I enjoyed that and never heard it before. Seems like there's
just to much out there these days for me to keep up with
it all. Did that make me sound old? It did huh?
Sweetheart - this song was very popular about 10 years ago........ maybe 12......EDIT: The vid linked is from 2008......
Not your fault - you don't have kids yet......
my kids kept me up to date......still do.
edit on 1/10/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)
What's REALLY awesome is how every fad comes back around....in a cycle. Every 3 or 4 decades.......
the current youngsters 'adopt' former styles, and tweak them to their own liking.
lol!!! yeah, our jeans wore out because we never washed them.....bought them starched, stiff, indigo blue......
took YEARS for a pair of 501s to get broken in............
then they started selling beat-up bell-bottoms (pre-faded, pre-ripped, pre-tattered) at Abercrombie & Fitch.....for $80 per pair.
Same with halter tops, Chuck Taylors (btw, I still own a pair of vintage 70s Chuck Taylors), chunky heels, beads, scarves, etc....
It all cycles back around.
Cassette tapes are making a comeback, too!!!
Like Vinyl did a few years ago.
Maybe we can even revive "snail mail" letter-writing!!!!!
anyway - here's another for you:
(Motown satire, sorta....)
here's another......
from the year I graduated from high school:
edit on 1/10/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)
Ladies and gentleman, a suggestion by randy, our beloved Egyptian mummy:
(Like my ponytail? I was 19 years old!!!!) I loved these guys! And the Partridge Family,
But the best of all????
The Monkees!!!
Ah....this reminds me of being at the pool-hall dive on Mass St....with my younger brother, playing pool in the afternoons. This was on the
jukebox.....We danced our behinds silly!!!! We were in college, and this was like, "an oldie!"....fun!!!
(Oh, I cleared the pool table, too......the maintenance guy had to wait!)
Now, it's so easy to see that it was all dubbed.....but still - yeah, I was 8 when this some came out.....as a punishment for being bad, my parents
would tell me to go to my room and I couldn't watch the Monkees.
lol....yeah. it was painful. Anyway, yeah - when I was 10, my mother took me to see the Monkees LIVE! The Fifth Dimension opened for them.
Age of Aquarius.
So - you'll all forgive me....I am a product of my ubringing and culture, you know.
LOL!!!! Ahhhhhh. Good times.
edit on 1/17/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)
My partner was watching random youtubes yesterday, and one of them had a weird Russian tune in it... it has been in my head all day! Which I actually
don't mind... it makes me happy! had to find the full the thing. Funnily enough a google search of "youtube guy making funny sounds with his
tongue disco white jumpsuit" led me right to it.