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Anthropological Effects: From acid rain to chemtrials and the mediation methods

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posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 01:46 PM
So what needs to happen is about several million people need to print out these several documents on Boron, give them to the newspapers, take them down to the Congressman's office, and the FBI.

Tell all your friends in other countries around the world what has been done to them.

Then, look up all the Crooks behind it and toss them in prison for a very very long time.

Make it a Front Page Item all around the world and let the public outcry expose these Criminals.

Now many will discover why they feel depressed when these chemtrail events are happening near them day after day. There is a reason, because Borane compounds are extremely toxic.

There are serious downsides to Boron chemtrails methods, which is why I insisted they only be done without any secrecy and with full public knowledge, so that there would be no way that We The People could be used and abused to make fantastic fortunes for serious criminals in the US Govt today.

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 7777777

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Now many will discover why they feel depressed when these chemtrail events are happening near them day after day. There is a reason, because Borane compounds are extremely toxic.

Sounds all fine and dandy, but could you please show me which of these you think are Boron?

Or are they hiding the fact there is Boron in jet fuel?

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 02:38 PM
This thread is quite amusing. I'm not entirely sure if the OP is reading the replies properly.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 02:43 PM

So what needs to happen is about several million people need to print out these several documents on Boron, give them to the newspapers, take them down to the Congressman's office, and the FBI.

Tell all your friends in other countries around the world what has been done to them.

Then, look up all the Crooks behind it and toss them in prison for a very very long time.

Actually, what needs to be done, is for YOU, and only YOU, to act on the information presented within this thread. Contact any attorney(ies) licensed to practice law in any country, province, state, or municipality, within the ENTIRE WORLD, and ask them to proceed in a class action CIVIL SUIT, against any and all chemtrailers. If any portion of what you have presented here is valid to a 51 percent certainty, then you will have singlehandedly prevailed against the "man," and the evil "PTB." Let us know how that goes...

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:09 PM

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Now many will discover why they feel depressed when these chemtrail events are happening near them day after day. There is a reason, because Borane compounds are extremely toxic.

Sounds all fine and dandy, but could you please show me which of these you think are Boron?

Or are they hiding the fact there is Boron in jet fuel?

Not really hidden at all if you know where to look for it. You just don't want to look in the right place.

It is highly obvious every time you do it.

It has been right in plain sight all along and used by every major airport and airline in the country

Boron In Jet Fuel

Boron is in Jet Fuel !!! Makes highly toxic Borane compounds that make drug companies rich.

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:10 PM


So what needs to happen is about several million people need to print out these several documents on Boron, give them to the newspapers, take them down to the Congressman's office, and the FBI.

Tell all your friends in other countries around the world what has been done to them.

Then, look up all the Crooks behind it and toss them in prison for a very very long time.

Actually, what needs to be done, is for YOU, and only YOU, to act on the information presented within this thread. Contact any attorney(ies) licensed to practice law in any country, province, state, or municipality, within the ENTIRE WORLD, and ask them to proceed in a class action CIVIL SUIT, against any and all chemtrailers. If any portion of what you have presented here is valid to a 51 percent certainty, then you will have singlehandedly prevailed against the "man," and the evil "PTB." Let us know how that goes...

Nope----what is much more likely is I go visit the FBI and tell them about those that seek to cover up the Boron and Borane problems.

It will be a criminal problem and subject to RICO Act.

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Now many will discover why they feel depressed when these chemtrail events are happening near them day after day. There is a reason, because Borane compounds are extremely toxic.

Something else I found interesting...

One of the contractors produced a 10-boron compound called decaborane which showed the most promise. The Navy's work got the USAF's attention and decaborane would be designated HEF-3 and all research efforts focused on the use of HEF-3 with the USAF taking over direction of GE's boron fuel work.

By 1957, GE reported to the USAF that HEF-3 was a feasible, but that significant technical hurdles remained given the high toxic nature of HEF-3 and the fact that boron oxide deposits were left on engine components which accelerated wear and tear of the powerplants.

So I take it you don't know how much one of those engines cost do you?

How many engines do you think an airline or operator is going to buy before they stop using it?

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Not really hidden at all if you know where to look for it. You just don't want to look in the right place.

