Yes, I admit, I look at tiktok late at night. There was a 'competition' to dance to a segement of this -- In my Masserati by Olakari (Moris Beat
Mix). I cannot get this [expletive] [vulgar expletive] song out of my head. I love it and I hate it. I really don't care for artists who depend
upon autotune. I think that's chicken#. You want to play around with it having fun at home or use it for brief highlights in a studio, fine.
But then, there's this jam that makes me want to try young dance moves. There are worse things.
Usually my earworms are my bête noire but this isn't bad.
No idea where it came from, maybe an advert. I remember it when it was first released, so the memory took over and it's been relentlessly playing on
loop in my head ever since.
My earworm today is "Message in a Bottle" by Taylor Swift. Usually I have one earworm for a day but the song in my head changes depending on my mood -
"Driver's Licence" by Olivia Rodrigo for sadness, "Here Comes The Sun" by the Beatles for hopefulness, etc. But it always goes back to the set earworm
for the day.