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Afterlife, unknown, so prepare, or just go into the unknown (bad)!!

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posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:09 PM
We go school, then work till we get old then we retire and quickly die. Then we get sent to the afterlife to work again?

Is that what is being implied in the OP. I wonder if they have unions in the afterlife?

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:18 PM
Great thread S&F, I've been thinking about the concept of death a lot lately.The concept of nothingness seems incomprehensible, and really makes it seem there is no meaning to life, other than trying to live forever.

It's also crazy thinking about that human life expectancy is really short. Each decade of your life is physically and mentally so different, that seems so strange and unfair. Thinking of life as decades, it makes life seem so short.

There is no life outside of Earth, so Earth is required to have life. If Earth becomes inhospitable one day and all life dies, no one would be observing the Universe. So the Universe wouldn't exist? So at that point would there be nothingness?

Maybe nothingness is a paradox and in order to not have the paradox there must be another dimension or universe life after death transcends to?

Maybe debunking nothingness is asking, why is there a Universe in the first place?

Or maybe the fact there is a Universe proves there could be something beyond the Universe?

I think the question is not about whether it's our consciousness or our soul, but the Universe. Why is there a Universe?

As one could say, is there such thing as nothingness? Or why is there such thing as anythingness?

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 12:54 AM
Interesting topic. I will just follow my intuition if and when the question arises. David Bowie when dealing with cancer before his death seems to have given it some thought. Song Blackstar.

In the villa of Ormen, in the villa of Ormen
Stands a solitary candle, ah ah, ah ah
In the centre of it all, in the centre of it all
Your eyes

Blackstar lyrics

When doing some research regarding the recent solar eclipse I came across this very interesting interpretation:

"Ormen" actually means "Serpent" in Norwegian.

The line "villa of Ormen" means house of Serpent(s), and the Egyptian deity Apep is depicted as a giant serpent and represents darkness and chaos. Basically Apep is evil

Symbolism sidenote: APEP NASA mission during eclipse.

Back on topic:

Is it possible to leave the villa of Ormen? Is the light the exit or is it more like Apep's house, Apep's rules... Are there other houses at all or does the villa represent the universe? Are there "doors", "windows", "portals" in the dark that lead to better places?

I don't have the answers but the video and it's lyrics are fascinating.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I like your take, but honestly you give imagination to little credit...

After all it is imagination that turns electromagnetic stimulus into a the vibrant experience we call life...

The whole afterlife debate is superfluous once you assume that it is the imagination of each and everyone that defines it for them.

And yes eternal bliss can easily turn into eternal boredom which is a nightmare...

To all of that I can only say:

there is life before death

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: JonnyC555

Looking at the illusions and deception it takes to put humanity into such a position whereby people have accepted this manufactured reality as worth participating in by choosing a side and not outright rejecting this horrible danse macabre like the prime example of ugliness that it is have only firmed my resolve to stay true to myself and to never accept an invitation to dance with the devil.

Every day brings a new illusion designed to rope you in should your ears find comfort with the seductive melody playing to your fears.

If continued consciousness after death does in fact occur in humans I aim to keep my resolve in these matters, trusting that my intuition has served me well thus far.

All that glitters ain't gold.
edit on 14-4-2024 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 05:23 AM
Humans don't need to "think of themselves as special" to believe in an "afterlife", although in lieu of an afterlife, and by the same token, I will instead talk about 'new beginnings' for this reply.

It makes no difference what time model you choose to believe. Whether it be ever-flowing or fragmented. What is happening now, has always been happening, and regardless of the time model eternity is real.

There just aren't enough variations within this endless sea that we call eternity for anything to only occur one time regardless of any complexity involved. This "sea" is often referred the "Sea of Forgetfulness" because all of the former things will pass away and all will be made new again, ad infintum.

Anything that has a beginning must also have an end but also be eternal. Every single fragment of the eternal serpent₁ by virtue of eternity be eternal itself.

lo the great star fall, so it may return, forevermore.

