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Southern CA earthquakes, geysers, mud pots, mass fish kill, sulfur odors & water level drop!

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posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by zeeon

The USGS does have a lot of good research people working for it. That is true. They have limitations of what they can release, they need really good proof before saying something. They can't make people panic for nothing, that could be more harmful than saying what they feel may be happening. So many times scientists have said something in the past and it didn't materialize. If they lose their credibility, they often lose funding.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:06 AM
Yeah, totally agree with you - unfortunately it could be too late by then, which is primarily why I still read these threads

Anywho, it's not a good sign by any means but I'm still going to continue to operate as normal until something significant happens...say a rumble or two that I can really feel. If that happens soon, then I'll be on the doom and gloom bandwagon

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

We have lots of snow but very few earthquakes. No rattlesnakes here yet either. I guess every place has it's benefits. California is one of the states I have not visited in my life. I thought about jumping a plane when I was in Vegas just to see the place for a day. Never did though. I don't feel like traveling anymore either. With the miles I have driven in my life, I could have gone to the moon and part way back. I've only got about 10,000 miles in the air.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by Advantage

As in Yellowstone the crust in the areas of the mudpots should not be walked on. The heat is destabilizing the ground and is dangerous. Walking around those things could be the last thing you do.

If the smell is from the Salton Sea to SF then the amount that it would take to permeate that area indicates a large amount of magma rising toward the surface. Expect another round of tremors towards SF.

My family is from Montana.. I remember in the late 60's and early 70's they were researching Yellowstone and the whole caldera issue. Ive been to Yellowstone on and off for yrs.. and even have some ash from St Helens.. geek treasures. I like this stuff.. but what Im saying is that there are NEW mudpots.. and NEW fault areas located between the San Andreas and San J that are UNDER the salton sea area that have only recently been spoken about by the CGS.
Typically [people talk about So Cal as earthquake only and the "shelf" falls into the sea.. not so. Seems there is more and more data pointing to a volcanic event. We were discussing the odor that is spreading. That sounds like a whole lot of new hydrogen sulfide being released and not dead fish from the water drop. Check out what happened with other calderas when they experiences a water drop. Im not convinced that this is occurring since I really have not kept up with whats going on at Salton until here recently.

Now I have to get goin'. Real life calls.. ugh. Id much prefer to talk to you guys dammit!!

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

Smart not to have come for a day. California, to me, is not a place to go WOW, this is amazing, in a day visit. Especially Los Angeles. It's just too big and congested. But living here...that is different. I've grown up here in Los Angeles, and with that, I can appreciate all that it is. I do think tourists going to Hollywood would be somewhat disappointed. Pretty old and not the Hollywood of yesteryear. The beachs are great, but again, you have to know where to go. Oh yeah, and the mountains here are nice too, but you have to have the time to figure the place out.

Now back to our program!

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:20 AM
I am glad they have not said it was volcanic... that would cause mass panic amongst the people in S Cali... We dont want those types of people moving towards the north! Keep them down there please!!

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:22 AM
I'm in El Segundo, just south of LAX... I just stepped outside to see if I could smell sulfur, no such smell here, just the usual morning sewer smell from the poop plant down the street. I think there is some heavy duty fear mongroling I'm this thread .... The small swarms of quakes in the 1 to 3 range are pretty normal for this area. If the swarms were constant at 5 and above I would worry but please let's not spread disinformation and fear, let's stick to reality and facts.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:36 AM
That's strange In mid wilshire and I haven't noticed any strange sulphuric smell...

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by SunnyDee
Well I;m officially smelling something now. Smells like fertilizer to me. Nobody near to me that I can see has fertilized.

I'll keep you posted, I am near Palmdale CA. Pretty strong right now, gonna go look to see if it's explainable.

Editing my post to say, I might be smelling things. I smell it in the house, but not outside, (save the jokes!). Let's chock this up to power of suggestion for now. (but it is strong!)
edit on 12-9-2012 by SunnyDee because: (no reason given)

I would Check and see if the Smell is coming From Drains..Sinks..Sewer vents..if it is Stronger in your House Than outside..The smell that is..

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by DjembeJedi

Yeah, I know what you are saying. It's not the sinks, drains. Had that taken care of a few months ago. Only smelling it in the family room. Comes and goes. I'm sure it's nothing.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by pheonix358
Losing 10 million people and the cities they live in is no big deal. Losing the cities and having to look after 10 million people, aka refugees, is a very big, expensive and long term proposition. This type of proposition could be the one that could bankrupt America.

Just how do you find sanitary shelter for 10 million plus how do you feed them.

The easy answer is 'you don't.'

If you ever get a warning it would be too little too late. Add this to the co-incidents with the Mexican quake where 'they just happened' to have a quake drill on the very day of the quake and I start getting very suspicious.