It is highly obvious every time you do it.

Just what I thought, as you can clearly see that Boron is not in jet fuel nor is it being used as jet fuel.

Now can you show me where Boron is in jet fuel after 1962?

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:47 PM


Boron In Jet Fuel


You even have the company that supplies the DEADLY BORON!

And you sit back, typing away, trying to get someone else to do your work for you. I just wonder, it is perhaps that you know this is just something else that will make you look like a lunatic, or are you actually this lazy with something you feel is a threat to human existence?

This is the best example I have ever seen of how sad the chemtrail community really is.

They all claim to BELIEVE in something so damn deeply, but when it's time to put up or shut up.......crickets.

Keep up the good fight champ.

edit on 13-3-2014 by network dude because: chemtrails are fantasy

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:57 PM
I don't have a problem with posting the obvious methods that Boron is in jet fuel for months at a time. But ATS will soon figure out that the problem is denial of what is obvious and true. Keep burning up their bandwidth and lets see.


Why Use Our Aviation Fuel Additives?

Very few products have the distinction of being the first, the original. At the dawn of commercial jet aviation, airlines and aircraft manufacturers discovered a hideous new problem with fuel; microbial growth. This growth not only clogged fuel lines and filters, but it caused corrosion sufficient to destroy the structural integrity of an aircraft. Working with U.S. Borax and SOHIO, scientists and engineers created the first aviation fuel biocide designed specifically for the aviation environment; the product was Biobor® JF. Biobor JF not only became the biocide of choice for aviation, but has dominated the marine, stand-by power, agricultural and construction equipment industry since its inception in 1965. After all these years, Biobor JF remains the leader in protecting hydrocarbon fuels and lubricants. Biobor JF was the first and is still the best.


Boron in Jet Fuel


Obviously the Boron compounds were brewed up by Southern Oil of Ohio and US Borax that deals in Boron Compounds.

Thus the product is loaded with Boron, which kills Hum Bugs in Jet Fuel and becomes part of the fuel.

The MSDS reports Boron compounds:


Substituted dioxaborinanes 95.0 percent

*2,2’ - (1-methyltrimethylenedioxy) bis - (4-methyl-1, 3, 2-dioxaborinane);

2,2’ - oxybis (4, 4, 6 - trimethyl-1, 3, 2-dioxaborinane) (CAS No.: 8063-89-6).


MSDS reports Boron compounds

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 04:37 PM
There is zero doubt that the Jet Fuel contains Boron as even FAA reports speak on the Boron in Jet Fuel.


FAA Report Am 67-21

Evaluation of a Biocidal Turbine-Fuel Additive

August 1967


Of particular interest recently has been the potential usefulness of of several boron containing organic compounds which exhibit micrbiocidial properties.


BioBor-JF, developed by Standard Oil Company of Ohio, is such a product.


Boron Biocide In Govt reports

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 05:32 PM
What propelled the Boron additive into wide spread uses was the Gulf War experience and the lubricity benefits and humidy problems.

This occurred right after the Gulf War 1 period when the chemtrails observations went into hyperactive.

The Gulf War put everything under a single fuel with low lubricity problems. The Boron Product had best performance.



Under Contract to
U.S. Army Belvoir Research, Development
and Engineering Center
Logistics Equipment Directorate
Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Contract No. DAAK70-87-C-0043
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited
January 1992

1992 Report

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

What propelled the Boron additive into wide spread uses was the Gulf War experience and the lubricity benefits.

You sure are on a conspiracy tear aren't you, now that you put the Gulf War into the chemtrail mix.

What can we expect next, the kitchen sink?

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Source 1:

Boron Additive Lubricity 1992

Source 2:

Boron additive 1991

So your sources are two blank pages.

Interesting they must have took them down too when they figured out it was you.

You know, with you spreading the truth and all.

edit on 13-3-2014 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 06:03 PM
The Standard Oil's Patent on Boron Biocide.

Technically, the single point to add the Biocide can be the pipeline shipping terminal itself. Or the tank terminals at receiving point.

The intention is the Boron Biocide becomes part of the Jet Fuel in the down line shipping, which is easily contaminated with fungi and bacteria that will damage the product and the storage metals.


