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Hard evidence of a Royal plot on the US....if only i had proof.

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posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 01:05 PM
I had heard that a few decades ago, a local family in the American South had claimed their daughter was the legitimate heir to the throne of Ireland. There was a rumor that representatives of the English royal family had traveled out to evaluate the claim because they wanted any claimant from the South to abdicate to them.

Many people down there seemed to wish they had a king instead of a republic and said it was their right because they had the right to celt-determination self-determination. They’d all be like “we don’t have to respect your rights if you don’t respect our right to self-determination.”

They already seemed loyal to the British monarchy and may have felt the King had historically supported their peoples’ interests. Despite not being English, they may have felt the English monarchy gave them more of an appeance of legitimacy than their own candidate.

The South had been largely Loyalist during the Revolution.

Which brings us to Prince Harry. Claims of a Royal row may be just for keeping up appearances. They may have deliberately selected a Celtic-looking prince and had him marry an African-American so they could represent the South.

A King’s role traditionally is like a representative or “head bully” for the common folk. It’s highly unlikely they wouldn’t be “commoner-minded” enough to be openly racist. They surely deliberately had Harry marry an African-American because they would then be seen as representing the South. Not to mention if they had obtained for Harry the abdication of the Irish and Scottish royal houses to him.
edit on 28-4-2024 by Solvedit because: clarity

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

If I'm not mistaken the Brithish throne is passed down to direct male heirs. If there are none, then and only then it may pass to a female.

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: nugget1

The point is, the British Royal Family may have been shopping for abdications from the would-be royal heirs among the American South.

They may have positioned Prince Harry and Princess Megan to assume spiritual guidance of the descendants of the Confederacy.

They may be looking to lend legitimacy to their reign by finding royal heirs to abdicate to them.

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 02:34 PM
Possibly has something to do with all the nutters want tRump as president but then say I would be fine if he were a dictator!

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: Therealbeverage
Possibly has something to do with all the nutters want tRump as president but then say I would be fine if he were a dictator!

A dictator would ignor the will of the majority and go against direct rulings from the Supreme Court of the United States. Trump did none of those things, but he sure did have some mean tweets.

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

.....a local family in the American South had claimed their daughter was the legitimate heir to the throne of Ireland.

What 'throne of Ireland'?

Not to mention if they had obtained for Harry the abdication of the Irish and Scottish royal houses to him.

And how would that happen?

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: nugget1

That's changed since Ctherine (Kate) was pregnant with Princess Charlotte, now it is the first born as usual, but no matter the gender. So, if Charlotte had been born before George, William would be succeeded by Charlotte and not George.

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

hey may have deliberately selected a Celtic-looking prince and had him marry an African-American so they could represent the South.

what? little miss whiny ass is biracial, her mother is a black american from ohio, her father is a white american and from pennsylvania.
slavery was all over the 13 colonies not just the south.

then you got to face the fact that there was no true royal Irish blood line or one people the way i understand it. they had one high king who ruled over all the kings of the other gaelic tribes / clan king's / chiefs.

in 1171 the king of england ruled over parts of ireland and the other parts were ruled by the gaelic tribes / clan king's / chiefs.
edit on 28-4-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: Therealbeverage
Possibly has something to do with all the nutters want tRump as president but then say I would be fine if he were a dictator!

A dictator would ignor the will of the majority and go against direct rulings from the Supreme Court of the United States. Trump did none of those things, but he sure did have some mean tweets.

George Bush Jr. 43 used to often joke 'If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier... as long as I'm the dictator. Hehehe.'

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

"Throne of Ireland"? There isn't one.

Educate yourself on the history of the UK and Ireland.

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Solvedit

.....a local family in the American South had claimed their daughter was the legitimate heir to the throne of Ireland.

What 'throne of Ireland'?

Has their royal family been killed off?

Not to mention if they had obtained for Harry the abdication of the Irish and Scottish royal houses to him.

And how would that happen?

I'm supposed to research how to abdicate?

Do we have to make this a discussion on the technicalities of royal laws and traditions?
edit on 28-4-2024 by Solvedit because: format

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

American people don't use "titles", it written but hasn't been emplaced;

The Titles of Nobility Amendment is a proposed and still-pending amendment to the United States Constitution. The 11th Congress passed it on May 1, 1810, and submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. It would strip United States citizenship from any citizen who accepted a title of nobility from an "emperor, king, prince or foreign power". On two occasions between 1812 and 1816, it was within two states of the number needed to become part of the Constitution. Congress did not set a time limit for its ratification, so the amendment is still pending before the states.

I could technically claim the throne of Normandy, which was ruled by my ancestors until 1660. When it was then handed to my ancestors cousins, because my family emigrated to French Canadian territory. Until 1880 when my 5th great grandfather came to America to set up a black Smith in Michigan.

I do not want Normandy, nor the titles which are attached.

American people have our own lineage and History.

One we should be proud of.

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 04:33 PM
HRHK Charles seems to have chosen to name his children after the Norman invasion of England: William the Conqueror and his ally, the Herald of Hard News, Harald Hadrada.

Could it be his ambition is for his sons to take back some of North America from the freedom loving royalty denying revolutionaries?

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: ADVISOR

American people don't use "titles", it written but hasn't been emplaced;

The idea was that people who had royal or noble titles in Europe or elsewhere probably maintain a memory and records of them in their families.

I never wanted to suggest the United States officially recognizes feudal titles except when showing respect to the traditions of another country.

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

You think their royal family was killed off when England took over?

Where are they?

I'm supposed to research how to abdicate?

Your thread.
Your speculation.
You explain.

Exactly what are 'the Irish and Scottish royal houses' and who exactly is 'obtaining' the 'abdication' and how?
Then of course there is the why?

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: nugget1

That's changed since Ctherine (Kate) was pregnant with Princess Charlotte, now it is the first born as usual, but no matter the gender. So, if Charlotte had been born before George, William would be succeeded by Charlotte and not George.

I am not referring to who becomes king of the United Kingdom after Charles III. It has already been announced that it will be William, then Archibald.

I was concerned they may be shopping for abdications from the descendants of royalty of the peoples now in the deep South. Because suppose they want to install Harold, if only in secret. Not in the United Kingdom, but in the former Confederacy of the United States of America.
edit on 28-4-2024 by Solvedit because: clarity

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Solvedit

"Throne of Ireland"? There isn't one.

But they probably do know who would be the heir.

(post by glen200376 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Solvedit

You think their royal family was killed off when England took over?

Where are they?
First give me even one reason why it would be important to my point.

I'm supposed to research how to abdicate?

Your thread.
Your speculation.
You explain.
Why? What difference would it make?

Exactly what are 'the Irish and Scottish royal houses' and who exactly is 'obtaining' the 'abdication' and how?
Then of course there is the why?

Exactly. What's the point in getting bogged down in a discussion of royal traditions and rules?

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

So, you've more or less admitted that your thread is a pointless exercise.

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