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those on the left say I"m too conservative. Those on the right say I"m too liberal. I get called a 'piece of garbage atheist' by the religious extremists and I get called other negative names by the militant atheists.
I get called a 'piece of garbage atheist' by the religious extremists and I get called other negative names by the militant atheists. The two groups don't realize they are two sides of the same extremist coin. I'd laugh if it weren't such a sad commentary about humanity.
reply to post by greencmp
I don't think we do. Freedom of religion does not mean prevalence for religion. While religion is still a very real danger to society in a variety of ways mirrored by any number of political or economical movements, it does not have the ear of the government in quite the way you seem to be implying.
What YOU say is baseless regional and inherited superstitions ... is REALITY to others.
And you could easily be the one who is wrong ... not them.
Example - I KNOW there is a God from my own experiences.
People like you would say that I was teaching 'inherited superstitions'. But they'd be WRONG.
Those that say 'there is no god' or 'it's abuse to teach children to pray the rosary', etc ... they are wrong.
You and I have no right to tell others what they can or can not teach their children in regards to religion.
And those that believe in God or an afterlife, they'd say that YOU were abusing children by taking away
their right to raise their children in 'the truth'.
And those that believe in God or an afterlife, they'd say that YOU were abusing children by taking away
their right to raise their children in 'the truth'.
Bottom line - Parents can teach their children whatever religion they want to. You have no right to interfere ... and you could easily be just as wrong with your beliefs in this area as you think the religious people are wrong in their beliefs.
Yeah I read your tale, you claim you heard a spooky voice one time......unconvincing to say the least.
I still consider religious indoctrination of a child to be abuse.
until they do have a good reason they have no business telling anyone else that what they believe is 'the truth'.
Snarky, condescending and obviously you don't want to understand what I posted. I didn't say a 'spooky voice'. You wouldn't believe anything that runs counter to your biased opinion anyways. Whatever.
So you have said .. over and over. You are welcome to your erroneous opinion as long as you don't try to interfere in the lives of others. It's none of your damn business.
Funny guy.
It's a parents business how they raise their children. NOT YOURS.
YOU are the one with no business interfering.
extremist atheists are just as obnoxious as extremist religious people.
Both think they are smarter than the other.
And yet neither are exactly the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree.
You know, just because you state that something is wrong (or right), it doesn't necessarily make it so....
We're not talking about how to raise a child, we're talking about religious indoctrination of young children before they're able to tell fantasy (or belief) from fact.
calling those that do not agree with you extreme and obnoxious?......I guess that's par for the course
Good for them using their god given mind to turn away from the evil that is religion.
I find it somewhat superstitious to say that religion is evil. As an institution, it is powerless; it is incapable of evil deeds and is wholly innocent. Let's not make the mistake of inventing more gods. Also, religion has zero power over an individual. The only thing influencing the individual is other individuals and himself, whether religious or not. I think its time to find a proper scapegoat for our indignation. Religion is a symptom, not a cause. Our coughs don't cause our colds. Let's seek out the cause and not the symptom.
Yes that's trying to dictate how to raise a child.
Again .. it's none of your business if a family wishes to raise a child in their faith.
And as far as they are concerned, YOU are the one who would be doing the (atheist) indoctrination by withholding information from THEIR children.
Maybe someday when you grow up and have a family of your own, then you'll understand how parents have a right to raise their own children as they see fit.
You wouldn't want some yutz with an inflated ego from the internet to be able to come in and dictate to you that your children have to be taught that Noahs Ark is real ... and likewise the people raising children in their faith don't want some yutz with an inflated ego from the internet to come in and dictate that they can't tell their children about God. Same/same.
reply to [url= by FlyersFan[/url]
I get called a 'piece of garbage atheist' by the religious extremists and I get called other negative names by the militant atheists. The two groups don't realize they are two sides of the same extremist coin. I'd laugh if it weren't such a sad commentary about humanity.
It really is silly, though, sad as it is.
And if we don't laugh about it once in awhile we'd all weep ourselves dry.
Try to think of it maybe, if you like, as those people who call you hateful names being the ones who were not given the broad education that anyone in our culture (I'm in the US) has the freedom to obtain....
if they had been brought up to tolerate difference cultures, to feel free to explore without fear of being rejected, they wouldn't be like that.
If it's abuse......then it's everybody's business....
You whine about being called bad names by other posters, then on the very same page you do the very same thing.
Parents teaching children that there is a God is not abuse. That's your error in thought.
I'm not calling you names. I'm stating a fact.
You are an extremist. Anyone who would take parental rights away from people simply because they are teaching THEIR OWN CHILDREN something you disagree with .. that's an extremist. You own it.
They're teaching their children that their own superstitions are true, with no evidence or even a good reason.
Religious indoctrination is not a parental right,
Why do you have such a problem with allowing children and young adults to decide for themselves what to believe (or not)?
Says you. It's YOUR opinion that telling children there is a god is 'superstitious'.
As far as they are concerned, teaching children that there is a god is the truth and you are wrong.
They ... like me ... have our own experiences that say there is a God. You reject them.
That's your choice.
Yes it is. You are the one who has no right to interfere in how a person raises their child. And no .. it's not 'abuse' to teach a child there is a god.
Again .. when you grow up and have children, you won't be wanting some yutz to come along and teach them things you disagree with.
Ditto for the parents who teach their children about God. You have no right to take their rights away. Someday, if you have children, you'll understand. Obviously you can't understand that now.
Go look in the mirror and repeat those words to yourself. That's what you are doing.
Obviously you are incapable of understanding the situation and you wish to impose your own views about religion on others - something you are whining about others doing. Unreasonable, intolerant, intrusive and closed minded. Not worth any more of my time. /out
reply to [url= by Prezbo369[/url]
The Book that we've had since coming out of the Dark Ages is evidence enough for me.
"Child Abuse"
Get out of here, please...
I guess telling your kids there is a Santa is child abuse also? Get real.
Have you ever actually read the Bible? It's powerful, and "alive", and just as relevant now as it was 400 years ago. Also, without the internet, if you're from the US, it's pretty much the only religion you'd be exposed to. For the past 400 years. For millions and millions and millions of people.