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Please share your paranormal & ghost experiences!!

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posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Fine with me, lock them away. Just saying the potential energy needed is there, and there are ways to use it. I have myself a nice shelf of batteries...

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: sugarmonkey

Are they unable to move on?

The situation is complicated for them, and not as easy as "moving on" from the earth. I have a lot of them because word gets around "up there".

I have some deceased Muslim girls who suicided rather than be the child bride of some old man. In Islam, suicides cannot enter paradise, and so they have nowhere to go.

A similar thing with the church where certain people cannot enter heaven. The evangelist preacher says "do this and you will go to hell". Some people believe these things, especially kids.

It's a big problem.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 05:26 PM
It’s nice to be back able to post. At least I think I can. My mother was very religious and told me we should not be interacting with invisible entities or whomever it may be. I never shared certain experiences with her but she shared a few with me. I’ve had my own experiences. Accidentally scared one guy so bad in my college days that his eyes got real wide and he ducked, hid, and then ran for it out the other door. The lobby door swung open by itself and I walked in without touching the lobby door of a dorm building. I initially thought maybe it was the wind. After scaring away the only person in a 2000 person 12 story dorm lobby, I played an arcade pinball machine for 20 or 30 minutes. No one came into the lobby. It was 10 pm so maybe everyone was sleeping. Anyway the wind never blew the lobby door open more than a foot or so the whole time until I left and approached the door. Then the door swung all the way open for me again. I quickly walked back to my dorm building. It was a windy night and no one seemed to be out except me which was weird by itself. My dorm building housed 2000 college students as well. When I got back to my dorm building, no one was around. I saw no one. But as I approached my lobby, the door opened up for me all the way same as the other building. Something invisible or a ghost seemed to be following me. At least it was friendly.

Several other experiences. Never had this sequence of door openings happen again. Wondered if it could have been ghosts or some freak random occurrence of telekinesis. This happened decades ago and the only reason I mentioned telekinesis as a possible explanation is because I saw the door opening in my mind before it happened and imagined or visualized it happening again when it happened. Of course a ghost or entity might have planted a thought in my head as well. Hopefully this post goes through.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 05:41 PM
I will add that supernatural entities may be monitoring me and my thoughts. They seem to be friendly and protective at least from what one girl told me. One girl told me she had constant poltergeist activity until I told her I would ask whatever was visiting me to go kick poltergeist out. I don’t know if she was pulling my leg but she seemed serious and said all poltergeist activity stopped. She told me 2 years later there was still nothing. So many people are crazy out there you never know when someone is making up stories or they have actual activity. I was actually more surprised by what the girl I knew told me than she seemed to be. She claimed the poltergeist had been moving stuff like chairs, tables, etc around in her kitchen when no one was there. It does make me a little bit nervous wondering who or what could I be occasionally interacting with. I once had friendly interactions with something or someone who was invisible. I could feel what seemed to be a female. If you saw the movie Predator when the alien had an invisible cloak on, it was like that except directly in front of me. More like a ghostly faint touch. Not really like a physical touch. Some people might think I’m crazy or dabbling with things I shouldn’t be but I didn’t ask for any of this.

FYI, that was years ago. I haven’t had too much strange stuff happen lately. No major electrical storms causing any shift in my reality while causing flooding in the surrounding. Although it did rain 4.5 inches overnight back a few weeks and flooded nearby roads. Has rained hardly a drop since then. I don’t like driving through flooded roads so I turned around. When the water appears a foot deep or more and you can’t see the road except where the ripples in the water are, I prefer to turn around. I was actually trying to drive to church on Sunday. First time ever the deacon came over to talk to me killing time before church started. Told him about the flooded road and he actually asked me if I thought that was a sign from God. No idea. If it was a sign, maybe go to church on Saturday evening not Sunday.
edit on 29-10-2023 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: BeTheGoddess2
Ive only ever told one person this and that was my doctor. I had Black Eyed Kids visit me on saturday evening at 10;08pm. They managed to knock on the door without opening the flyscreen. I was fu*kin terrefied of these little "kids". They seemed to know what I was thinking, wich was eeeeepwho are these kids?.Because all the strories online are supposedly fake, I never bothered telling anyone about it, except my doc cos she did notice I was a bit distraught on a visit soon after it happened.

