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The Rich MUST Be Stopped. they are feeding off ALL of us!

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posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 01:49 PM
The rich have to be stopped. Now all the kinda rich and the wannabe rich have a lightning rod to shill on, this thread.

But it is so VERY true. I would like to keep this is simple terms and concepts.

The rich heavily invest in commodities when the stock market and overall economy are bad.

How do the rich profit off of commodities exactly? By investing in things everyone needs, raising the price of said commodity, and therefore when someone buys a gallon of milk, a portion of that money goes directly into the pocket of the rich. this is the MAIN cause behind the inflation of food, housing, medicine, etc.

When the rich have money, they try and increase that money through investing. And what is the goal of investing? to take out more in profits than you inject via capital.

When the economy is booming, everyone has some portion of profit. But when the economy is bad, the rich STEAL directly from all of us.

Imagine piranha in a river. When their is balance (good economy) they feed off of other fish. When they have eaten everything, they turn against their own kind. This is the rich! they are feeding off of US! through commodities.

Next time you pay rent, remember that part of that is going directly to the landlord so his/her family can have more. Part of your hard earned scraps are going to buy his/her kids things instead of your own children.

Next time you are at the grocery store and see the higher price for milk, bread, meat, toiled paper, salt, etc.. Remember that the price has gone up because the rich are investing in it to 'turn a profit'. Part of that grocery bill is going directly into the pocket of the rich!

When the economy is good the rich profit, when the economy is bad the rich still profit, while everyone else struggles. And the rich continue the profiting at OUR expense! this must stop.

4 major ways the rich pile on and exploit

And then look at this article and remember that the rich are behind the price increases, and that part of the price increase is money going directly into the rich pockets.

soaring food prices

It is the pure essence of kicking someone while they are down

edit on 25-3-2014 by HanzHenry because: bb

edit on 25-3-2014 by HanzHenry because: bb

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 01:55 PM
I keep waiting to hear a Banker say "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"

They might as well, they have come close enough.

What was the one billionaire saying he felt like a jew in the Holocaust?

Thats about the modern Equivalent of Let them eat cake.

So out of touch with the common people, its starting to sound french revolutionie up in here.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 01:57 PM
People have a right to make money.
People have a right to keep what they make.
We can't steal it from them.
While I wish they'd voluntarily share more of their wealth for the good of the planet
... I don't know how to spark them into doing so.

But simply taking it from them is the wrong answer.
Those that did so, and those that 'took care' of the wealth, would just be corrupted.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:00 PM
I would have to say that it is the actions of the wannabes that cause the most problems. The Elite sometimes do not know what their businesses are doing, they are out there entertaining and usually don't pay attention, as long as the money keeps coming in. Now the middle man is the one who makes up the bad policies so they can impress people and climb the ladder.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:04 PM

So out of touch with the common people, its starting to sound french revolutionie up in here.
reply to post by benrl

Have no fear....there is no revolution coming. The American people have been completely pacified.

They blame the poor for getting $1.40 per meal on food stamps.

While corporations and banks get trillions of your tax dollars handed to them.

You can't make this stuff up.

America is lost....let the race to the bottom continue....

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:05 PM

People have a right to make money.
People have a right to keep what they make.
We can't steal it from them.
While I wish they'd voluntarily share more of their wealth for the good of the planet
... I don't know how to spark them into doing so.

But simply taking it from them is the wrong answer.
Those that did so, and those that 'took care' of the wealth, would just be corrupted.

Ah but than the question becomes, Has the system been unfairly gamed against certain socio economic lines,

And than would still mean its their Right?

OR if the Wealthy have used their wealth to subjugate the Democratic process, alter laws, and tilt the game in their favor, should not something be done?

Is it not the purpose of the government to protect its citizens interest, and not those of a very small but wealthy minority?
edit on 25-3-2014 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:07 PM
We need a complete over haul of our systems. New money new governance . Everyone should be on a more or less playing field when it comes to money and earnings . Part of the reasons why I like communism and agenda 21 . No one is better than everyone we all chip in and make our society function . Our resources and land belong to everyone not to governments and corporations yet we all seem to be ok with it, hell I find the majority of people fight in their own way to keep the same old system .

