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US Army Vet cuts down Mexican Flag flying over American Flag

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posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:32 PM
Hey guys, at this point I doubt it's even made from be the judge...

94 Percent Of American Flags Imported Into The U.S. Last Year Came From China

Ninety-four percent or $3.6 million worth of the flags imported into the U.S. last year came from China, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. American manufacturers still make up the bulk of the business -- they produced more than $300 million worth of American flags, banners and similar items in 2007, the latest year for which data is available. Still, foreign-made flags present “a serious threat,” to the industry Chris Binner, the vice president of marketing and sales for flagmaker Valley Forge, told The Huffington Post.

I won't get into what lead me to my burning of the Canada flag, but it was made in China and had a plastic feel to it...cloth it surely was not.

So are you willing to die for a piece of cloth, or would you stoop so low to die for a piece of chemical cocktail?


What I was getting at is the ideals that matter, not the cosmetics. It used to have 13 stars and used to be made of hemp. American forefathers had a good thing going too bad the banking cartel got their hands on it. But they were there from the beginning.

We need to stop falsely portraying our past, it is what it is. Believe what you want to.

Sorry for off topic rant, had too many this weekend...cheers!
edit on 3/9/2014 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:34 PM
Who gave him authority to steal/destroy someone's personal possession?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

The Mexican is free in America to fly any flag he wants.

If he flew only the Mexican Flag we would not be discussing it.

He chose to display the American Flag in an illegal and disrespectful way.

You guys are hung up on the minor property crime.

It was a display of American pride.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by GLaDOS

Free speech


posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

So you are saying that pride trumps legality and that these laws you are supporting represent freedom?

Two words:

Stockholm Syndrome

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

So trespass and property destruction is a lesser crime then flying a flag over the stars and stripes?.
Ok Iam out no point wasting my time on such a none story cya.
I will be back If the vet gets shot for what he is doing (If he does it again) and I will stick up for the guy shooting him...thats how it works doesn't it? trespass on your property risk getting shot?.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:50 PM

reply to post by boymonkey74

The Mexican is free in America to fly any flag he wants.

If he flew only the Mexican Flag we would not be discussing it.

He chose to display the American Flag in an illegal and disrespectful way.

You guys are hung up on the minor property crime.

It was a display of American pride.

OK, I've stopped being mad and I'm back in.

I need to ask, why is it so disrespectful that the American flag isn't a foot higher than all other flags?

We have businesses that will put their company logo up a flag pole, then the British one underneath. Would you find it offensive if you saw this?

If they are allowed to just fly a Mexican flag, what's so disrespectful about the American flag being up there, even if it is a foot lower than the other one?

We have lots of foreigners that like to fly their flag, I would actually be very happy to see and English, or British flag under it.
edit on 9-3-2014 by iRoyalty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Again, you are choosing to focus on a minor property crime.

It is a Federal crime to display the flag in that disrespectful manner.

There were multiple crimes here.

It like focusing on a bank robber who jaywalked.

We all see the property crime...You are not seeing the Federal Crime.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:58 PM
I cant help but wonder...if the property owner had defended his property and shot the tresspasser, which person some of you would defend....

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

It is a Federal crime to display the flag in that disrespectful manner.

The same feds that are bleeding you dry and leading you into countless wars, funding Israel, the same feds that so many states are trying to secede from? At this point the state level is more trustworthy and wholesome than those bastards in should honor your local militia and forget those bureaucrats in DC that don't give a damn about you. How many bailouts and budget cuts will it take for you to realize that the federal government is not your friend, heck most the state level is corrupt to but at least there are some hopeful prospects in that category.

Why must a Canadian be educating an AMerican about this crap?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:02 PM

You people in the south are something else. I live 10 minutes from the Canadian border. If Canadian's were swimming across the Detroit river like Mexicans down there do we'd be shooting at them. I have no tolerance for foreign invaders. If you want to come to America get in line like everyone else. That's what we have borders for and they should be enforced.

Good job Canada a better place to live :p

The poor guys likely have to deal with dumb yanks trying to get imto canada ha!

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

It is a Federal crime to display the flag in that disrespectful manner.