I dont know what they were, and dont care if I get called a BS artist since it happened 10 years ago its kinda meh now.

BEKs are real.

In midsummer of 2018, I was alone on a ranch in the country, late at night, after 11 p.m.. It was a quiet, still and clear night and I was having some wine and using a text based spirit box, trying to communicate with BEKs to find out if they were real. There were a few potential replies but it was mostly pretty quiet, that is, until I asked the BEKs to visit me. I've messed with spirits a lot in my life, and don't get scared, but 5 seconds after issuing my request I felt a strong and deep dread, and suddenly just KNEW something BAD had appeared on the property.

The device immediately said "Enter", then less than 5 seconds after that, a loud robotic knocking echoed from all the way across the house. The knocks were in sets of 4, with a half second pause, then another set of 4... This cycle repeated 4 times. It all got so intense, so fast, that I didn't know how to proceed. Each set of knocks had the same pause in between each knock, and the same volume of each knock. Robotic.

I wish I could tell you I bravely marched to the door and said hello,
but in reality, I paced back and forth in my bedroom for about 45 seconds half hoping they'd leave,
before slowly ambling down the long tiled hallway, and by the time I got to the door, there was no one there.
I had neighbors at that house across the highway, but they worked for the school system and were never up that late,
and they had only knocked on my door once in 10 years anyway.
I'll never know for sure who or what knocked that night, but I sure know how it felt, and have a hard time believing it was coincidence.
After chatting with poltergeists and seeing a UFO, it was enough to believe Brian Bethel wasn't a liar.
Mine happened in Texas too btw.

It's so odd to say this, but I think they're real. I have a pen pal from Czech Republic who says she's been harassed by them her whole life in spurts, and that they recently gotten active again with her. Idk what they are, but they're more than imagination or fantasy.

To make my story even harder for debunkers: I never spoke anything out loud and had headphones on the Ovulus device, so if anyone was trying to prank me by imitating a BEK,
they would have also had to be a mind reader.
edit on 29/10/2023 by BidenOperator because: Spelling: I type fast and have OCD, and let me tell you, that is Hell.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 06:20 PM
I hope there is nothing supernatural knocking on my front door around 3 or 4 am in the morning. I have been woken up by a knocking sound. I usually don’t go downstairs and check. Black eyed kids sounds spooky especially since I have a bunch of glass in my front door. The last time I looked, I saw nothing on my security cameras but I may not have enough outside light or have them not pointing in the right direction.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: sugarmonkey

Can't really qualify them as ghost experiences, but I've seen a tons of things fly off shelves, 'channeled' something that could answer by tapping a sign in my bedroom, seen blinds suddenly go into motion with no air current to do so, and seen someone seemingly taken over to start singing "loving you"... those just are just a few.

I just always assumed there were no things flying off shelves, signs, blinds, spoons, or singing people... maybe witches.

Makes you wonder if, but not necessarily jump to the conclusion that, it's supernatural.

Let Kareem explain:

Mayhaps it's Mother Abigail, mayhaps it's Randall Flagg, mayhaps it's human spycraft, mayhaps it's a simulation, mayhaps it's the unconscious.

It's something weird.

edit on 29-10-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: sugarmonkey

okay tom Bennett I can shoot you through your television sniffles.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: crowf00t

No, nothing like Dante.

The madness of the church is the same a McCarthyism where the American government went mad and accused each other of being communists.

In medieval times and the western church it was: witches and demons under every bed. Saying the wrong thing got you burnt. The authorities turned a blind eye to all the killings. So these things were not recorded as official witch trials.

In practical terms, I think one has to think in terms of adults and children when it comes to ghosts and the paranormal.

Adult ghosts are responsible for themselves. They should know better.

Ghosts of children on the other hand are not held responsible for what happens to them and what they do. They need help and supervision.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Hard to argue with that.

What is super-natural? Some man-made inventions are more than natural!
Are aerosol hairsprays, polymer rubber tyres, and Tupperware, "supernatural"?