Microscopic organisms have been found growing in many distillate fuel facilities. Bacteria and fungi have been the microorganisms observed in the greatest numbers. A complete bacterium is a simple cell of perhaps only 0.5 micron in diameter. Influenced by environmental conditions these may aggregate into scums at fuel-water interfaces or into macroscopic clumps in the fuel or water phases of fuel tanks, pipe lines, or filters.


It is the primary objective of the present invention to provide a biocidal agent which is fuel-soluble so that it is carried along as fuel is transferred from one storage vessel to another. In this manner effective control of microbiological growth may be accomplished by adding the agent to fuel at a single point in the distribution system.


The use of fuel-soluble boron compounds as biocides has been known for quite some time. Canadian Pat. No. 642,919 claims the use of organoborates to prevent microbial degradation of petroleum. The compounds claimed are condensation products of an alkali metal borate and ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, 1,4-butanediol, 2,3-butanediol, and 1,2-propanediol.


Standard Oil's Patent on Boron

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

So not boron nitride then.

not even something that is known to change into boron nitride.

Congratulations - you debunked your own theory!!

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 07:47 PM

Aloysius the Gaul
reply to post by MagnumOpus

So not boron nitride then.

not even something that is known to change into boron nitride.

Congratulations - you debunked your own theory!!

My theme is doing just fine, but your level of ignorance on air breathing engines is showing again.

Air is 78 percent Nitrogen----the most dominate gas in air that forms NOx type compounds from burning hydrocarbons, like jet fuel.

When you screw up knowing that-----it is very telling of your level of ignorance on combustion products of air breathing engines.

Everyone knows that when the fuel has Boron in the mix and the engine breaths air, that the most abundant molecule to form in the plume of the burn is Boron Nitride, BN.

Thus, for anyone that knows the least bit of science-----BN is a given to form in the plume.

There BN, once it forms the molecule, is hygroscopic and picks up some of the water molecules forming nearby and the process makes tons of ice crystals, some that become visible quickly in the cooling plume and others smaller that will gather water vapor from the atmosphere and grow. Tiny invisible Ice crystals make excellent seeding material also. The seeding effects will glow to spread and fill the sky with a cloudy fog due to the effect. Winds aloft will drag them around and smear then across the sky.

In the night, due to the loss of the UV-b heating lift effects on the molecules, they fall downward, most all gone by morning. Next day, whole new crop of planes do the same thing again, day after day.

All based upon the formation of BN and some B2O3 hygroscopic compounds of Boron.

Elegant and simple---- a serendipitous method that gets the Teller scattering shield formed for nearly nothing in cost. Other costs in terms of toxic tolls on humans from the cover up are the real issues----the Borane molecule generation are a problem at low altitudes.

Every great engineer and scientist takes great pride in serendipitous designs that accomplish many things with one design.

I am very sorry for persons that never seem to be able to improve their knowledge. Ignorance seems to rampant these days.

But, generally always not welcome on ATS----where ignorance is recognize for what it is.

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 66666

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

But you have not explained the contrails from the jets without Boron. I think I remember that you showed one jet used a Boronn additive at 0.00005% or so, but all the others have 0%. You also have not shown a bunch of current pics of only Boron additive jets with contrails and all the rest not.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 09:27 PM
The beginning of the Boron chemtrails started around Gulf War 1 and the JP-8 problems of moisture and low lubricity of JP-8:

Gulf War 1 Chemtrails persistent

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

so a a tanker flying a racetrackhad a contrail in 1991.......and that somehow proves something about Boron?? how's that then - can you provide any ACTUAL connection more than your say so?? (I'm not hopeful, going on past performance.....)

did you not realize that JP8 started to be used in 1978, not 1991??

and that the improved version, JP-8+100 started to be used in 1994??

the additives to change JP-8 to JP-8+100 is identified in the specification - which you can download from here - it can be SPEC AID 8Q462 made by GE Water & Process Technologies, or AeroShell Performance Additive 101 made by Shell.

SPEC AID 8Q462 lists 2 "trade secret" ingredients in its makeup - so do you know what they are and that they contain boron?

the makeup of Shell PA 101 is given here - petroleum distillates, naptha, naphthalene, BUTYLATED HYDROXYTOLUENE....but apparently no boron??

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