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Giant Black Triangle/Missing Time

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posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: immoralist
a reply to: JackHill

Though I WOULD really like to have an informal session with my wife or myself possibly leading the hypnosis session and then just seeing what would come out of it, taken with a very high degree of skeptical interpretation as the possible outcome of the uninhibited brain desperately trying to fill a memory void, Man would rather will anything than nothing at all after all.

I completely agree with you, myself, I would be unable to let it be, eventually I'd try to get answers. Of course hypnosis therapies has been targeted as not so reliable methods to recover suppressed memories, but like everything, there should exist some treatments that could help you both with that. I mean, come on, we're talking about a shared lost time experience related to a UFO encounter, this is so RARE, it definitely diserves a try. The first step should be to contact a respectable professional on this subject and see what results you could get. You already gave a first step sharing this with this community. My 2 cents.

EDIT to add: As I said, this is a shared experience. BOTH lost the same chunk of time. It's logical to assume that if you're treated separately, you both could eventually share notes and check if your memories on the lost time conform a match. Man, this is so odd, but I believe the fact it happened to two witness at the same time certainly helps in any attempt to try to recover these memories.
edit on 10-8-2014 by JackHill because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 07:11 AM
nobody acknowledges what i wrote smh i shoulda stuck to readin not commenting

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:56 PM
That imaginary photo was an illustration of a little frisby which a French (as I can remember) placed 3 light bulbs to the edges of a triangle and threw it into the air standing with a camera below to take a fake photo.

Another thing; if there is a machine like that; maybe it is a surveliance machine of US to take care of you better. Maybe they were testing over there.

Look; if they wanted; they would come and say hello to us. You guys are saying they have been living millions of years and imagine the technology. They are not saying hello probably it would create a chaos and the system would collapse; people would be misleaded to a more chaotic reality. If there are no Aliens; then there are no aliens. I prefer to think them as better aerodynamic airplanes with more safety.


posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: immoralist

Interesting read thank you for sharing it here

good luck with the missing time i have been trying to figure it out now for 40 years now when it first happened to me lot's of missing time but no triangles for me .

q1 did you notice any dental anomalies q2 were the dogs ever weird later

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: douglas5 I didnt notice any dental anomalies directly after the event at all. In fact I dont even know if I thought to look for something like that honestly. I do however have a large hard bone like protrusion underneath of my right lower canine tooth but Im sure thats relatively common.

The dogs have been living with me for....well the last 8 or so years since the experience , I mean sometimes dogs act weird lol. I did however find a couple of times, my dog Loki, just sitting outside of my house by himself staring straight up into the sky at night, I called his attention 3 or so times, he looked over his shoulder and down at me, and continued looking up into the clear night sky. But I dont put much stock into that being connected.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 01:06 PM
I did a quick Sketch ROUGHLY giving the impression of the craft my wife and I saw, it was much darker though, and blended into the sky a lot better than in this image, there was also a holographic like haze around the lights and outer edges which I failed to capture.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: immoralist

I think you

a) saw something real
b) from and of this earth
c) whose propulsion or cloaking or electronic countermeasures has effects on brains

The 'missing time' sounds like what happens when people are unable to make long-term memories. They can function well and consciously in the moment (you were probably going about your business during the missing time fully awake) but don't have any later memory. Your canoodle was disturbed somehow and later recovered on its own.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 03:02 PM
But the size of this craft suggests something otherworldly imo
a reply to: mbkennel

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 10:22 PM
Thanks for sharing your story. I share your postulation that these are craft form the future utilizing technology that hasn't even been dream t of yet. I look at archeologists today doing a dig to get a grasp on how life was thousands of years ago and it dawned on me that perhaps many of these triangle craft are here doing essentially the same thing. Mission directive numero uno being not to be seen or interfere with the future in order to minimize paradox, and time travel ethics. I can even visualize a huge bureaucracy over-seeing all the trips to the past, and if they mess up and are seen? Well, you could fix it if you had a time machine.. Thanks for a great post. a reply to: immoralist

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 08:51 PM
Things like this make us wonder how much we still don't know about our reality. I mean, come one, that thing seems to come from Independence Day. And it's pretty obvious to me that the US military branches KNOW, at least in part, WHAT these things are. If the OP is correct about the size, it's just IMPOSSIBLE that any country on this planet is currently capable of building it.

