To quote Dylan; "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by vkey08

everyone has been wrong sometime in their life. Can you imagine how those who have grandparents who did attend residential schools must feel reading this thread?
Can you imagine how far a govt and or church organization would go to hide their crimes. They present themselves as "above reproach" yet how many recent cases of right wing preachers abusing kids have to happen before everyone realizes a huge amount of pedophilia at the top? LOng ago..I believed in my country, I believed in the law etc.. Then my daughter was sexually abused.. I don't believe in anything anymore but the Creator and myself.

This did happen. Annett, without resources and losing everything chose to be a brave soul. Had he not , he wouldn't have on tape two testimonies of two men who saw the gray haired witch from across the seas and her husband leave with ten children who were NEVER seen again. For the sake of the people who have died.. I think this thread needs to learn to walk a mile in others moccasins.

I am grateful to those of you who know well that our governments are not clean and sweet and kind.. They are businesses .. What was done to First Nations was a template for what is happening to all now. Refuse to look at your own peril.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 03:29 AM

he wouldn't have on tape two testimonies of two men who saw the gray haired witch from across the seas and her husband leave with ten children who were NEVER seen again.

Except that never happened, just another of Annett's fairy stories!

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

hellobruce.. for the sake of whatever..I'll just say.. "I'd like to see your point of view but I cannot get my head that far up my ***" I wish you enlightenment and that everything you deny will me made manifest in front of your eyes.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 03:49 AM

"I'd like to see your point of view but I cannot get my head that far up my ***"

That is because your head is already up Annett's! Why do you believe all his lies?

Edit. Actually, those lies come from David Icke!
edit on 15-4-2014 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

do you read hellobruce? have you read my posts/ MY family experienced the gencide dear.. Apparently you didn't get that.AS to Icke , I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. As one who worked with the public all my life before an accident rendered me useless.. I can tell when I see a face and listen to a voice..if someone is worthy of my trust.You ..having not been in front of me..I cannot discern your delusion.But since I have familial knowledge of this crap..I'll try and just pat you on the head and walk o. Annett is not the issue.. genocide is.. Get a clue

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by nobody2u

have you read my posts/ MY family experienced the gencide dear..

You said that your grandfather was a Cherokee, which would put him in the Southeastern United States or, more likely, Oklahoma. Annett's claims are about Canadian Residential Schools, and most of the blame for the 4,000 deaths have been placed at the feet of the government, for providing and maintaining schools in very poor conditions, so I'm not sure what your claimed connection to Annett's beliefs are.

No one is saying that First Nations people's weren't mistreated, but Annett's claims, which ARE what this thread are originated from, are largely fictional and rejected by many of those who have an actual connection to the people and events in question, which you seem to lack.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by adjensen

Please tell me what part of the documentary, Unrepentant, is false.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by nobody2u

Worthy points.

Congrats on reporting abuse.

When the abuse is in a small town and the local law enforcement are in cahoots with the chief abuser . . . it can get tricky.

I was told recently by a former alcoholism counselor some stats I wasn't aware of.

75% of the victims who leave and abusive situation end up killed. Sobering.

In any case . . . the abusers WILL reap what they have sown--as individuals and as organizations.

GOD ALMIGHTY IS NOT to be lastingly mocked.

And the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT stuff . . . particularly the Jezebel varieties and religious spirit . . . WILL suffer defeat. The control freak spirits will suffer defeat. The battle was won at the Cross and the empty tomb.

Armageddon will be their last gasp.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by windword

Please tell me what part of the documentary, Unrepentant, is false.

His 50,000 children died number is pure BS.

Some First Nations people took objection to Annett and his grandstanding "in their name", and produced this exposé on his claims:

Aboriginal Peoples Television Network aptn Investigates: UNMARKED GRAVES – PART 1
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network aptn Investigates: UNMARKED GRAVES – PART 2
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network aptn Investigates: UNMARKED GRAVES – PART 3

I think that they have a bit more credibility than your hero, Kevin Annett.

edit on 15-4-2014 by adjensen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by adjensen

That's not his number in the documentary, it's the number that Indians give. You own video gives 70% mortality rate at some schools. I don't why the exact numbers are of issue when we know that these atrocities happened.

As for Annett breaking the terms of his confidentiality agreement, we've already addressed that. The people testifying in the movie didn't seem to mind.

Also, there isn't "grave digging" in the documentary.

edit on 15-4-2014 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by windword

Awesome job, watching a 25 minute documentary in, what, six minutes? You're quite efficient, lol.

Thanks for proving that you don't care what the First Nations people have to say about your hero, Kevin Annett.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by adjensen

No, I don't care about character assassination when it's used to protect perpetrators and hide the truth. As soon I heard the lies, like Kevin resigned from the church, I stopped watching.

Have you watched the documentary yet?

edit on 15-4-2014 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by windword

No, I don't care about character assassination when it's used to protect perpetrators and hide the truth. As soon I heard the lies, like Kevin resigned from the church, I stopped watching.

Oh, those wicked, wicked Indians, lying about their saviour, how dare they?

In actuality, that's not what they said -- they said it depended on whom you asked. It even depends on when you ask -- I've seen Annett claim to have been "fired for telling the truth" and for "resigning in disgust". When you're a habitual liar, I suppose it's hard to keep the story straight.

Speaking of which, Annett is never even mentioned in the documentary until the eight minute mark, or so, so, no, you didn't go see what the First Nations People had to say and "stop watching" in those six minutes -- when I called you on your response, you went and watched it, looking for an excuse to turn it off. Too bad it didn't happen in the first six minutes.

For those who do respect the APTN enough to watch their investigation, it's pretty conclusive that Annett is a liar, who betrayed the trust of those who thought he would help, and who dismisses criticism by claiming invalid conspiracy.

But, oh, those wicked, wicked Indians, right? Can't trust 'em to tell the truth when they're criticizing some liberal white whacko?

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