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Afterlife, unknown, so prepare, or just go into the unknown (bad)!!

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posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

My argument is not whether we have a conscious or not, and I even suggested in my first post all life does at some level, so I'm not sure your point here other than to agree with me.

I understand from your comments that you are aware of the ubiquitous nature of consciousness .. That concept has been with us for thousands of years, Panpsychism and Pantheism have, as philosophies, ebbed and wained in popularity ever since those concepts were expanded upon from teachings of the past.

It was Pythagorus who created a mental framework to understand the reality of our existence with Hylozoics. You could say that his teachings are a mental construct that cannot be proven or even understood by an under developed mind. It is why this knowledge was only disseminated through secret schools using symbolism and obfuscation so as to keep the understanding of our immense power hidden away from the unwise.

Most philosophers of that Greek era, where all 'Causal beings' and had fully functional second sight. The Vedic Upanishads as practised through meditation techniques, enabled people to transcend into other realms of reality as a matter of routine.

Pythagorus was the first scientist and Greek philosopher to westernise, what the eastern mystics had been practicing for centuries. He had access to the libraries of Alexander containing the ancient knowledge of the Pharos the Hermetic principles and the early Greek philosophies, much of which evolved into Hylozoism. He extracted the truth of our reality from all those sources, and then enumerated the entire process, to present it as a hypothesis which would allow scientific enquiry into the esoteric world of the 'nature of reality'.

Psychic awareness has been a part of the human condition for thousands of years, as can be witnessed through the many references to Seers and magicians and Shamans who could perform miraculous phenomena. Jesus, born as a man had to learn those principles afresh and proved beyond doubt to those who witnessed his miracles, that we are capable of supernatural feats as he emphasised, "what I can do, you also can do".

I would say the majority of people would share your own principle of "believe it when I see it" for confirmation of the existence of anything.

Gnosis is knowing without further evidence required, because if a person has experienced the afterlife and returned or has Astral projections and travel through the lower astral worlds to acquire knowledge first hand. Then it doesn't really matter if others believe the account. No one can convince another that their experience was real but for that person, everything changes. You can't un-know what you know, because for us, it has been empirically demonstrated.

Millions, if not billions of people have second sight or Psychic abilities in one way or another including myself. Now I live in this world and the next. I see spirit, energy and craziness all the time, I am slowly getting used to it. I can control how much I want to be exposed to. I feel reasonably safe and unafraid, but I don't how I will feel if I develop clair-audience because that would mean communicating with those who have passed over and I think that will creep me out, although people become comfortable with that also.

I prefer to observe this phenomena in the quiet of my inner and outer vision which I can choose to increase or dampen my sensitivity to the etheric world. I am still learning and experimenting, as I have only developed this third eye vision over the past few months. This is not just a mental vision, I see it is with my three eyes open while I am fully conscious in the world.

I should imagine being born with second sight is actually easier to navigate, than to develop it in later life, but it helps if you study the occult and intellectualise the processes involved in advance of awakening.

I have a strong internal thought process though I do not see pictures or color, but with every one of us what we have is normal to us, and what we live with is only what we know as our personal reality.

Clairvoyance is natural to all humans .. we all have it!, It is an awakening to our multidimensional reality. Meditation is the mechanism to awaken it and Yoga, Kundalini Yoga particularly, will train your mind to open the third eye. If I can open my third eye .. anybody can! .. I have not been a lifelong exponent of meditation and have been fairly intermittent over the years and this awakening has come as a surprise to me.

First you need to know about it and understand it, then practice it. Practice visualisation and spend time in meditation until you see the colours and the visions. I see colourful auras around people and I know how they are feeling just by observation. I am trying to develop my understanding of energy healing because now I can see the energy emanating from people, I would love to be able to relieve people from suffering by adjusting their energy fields.

Humans who don't believe we are anything other than animated meat, are simply asleep consciously .. some will never wake up in this lifetime, Many have discovered for themselves!, purely by seeking out the truth and pursuing it.

For someone without gnosis to tell someone with gnosis that they are making up stories, is akin to talking to a person who has seen a polar bear with his own eyes and knows they exist, to a person who hasn't seen one and has only a subjective understanding of its existence by recalling seeing a picture or video of white bears, the latter is not gnosis.