This only lead us to two possibilities:

-The OP is blatantly lying.
-The craft is EXTRATERRESTRIAL (in the meaning that doesn't belong to our society).

Maybe the key to solve some part of the mystery relies on the lost memories on BOTH witnesses. I still believe this is a fantastic opportunity for both of you to conduct memory recovery therapies with INDEPENDENT specialists and later to compare notes.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: immoralist


These are clearly not UFO's you are dealing with...

Well, its a UFO regardless of the causality sir, its an unidentified flying object, so you saying its not a ufo is defacto invalid. However your point that its not Aliens I tend to agree with actually.

But what was it then? you gave me a lot of links but just give me the skinny, what are these lying entities?

Im still a materialist atheist philosophically but I certainly the doors of perception have been flung open.

This is what is happening now to a lot of people with your type beliefs, not to be rude or anything. Not one person who is a true believer in God has ever seen any UFO with missing time, yeah they may have seen advanced military aircraft before but never came out and said they had an experience with missing time while seeing a UFO.

Your experience was not here in the physical sense per say, it was a dark spiritual attack to fool you. It is happening to many people so don't feel alone.

The Watchers from the Bible and Book of Enoch describe these evil ones in pretty good detail. The one that stands out is that, they can take any form they want as beings of light, not to be confused with good, they once were but these 200 disobeyed God by wanting to rule over us humans instead of helping us as God commanded.

Just like before the flood, they came to earth and played we are your gods, we made you yada yada yada. The stories are everywhere. They feel they can try to change our DNA through these abductions by taking your sperm and your wifes eggs and mixing them with their DNA to repopulate earth with their Nephilim Giants AGAIN creating a Godless creature with no real soul and be a direct in your face to God himself, That is what brought on the last great Flood. The Flood was sent to drown all these Nephilm creatures that were tormenting man at the time of Noah. In the Bible it says the end of days will be like the days of Noah.

The whole Alien agenda is to try and make people believe they are from some way off planet, they will claim they are our makers and fool a lot of people into thinking their is no one true God of Heaven and Genesis.

The greatest trick the devil has ever pulled was convincing the masses he did not exist. If he doesn't then God doesn't, that is his goal and to get dominion over all of us. The Truth is far stranger than what we have been led to believe. It is our generation is the one that will see all this take place. They are back and God has set the end times in motion to punish man for their sins. Pick up the book and get to know him before the warnings and chastisements come, it will be easier to bare as we experience the worst that man has to offer.

If anything like this ever starts to happen again, cry out to Jesus Christ for help and see how fast they leave you alone. The next time they come for you will not be a pleasant one.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: immoralist

Just wanted to thank you for uploading that drawing you did of the craft you saw. It's very interesting.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge

originally posted by: immoralist

Well, its a UFO regardless of the causality sir, its an unidentified flying object, so you saying its not a ufo is defacto invalid. However your point that its not Aliens I tend to agree with actually.

But what was it then? you gave me a lot of links but just give me the skinny, what are these lying entities?

Im still a materialist atheist philosophically but I certainly the doors of perception have been flung open.

This is what is happening now to a lot of people with your type beliefs, not to be rude or anything. Not one person who is a true believer in God has ever seen any UFO with missing time, yeah they may have seen advanced military aircraft before but never came out and said they had an experience with missing time while seeing a UFO.

Your experience was not here in the physical sense per say, it was a dark spiritual attack to fool you. It is happening to many people so don't feel alone.