If the logic is that it was not developed naturally by nature, then POMERANIANS and Yorkie Terriers are supernatural!
Stealth jet fighters and drones are supernatural! Condoms are supernatural!

I must add that I get physically nauseous when people say,
"There's no logical explanation!" as if something being odd or non-prosaic, makes it illogical.
If things can happen that truly defy logic, then logic is a sh1t system, and since logic usually does work quite well,
well... There must be a logical explanation. It's just that it might be one you simply didn't want, like "ghosts"!

With my poltergeist experiences, I have several hypothesese myself. I do think it's a simulation, but I think consciousness does sometimes refuse to properly exit, and isn't always aware of it.

Either way, though, you're right: These things are something "odd", or "non-prosaic".
I don't like the term "supernatural" either. Makes no sense.
edit on 29/10/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

edit on 29/10/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 07:30 PM
I do believe our reality is something like a simulation as well. In my opinion Christians should believe this as well because supposedly Jesus was able to walk on water and do all sorts of miracles that would seem impossible if all physical laws were unbreakable. If this reality was more like a simulation, although one that feels and looks real to everyone in it, then so called supernatural things are simply things we do not yet understand. It might be possible to affect reality with a certain way of mentally creating a different reality and maybe whomever figures this out, is able to make things happen that make no sense following laws of physics as we currently understand. If we were actually in a simulation and we have the ability to alter this reality with the right mental inputs, then many weird things might happen.

It might also be possible there are countless other parallel universes and parallel Earths in almost identical space time but slightly out of phase with our dimension but sometimes people see images or shadows of people not in phase with our dimension and our universe but another Earth and universe just almost in phase with our reality. All these parallel worlds might be the missing dark matter our galaxy and other galaxies experience. The gravity of parallel galaxies, etc might be a combined effect. Of course I’m just speculating on all of this.

I do know some of the so called paranormal events I’ve experienced happened after I was thinking about so called events. Maybe in a simulated reality, a glitch can happen where sometimes my thoughts influence reality. That would actually be scary if I’m thinking about war and chaos instead of peaceful thoughts. On the other hand I do enjoy playing pc war games and the world isn’t like the games I’ve been playing.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 07:34 PM
My strongest paranormal experience was a poltergeist, which I actually determined to be a family of poltergeists.
I think I already posted the story on another thread, so I'll just give the bullet points.

Old farm house. Was with a group of 4 people, myself included.
4 visits to the house over a span of half a year.
Bangs on the walls so loud they sounded like Babe Ruth on coke with his Louisville Slugger.
Whole rows of cabinets flew open and slammed shut again.
Invisible footsteps walking all over, through halls and up and down stairs, leaving SHOEPRINTS in real time as they walked.
EMF activity.
Old piano would randomly strike a key or two.

I was able to have a 30 to 45 minute conversation with one of the invisible entities, and get its whole story through "yes or no" questions, and it answered every question intelligently by tapping once for yes, and twice for no.

It stood less than a foot from me at the top of the stairs, shuffling its invisible shoes every now and then, leaving marks in the dust and dirt as it did. Halfway through the convo it started showing me telepathic flashes, and at this point, the 3 other people I was with, claim I was enveloped in a cloud of black smoke and became invisible until the conversation ended. They COULD, however, still hear me and the toe-tap replies.

edit on 29/10/23 by TheValeyard because: spelling

EDIT: They backed up further and further as the "smoke" got thicker (which they all corroborated but I couldn't see BTW), and at the very end they were basically hiding behind the door frame of the nearby bedroom thinking it was something evil.
edit on 29/10/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Ghosts of children on the other hand are not held responsible for what happens to them and what they do. They need help and supervision.

Psychopomp much?

You going to keep them around until you die and lead them to ...?

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: orionthehunter

"Reality" appears to basically produce whatever outcome the observer expects it to, and it can do so retroactively.
Look up "Delayed Choice Experiment".
It proves that the New Ager's "woo-woo", or "bad understanding" of the Double Slit Experiment was actually the correct interpretation. I used to bait the militant psuedo-skeptics with the Double Slit Experiment so they'd think it was a gotcha and that I'm an idiot, and let them rant about "idiots thinking they understand Quantum Physics", and hang themselves, before I say, "Well anyways," and go into explaining the Delayed Choice Experiment.