Archons are another name for demons, they exist for a purpose, they have a job to do. The same as microbes and insects have a roll in recycling energy to break it down alchemically into its component elements. Demons are un-evolved angels. Over eons of time, they will evolve into divine angelic beings the same as we evolve consciously into essential human beings, who no longer need to reincarnate. Humanity in general is metamorphosing into our true identity as individualised emanations of God consciousness. Duality only exists on the physical plane and lower astral.

We all return home after our physical experience and we maintain our individuality in the after life. it is our immortal soul that can recall all of our previous lives. We erase our past experiences for each new avatar we are born into. Through accessing our causal self (higher self), we often exhibit latent memories and talents acquired in previous incarnations. We say a person is Savant, possessing knowledge beyond their years.

Don't be suprised that most people don't understand what is happening within and beyond our world. This secret has been carefully managed for centuries but the time has arrived for full disclosure of our potency. Don't expect it to come from our religion or governments they go to great lengths to keep it all hidden from us.

We are approaching a tipping point when we all discover the truth and the world will change for the better .. forever.

edit on 14-4-2024 by Kennyb75 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: sendhelp
a reply to: Xtrozero

Can you explain WHY there is a Universe?

I understand you talking about planets that have no life and consciousness is just an illusion.

We all know the theory of how the Universe began, but WHY did it in the first place?...

Unless you think there are rules, laws, physics in nothingness?

I'd say the "why" is just that emergence and creation just happens to be a default property of eternity as opposed to there being an eternity of "nothingness"(a dead eternity). It is possible for the two to coexist I suppose. At a most fundamental level this might be expressed as Yin(negative; nothing) and Yang(positive; something) which doesn't seem to disagree with contemporary inflation/expansion theories.

The negative/positive properties are reflected everywhere from electricity and batteries to elements of the psyche, and the examples are countless.

Also, I don't think there are any rules/laws prior creation. I'm guessing it was a type of pre-primordial chaos which is also why reason and logic doesn't seem very applicable to this kind of stuff.

A quote: Reason is not a bridge to all truth.
edit on 4/15/2024 by CCoburn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 09:41 AM

edit on 4/15/2024 by yeahright because: Mod edit for Spam

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: CCoburn

Wouldn't negative and positive just be an example of duality? Negative isn't the same as nothingness? I have a feeling nothingness is impossible.

When you really think about this conversation as deeply as you can, I feel you can only come to the conclusion that experiencing nothingness is impossible and there must be something beyond this 3-D Universe.

Being in my early 40's it seems so weird to think about in 2-4 more decades that I will go on to experience nothingness. Or technically not experience it? That almost makes me feel that this life is meaningless, which brings me back to thinking why even have a Universe in the first place, and why even have this particular type of Universe and not something completely different like translucent stars or a cartoon looking Universe.

If there is truly nothing after death then humans are idiots for not figuring out immortality and colonizing the Universe, 1000's of years ago.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: Lapidoth

“Truly, truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, and yet you people do not accept our testimony. If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?“

I think I'm more realistic in my view. I hold high value to life in general and I think life has meaning in what one creates, but I don't think that continues on past death. My meaning is to take care of my family and friends as best I can, and there is wiggle room to help my fellow man, but it ends there. I see too many logic loops and fallacies when I question life after death, or if we have some continued meaning of something, but we don't know that either. It also seems we are reset back to zero in each life which is aggravating, to say the least, but very convenient to explain it all.

As you suggested, much of all this is based on personal experiences. I have used ghosts in my past as an example as in no matter that anyone tells you that ghosts are real, they will never truly be real unless you have actual experience to prove it, same with aliens.

So, you might have had personal experiences and I have not, so you are right there is no real bridge we can meet in the middle on.

edit on x30Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:41:45 -05002024105America/ChicagoMon, 15 Apr 2024 16:41:45 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Kennyb75
Most philosophers of that Greek era, where all 'Causal beings' and had fully functional second sight. The Vedic Upanishads as practised through meditation techniques, enabled people to transcend into other realms of reality as a matter of routine.

So, I don't have it and after many years of looking I find nothing in the end, so in my reality I don't see it working and is more like a Nostradamus kind of play where after the fact people connect what fits to make their statement true.

