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Another (!) forthcoming alien movie - "Unaware"

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posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

If the goal was to prepare the public for extraterrestrial life, then why make the aliens generally scary or even "evil". Perhaps they are not preparing the public for truth, but trying to make one associate alien with scary and bad, to instill mass hysteria in the future.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 03:51 PM
I agree with ThinkingCap. Personally I'm stoked about Super 8. Cloverfield was great and it took the jaws of life to pull me away from Lost.

I am however concerned about the message these movies have. I really don't think its good for the public to develop such a fear (or xenophobia if you will) because of watching things like this. Remember the War of the Worlds radio broadcast? Mass Hysteria. That's the reason for the government's secrecy.

Don't get me wrong, I would like nothing more than the complete truth about ET's, but Hollywood seems to be ruining it for everyone.

Not only that, but if all we can make aliens out to be are monsters in all our films, it just SHOWS that we are prejudgmental and too immature to be ready for such a big reveal. Hell, we can't even get it together on our own planet.
edit on 17-12-2010 by adam79 because: avoid doublepost

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Agreed. Hollywood is the wood of the druids, the druids got their name from the honey Bee. The only bees permitted to mate with the Queen Bee was the Druid bee. Do you see the metaphor? It's very connected, and I believe the next card is going to be an "alien threat" - it is no conspiracy that the people in global power are extremely arrogant.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 04:02 PM
And another one due out in 2011...

"Gawd Bless America", mentioned by James Oberg in another thread, which is due to be in theatres in February 2011:

The trailer for "Gawd Bless America" suggests it may have some similarities to, but be less hilarious than, "Six days in Roswell":

edit on 17-12-2010 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 04:02 PM
Alien movies and Zombie movies my two favorite themes, if they keep 'em coming I'll keep watching.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Yukitup

Stephen Hawking has commented many times on his belief that any alien coming to visit Earth
would not be a "friendly" presence or have a "nice" agenda.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Gakus
Alien movies and Zombie movies my two favorite themes, if they keep 'em coming I'll keep watching.

I agree. Whether or not this is all the government taking steps for disclosure or just Hollywood being Hollywood. I love these kinds of movies. They generally put a smile on my face (or in the case of Skyline a very very big and unsatisfied frown) and I will continue to keep seeing them...which I guess is exactly what Hollywood wants...damn they got me in their web.
edit on 17-12-2010 by fasteronfire because: typo

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 05:12 PM
Steven Hawking is holding back very important information, which leads me to also believe that he is a liar.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by lilsmurf

Hey! You stole that profile pic!
But i agree with you. I'm also looking forward to Cowboys and Aliens. Seems to be almost as good as The Warrior's Way...all these cowboy movies..maybe the government will disclose how it kidnapped millions of cowboys to use their spurs to dig a hole at the exact location of the Bermuda Triangle?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
2011 looks like it is going to be a good year for those that:

(a) like science-fiction movies (including me);

(b) think that the release of a movie about aliens is part of an acclimatization programme to get the public ready for Disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth and that an increasing number of such movies is a sign of the acclimatization programme nearing a climax...

Replace "(b)" with:

(b) like to go see alien movies no matter what they are, thereby signaling Hollywood that any alien movie is a lucrative venture.

Sorry, but this whole "disclosure" thing is a lot of wishful thinking that's not very well thought out.

I thought they were going to disclose something about arctic water dwelling birds when there was the big rush of penguin movies
. Well, one can dream can't he?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 10:25 PM
Oh man Battle LA looks FANTASTIC! Did you guys see the alien in battle armor???? Awesome! I saw ID4 on the big screen, Battle LA looks like ID4 on Roids! I don't hardly ever go to the movie theater anymore because honestly why subject myself to all the crap when I have an HDtv, a remote and can get cozy, but I might just see that one in the theatre.

As far as conditioning of the public, meh, maybe, but I think like somebody else mentioned, ever since "Flying Saucer" was coined, aliens have captured the imagination of Hollywood, just look at all those 1950's 'B' scifi flicks man, it's a cash cow for Hollywood.