New system new money only allowed a carry over of a million dollars
edit on 25/3/14 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:10 PM

We can't steal it from them.
reply to post by FlyersFan

But they can and do, steal it from you. These same corporations that have more than 1.3 trillion parked off shore so they can avoid paying taxes...and banks getting 65 billion a month in QE...all money you and your children will have to pay back.

Thats very giving of you. Maybe they will wave to you from their 300 billion dollar say thanks.

Those that did so, and those that 'took care' of the wealth, would just be corrupted.

The system is already corrupted beyond belief....the only ones not benefitting from this redistribution of your wealth is you.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:11 PM
The thing with the really rich is they are rich because they cant stop.

I wish i had a job, made a million pounds asap so i could retire and spend it doing somthing things i like. Sure i wouldnt be living in luxury, i dont want that, i just want to be happy and lazy

Then they make more and more investments, buy out other company's etc and just never ever stop, look at that moron Trump. Hes sso tight he wont even a nuy himself a nice hat!!!

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:13 PM
Stealing is wrong, but when Rich steals, its legal and business.

Problem is they have us so dependent on their system(we all are whether we like it or not), that what they are doing is not stealing anymore, it has other words like "supply and demand" or "we have to pay our illegal workers normal wage."

Rich controls government.. go figure.
edit on 3/25/2014 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:23 PM
Who decides what qualifies as "the rich" though?
To someone in central Africa, anyone in the west is rich, even our homeless.
To the average joe in China, again..everyone in the west (not just the US, but all the nato areas) are rich parasites.

I guess you can simply take on the joker philosophy -I don't trust anyone who makes more than me-

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

I could also say that the poor need to be stopped. That they are leaching upon all of us.

You want to be rich? Then get off your butt and work for it. I hope you succeed. But it's easier to complain than actually be productive isn't it?

I hate these types of threads just for the fact that there are people out there that actually believe this drivel.

Suck it up Buttercup.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by luciddream

I think it's interesting to look at cases which demonstrate what happens when people try to free themselves from that system and get themselves off the grid and living a sustainable, independent life. Suddenly the feds are there with all kinds of inspectors and regulations and lawsuits. Our "freedom" is an illusion. Only the ultra rich are truly free. The rest of us exist to pay for their exorbitant lifestyles. They really do view us as cattle, and to be perfectly honest I can't blame them. They herd us where they want us to go, and we go. They fill the trough for us to feed from, from time to time, and we squeal gleefully. They butcher us and thin our numbers with wars, and we walk headlong into the slaughterhouse. Sometimes we even earn medals for it. We piss and moan occasionally because our enclosures are too small or we want more slop for dinner, but we never do anything about it. They just offer us a new distraction and we are back to wallowing happily in our own filth and mud, our displeasures forgotten for the time being.

It's interesting. They view the economy and everything in it (including us) as theirs. They even have most of us believing it too. How many times have you heard the argument that the rich provide the rest of us with jobs? Well what did we do before we had jobs? Worked the land for the wealthy in exchange for a place to build our huts. Sometimes I think they cut us a little slack with the illusion of "the american dream" and things like lotteries because they found it comical to see what the profane look like when they have some money to throw around. Sort of a joke to them. Like putting lipstick on a pig.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:30 PM

reply to post by HanzHenry

I could also say that the poor need to be stopped. That they are leaching upon all of us.

You want to be rich? Then get off your butt and work for it. I hope you succeed. But it's easier to complain than actually be productive isn't it?

I hate these types of threads just for the fact that there are people out there that actually believe this drivel.

Suck it up Buttercup.

I am thriving at a time when others are not,

I am not lazy, I am on the verge of purchasing a 2nd home.

I have done it, by being smarter, being willing to do what others wont,

I took myself off Disability against doctors orders, to work with the sweat of my brow and earn my place in Firm middle classdom.

And this much I can say,

The climb to being secure in Middle class, was never so hard for My father, or His father before him,

That is a problem.

We are living in a time, where this generation of american WILL have it worse off than those who came before, NO sane person can look at the current system and think this is how it should be.


I will also add to this, I got to see my father, lose every gain he ever made to middleclass, all in a three year span, Company folded, Pension with it, lost his home, everything.