. He extracted the truth of our reality from all those sources, and then enumerated the entire process, to present it as a hypothesis which would allow scientific enquiry into the esoteric world of the 'nature of reality'.

The problem is our reality is based on chemicals and how our brain perceives what is outside of it using extremely limited tools. Pop some ac id and see just how fragile your reality actually is.

Psychic awareness has been a part of the human condition for thousands of years...

And yet never been proven, even once. We also have Americans, Russians, and Chinese who put a lot of effort into creating it or harnessing it and it was all worthless in the end.

I would say the majority of people would share your own principle of "believe it when I see it" for confirmation of the existence of anything.

We need something, right? Otherwise, it's just faith it is real. Gnosis = faith

Millions, if not billions of people have second sight or Psychic abilities in one way or another including myself.

Yes, once again, never proven to be anything...nothing... How do you know you are not just tricking yourself out? If it was real and so prevalent then it would be seen as a normal function along with our other reality receptors. Same thing with UFOs and aliens, if they had been around us a long time then they would have been normalized a long time ago, but in both cases, we are still at the believer stage.

We are approaching a tipping point when we all discover the truth and the world will change for the better .. forever.

Everything is always just around the corner that is never reached.

edit on x30Mon, 15 Apr 2024 17:18:01 -05002024105America/ChicagoMon, 15 Apr 2024 17:18:01 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: JonnyC555

A challenge to people, if the unknown is in the after life, and your consciousness came from seemingly nothing also (like the universe), why don't you question what may lay ahead? In the darkness of the marina trench deep in the sea, a fish seeing a glimmer of light, just sees a glimmer of light, going to it, he's dead - by the anglerfish that is, whose light is a little bioluminescent light. Taking the time, to quiz this light, and feel uncomfortable by it, swim away, would save the other fish's life.

Why should there be an afterlife at all? Does a fly when you kill it go to the afterlife, or does a tomato after it is eaten? All of a sudden humans think they are a special form of life unlike all the other life out there. Some kind of afterlife is based on faith only and is about as real as our imagination can make it.

Damn what a Debbie Downer

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: Kennyb75

Don't forget that the kundalini was traveling up along the path of that which traveled down long before...

When that kundalini is traveling up your spine into your head more often than not something comes along with it. It'll make you feel like a new person...

I've observed it long enough.
after having a surprise run in and then containing it in my lower parts, I'm now pretty sure it's not wise to give it permanent access to the command center of who you were born as.
The whole dampening thing sounds like negotiations and recalibration is well underway for you.

There is a middle way if you can lock your diffrent chakras, keep it out of your head unless you need it. And if you can't do without find somone you trust to take the wheels...

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: Electriccowboy

Damn what a Debbie Downer

As I get older, the body breaks down, and an end with no after starts to look good like a real retirement. I ask myself, do I really want to do this all over again? Next time it will be the little African kid that dies of starvation at 8... Maybe if I could pick...but that isn't how they say it is done...

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Many people go through their lives with colour blindness .. As children, they don't miss it, because they don't know any better and their brains compensate for the distorted signal. Nobody can say for certain how anybody else's brain perceives what they sense. We assume that they see things the way we do.

So the big question is .. do you believe in colour blindness?. I assume your eyesight is fully functioning and so you have no real concept of what the experience of colour blindness appears like. Based on your reasoning there is no such thing as colour blindness because it is outside of your personal experience.

Our Pineal gland along with the pituitary gland produce biochemistry that affect our perceptions and our body cycles. Even though it is buried deep in the brain it takes instruction from our eyes to determine the degree of light.

Melatonin activates a change of frequency which in turn drops our brain activity from Beta to Alpha to Zeta and then Delta. The pineal also has rods and cones that operates much like our jelly eyes do.

Don't give up your search for enlightenment. Once you receive it, you will see it as the gift that it is.

We need something, right? Otherwise, it's just faith it is real. Gnosis = faith

This is the crux of it! .. Gnosis is not faith, Gnosis is knowledge, If someone has a supernatural experience or saw a UFO up close and personal. That person knows objectively what they experienced. Faith doesn't come into it. Wether people believe that person is another matter, because to them the story is subjective.