The Watchers from the Bible and Book of Enoch describe these evil ones in pretty good detail. The one that stands out is that, they can take any form they want as beings of light, not to be confused with good, they once were but these 200 disobeyed God by wanting to rule over us humans instead of helping us as God commanded.

Just like before the flood, they came to earth and played we are your gods, we made you yada yada yada. The stories are everywhere. They feel they can try to change our DNA through these abductions by taking your sperm and your wifes eggs and mixing them with their DNA to repopulate earth with their Nephilim Giants AGAIN creating a Godless creature with no real soul and be a direct in your face to God himself, That is what brought on the last great Flood. The Flood was sent to drown all these Nephilm creatures that were tormenting man at the time of Noah. In the Bible it says the end of days will be like the days of Noah.

The whole Alien agenda is to try and make people believe they are from some way off planet, they will claim they are our makers and fool a lot of people into thinking their is no one true God of Heaven and Genesis.

The greatest trick the devil has ever pulled was convincing the masses he did not exist. If he doesn't then God doesn't, that is his goal and to get dominion over all of us. The Truth is far stranger than what we have been led to believe. It is our generation is the one that will see all this take place. They are back and God has set the end times in motion to punish man for their sins. Pick up the book and get to know him before the warnings and chastisements come, it will be easier to bare as we experience the worst that man has to offer.

If anything like this ever starts to happen again, cry out to Jesus Christ for help and see how fast they leave you alone. The next time they come for you will not be a pleasant one.

This is a ridiculous statement. I used to be a devout born again christian, i had intentions of becoming a missionary. The fact that you are certain that my ufo experience is a 'dark spiritual attack' when Ive suffered no ill will, nor fear from the experience is pretty hilarious in my opinion. As though the universe revolved around your petty bronze age magicians life lol.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: immoralist


I came to this thread by you mentioning it in on the "Philly sighting" thread.
I don't know how I missed this when you first posted it.

You must assume that some mods, as are some members, give UFOs, triangles, orbes, etc. a short shift so they want to dwon play the possibility of the any "woo woo" account being near to being actual.
Their minds aren't big enough to handle such data I guess.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Aliensun

I wouldn't.

I've seen what I *think* was a black triangle. The photos unfortunately turned out very blurry and it just looks like a tiny black smudge or a bug.

I was standing out in my front yard and looked up to see this tiny, black triangular shape in the sky above me. It was really, really high because of the types of clouds we had that day. I could tell it had three sides because it was slowly rotating clockwise (from my vantage point) and also "sliding" West to East.

I had my girl come outside and she saw it as well, we both scrambled and tried to take photos. We watched it for about 15 minutes sort of hover over my location until it finally moved slowly off to the East behind some trees.

For scale, it was about this big in the sky relative to me: o

That's all I've got...

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: immoralist


I came to this thread by you mentioning it in on the "Philly sighting" thread.
I don't know how I missed this when you first posted it.

You must assume that some mods, as are some members, give UFOs, triangles, orbes, etc. a short shift so they want to dwon play the possibility of the any "woo woo" account being near to being actual.
Their minds aren't big enough to handle such data I guess.

I probably disagree with your posts about 80% of the time!
But I 100% agree with your response on this.

I myself have only ever seen 1 'UFO' in 54 years. It was huge.
Absolutely huge. (in relative size - I have no reference point
for distance away). I could see tiny details on it. It looked
absolutely like something humans could build at first.. well
Star Trek humans at least.. then it changed shape 3 times.
That's just one of the crazy things it did.

But you are right --- that 'woo' has made it so that only
demonologists, Muslims, Vallee and Keel readers(and Vallee himself)
and the odd parapsychologist will even talk to me about it.
That's been less than 10 people in almost 2 years now.