He now has to live with the help of others, after Making a success of himself, once the job went, the banks where quick to take the house with out modification to resell it out from under him.

He was also, by no means, a lazy man.
edit on 25-3-2014 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Think of all the trillions of dollars a redistribution of wealth would release to those poor in Africa.

If the average joe all over the world would stand up and fight for this to happen, we could usher on an age where everyone was able to do what they were most interested in to benefit humanity. Not the self. Money is simply a way of entrapment. The less of it you have, the more likely you are to suffer a set back that will destroy you. Think about it. A person supporting a family paycheck to paycheck just piles on debt until they are in to deep to ever return. Then they loose their home, the car, the kids, then they are under the support of a family member who will then begin to become drained. The cycle continues.

This is something that it is up to us to make happen. I'm sorry but there are no aliens coming to save us, the rich aren't going to do it. People are tricked into thinking the self is more important, when self sacrifice is what brings happiness. To do what you are best at to benefit humanity.

People who love making others healthy will be doctors.

Those with good ideas will be engineers, scientists, and scholars.

We have the technology to do most grunt work with technology these days, and the rest can be done on a part time basis by people who are unsure of what they like to do.

Change careers at your whim. There is a way to be both HAPPY AND FREE!!

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:35 PM

reply to post by SaturnFX

Think of all the trillions of dollars a redistribution of wealth would release to those poor in Africa.

It isn't much. Because of the worlds population, if we took everything the rich had and spread it across the globe to everyone on the planet, We'd all get something like $500. Which is a huge sum of money for some people. $500 doesn't buy what it used to here, but it would be $500 I didn't have before

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by andr3w68

Redistribution is the wrong term,

Whats needed is sound fiscal policy in regards to things Like trade tariffs, Nafta, etc.

The imbalance trading skilled manufacture jobs, for cheeper goods, was a deal with the devil.

It allowed corporate profits to soar, while cannibalizing the skilled worker base.

I would never ask for redistribution.

Just a fair shot at the American dream we have all been sold.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:39 PM

Think of all the trillions of dollars a redistribution of wealth would release to those poor in Africa.

And think about all the corruption and theft of that 'redistributed wealth' that would go on, especially at the management levels. Just look at the United Nations and that corruption ... look at how much of our 'aid' money actually gets to people in Africa and how much the war lords steal ...

Just playing Robin Hood - steal from the rich and give to the poor - won't work.

There has to be a fundamental change in the thought process of the uber-rich.
There has to be a fundamental change in the thought process of the corrupt managers of the aid money.
There has to be a fundamental change in the thought process of the poor who are that way because of their own bad choices. I"m not saying ALL the poor, I'm talking about those who suck off society when they could be earning a living. In the USA, there is always the military to go into .... earn a living, get free housing and food and clothing, a free education, and job experience. Young health Americans can do that instead of playing in gangs and running drugs.

Nearly everyone can do better.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

Okay, well think of the effect of removing money entirely. Using the resources available at hand to make things fair for all. There are plenty of resources for humanity if they are spread evenly.

Why do we need money?

Why cant we do what we enjoy for the benefit of others?

Is there really a need for anyone to be better than anyone else if there is enough for everyone?


Please take not that I don't claim to have any answers. I'm only "stirring the pot" so to say. I'm trying to think about ways to solve this problem instead of talking ABOUT THE PROBLEM.

Let's talk about the SOLUTION.

edit on 25-3-2014 by andr3w68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:43 PM

reply to post by DeadSeraph

Okay, well think of the effect of removing money entirely. Using the resources available at hand to make things fair for all. There are plenty of resources for humanity if they are spread evenly.

Why do we need money?

Why cant we do what we enjoy for the benefit of others?

Is there really a need for anyone to be better than anyone else if there is enough for everyone?

Because, we are not an enlighten species,

We have to live in reality not make believe.

I would love to believe in the good nature of man, but every evidence history has given us shows, we are a petty, spiteful, tribal people.

Ideally, Id love a meritocracy that prized the citizens Ability and nurtured that above all else, never happen, but I feel TRUE capitalism is near that.

What we have now, is far from that, Government has favored poor business models by subsidizing them in the laws, with tax breaks and unfair trade imbalances.

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