1. Ouroboros the great serpent; the eternal serpent.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: FamCore

Malevolence is burned by the light .. it is why they try to lower our frequencies, to dim our light .. we are a frequency of energy much brighter than the dark ones. As long as you keep glowing brighter, by checking in with your conscience occasionally, you will be safe ... Unrighteousness, selfishness, greed, purveyors of negative energy, Intoxication, drugs.

All of those personality traits and habits are what attract malevolent demons. Most people have a healthy understanding about the duality of right and wrong but it is that demarcation line that demons (physical and spiritual) attempt to blur.

You can't see them! or hear them in your head .. but they seduce you, by manipulating your biochemical frequency and make you see pleasure, where there should be disgust or disrespect where there should be respect and the reverse. Once they control you, your own mind becomes distorted and you drift further away from the light.

Demon possession or demon influence, is just the degree of control an entity has over you. Many Eastern religions offer bribes to demons on the doorstep, to keep them out of their homes. An enormous amount of people are possessed by demons.

Until they raise their frequencies by fighting against the darkness .. they will never get to live in the light.

Solution .. turn your life around and love God .. you will forever be protected because you will always be glowing too brightly for them .. Always move to the light!, you will be safe there.

edit on 14-4-2024 by Kennyb75 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:46 AM

Afterlife, unknown, so prepare, or just go into the unknown (bad)!!

Afterlife ... everyone is going to go ... everyone has their own ideas about what it'll be. None of us really know for sure.

You can prepare, but you don't know what you are preparing for. I like the Jesus narrative, it makes sense to me, so I go with that. I'll find out when I'm dead if I picked right.

I'm really hoping that the notion of Archons is wrong. Demonic 'god-like' entities that keep us trapped in the physical world and suck the energy life from us like we are batteries for them to feed on.

It would explain a lot about why this planet is in such chaos and why there is so much confusion and disinformation, and why good looks bad and bad looks good. etc etc

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: Lapidoth

What sets us apart? Complex language and complex reasoning. Our ability for introspection. Agriculture, writing, ability to understand symbolism, and write poetry and find meaning in it.

Never seen that from a tomato. But of course, I’ve never asked one either.

What you write above is the continued efforts of a specie, that drunk/high homeless person on the streets pretty much can't do any of that, do they lose their soul then? I'm rather limited too as an individual, maybe I don't make the cut either. 50% of humans have IQs below 100, and they are somewhat limited too, so I wonder if it is just the smart ones.

None of that means we have a continued lifeforce after death. Your argument is saying because we happen to be the smartest that means we have a soul/life force that continues on, and it really doesn't make sense when you think about it.

What about Dolphins, Elephants, Chimps etc... I was using trees and bugs to say all life has some form of awareness on some level.

So where is the cutoff? We might be the smartest on our little pond called Earth, but the vast ocean of the universe could rate us still not very high. An Alien could say that those humans don't have a soul because they can see and think in 5 dimensions...

edit on x30Sun, 14 Apr 2024 08:18:39 -05002024104America/ChicagoSun, 14 Apr 2024 08:18:39 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

It would explain a lot about why this planet is in such chaos and why there is so much confusion and disinformation, and why good looks bad and bad looks good. etc etc

Is the planet really in chaos? Man, I really feel humans see themselves as the center of the universe. Go back to ice ball Earth, now that is a planet in chaos. All life was wiped back to a very simple lifeform just to see it explode back once again with massive creatures in the Cambrian period. Our time on Earth is a blink of an eye, so there is no chaos until the next big asteroid hits. life has been recycled many times here. Life is a constant, but species are extremely fragile.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

All life is conscious! .. from a simple amoeba to the most divine form of existence. Inanimate objects have conscious potential .. even a grain of sand has conscious potential.