I will address Terpene here also, as it looks as though you have at some point accessed etheric vision. Once you activate your pineal gland as an adult, It remains open for the rest of your life.

When that kundalini is traveling up your spine into your head more often than not something comes along with it. It'll make you feel like a new person.

The only sense of being a new person is that your intuition becomes very strong and you acquire a set of abilities that you didn't have before. Some of which I am reticent to even mention, because it could make people around me feel uncomfortable.

I live amongst wildlife and all adult animals I observe, emit green energy, which is the energy of love. Young animals have a red aura, they are in survival mode until they get their physical bearings and become comfortable and relaxed in their environment and over time, their aura slowly changes to green. All the animals I observe have glowing red spot on the fleshy tips of their ears whilst their bodies emit green energy. I am still working out how or why they are designed that way.

The energy we absorb and transmit is Prana, Orgon energy, Qi, Vital life energy (all the same thing).. Without which, our physical body dies. In my case I have a HUD that I can pay attention to or ignore. I absolutely do not need a skipper lol.

It doesn't change who you are at all, it enhances your perception of life but there is no possession taking place, I don't feel like a different person in any sense.

I have compassion for people, just one step removed from empathy now, I have always been empathic which is a debilitating condition which literally causes us to experience other peoples emotional pain. Since awakening I don't experience that as acutely.

I can't relate to your experience of not being yourself .. restricting your flow of energy is harmful to you, both physically and spiritually and our bodies are designed for us to have all our chakra's open for a normal healthy life.

If your heart chakra is closed you will not be able to fully love yourself or others. You must love and respect yourself if you want to attract good things into your life. Not opening your heart chakra will negatively impact you and limit your opportunities.

If your throat chakra is closed you will find it difficult to express yourself or sing or talk with confidence. Your 6th and 7th Chakra's are entirely spiritual connections and interfaces with the divine realms of conscious awareness.

Seriously Terpine, if your 6th chakra is active, there is no middle path, you are depriving yourself of a successful and happy future by not allowing the energy to flow from your root to your crown. It can be controlled simply by willing it and the more you practice the more powerful it becomes.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: Kennyb75

Seriously kenny are you aware of the horizontal stream passing tough your heart?

Were you aware of the downward flow of energy before you started kundalini?

Are you aware of the multitude of disembodied beings present in the energy that comprises the kundalini?

I know how to get it into my head, i know it has all the cheat codes, but i know better than to fall for their treats...

The 3rd eye opening or not has nothing to do with kundalini... All my chakras are open but not all of them accessible to the kundalini.

I balance everything a 50/50. There is never just one thing and you'd be well served to keep both and familiarize with the 3rd.

What they really want is access to the horizontal beam passing trough your heart, why there is so much emphasis on the heart...
A human body is quite unique in the sense that this horizontal beam can not be accessed without it.

Most people are oblivious to it and all the teachings are designed to give access to your body away so they can get a little of that heart energy back... Because down there in the entrails of infinite potential it's cold and dark and boring without love.

If you think any human teachings on enlightenment has your well-being in mind I'm affraid you've been led astray...

I've seen what it does to people, they loose their essence, they become somone else. If I was in the progress of taking you over your advices are exactly what i would suggested to you...

I hope you're having fun and you get a long and productive partnership.
just don't try to go against any of it or you'll suffer like most I've encountered.
it's all shock and awe in the beginning but turns into a rather dark relationship once the recalibration is done.

I've worked out a way that gives me the option of better save than sorry.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Seriously kenny are you aware of the horizontal stream passing tough your heart?
Were you aware of the downward flow of energy before you started kundalini?
Are you aware of the multitude of disembodied beings present in the energy that comprises the kundalini?

I understand what you mean about horizontal energy because I can see it. It's not just your heart but all your body chakra's have horizontal energy pouring out front and back of each chakra in turn, If I stand in a dimly lit room and stand sideways I can see the energy in the mirror and without focus of attention other than observation, I scroll through the colours, not always sequentially and not always every one of them .. I feel like a traffic light lol

I see the entities all the time when I hit purple, but that changes into almost a dark pink, that's when things get really weird. I am sitting in a room of colour flickering like reflections of light on water. it's actually very cool, like sitting in the middle of a Kaleidoscope.

