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Giant Black Triangle/Missing Time

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posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 07:06 PM
Very interesting

However being a skeptic, why didnt you run and get a camera?

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:06 PM

Very interesting

However being a skeptic, why didnt you run and get a camera?

Did you ever think how hard it would be to run with poop in your pants?

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:14 PM
Immoralist, that was a very interesting account and well presented. I noticed you expressed an interest in hypnosis but you have some reservations. If you have apprehensions about a hypon-therapist then I recommend that you try just relaxing.

People call this meditating but I think it is a loaded word. Hypnosis involves putting your body into a deep state of relaxation but your mind is still consciously aware. It enhances your ability to connect the memory pointers in your mind and allows you to visualize with more clarity.

Sitting/laying down and relaxing is exactly what you will get from a hypo-therapist. Except they will combine repetitive audio instructions to help condition you into a state of relaxation. The audio component is very powerful because you can't prevent your mind from parsing your native language. A regression involves some other components but it is the same basic principle.

I suggest using your relaxation technique to try improving your dream recall. Start out with 5 minutes. Focus on your breathing and just relaxing. There's really no wrong way to do it though. Increase it little by little and you will eventually be able to hold the state for several hours if you want. It can take up to 15 minutes to reach a fully relaxed state but with practice you can do it in under 1 minute.
You can reach a very deep state at around 4hz (delta wave) which is the same as sleeping. When you first start out you will probably be at the higher end of the theta wave range (4Hz to 7Hz). You can move onto the event in question after several months of practice.

This isn't anything special. It's just focusing on your internal thoughts with more attention than you normally would. It is similar to stopping and visualizing where you left your keys when you can't find them; nothing special.

Doing this on your own or with your wife may be the best path because you will feel in control. If you do start to attempt to visualize the night in question then I recommend that you use an audio component as well (a recording of yourself). Use the imperative to drive your subconscious with things like the date. You can also say things like "Remember the star as you looked at it in surprise. It is low on the horizon". Don't add any additional details that you don't already remember. You are just trying to kickstart the memory links. Once they are going your mind will do the rest without instruction.

Your mind is aware when "hypnotized" so you can talk in a low/monotonous tone without breaking the state for dictation purposes.

I don't have any experience with UFOs. So, I don't know how relevant my advice will be since I'm not coming from the same experience base. I hope this helps you in some way.

I wish you luck with your job hunt.

edit on 26-3-2014 by compressedFusion because: Removed an extra "to"

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

your post was hilarious by the way, gave me an awesome laugh, thanks man lol. My avatar is actually a self portrait I painted thanks for recognizing its indebtedness to the dark side lol. I do actually think the small star like object was some sort of scout for the larger one though.


My father in law said he saw the same craft in the same spot a couple of years later around the same date actually, late september but he wouldnt go further into it, he only said he saw a large black triangular aircraft. - See more at:
reply to post by immoralist

...."but he wouldn't go further into it," don't you find this rather odd? Anyone who would have experienced what you and your father experienced would surely want to share their full experience with a close family member. Did he also experience missing time? Missing 2 hours of time isn't something you simply brush under the rug. Maybe your father recalls something he wishes he never experienced? It's one thing to witness an extraordinary event, but it's probably a mind blowing experience when you have physical contact.
edit on 26-3-2014 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

At face value yes, but honestly he is a really secretive and strange guy so I dont put that much stock into it. VERY secretive and strange guy yeah.

And as for a camera, well for most of the time I was 'missing time' and for the other 10 minutes I was trying to burn the image into my head forever, I didnt even think to get a camera actually, but I doubt it would have even shown anything really because of the insanely dark coloring of the craft, I certainly wish I would have had a smartphone on me though just for the opportunity to try and do it though.

And for the record, neither me nor my wife pooped in our pants I'll have you know.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by compressedFusion

Thats a really good point actually, deep meditation would probably do the same thing, Ive used some of the given wavelengths you can listen to on those binaural beats for relaxation and meditative purposes before but never for the purpose of thinking about that missing time. Whats REALLY odd is that I almost NEVER dream though, or at least I dont remember my dreams. In the past 8 years I may have had 4 dreams Ive remembered and they were all very short and inconsequential in nature. I personally found your post extremely helpful and well thought out. Its a great idea really.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:47 PM
Hello, in regards to your feelings of some kind of contact.....
I witnessed a craft of some sort actually descend from space (yes it gloweed brighter then dimmed at a lower alt.)
It flew diagonally across in front of me and at a mile or so, and several hundred ft
Well,....I think it sensed my growing overwhelming panic that grew as it got closer......and at that point it shot away to the south so fast it looked like a litebulb going out.....the turn was a seemless inertialess 170 degrees!
It was closing I freaked and it took off and was gone in nano seconds from flying maybe as fast as a Cessna....
I got the distinct impression they knew I was about to have a freak session mentally....and they left...