All life, everywhere, has a prime imperative, and that is to evolve in consciousness. Consciousness isn't taught, it is the very nature of consciousness to gather data and to evolve. Pretty hard for a grain of sand but everything eventually evolves.

An insect has the perfect physiological form for its level of conscious evolution. Over eons, the form of an insect becomes unsuitable for the conscious energy of a fly, and so the frequency then resonates with an animal. Each animal also belongs to a hierarchy of awareness types, ranging from lower awareness, to higher order of animals such as horses, monkeys, cats, dogs and elephants.

Every human being alive, evolved consciously from one of those five animal groups.

As grass, coming in constant contact with insects, eventually learns to vibrate at the frequency of an insect. An insect consciously starts to vibrate, to that of a more biologically sophisticated animal. Again, the constant contact with a higher vibrations entrains the frequency. A lower order of animal, increases its frequency into a higher order until it comes into contact with human consciousness. Each individual animal evolves in direct correlation with its contact with a higher order of creature or person.

People who own pets, are boosting the conscious evolution of their animals by sharing human conscious vibration which entrains the animals consciousness to evolve.

Humans have many thousands of lives as a human being, the same as a dog has thousands of lives as a dog. Humans, when we evolve to a level high enough to transmigrate, leave the wheel of reincarnation and continue our conscious existence in another dimension of reality.

When we become human, after transmigrating from an animal, we receive a soul, which resides several sub dimensions away from the physical dimension beyond the emotional world (maya) and the mental world and into the causal world where our souls permanently reside.

People refer to the soul as the higher self .. It knows our situations and what we are doing, and attempts to guide us on our path by communicating through our etheric connection. Our pineal gland, our thalamus and pituitary glands control our biochemistry, which in turn controls our emotions and thoughts. The pineal gland sits in the centre between the hemisphere of our brains and it is our antenna between the physical world and the causal world.

The pineal gland it permanently open when we are children, but toxins and environmental conditions, can and does calcify and dull its ability to receive higher guidance. When the pineal gland is functioning, it creates coherence between our left hemisphere and our right hemisphere, so we are constantly informed from the physical and the spiritual world simultaneously. You really can trust intuition when you are awake.

Without this connection, we are completely on our own, and we are unable to sense the connection to our own divinity. That causes us to be easily manipulated by other entities that influences the dormant, disconnected right brain.

Our consciousness evolution is being stunted, and has been for a number of years now because 'those who know' are using frequencies against us. Cellphones and Television are control mechanisms that are designed to stunt our evolution and many people are disconnected because the pineal gland has calcified.

People have to withdraw from everything that is lowering their frequencies, including what we consume mentally and physically and re-evaluate our world views. We have all been led astray.

Stay away from fluoride, it is deliberately used to calcify your pineal.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: Kennyb75

All life is conscious! .. from a simple amoeba to the most divine form of existence. Inanimate objects have conscious potential .. even a grain of sand has conscious potential.

All life, everywhere, has a prime imperative, and that is to evolve in consciousness. Consciousness isn't taught, it is the very nature of consciousness to gather data and to evolve. Pretty hard for a grain of sand but everything eventually evolves.

An insect has the perfect physiological form for its level of conscious evolution. Over eons, the form of an insect becomes unsuitable for the conscious energy of a fly, and so the frequency then resonates with an animal. Each animal also belongs to a hierarchy of awareness types, ranging from lower awareness, to higher order of animals such as horses, monkeys, cats, dogs and elephants.

Every human being alive, evolved consciously from one of those five animal groups.

As grass, coming in constant contact with insects, eventually learns to vibrate at the frequency of an insect. An insect consciously starts to vibrate, to that of a more biologically sophisticated animal. Again, the constant contact with a higher vibrations entrains the frequency. A lower order of animal, increases its frequency into a higher order until it comes into contact with human consciousness. Each individual animal evolves in direct correlation with its contact with a higher order of creature or person.

People who own pets, are boosting the conscious evolution of their animals by sharing human conscious vibration which entrains the animals consciousness to evolve.