They never know what it is.
Psuedo-skeptics LOVE assuming you're an idiot, so it's a pretty easy humiliation if you understand the thing.
edit on 29/10/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

edit on 29/10/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: FullHeathen

Who else is going to take responsibility for them?



(in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead.

The Fields of Fowers is where I take them. No one goes there much any more.

edit on 29/10/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

"Bibidibby jibby flibby dibby dah doo, I'm the HAT MAN!
Hat Man!"

IDK if it's true, but some do say the Hat Man takes them,
which is funny 'cause your avatar looks like him minus the hat.
Are you the Hat Man?
You can tell us.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: sugarmonkey

When I was a teenager, a buddy of mine and myself lived in an old farmhouse on the family land one Summer together as room mates. He was a cross country truck driver that year, and I was an ambulance EMT. We were rarely at the house together at the same time, but when we were, we talked about it.

There was this one door leading from the kitchen into a landing that had stairs down into the basement / cellar. The door was warped, and would not move easily. You basically had to throw your shoulder into it to open it a few feet to get through, and it would scrape the floor with a loud sound. Oddly, it had a latch on the inside / kitchen side of the door.

We left the latch undone, and the door would always be a few feet open, letting the dank cellar air into the kitchen. For this reason, we always meant to keep the door closed.

I would kind of get annoyed with my room mate for leaving the door open, and he also at me ... but neither one of us left it open. It turns out that if it was not latched tight, it would scrape loudly open by itself, when nobody was in the room.

One night we were both home, and in the next room out of sight of the door, playing a board game. We heard a loud scraping noise of the door opening, and went in the kitchen to look, and the door was a few feet open.

We closed it, laughed a bit, and did not latch it. We stood there looking at it for a half hour, talking about other things eventually, and then walked out of the kitchen. Not one minute later, we heard the scraping noise, went back into the kitchen, and the door was open again.

After that, we always kept it latched. It kind of freaked us both out, because it is hard to ignore that kind of thing if there are more than one witness.

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: BidenOperator

Fair enough on not wanting to answer the door, I was absolutly terrified as soon as I heard the knock, that feeling of dred hasnt ever happened to me before or since.

After the instance I tried to find other BEK encounters in my city, found six of them, and there is an old thread here that happened in my town., tou may have read it but link anyway:

ETA: They seem to know what we're thinking, so could it be possible for them to pose as someones "inner voice"?. Something I have been thinking about.

edit on 29-10-2023 by BeTheGoddess2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2023 @ 09:59 PM
Reading the ghost and poltergiest accounts here in this thread, I'll propose a simple explanation for at least some of the phenomenon encountered.

The simple explanation is (deceased) kids playing tricks and having fun at the expense of (living) adults.

With nowhere else to go they will tend to stay sometimes.

Be kind to them.


Edit to add:

They will stay where it was familiar in life. People move in and move on. Sometimes they like you, sometimes they don't, sometimes they are indifferent.

Leaving cupboard doors open and and moving things is often their way of saying; notice me.

edit on 29/10/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Added afterthought

posted on Oct, 30 2023 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

That may be true in some scenarios but doesn't fit this or what the wife's spirit communicated to me.

After talking with the wife of the family, it became clear the husband wanted us gone, and was the loud one trying to scare us away. I think they suspected deep down what had happened but thought the idea was crazy,
and having living people in the house had some effect on their environment that proved they really were dead.
He'd tried to keep her from talking to us, but she basically told him eff you and climbed the stairs to talk to me.
I think she wasn't buying his lies anymore because our presence was too hard for him to explain away.

I could feel the different energies too. The little girl felt a bit playful but shy, the little boy felt cautious and traumatized.
The wife felt rational and determined, and the husband felt like an angry gorilla beating his chest.
I think the reason the husband was the more powerful poltergeist is because he was the one who'd killed them,
and hence, had always been aware they were dead. She told me as much.

There was really nothing playful about how any of it felt to any of us at the time.
I'd love to meet a playful ghost though. Hell, I plan to be one.
I'm sure they do exist.

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