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by immoralist

I think theres a very high probability that anything that can traverse time could just as easily traverse vast distances. At least that is implied by the physics that are known.

Really enjoyed your account of the event. Ive had what may be encounters a couple times in my life though nothing in recent years.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 10:19 PM
I'm very excited to have read this story. I'd like to share my Black Triangle experience with you all.

This happened about 14 years ago, but I remember this like it happened last week. It was aprx 7:30 am (The sun was rising) as my mother and little sister were in the car on the way to school. (I live in NE Ohio btw) we came to the stop sign at the end of our neighborhood road facing east. I noticed the ONLY star still visible in the sky was just above the horizon was pulsating. We took notice of this for a few seconds as it became very bright. Just then, another light dropped below the original and circled it 3 or 4 times, danced around and stopped moving. Immediately, it rushed toward the neighborhood and stopped completely at about 1000 ft. It was a smaller black triangle than the op said he saw. About 100yds long. It made no noise but on the underside produced lights on each of the three corners and one in the middle. The lights in the corners pulsated from red to orange, yellow, blue, then back. It then accelerated from a dead stop to blurry fast in a fraction of a second as it headed west. You can see pictures of this craft as the Belgium Triangle if you google it. The pictures of the craft I described may be hoaxes, but the depiction is strangely the same. Also, the "star" it came from can be seen in the sky in the spring and late summer to this day. It gave me the feeling of intimidation at first and then no feelings at all, as we were in a stupor just staring at it. I couldn't of taken a picture if I had a camera probably.
edit on 26-3-2014 by PathagoS5S because: Revised some points and added a few.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by ToxicJane

My thought is that the colored distorting light people see in the center is the engine. Gravity engine that is powerful enough to distort time. Its possible such an engine could itself induce time fluctuations and memory loss if caught in near space to it.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 10:49 PM
Great job in describing your account.

I saw the Shiloh Illinois triangle years ago.

Although I am pretty far from there, it was massive and I saw the three lights on the back of it as described by I eyewitness accounts.

Very interesting.

edit on 26-3-2014 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 10:52 PM
Double post sorry

edit on 26-3-2014 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 11:01 PM
anyone know why this thread was moved from the ufo section to the grey area?

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 11:07 PM
Probably because you don't have any "proof".

It is a recount of an event without evidence.

It's how ATS rolls. Don't get offended.

You can go to your messages and send a message to the mod that moved it and ask them why.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by immoralist

Safest way is to ensure your partner is there monitoring your hypnosis, and then visa monitor her experience.

Not only that but even video record it.

If you're still uncertain, get a trusted friend or family member to also sit in on the session.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by pirhanna

I sure hope they are not flying low over people in the night and cloaked, if that kind of gravity can mess with memories, emotions etc, it could be some kind of mind scrambling on us.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 03:16 AM

anyone know why this thread was moved from the ufo section to the grey area?

These are clearly not UFO's you are dealing with...

They have been identified by a small handful of researchers (Joe Jordan, L.A. Marzulli, Jacques Vallee, etc.) who have exposed the fraud, coverup, and the hidden agenda behind the facade.

I haven't seen a single shred of evidence that suggests UFOs exist.

What I HAVE seen is a huge amount of evidence for entities that are masquerading as "aliens".

Joe Jordan, L.A. Marzulli, and Jacques Vallee's research makes it extremely obvious to anyone who takes the time to study it that we ARE being LIED to concerning this topic.

“UFOs are real but they are not physical. They are messengers of deception”Jacques Vallee

They are inveterate liars and deceivers, and delight in bamboozling and misleading mankind with all manner of nonsense. They are addicted to the abduction or kidnapping of humans.

The True Nature Of The 'UFO Entities'

The UFOs do not seem to exist as tangible, manufactured objects. They do not conform to the natural laws of our environment. They seem to be nothing more than transmogrifications tailoring themselves to our abilities to understand. The thousands of contacts with the entities indicate that they are liars and put-on artists. (John Keel - Operation Trojan Horse p. 266)

Why the desire to change our beliefs? These aliens had a clear teaching agenda. But why was it so important for these aliens to change our traditional spiritual beliefs? (Ibid., p.33)

Some folk are only too keen, observes Bates, “to imbibe the stories told by these visiting entities, though they cannot scientifically establish their origin or indeed their reality in the physical realm. We do know that the so-called space brothers have established a pattern of telling us things that have been proven to be demonstrably false. One should then ask, ‘Should they be trusted either?’ After all, if they have lied, should they not be treated as liars?” (Ibid., p.221)

Aliens (PDF)

They are inveterate liars and deceivers, and delight in bamboozling and misleading mankind with all manner of nonsense. They are addicted to the abduction or kidnapping of humans.