It is Federal law - but there are no - not a crime

How can you not know this by now? Unless you are choosing to ignore that part in order to save face

He was well within his First Amendment rights to fly the flags as he wished - and nobody has been able to prove (in this thread) that he did it out of intentional disrespect. Maybe you only choose to see it as disrespect in order to justify bullying

So - essentially - this is all about some people deciding how other people should behave. According to them. You are adamant about defending America and her flag but can't seem to understand that you don't support the very freedoms you claim to be willing to die for

edit on 3/9/2014 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:09 PM


reply to post by TiedDestructor

Nope. I find your reactions to flag burning and flag height and positioning laughable.

If someone were to burn the Union Jack, I'd think, why waste your time? It's only a flag - by burning it or changing its position in relation to another means nothing in terms of what the country is or represents to me.

I don't get it. I love the UK and you can do what you want wit the Union Jack. It's just a symbol. Burning it or changing its position in comparison to another does nothing to how I feel of the country.

Excuse me but isn't the UNION flag of your country only referred to as a "Union Jack" when it's flying at sea (as the jack of a ship)? It's my understanding that flown on land it's actually just a "union" flag.

Heres a thought? No ones gives a dam in the UK, to most here a flag is just a bit of material of little importance.

Maybe its a scar of WW2? From seeing how blind nationlism cause so many problems and just associate flag worship with that?

That may be a intresting talking point? Why the diffrence in culture?

edit on 9-3-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

Mexican guy was probably going in to make a call to his Zeta gang which is just another Black Ops Merc team for Wall Street.


The power elite doesn't have to do much to draw you off sides. Like ole Gary Hart and Rahm Emanuel said,,,Just need the right event and poof-MERCs and Shalomland Insecurity on the streets.
Question will you behave when you can't get to your Bank Accounts and your Electricity is shut off on a mass scale?

Ask yourself who owns YOUTUBE?

Who are the top 10 people at GOOGLE besides a DARPA Head and some spooks?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

I agree the only time Iam bothered or take notice about our flag is when it is on a girl like this.

Not to say Iam not proud of my country I sure am but a flag is just well a flag.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Now that is some patriotism I can respect

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

I just had a quick look at the laws for flag display... MY GOD there are so many!!! I highly, HIGHLY doubt that even the most patriotic American abides by all of these...

The flag should be displayed on all days, especially on New Year’s Day, January 1; Inauguration Day, January 20; Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, the third Monday in January;15 Lincoln’s Birthday, February 12; Washington’s Birthday, third Monday in February; Easter Sunday (variable); Mother’s Day, second Sunday in May; Armed Forces Day, third Saturday in May; Memorial Day (half-staff until noon), the last Monday in May; Flag Day, June 14; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, first Monday in September; Constitution Day, September 17; Columbus Day, second Monday in October; Navy Day, October 27; Veterans Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November; Christmas Day, December 25; and such other days as may be proclaimed by the President of the United States; the birthdays of States (date of admission); and on State holidays.

Can you say you do this??

The flag should be displayed daily on or near the main administration building of every public institution.


This is kinda scary... EVERY public building must be shoving a sweet dose of indoctrination down your throats wherever you may go...

They have worried me further seeing how strict this is, it really is a prime example of mass mind control... Freaky stuff man... There was another leader who also said that the country's logo had to be on everything... We know him as Hitler.
edit on 9-3-2014 by iRoyalty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

So I am the one that doesn't get it....Really?

Have millions of people that don't speak your language or honor your customs moved

Into your neighborhood? It's easy to sit and criticize me when you are not living it.

I was born here. I have seen my Country look the other way while millions of illegal

Immigrants come here and want me to learn their language and honor their customs.

Some of us will no longer sit silent. I am glad he cut down that flag.....Enough.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:32 PM
To the person who was asking, "Union Jack" is the correct name - along with Union Flag and Royal Union Flag in Canada.

The Flag Institute have been looking into this for years as it's supposedly one of the 'big mysteries' in the field of heraldry. Anyhow, they concluded last year that there's no real evidence to support the notion that 'Union Jack' is only correct as a naval designation.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:33 PM
How can some people in this thread be so defensive about the flag while taking a piss on what it stands for?

You are either pro free speech or against it. If you try to pick and choose who gets it you are disrespecting the flag more than the person in the story did....

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