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Mandela Effect: Heating Up for 2022 Edition

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posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I find your theory quite plausible.

I don't.

It is not a memory effect, as crazy as that sounds, because memory is the only way we even experience the effect.

I am saying, it's not effect caused by some memory anomaly or peculiarity or phenomenon.

There's nothing wrong with my memory, I remember how things were. It's just that 'how things have always been' has changed, and no 'memory theory' can ever convince me otherwise.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

You call it a ''weak argument''?

Well, Mandela Effect is not really an argument. It's something you SUFFER from, something that has shocked you through and through, something you can't deny, but you can't accept, either. And yet you must, because the 'new reality' IS the reality now, no matter how shocking.

I would swear an affidavit to the fact that Dolly definitely had braces. I am as sure of it as I am about the amount of fingers I have on my right hand. Dolly suddenly not having braces anymore (and NEVER having had them, either) is as shocking as people suddenly having one fewer or more fingers on their right hand(s). It would be just as hard to accept as reality, and yet evidence proves it not only IS like that, but has always been like that.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: trollz
"Rocky Mountain National Park" instead of "Rocky Mountains National Park".

Lol you almost freaked me out for a second since I live in the Rockies.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Unless you're suggesting it should be "mountains", which would be totally false.

edit on 9-2-2022 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Ok then. Are you proposing that

one, the history of this reality has changed and that most of us never recognize it?
two, history is just a figment of our collective unconscious and only a few are conscious enough to recognize it?
Three, this history that developed into the history most of us recognize but that some come from another history that developed into other realities that others remmber? Dolly has braces still in that other reality?

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 08:28 AM
The best trick of the CIA!
ofter a lenth of time alter a story a little.
people belive what is wrighten in history books.
and it is very easy to doute your own memory.

conspiracy theorists are stickler for detail.
they see some thing wrong!
they point this out and get ridiculed!
CIA job done...

originally posted by: bluesman462002
So what's Different with the JFK car ?
Front Seat and Rear Seat i was watching it Live on the day he was shot.

a reply to: LanceCorvette

edit on 10-2-2022 by buddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: bluesman462002
So what's Different with the JFK car ?
Front Seat and Rear Seat i was watching it Live on the day he was shot.

There was no live broadcast of the assassination nor of the motorcade, stop lying.

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: buddha
The best trick of the CIA!
ofter a lenth of time alter a story a little.
people belive what is wrighten in history books.
and it is very easy to doute your own memory.

conspiracy theorists are stickler for detail.
they see some thing wrong!
they point this out and get ridiculed!
CIA job done...

Not trying to ridicule you but in my timeline those words are spelt differently

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

Away with your New Zealand thing .... its been repeatedly shown that people misremember where Aotearoa (New Zealand) is due to a couple of poorly drawn maps. Often we are left off the damned maps. We have always been to the South and East of Australia.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: Masterjaden

The counter argument to "faulty memory" is that you couldn't possibly misremember something, it's the universe that has changed.

The mandela effect always impacts people on the fringe of things. People from South Africa don't remember Mandela dying, it's people from other countries... Mothers that bought and cooked Stove Top don't think the name changed, their kids do... Hardcore Guns N Roses fans don't think Axl used to be "Axel" it's people who heard them on the radio now and again.

Misremembering is a "weak argument" but it's totally plausible that a clandestine group altered time and space to change the name of a cereal?
edit on 4-3-2022 by DeadSlash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: DeadSlash

If your premises were true then maybe, but they're not.


posted on May, 11 2022 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

YEAAAA not buying it.

I find this whole Mandela Effect stupid to be honest.

There has ALWAYS been a star on the Soviet flag. If I could upload pics on here I would show the sweatshirt my ex use to wear. The sickle, hammer and star above it. I remember it because when I posted it on my FB two dolts made comments about it. It is JUST a sweatshirt.

This whole Mandela Effect is nothing more than bad memory! Sounds much more plausible than some people are in a new timeline or whatever it is you people who believe this drivel think.

False memories are a thing.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Sorry, but, who the hell is Dolly?

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 08:46 AM
I've come to the conclusion that the Reality we occupy is a simulation, because the only way that the Mandela Effect changes could be wrought is by altering the code which expresses the positioning of elemental atoms & subatomic particles within the tapestry of the program which is effecting the reality we observe.

So we live in a simulation, we always have, and the code has somehow been altered so that New Zealand is in the wrong place, so that black men turn white, so that movie scripts & productions change & aspects thereof become meaningless, so that famous names are altered, popular logos, national flags & numberplates change without any apparent outworking in the general thread of the narrative of the reality we recall. We remember reality mostly as it now appears to be, yet there are bizarre 'edits' which seem not to affect the general thread of the narrative. It would seem too complex for each edit to have been applied independently, and so it is more like an algorithm, or a virus, effected the changes which we can between us variably discern - how is it that we do not all share the exact memories of the changes? Therefore in some way, the algorithm or virus has also affected our perception of the edits - this would seem to support the notion of a 'great delusion' in which the people who do not remember the changes are deluded into thinking that the edits didn't occur at all, these people somehow jive with the purpose of the algorithm/virus, such that many don't perceive the many changes that have occurred, and all of us perceive only some of the changes, and not all.

The 'great delusion' is specified as an act of God in Biblical Scripture, and so we must assume that the purpose of the great delusion is to awaken people to the notion that Reality is a simulation, that it is overseen by a Divine Power which is God,, and that the most important thing in our Reality is not the Reality itself, but an awareness of the Power behind the Reality, which is God. We are supposed to awaken to the mystery of the world we live in, and through this awakening, we are supposed to seek & find God, who is the only one that can provide us with an understanding of the meaning of all of this. Without God there is no clarity, no continuity of the fabric of Reality within our mind & soul, making us lost in the sea of chaos. The Mandela Effect is a divine signpost intended to point us to God, in this age of confusion & political deception. The rulers of the world are corrupt, the usurper god of this fallen & deceptive world is evil, and the only way to overcome the world & its pitfalls is to look to God, the one who created this world, who alone is able to recreate the world without the corruption which currently fills it - which indeed is a key promise of Scripture, that He will recreate the world perfectly, without evil to bespoil it. To know God is to be liberated from the impact of this present fallen & corrupted world.

Just my two cents.

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