My argument is not whether we have a conscious or not, and I even suggested in my first post all life does at some level, so I'm not sure your point here other than to agree with me. One problem though is the term "conscious" and even "life" are human constructs to explain processes. We then put a label of "special" on those constructs. In the universe's view, we are only a chemical process.

Is consciousness that inner voice? It seems that not everyone has an inner voice, like 30%+ of the population do not have an inner voice and just react in real-time with no ability to internally think things through. This could be because 50% of the population have IQs below 100, so maybe as our IQs push through the 120s to 140s to 160s and higher, it opens up more of that ability to live and operate in the abstract world. Many can think in pictures and see color in their inner thoughts. Some people can do advanced math by only seeing colors to solve. This could be more of a talent but could be based on IQ too.

I have a strong internal thought process though I do not see pictures or color, but with every one of us what we have is normal to us, and what we live with is only what we know as our personal reality.

Humans have many thousands of lives as a human being, the same as a dog has thousands of lives as a dog. Humans, when we evolve to a level high enough to transmigrate, leave the wheel of reincarnation and continue our conscious existence in another dimension of reality.

And how do you know this? One thing humans are good at is living and thinking in the abstract world. We spend most of our time there and that is why we have religion and math, for example. It is also why we can create your story of 1000s of lives as we can easily do with the DC Universe, Star Wars, and even aliens among us.

Explain how your view has anything more to it than just being a human construct where we invented it in our abstract world as we would do a million times over with a good fictional storyline.

edit on x30Sun, 14 Apr 2024 10:42:34 -05002024104America/ChicagoSun, 14 Apr 2024 10:42:34 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 10:37 AM

I'm really hoping that the notion of Archons is wrong. Demonic 'god-like' entities that keep us trapped in the physical world and suck the energy life from us like we are batteries for them to feed on.
a reply to: FlyersFan



I don't know what they are but your description says a lot.

Where could I find out about Archons? Any suggestions other than Google?

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 10:49 AM
All the thinking and contemplating in the world would not prepare us for an after life. Just like nobody was prepared for THIS current one. None of that even matters. Enjoy the journey, mentally accept the end of this journey one day. Then embrace the empty peaceful darkness at the end of the journey. We only get so much time before light explodes into our consciousness once more in another unprepared life with zero memories of previous existence.

Its that simple. Shed the ego, and fear goes with it. Much of these discussions are based out of a fear of the unknown. Just accept the end and enjoy the journey on the way there. Everyone knows how a carnival ride ends, yet people who enjoy a thrill get on anyways. It was not for the end, but for the journey prior. treat life the same, without an inflated ego and one may find a little less fear at the end of this journey.

I as an individual am not the center of the universe. neither is anyone else on Earth. Those who pretend they are rarely have peace in their lives.

I don't know about any traps for our souls or what have you, but ancient spiritual guidance written long before any bible conjured up from Abraham's leftover stories out of Sumer say the best way to find peace is to accept every action one must take is in service to the creator. You choose who you want to believe that creator is, as it has many faces and personalities across time which represent it.

But I have sort of surrendered my mind and spirit to that concept recently, and it seems to be paying dividends in my life. Maybe it is just a coincidence. Well if everything is just a series of coincidences, there wont be any problem for me to continue my way of thinking and enjoying the continued benefits of these positive coincidences in my life.

acknowledging and recognizing synchronicity can also help one travel the right path. When the mind reaches a stage where much ego has been shed and now acceptance into grand concepts can begin, one begins to see the patterns and coincidences in life almost like the protagonists in the Matrix can read the code and see more than just lines of text. That is the best and only way I can really describe it right now. Recognizing signs and messages from the universe for what they are has been my saving grace.