And I will happily give em my cash just to watch.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Justaposter
Okay dumb question.. but in the clip for "Unaware" is the critter driving off on a quad?


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by WatchRider

Originally posted by Justaposter
Okay dumb question.. but in the clip for "Unaware" is the critter driving off on a quad?


Haha, I thought it was on a quad too, that's actually the creature dragging someone away.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by Tetrarch42
I thought they were going to disclose something about arctic water dwelling birds when there was the big rush of penguin movies
. Well, one can dream can't he?

How about "Happy Feet 2 - Revenge of the tap-dancing alien penguins"?

Mumble returns home to Antarctica after his promising dancing career on Broadway crashes. He discovers his colony is suffering from starvation caused by overfishing by driftnet fleets. Climate change has melted much of the Antarctic icecap revealing a secret UFO base built by aliens but manned by nazis who fled Germany after World War II in their amazing secret Fluegvogs. Mumble gets a job bussing the officers mess, but one day stumbles on a secret chamber where he discovers that penguins are descendents of the aliens who built the base eons ago. He discovers a fleet of spaceships which are designed to only be operated by penguins. Mumble and his friends take the spaceships and use the photon plasma guns to sink the driftnet fleet. He then destroys all the worlds fossil fuel infrastructure and builds a new world, powered by tiny eco-friendly flux machines. He discovers that his nazi bosses were responsible for genocide so he blasts them away. Having saved the world, he is left with nothing more to do than ... find Elvis, who is in suspended animation in a chamber under the Antarctic alien base. He revives Elvis and joins him and Bono and Justin Bieber on a world peace and music tour.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by bluestreak53

Originally posted by Tetrarch42
I thought they were going to disclose something about arctic water dwelling birds when there was the big rush of penguin movies
. Well, one can dream can't he?

How about "Happy Feet 2 - Revenge of the tap-dancing alien penguins"?

Mumble returns home to Antarctica after his promising dancing career on Broadway crashes. He discovers his colony is suffering from starvation caused by overfishing by driftnet fleets. Climate change has melted much of the Antarctic icecap revealing a secret UFO base built by aliens but manned by nazis who fled Germany after World War II in their amazing secret Fluegvogs. Mumble gets a job bussing the officers mess, but one day stumbles on a secret chamber where he discovers that penguins are descendents of the aliens who built the base eons ago. He discovers a fleet of spaceships which are designed to only be operated by penguins. Mumble and his friends take the spaceships and use the photon plasma guns to sink the driftnet fleet. He then destroys all the worlds fossil fuel infrastructure and builds a new world, powered by tiny eco-friendly flux machines. He discovers that his nazi bosses were responsible for genocide so he blasts them away. Having saved the world, he is left with nothing more to do than ... find Elvis, who is in suspended animation in a chamber under the Antarctic alien base. He revives Elvis and joins him and Bono and Justin Bieber on a world peace and music tour.

Now that's an idea I could get behind! Seriously though, don't give these people ideas

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by WolfLookout

OMG that looks great!!! I can't wait for that to come out.

OP I am loving all the alien related movies. I have been so bored with the movie theater lately. It's nice to see aliens back in the theater. I will see every single one that comes out. I have a friend who is my alien movie buddy. He is the only person I know who will go to those movies with me. It's great!!

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:27 PM
wow duplicate

edit on 12/18/2010 by mblahnikluver because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:11 PM
seems to be the end of this year going into next year is about aliens. alot of aliens coming out all of sudden

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
2011 looks like it is going to be a good year for those that:
(b) think that the release of a movie about aliens is part of an acclimatization programme to get the public ready for Disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth and that an increasing number of such movies is a sign of the acclimatization programme nearing a climax...

It's always a good year for silly thinkers. The above comment comes from a perfect example.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:25 AM
2011 looks like its going to be a good year for films.

I just hope they're not all going to end with the same old tripe about how America kicks the aliens into touch...AGAIN

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