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Are women the true spiritual leaders?

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posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by zuimon

Men and Women have equal ability to obtain enlightenment.

How does having different sexual organs make you more/less likely to be spiritual?

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:08 AM

reply to post by vasaga

I'm going to have to disagree with you. There are millions of women leaders in the world. They are prime ministers, senators, CEOs, Generals, Supervisors, Managers, Team leads, Queens, Presidents, VPs, Directors, single Parents. Women do take the hard jobs. You've lived a sheltered life if you don't think women are equal to men in this respect.
Ok. That's not exactly what I'm talking about... Name a few that are comparable to say... Gandhi, Martin Luther King, JFK, Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, John Lennon... True leadership is being able to shake the establishment, not being well adapted to the already established one.
As for single parenting... Most children do not turn out well when raised in a single mother home, and single fathers generally do better. This is well-established by scientific research...

The whole idea that women are suppressed by men is a false idea. Everyone is being suppressed by the elites. In the past, neither men nor women were allowed to vote. But now everyone beliefs only women were not allowed to vote. That's the most obvious example as to how this world has been feminized to actually glorify women while pretending they are still being suppressed.

reply to post by zuimon

Men and Women have equal ability to obtain enlightenment.

How does having different sexual organs make you more/less likely to be spiritual?
There are more differences between men and women than just sexual organs. Hormones is one of the most important factors. A man is generally more stable than a woman because he doesn't have as many hormonal swings that change his mood and perspective. It's a lot harder for women to be consistent.
edit on 24-3-2014 by vasaga because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:17 AM


reply to post by vasaga

I'm going to have to disagree with you. There are millions of women leaders in the world. They are prime ministers, senators, CEOs, Generals, Supervisors, Managers, Team leads, Queens, Presidents, VPs, Directors, single Parents. Women do take the hard jobs. You've lived a sheltered life if you don't think women are equal to men in this respect.
Ok. That's not exactly what I'm talking about... Name a few that are comparable to say... Gandhi, Martin Luther King, JFK, Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, John Lennon... True leadership is being able to shake the establishment, not being well adapted to the already established one.
As for single parenting... Most children do not turn out well when raised in a single mother home, and single fathers generally do better. This is well-established by scientific research...

The whole idea that women are suppressed by men is a false idea. Everyone is being suppressed by the elites. In the past, neither men nor women were allowed to vote. But now everyone beliefs only women were not allowed to vote. That's the most obvious example as to how this world has been feminized to actually glorify women while pretending they are still being suppressed.

reply to post by zuimon

Men and Women have equal ability to obtain enlightenment.

How does having different sexual organs make you more/less likely to be spiritual?
There are more differences between men and women than just sexual organs. Hormones is one of the most important factors. A man is generally more stable than a woman because he doesn't have as many hormonal swings that change his mood and perspective. It's a lot harder for women to be consistent.
edit on 24-3-2014 by vasaga because: (no reason given)

I agree with you that we are all being suppressed but I could list an equal number of great female leaders I mean it was Rosa Parks that sparked the Civil rights movement, it was Susan Anthony that led the fight for women to vote in America, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Cleopatra. I mean, we're just trading names, but that last job I had, my supervisor, manager, director and VP were all females. Women are equal to men in leadership roles and have had just as much impact on world history as men.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by amazing

Fair enough.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by zuimon

What is a "spiritual leader"?

If it is merely one who piously speaks his or her opinion above others, I'd say all genders practice this. I'd also say we should do away with the spiritual leader all together.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by amazing

Margaret Thatcher??? She might be a leader but I would call her the opposite of people who are working of the good of all and not just themselves. To me she shows that woman can be as bad as men if they try. It is like calling Nixon spiritual and en-lighten-ed.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 02:38 PM

reply to post by amazing

Margaret Thatcher??? She might be a leader but I would call her the opposite of people who are working of the good of all and not just themselves. To me she shows that woman can be as bad as men if they try. It is like calling Nixon spiritual and en-lighten-ed.

Well yes, I put her name out there to show that women can be every bit as strong as leaders as men. She was one of the strongest leaders ever. Spiritual not so much...I agree.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 02:42 PM

reply to post by amazing

Margaret Thatcher??? She might be a leader but I would call her the opposite of people who are working of the good of all and not just themselves. To me she shows that woman can be as bad as men if they try. It is like calling Nixon spiritual and en-lighten-ed.

You're kidding right?

If I ever became a leader as a woman, I'd hope to be half as good at it as Thatcher was.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 03:10 PM


reply to post by amazing

Margaret Thatcher??? She might be a leader but I would call her the opposite of people who are working of the good of all and not just themselves. To me she shows that woman can be as bad as men if they try. It is like calling Nixon spiritual and en-lighten-ed.

You're kidding right?

If I ever became a leader as a woman, I'd hope to be half as good at it as Thatcher was.

You can admire her way to lead and argument and I agree she was strong and good at bending people to her will. So was Hitler. Being good at leading do not mean you are a force for equality and prosperity for all.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by zuimon

Women are just as messed up as men. Google #killallmen for an example.

Spirituality shouldn't have a leader. Maybe guides to help you find your way in the beginning, but having someone decide how you feel and interact with things and ultimately provide a judgement really misses the point.

