posted on Mar, 12 2016 @ 03:11 PM
Wow, you guys! Great selections!
Sorry I've been absent for a while....
in the midst of remodeling and renovation - so two of our six rooms are unusable, and my house resembles some hybrid of "hoarders" and "just moved
Plus, my beloved 97 Honda Accord LX was stolen two weeks ago tonight...........
Anyway, today for some screwed up reason,
There's Got to Be a Morning After........ GAH!!!!!! NNNOOOOOoooooo!
(Which I'm not even going to post - it was dreadful!)
And I want to thank denybedoomed for killing that one!!!
Love you guys!! Music truly helps us connect on a gut level.
Thanks for participating.......
I HATE IT when I have no earworm, more than when I do. Sometimes I can make a selection deliberately, but not always.
edit on 3/12/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)