I have no fear of the entities, it's as though they come to help me and examine me, even energy probes into my right eye once, They slowly place etheric goggles over my eyes and it goes dark but then I focus into the black and then I see photo realistic visions. It's always mundane life events, like people going about their day. It's very difficult to keep the vision going for long. I can actually go through the motions of taking off the etheric goggles with my hands and the colour changes and then I put them back on again and back into visions, the goggles are just energy. In all my life I have never experienced anything as crazy but as cool as this.

I feel it's a gift from God to be honest, there is no malevolence in these entities. Swirling grey energy that turn into dark shadows that move with purpose. My feeling is they come to aid me in adjusting consciously to my expanded awareness. Its like they check in on me occasionally because sometimes it's intense and other times they just leave me to experiment.

I discovered my shadow, which was cast from the light of a small LED but it appears solid and three dimensional and It has pink fleshy etheric hands, like my real hands appear to me in the dark. The shadow is about 8ft tall but it moves the way I move.I say that because the etheric body I cast on the wall, sometimes gets up and walks away and a new one appears like they are on shifts lol.

My state of body and mind is fully conscious and relaxed. I never trance out completely and I can interrupt it, make some dinner and then go back.

It is integrated into my life now after just a few months. I would be really disappointed if it ever went away to be honest. There is so much more, but I am hoping that others that are experiencing this may chime in with their experiences. I am delighted to learn that you have activated your 6th chakra some very devout people spend entire lives trying to achieve that goal. Just place your trust in God and nothing bad can happen.

I really hope this is happening to millions of other people because I can't see any harm in it at all, so long as you have God in your heart, demons can't come close to you. Intuition is very valuable and I have always felt it, but now I follow it without question.

Just to add, I have been studying esoterics for years. Those dark entities from the bowls cannot enter the light. When we enter into purple our frequency causes us to glow brightly casting light on the darkness .. they don't like that much.

Most people are oblivious to it and all the teachings are designed to give access to your body away so they can get a little of that heart energy back... Because down there in the entrails of infinite potential it's cold and dark and boring without love.

And why would any loving person deny them that? .. It's loving energy that can get them out of the lower astral permanently.

edit on 16-4-2024 by Kennyb75 because: Added line

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Kennyb75

There are at least twice the chakras than those commonly known...

So who exactly is god in your heart?

I dont trust it...
it has all the benchmarks of a very sophisticated scam.
It's like you have to devout yourself to me God or you'll get the wrath of the bad guys if you try and access the kundalini. Good cop, bad cop games come to mind.

Nah he's entirely unnecessary unless you want to become his henchmen... He's not much better than the rest of the critter down there, he just managed to cheat himself a kingdom a small one compared to the wastness but a kingdom nonetheless.
It's a bit much to lay out the problems with that God character and it's pretty futile for a devoted christian.

Now Jesus is a real asset when in perilous chapel, so i give you that...

but my body is my temple and I'm the only god that resides in it.
I share parts with everyone, others with a handful and yet others are mine entirely.

The big guy is not who he sells himself as and he has no business inside me, we're on good terms though, he does his job as one of the two main gate keepers ok...Ish

whenever the traps are all full he provides all the energy to flush the nasty stuff all the way up and out into the light. How i love it when they come slithering out of the darkness because the glowing chakras promise an easy meal...

Funnily he has his dichotomous counterpart and they work in unison... One opens the bottom the other the top and everything i didn't turn into batteries is cleansed into the light... Not a fun thing for those entities but better than to become my batterie.

If you violate the rules of my temple nothing can protect you neither god nor devil can overrule the defined space that is given to you in form of a body. That is unless you willingly give it away to either of them. Then they set the rules and you're to be happy if they don't crush you...

Hopefully that awe lasts a long time for you....

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: sendhelp

Wouldn't negative and positive just be an example of duality?

Yes. "Duality" or polarity et cetera. A thing containing two parts e.g. mind(pneuma) and body(soma) - often opposing in nature.

originally posted by: sendhelp

Negative isn't the same as nothingness? I have a feeling nothingness is impossible.

In this context "negative" is being used to indicate a negation with identical word structure except for the suffix.