For the movie fans, I have a Pulp Fiction metaphor. Samuel Jacksons character recognized synchronicity. John Travolta's character did not. Jules lived, Vega died. One accepted the sign for what it was, the other scoffed and laughed it off. Vega's ego was too big to accept any grand idea of guidance from beyond. Jules accepted it right there on the spot and committed to changing his life. There was even one last test for him before he changed his journey forever, and he still passed.

We can all experience this if we are willing to accept in our hearts and minds that there are grand forces at work in the universe that we may not fully understand, but can interpret for the obviousness in how it presents itself.

I like these kinds of discussions, they can be enlightening.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: SchrodingersRat
Where could I find out about Archons? Any suggestions other than Google?

Just Google. They are ancient myth ... or maybe not myth???

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: SchrodingersRat

Definition from Encyclopedia Britannica:

Archon, in gnosticism, any of a number of world-governing powers that were created with the material world by a subordinate deity called the Demiurge (Creator). Although gnosticism did not constitute a single movement, most gnostics were religious dualists who held that matter is inferior and the spirit is good and that salvation is attained by esoteric knowledge, or gnosis.

For more in depth reading, here's a link to the website for the "Nag Hamadi" (writings from about 200-300 years after the birth of Christ)
Nag Hamadi

edit on 14-4-2024 by lostgirl because: fixing link

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: JonnyC555

I have to compliment you on the OP, and many of what you've written I have given a lot of thought to. Especially the nature of consciousness and that something can't come from nothing, and thus consciousness exists outside of the brain, or deeply embedded in every molecule.

Also the idea that the moments after death are crucial, and that one ought to prepare for it and have his/her wits about him. I think we can prepare for death by making the correct choices here (especially those hard ones and when no one is watching).

Thanks again for a thought-provoking and important post!

Thank you. Interesting to see you feel the same way. Keeping your wits about you indeed.

I've been thinking how one would escape the universe if it was a possible wrong domain to settle in, leading me to think, would they catch you (if you was vulnerable) in the universe or just outside it, like a heron does on the edge of a pond.

Do you zoom off past it all, would their domain seemingly hold space around you still somehow? In this odd case, i feel letting go off memories of this life in totality, also sheds what is; your spiritual feeling bonds for what is essentially an amalgamation of the soul wanters, the matter in it and the victims (or puppets). And so, escape is leaving it all behind, by the memory too, which helps you escape. But, once left from their domain, free, one could reignite memory, spiritually guide the distracted victim souls left inside and warn other souls not to entertain lures to enter this place.

I do fear, i am on my own here, whereby everyone is a puppet of the soul wanters to bolster any of my entertaining thoughts of this place and try and cement a false concept which may weaken me in the after lie-f. Like a truman show. And all the other genuine victim souls are in their own universe. This matrix of sorts would siphon any entertaining thoughts of this place that i mistake to do, to other universes whereby other lone victims get this through a puppet. Using thoughts from the same kind of souls to deepen the wonderland effect. Using puppets, means times of non agreement with the universe from other soul victoms, can be taken away from the puppets script leaving the lone soul's universe a sort of onslaught of being poorly setup for the afterlife.
Selective siphoning of soul victims thoughts to other soul victim's lone universe.
Freaky. But the universe's origin is kind of bewildering too. As is our consciousness being here. I think of the worst case scenarios to defend my soul against the strongest possible soul predatory setups designed to be vastly at odds from society's norms. I do this, because, i myself find the world full of misery, i myself bored, the universe a big question mark and why i am here, when i wasn't before a reason to keep vigilant. No one knows if entities want our souls, no one knows the afterlife. I feel i do, as do others.

And i partly refrain from treating people as soul predator puppets in case i am wrong and possibly deepening a person's danger to these predators.

It's all crazy compared to BBC news, MTV, cars, jobs, babies, friends, pubs, but like i keep saying, how did it all even get here. How did i end up conscious here. For me, i know the answer.