I guess that's ok.... I'm bored of the dead end called
UFO research. Like Vallee, I don't believe that any
of these things are actually 'UFOs' other than that
they are by definition unidentified (I'm not entirely
even buying 'flying' or 'objects').


posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: immoralist

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge

originally posted by: immoralist

Well, its a UFO regardless of the causality sir, its an unidentified flying object, so you saying its not a ufo is defacto invalid. However your point that its not Aliens I tend to agree with actually.

But what was it then? you gave me a lot of links but just give me the skinny, what are these lying entities?

Im still a materialist atheist philosophically but I certainly the doors of perception have been flung open.

This is what is happening now to a lot of people with your type beliefs, not to be rude or anything. Not one person who is a true believer in God has ever seen any UFO with missing time, yeah they may have seen advanced military aircraft before but never came out and said they had an experience with missing time while seeing a UFO.

Your experience was not here in the physical sense per say, it was a dark spiritual attack to fool you. It is happening to many people so don't feel alone.

The Watchers from the Bible and Book of Enoch describe these evil ones in pretty good detail. The one that stands out is that, they can take any form they want as beings of light, not to be confused with good, they once were but these 200 disobeyed God by wanting to rule over us humans instead of helping us as God commanded.

Just like before the flood, they came to earth and played we are your gods, we made you yada yada yada. The stories are everywhere. They feel they can try to change our DNA through these abductions by taking your sperm and your wifes eggs and mixing them with their DNA to repopulate earth with their Nephilim Giants AGAIN creating a Godless creature with no real soul and be a direct in your face to God himself, That is what brought on the last great Flood. The Flood was sent to drown all these Nephilm creatures that were tormenting man at the time of Noah. In the Bible it says the end of days will be like the days of Noah.

The whole Alien agenda is to try and make people believe they are from some way off planet, they will claim they are our makers and fool a lot of people into thinking their is no one true God of Heaven and Genesis.

The greatest trick the devil has ever pulled was convincing the masses he did not exist. If he doesn't then God doesn't, that is his goal and to get dominion over all of us. The Truth is far stranger than what we have been led to believe. It is our generation is the one that will see all this take place. They are back and God has set the end times in motion to punish man for their sins. Pick up the book and get to know him before the warnings and chastisements come, it will be easier to bare as we experience the worst that man has to offer.

If anything like this ever starts to happen again, cry out to Jesus Christ for help and see how fast they leave you alone. The next time they come for you will not be a pleasant one.

This is a ridiculous statement. I used to be a devout born again christian, i had intentions of becoming a missionary. The fact that you are certain that my ufo experience is a 'dark spiritual attack' when Ive suffered no ill will, nor fear from the experience is pretty hilarious in my opinion. As though the universe revolved around your petty bronze age magicians life lol.
But once a Born Again is always a Born Again.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: immoralist


I came to this thread by you mentioning it in on the "Philly sighting" thread.
I don't know how I missed this when you first posted it.

You must assume that some mods, as are some members, give UFOs, triangles, orbes, etc. a short shift so they want to dwon play the possibility of the any "woo woo" account being near to being actual.
Their minds aren't big enough to handle such data I guess.

When you say Huge, what was the shape, what were the parts of it, color? Details.

I probably disagree with your posts about 80% of the time!
But I 100% agree with your response on this.

I myself have only ever seen 1 'UFO' in 54 years. It was huge.
Absolutely huge. (in relative size - I have no reference point
for distance away). I could see tiny details on it. It looked
absolutely like something humans could build at first.. well
Star Trek humans at least.. then it changed shape 3 times.
That's just one of the crazy things it did.

But you are right --- that 'woo' has made it so that only
demonologists, Muslims, Vallee and Keel readers(and Vallee himself)
and the odd parapsychologist will even talk to me about it.
That's been less than 10 people in almost 2 years now.

I guess that's ok.... I'm bored of the dead end called
UFO research. Like Vallee, I don't believe that any
of these things are actually 'UFOs' other than that
they are by definition unidentified (I'm not entirely
even buying 'flying' or 'objects').


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