Anyway, if I was the one, I'd advocate two wheels as a way to work out the kinks in your psyche. Only cos it's what works for me. That and rum

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 03:50 PM


And as a bit of fun for you girls (and guys): If you were suddenly told you are the spiritual leader of humanity, it’s all up to you to ‘save us’, how would you go about it? What would be the first thing you’d do?

Well the first thing I would do is retire..

most of the world is past saving

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 02:28 PM

Are women the true spiritual leaders? The Urantia Book says they are.

Is it possible that we’ve got it horribly wrong by having men determine the beliefs, structures and ways of our religions and spiritual systems.

Should we instead be looking to women for our spiritual survival. What do you reckon?

And do you think there is a conspiracy at work here? How is it that men have dominated our spiritual and religious lives for so long? What has happened to keep woman's truth so suppressed? And if women were able to express themselves freely - what would that spiritual or religious system look like?

And as a bit of fun for you girls (and guys): If you were suddenly told you are the spiritual leader of humanity, it’s all up to you to ‘save us’, how would you go about it? What would be the first thing you’d do?

I think that either extreme misses the truth and is falsehood. An example would be the people and feminists who reject a male God and then swing to the other end and embrace a female one. There is no reason that the universal higher power would be anthropomorphic and have a animal gender.

We occupy these bodies, and mere hormones differentiate us in the womb, such as the anti-Mulerian hormone which suppresses female development and starts a child in the direction of male.

I don't think that either sex is inherently more spiritual, and there have been examples of extremely enlightened people of both sexes throughout history.

I think that you also have to separate the actual religious beliefs we have from the superimposed patriarcal heirarachy. It is an assumption that women would have come up with a different belief system that wasn't female dominated (i.e. with a female god and female dominance).

Also, there is an element of sexism and patriarchal views in the idea that women are less violent, would be better leaders, more spiritual, closer to the earth, etc.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 03:32 PM
There are more women than men on this planet. Not only do we as a species produce more women than men, we also lose more men than women to unnatural death. Mammals, on average, produce a higher statistic of female members of their species than males. Generally because it's better to have more females than male for the survival of the species.

With that said, women are just as bloodthirsty, if not more, when placed into power than males. This is proven through human history. The fact is, humans are humans. And we will continue to act and behave the way we always have no matter how many thousands of years pass or which sex is in power.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by simsumre

I refuse to accept that we can't do better.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by zuimon

Why one sexover another . Its about becoming qualified on a spiritual level and there are practices and paths and deep longing attached to that .
One must become a lover and servant of God . So many examples of men and women who reach these higher stages of longing in LOVE for Gods embrace .

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:21 AM
How would I save us?

If I ran the zoo... said young Gerald Mc Groo

institute a one child per couple rule until population was proportionate to resources
1 parent stays home with the child for birth - 5 years
develop a birth through 5 years curriculum that focused on problem solving, mental flexibility, empathy, compassion, logic, music, language and birth culture
School would be a teacher - student ratio of 1 to 1, every year the pairing would switch, students would interact with each other intensely, HISTORY WOULD BE TAUGHT ACCURATELY!
develop a common language that is very specific or maybe use Latin or Sanskrit for world wide use
Global drive would be towards space travel and colonization
Drop all borders, free global travel
behavior such as harming another, greed, selfishness, cruelty, dishonesty, religious zealotry would be criminal and punished proportionately to the occurrence, by peers of the offender
No big corporations
return to barter system
structure of life would be - meet your needs first, the needs of your neighbor second, the needs of society third
all current religions would be abolished and a new, objective search for truth would commence, with a focus on the source documents of all religious texts
Nuclear and fossil fuel infrastructure would be would be dismantled in favor of more sustainable and cleaner options.
All scientific ideas would go through a long review to take in the long term effects of implementation

I'd make a few changes that's what I'd do...

It's a start...

you asked...

Yes, I think there was a time that women were in charge and yes I think we were better off for it.


edit on 27-3-2014 by WHYFIGHT because: i can't believe i mispelled important...

edit on 27-3-2014 by WHYFIGHT because: you always forget just one more thing when you are planning how to save the world...

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by WHYFIGHT

develop a birth through 5 years curriculum that focused on problem solving, mental flexibility, empathy, compassion, logic, music, language and birth culture

We already have that. I worked as a parent educator for years, teaching first-time parents the best way to develop those skills/qualities.

I stayed home with my littles until they were school age.

Women are more nurturing, tuned in, emotionally sensitive, intuitive, and wired for keeping things organized, safe, clean, and running smoothly.
The rest of your changes? Sign me up.

edit on 3/27/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by amazing

The Civil Rights movement started back circa 1946. Mendez vs. Westminster was the precursor for the civil rights movement. In the end, it was a husband and wife (Mendez Family) that made the difference in this country. This was funded using their own farmer based finances. They made a stance because, it was the right thing to do and won.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:35 PM
Let me give another statement for us to debate here.

I'm gonna say that meditation aids in spiritual growth. In addition to that, generally I think it's probably easier to get a man to meditate than a woman, simply because women tend to care about a lot more things than men, and they will remain active a lot more and more easily claim they have no time for it.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:37 PM
The honest answer is no, look at all the new age stuff going on its woman at helm and the whole thing is chaos.

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