Science i feel has people's mouth''s hushed out of fear in the same way religion did in the 1200's. Just another thought of mine. This makes topics of the afterlife and consciousness feel silly and stupid. Oh, but, the same social lashings of the 1200's when you denounced religion. To me, that's abusing both sides of our thoughts, the reason this place is here, science, and what came before and lay ahead, religion.

edit on 14-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: Partly*

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness
The world is a dark place , due in large part , to the evil corrup self-serving 1% 'elites' .

It's not the 1% "elite" to be concerned about.

It's more like the 50% of everuday folks and they hide behind dualistic personalities.

People are selfish by nature and lie a lot habitually. Usually to themselves first to delude themselves into a position where they don't employ a conscience, have any morals and do everything they can to feel special at any cost.

And I believe that the only thing after death is a dissipation of energy and resources. Nothing beyond the "self" of any benefit to the one dying, except perhaps a moment of relief.

Nikola Tesla knew he would dissapear but be immortal. He and his work will never be forgotten as long as the human race prevails.

pfft! what do I care?

I feel, the 1% can be a 0.0001% etc. Based on an ultra basic concept made a norm by all. Farmed food. Spiritually a bad thing. A taint on us, i feel. I feel this was learned thousands of years ago. Using trickery to get us to eat it, i say trickery because i feel back then, we was less socially abused, was more independent and more confident with our senses, that includes finding something dubious. So a bit of cars salesman was at work to make us gobble it up all the time. They may of been the first people to choose to throw humanity under the bus for kicks, and utter ease of power leverage. They could of used religious methods to build a mirage around this food.

Let's say, we aren't supposed to be here. We were meant to learn how we came here, and die young, which we did, 30-40 at the max. But, these dennis the menace types saw an oppurtunity to poke the other humans around by willing to be the first to lie and taint, seeing the ease, and amusing themselves, eventually creating civilisation, religion, wars, slavery, wage slavery etc.

Adam and Eve, except, Dennis the menace is the snake wanting them to eat the farmed bread.

""The Old Testament tells of Adam and Eve, our progenitors. They lived in paradise in total innocence until the serpent (the devil) enticed them to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. As punishment for their disobedience, God banished them from Paradise. Why is the forbidden fruit often called an apple?,""

Bare in mind this religion, i think, warps the truth, the apple being naturally grown is more spiritually neutral, religion talks of eating bread by practice and scripture, grain for bread is usually farmed, farming was back since circa 10,000 BC, using fire to heat crushed seeds, which spiritually is for me, bad. This quote reads a lot like my thoughts said before. However paradise on Earth i don't fully accept, was there a need to work 9 to 5 then? No, that's true. Was all that free vast roaming, fresh clean air, natural food better than what is now? Yeah. This religion tells a truth of sorts but twists it.

And i'll add to not care, is right, to forget of here, for me, sets us free. To care of the 1% or 0.0001% power mongers, for me, is missing the real danger.

edit on 14-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: Last paragraph

edit on 14-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: Sentence amending.

edit on 14-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: Cohesiveness changes.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I actually enjoy these types of conversations, but I don’t think that you and I can actually engage in one that would ever be productive because we operate from different prime realities. Mine is theistic and yours seems to be nihilistic. My prime reality is based on a fundamental perspective that life has meaning and purpose, and yours seems based on the premise that life is meaningless. So any attempt at conversation would likely inevitably devolve into a standoff of mutually exclusive viewpoints.

“Truly, truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, and yet you people do not accept our testimony. If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?“

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Can you explain WHY there is a Universe?

I understand you talking about planets that have no life and consciousness is just an illusion.

We all know the theory of how the Universe began, but WHY did it in the first place?

I don't prescribe to simulation theory but take a video game designer creating a world/universe. They could make it cartoon like, like Super Mario Bros or make it realistic looking like GTA or COD. So why is it that our Universe isn't a cartoon looking reality? Why does oxygen burn yellow and carbon burn blue? If the Universe came from nothing then there's no rules about what the Universe could or couldn't be.

Unless you think there are rules, laws, physics in nothingness?

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