Sure you can do it.....send them to Montana....immediate job creation. GOBAMA
edit on 12-9-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:57 AM
This is starting to get creepy. Everyone in California please be safe. The last couple days I've been feeling tension in the air around me. So much, in fact, I was starting to wonder what's up because the energy is throwing me off balance. Be safe e everyone!

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by meticulous

and CA just got flooded out too:

just thought id add that to the list.. didnt read all the posts tho.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:13 AM


Methane is an odorless, colorless flammable gas. It is used primarily as fuel to make heat and light.

It is also used to manufacture organic chemicals.

Methane can be formed by the decay of natural materials and is common in landfills, marshes, septic systems and sewers.

Methane can form an EXPLOSIVE mixture in air at levels as low as 5 percent.

You can smell leaking methane only when commercial gas utility companies add a chemical smell to it or when it mixes naturally with hydrogen sulfide, causing a "rotten egg" smell.

If you can smell it, the level may be too high to be safe.

Methane can also be found in coal gas. Pockets of methane exist naturally underground.

In homes, methane may be used to fuel a water heater, stove and clothes dryer. Methane evaporates quickly.

Therefore, most of the methane that ends up in lakes, streams, or soil is eventually released into the air.

However, methane that is formed underground and moves through soil can remain unchanged for many years.
edit on 12-9-2012 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Hydrogen sulfide (British English: hydrogen sulphide) is the chemical compound with the formula H2S.

It is a colorless, very poisonous, flammable gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs.

It often results from the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, such as in swamps and sewers; this process is commonly known as anaerobic digestion.

It also occurs in volcanic gases, natural gas, and some well waters.

The human body produces small amounts of H2S and uses it as a signaling molecule.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:53 AM
This really worries me. HAARP is very misunderstood. People think it needs great powers to do alot. It doesnt. They do use more than one, the US runs the ones in Norway and in Greenland and there are others as well.

But, it doesnt take much. Many small thrusts does more than one or two big ones.

And here, with these nonstop earthquakes, for days, its alot the same. This has some bad potential.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:53 AM
I live in Indio which is about a 40 minute drive northwest of the salton sea and I can tell you that for the last 8 years I've lived here the sulfury rotten eggs type smell I pretty common this time of the year, eapicially with all the humidity we have been getting. It should be noted also that it has rained a lot recently around here (well, a lot for us, it's a freaking desert out here) so it could have something to do with the smell being more frequent...I wouldn't say we are screwed just yet.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:56 AM
Couple of issues with the official diagnosis.

One, the winds are onshore. Salton Sea is more then 100 miles for Los Angeles, and the "smell" would have to travel over the San Jacinto Mountain area then through San Gabriel and then over the SM mountains and down to the valley floor - onshore or east bound winds will push the smell up into the atmosphere at each mountain range. That is a lot of up and down traveling when the wind is flowing the opposite way as it is now. Even strong Santa Ana winds, which blow from the east, would probably have trouble bringing the smell down to ground level on the San Fernando Valley floor as the wind should just push it out to sea at a few 1000 feet or so. Consider that even the strongest Santa Ana winds never brings desert dust to the valley floor.

Two. The fish die off at Salton is nothing new and has happened before. The artificial sea's balance is thrown off easily. So, were this to be the case, the smell sequence would be repeated over and over.

Three. I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that smells of this kind will dissipate over time and distance. 100 miles, taking some hour or two to arrive suggest to me a hint of smell at best, but not the strong odor that is being reported.

Four. Another poster mentioned the smell is being noticed in areas north, they mentioned SF. As far as I know - I'm not an expert, the winds do not go from Indio County to SF City at all, ever.

Five. Forget about dead fish, are there are examples of areas where smells from certain events traveled 100+ miles, or even 400+ miles? If so, where the smells a steady flow, like a chemical plant pouring out the offending chemical, or is there and example of one smelling a hint of smell like a dab of perfume?

People, especially scientists, tend to fall back on easy explanations when they can't find an explanation for something that people demand answers too. While it is entirely possible a few rotting fish corpses are causing people 100 miles away to call the authorities, I highly doubt this. As for the volcano's, the could be simply venting, as the do - better to vent then not.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:07 PM
Scientists exploring quake predictions by smell
Posted on April 30, 2012 by A.M. Costa Rica Staff

Costa Rica’s earthquake experts are suggesting more study of the theory that one might be able to smell a coming earthquake. The Red Sismológica Nacional took note of a study that says the level of ozone in the air increases dramatically in the processes leading up to an earthquake.

Now mind you this was 4-5 months before the big one in Costa Rico, but the smell could be a good warning for S.Cal.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:19 PM
This is a good read if you see the connection between the Salton sea and the S. California sulpher smell. Does it have to do with Volcanic activity and earth crust movement?

Geology of California's Imperial Valley A Monograph by Eugene Singer


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