The True Nature Of The 'UFO Entities'

"One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships." - Arthur C. Clarke

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 03:51 AM
i had a very similar experience this summer. my girlfriend and i were staying with my mom and step-dad in the country. one very hot night (there was a heat wave in new york last summer) we decided to keep cool and sleep outside. At around midnight while stare-gazing I pointed out a "very bright star", and within moments of me saying this, we noticed it start moving up and down and in random directions. Soon, we felt like it noticed us (i'm not ripping off your story, this really happened) and it came flying over to the left of us silently, it came from the west and headed east slightly to the north. When it got near, we could see it was triangular with lights going around the bottom that flashed in a loop one after another, everything was still and things got quiet - even the cicadas shut up! The otherwise noisy woods fell silent, the bugs, the birds, the dogs that are always howling in the background. Then after it passed, we were pretty creeped out. We looked back to where it originated and now we could see the outline of a triangle shape with some lights around it, smaller dots of light were coming out of it, splitting in threes and flying off in different directions. It lasted for about 20 minutes, we tried to film it but nothing would show up on our phone cameras. The experience made me a believer in UFO phenomena fer sure. To add to the mystery this was in the mountains where Bob Dylan crashed his motorcycle, prompting him to make "All Along the Watchtower", which would later be covered by Jimi Hendrix who most likely was killed by the illuminati.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:28 AM
I'm skeptical, not because do your account, which was one of the better I've read, but purely because im a skeptical person.

What I would suggest if you do hypnosis is that you and your wife see different hypnotists.. That way it will be a bit more blind.

Cool story nonetheless.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:09 AM
Just curious, was there any physical sensation associated with the event? Like tingling skin or feeling warm (or cold) or feeling like your skin was burning?

Its weird because your account is eerily like one (actually might be four in total) experience(s) I had, but I honestly considered it all as being a/an dream(s) as the other people involved seemed to have no recollection at all. The main factor being that each incident was followed by a weird sensation that my skin felt like it was burning, like touching a stove element, but was not actually burning and had no rash or markings of any kind (after or during).

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:04 AM


These are clearly not UFO's you are dealing with...

They have been identified by a small handful of researchers (Joe Jordan, L.A. Marzulli, Jacques Vallee, etc.) who have exposed the fraud, coverup, and the hidden agenda behind the facade.

I haven't seen a single shred of evidence that suggests UFOs exist.

What I HAVE seen is a huge amount of evidence for entities that are masquerading as "aliens".

The True Nature Of The 'UFO Entities'

"One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships." - Arthur C. Clarke

Well, its a UFO regardless of the causality sir, its an unidentified flying object, so you saying its not a ufo is defacto invalid. However your point that its not Aliens I tend to agree with actually.

But what was it then? you gave me a lot of links but just give me the skinny, what are these lying entities?

Just curious, was there any physical sensation associated with the event? Like tingling skin or feeling warm (or cold) or feeling like your skin was burning?

Its weird because your account is eerily like one (actually might be four in total) experience(s) I had, but I honestly considered it all as being a/an dream(s) as the other people involved seemed to have no recollection at all. The main factor being that each incident was followed by a weird sensation that my skin felt like it was burning, like touching a stove element, but was not actually burning and had no rash or markings of any kind (after or during).

The air was charged yes, it was...almost like an intense magnetic field, or the feeling soundless 'hum' , i know thats odd but Im struggling to describe the feeling actually.

It was definitely interacting with us cognitively / psychologically. There is an overall dreamlike quality to the whole scenario, there are gaps in both of the memories of me and my wife, the whole picture of the triangular craft is elusive in some respects, the details are slightly shifting/snakey, when you try to grasp the memory it rolls from under your grasp to a certain degree.

My wife has said that since the event she has had dreams of the circuit board pattern pattern on the bottom.
There were certain sections of the bottom which were locally illuminated but when I think of the 'whole' of the craft I dont see any of those lit spots, I have local memories of the lit up sections but ZERO big picture recollection of any lit up sections which is really odd.

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