Keeping in mind that whatever this "nothing" is, that it likely transcends our universal laws as other transcendent cosmological concepts such as ever-flowing time or in this case an emergence from this nothing. Nothing does not have any explicit definition. It's either a complete and total negation, a spatial negation, or a spatiotemporal negation with some unknown acausal element which makes emergence from it possible as opposed to "impossible".

originally posted by: sendhelp

When you really think about this conversation as deeply as you can, I feel you can only come to the conclusion that experiencing nothingness is impossible and there must be something beyond this 3-D Universe.

This concept of nothing IS beyond our experience but one of two paths lead to it which is why some hypothesize about it - we just don't know precisely what it is.

Some might think that it is impossible for something to come from nothing, therefore, there must be some thing that is eternal - which leads you to another paradoxical absurdity(there's really no escaping it). So this is not necessarily true.

originally posted by: sendhelp

Being in my early 40's it seems so weird to think about in 2-4 more decades that I will go on to experience nothingness. Or technically not experience it? That almost makes me feel that this life is meaningless, which brings me back to thinking why even have a Universe in the first place, and why even have this particular type of Universe and not something completely different like translucent stars or a cartoon looking Universe.

You can't really experience nothing or anything in a non-temporal existence where the time dimension is compressed, compactified, or collapsed to zero without duration. This is like a static frozen state of eternity without motion, movement, or thought. This would be where the notion of a self-begotten acausal unmoved mover would come into play. It's just one more absurdity among others to put on the table as there are no rational explanations here.

I believe that this eternal, primordial, or God anomaly - this unknown factor - is akin to some perfect flawless existence that functions as some sort of supreme primordial algorithm and its creations are formulated accordingly, so I would presume that a "cartoon looking universe" or any other creations omitted may not be optimal mechanically and/or aesthetically as beauty also seems to be a factor worthy of mention in all of this.
edit on 4/16/2024 by CCoburn because: Typo

edit on 4/16/2024 by CCoburn because: Typo

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Allow me to explain my friend .. The occult is the occult, it just means hidden, not much different to the meaning of esoteric.

Merlin throws down a staff and a serpent appears and his admirers call it magic
Jesus turns water into wine and his followers call it a miracle.

There is only three fundamental things in all of Gods creation .. Matter, Motion and Consciousness or the will.

Matter in motion is energy .. Matter has many states and the physical world is composed of all those states, we shed matter as we enter into each of the next lesser dense state. It is frequency that holds each dimension in a stable state.

God almighty our father, is the creator of everything. It is the will of God, that creation exists in the first place.

We are not God!!! .. We are emanations of God, as a ray of sunlight is to the Sun so are we, as rays of Gods consciousness. We humans have passed through the lower levels of awareness and into the final stages before we no longer need to reincarnate. It takes many lifetimes as a human to to evolve before we transmigrate into our essential being. We, in our naked form are bundles of discrete energy that can materialise anywhere in the universe, when we are not bound to a physical body. We can assume any avatar we choose beyond this world.

The process is endless and billions of conscious beings have moved beyond the physical world and into a highly organised and divinely perfect system. We come her to evolve our conscious awareness, that awareness keeps growing and growing through many collectives of souls until some time in our infinite future we finally become omnipotent and omniscient. How far that journey goes, only God knows.

Occupying the lowest of Gods realms are the lost souls, completely absorbed in their own guilt and shame and unable to approach the light because it seers them. The lower Astral plains are also the home of the Demons and Satanic creatures. Many Demigods inhabit this realm including that which we call Satan, many demigods occupy this area including what is referred to as the pantheons of gods. .. Gods they are not!, .. They are very naughty little demigods only labeled as gods because they are supernatural with very limited actual power.

Jesus came into our world to advise us, that those demigods are not God and that there is only ONE God our father who has created everything .. Why do you think these demons are so afraid of Jesus?

People do deals with Demigods and have done throughout history, Many people like druids appeal to their ancestors who are a collective consciousness the same as many evil entities are collectives. It's not as if they don't exist but they refuse to stop influencing the living .. Again Jesus shouted it out loud, Our holy father is the only true God. All the other collective energies that hang around in the murky regions attempt to trick us at every turn ..There is a reason for that.

God sent his Angel Lucifer to act as an attractor, to create the ultimate test for humanity by tempting them away from righteousness and into the darkness .. Sometimes even mature souls fall for the hype. God knows when his children are ripe for the responsibility of serving others, rather than self serving/self gratification and it then that God gives us divine gifts.

Satan(Lucifer) is the purifier, as in the bleach that scours the soul and turn them away from Gods blessings. They become lost souls with a very painful period of suffering and souls searching to find God again. It is harsh! but the ultimate prize for our loyalty to our father and Jesus our brother is beyond our wildest imagination.

God is pure unconditional love, he see us all as his children and he is aware of all of us, because our consciousness is his consciousness. We think it, and God hears us. There is no greater authority. There is only ONE father who is also the father of all the demigods and collectives that are all a part of the mind of God.

Everything can be healed, all bad deeds can be forgiven but we have to willingly give up ourselves for the benefit of all. That doesn't mean not looking after yourself and enjoying life, It slowly dawns on us that the things that make us truly happy is when we give our energies for the benefit of raising up those below us higher and by elevating them we ascend even further. The joy of giving and helping other is incomparable to any other human experience.

Seems counter intuitive right! .. I guess that's the test.

God will forgive us if we sincerely ask for forgiveness and then we are right back on track, having had a brush with temptation but renewed during the journey. Coming home always feels great.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: JonnyC555

I've always wondered what consciousness realy means , to me it looks like to be a part of or the universe itself a fabric that wants to experience itself it wants to feel existence and to experience that it can actually lose itself throughout all life building worlds not remembering any past lives for overexpansion and maby survival to actually create something significant in that empty space?

Delving into the enigmatic realm of consciousness is akin to embarking on a journey through the cosmos of thought. Picture it as the universe's quest to comprehend itself—a tapestry woven with threads of existence longing to be felt and experienced. Within this cosmic dance, consciousness emerges as the ethereal spark igniting the flame of self-awareness, allowing us to navigate the boundless expanse of reality. Some view it as the intricate symphony of neural networks orchestrating the grand opera of perception, while others perceive it as the mystical whisper of the soul echoing through the corridors of eternity. Whatever the interpretation, the exploration of consciousness remains an ever-unfolding odyssey, inviting us to ponder the mysteries of our own existence.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 07:03 PM
You're confabulating that which can not be named but transcends all with the imposter that calls himself God. The God you describe has an individual consciousness, sounds just like him.

Sure some have mastered the art of inducing any feeling they like in their hosts?

Have fun with your new found bliss, may it last forever, don't be disappointed if it doesn't and make sure to never doubt it if it does end.

I can't subscribe to any one who doesn't allow doubt, it's a sign of weakness not of almighty power....

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 07:47 PM
As someone who has experienced then was kicked out of the light.

I am going to try to resist it. It is very powerful, especially when you are afraid.

I also believe it is a trap.

An almost full proof trap.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Terpene

I can't subscribe to any one who doesn't allow doubt, it's a sign of weakness not of almighty power....

Unshakable faith can move mountains .. just sayin

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: Kennyb75

So the big question is .. do you believe in colour blindness?. I assume your eyesight is fully functioning and so you have no real concept of what the experience of colour blindness appears like. Based on your reasoning there is no such thing as colour blindness because it is outside of your personal experience.

I disagree because it is physically measurable. Many jobs are based on being able to see color, so it is easily testable. Because of that, I believe people have color blindness.

I think a better example for you is some people can think in color, and some can do advanced math quickly and they say they just see color and it gives them the answer compared to physically solving the problem which can take a long time to do.

I don't have a reason to suggest they can't do math with colors in their brain as there is this unique result of very fast solving of the math problem without actual computations to figure it out, and so if that is what they want to call it then so be it. Now if someone says they can solve math with only seeing colors, but then don't do it that way then I would say they are wrong or trying to fake something they do not have.

In the case of second sight, ESP, etc. there is nothing to test or measure and it is just the individual's word that they have it. I guess it comes down to the simple suggestion that if you do have it then prove it, which has been impossible up to now.

edit on x30Tue, 16 Apr 2024 22:05:00 -05002024106America/ChicagoTue, 16 Apr 2024 22:05:00 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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