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Father castrates his doughters boyfriend.

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posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:44 AM
I recently had a younge lady make a serious pass recently.
She was slightly less then thirty years my junior, very pretty
Politley saying no thanks insulted her to the extent that
she won't ever talk to me again.
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
By the sounds of it her father was a violent person
Instead of solving things in a more peaceful and maybe less consequential manner
he showed his true colours...
maybe she was looking for protection from him
jealous rage maybe?

The effects of child sexual abuse include depression,[5] post-traumatic stress disorder,[6] anxiety,[7] propensity to further victimization in adulthood,[8] and physical injury to the child, among other problems.[9] Sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest.[10]

In North America, for example, approximately 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children.[11][12][13] Most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims;
edit on 11-12-2010 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Seventeen is only one year away from 18 misoir

What the father did was illegal plain and simple. He took the law into his own hands...and the only people who really know the whole story is that girl, her father, and the boyfriend.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by matrixportal

then again, im all for taking the law into my own hands

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by matrixportal

We have to remember this is germany also, the age of consent is not 18. 18 is quite a ridiculous age of consent imo. Anyway, what the older man did was not illegal, what the father did was a grotesque act of violence and he should be punished accordingly. If taken to court concerning a large difference in age and bordering age of consent i think it is wise to treat each case individually.
edit on 11-12-2010 by Solomons because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Solomons

and may god have mercy on their souls

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:32 AM
wats wrong with yous.. some of you peeps are sick. SHe can choose to have sex with a 90 year old if she wants.. wat the hell has it got to do with any of you lot. its legal and that is the end of it. her farther should be locked up for this....

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:40 AM
I think that the man shouldn't have done what he did. But I've got to be honest with myself here. If that were my kid, I'd probably do the same thing.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by gnosticquasar

*high five*

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 03:34 AM
Another article about the one on topic explains the following.

The German police did in fact act on the fathers complaint. The daughter was requested for interrogation for further investigation in this matter to exclude abuse has been taken place.

The father however couldn't wait that long and actually acted out before the daughter was questioned on the matter.

He and two of his friends payed the boyfriend a visit and cut of his balls.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I'm all for bringing back vigilante Justice. Or at least a more community based approach. Eliminate the chance for weasels to abuse the system and take advantage of the vulnerable. Isn't that the problem with stuff these days anyway

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by PFdiddy

How can you fail to acknowledge the decline of socially constructed morals in recent history.

This pushes the hot button with me because a Friend went through the same thing. He had maried a woman with three daughters. About a year later he found out the oldest (12) was having sex with a 21 yr old. This is against the law in the USA - Statutory rape. I told him to file charges:

The result?
The judged ruled "they were in love" The child was taken from the parents and put in an apartment with another girl, an unwed mother. The guy involved had his Girl Friend pose as a Social Worker so he could drag the kid out of school and use her. He then went after her ten year old sister but they managed to put a stop to it.

The guy left the state and the girl, a bright straight A student is now a prostitute sucking down the welfare dollars and estranged from her family.

MORAL: We really do not know what is going on. I am sure the press left out all the real background. Until we know that we do not know why such an older guy was after such a young girl, but what ever the reason , it was not healthy.

Good grief, what the heck would they have to talk about???

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Maybe they could fund a rights movement for popularising half century age gap marriages

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by PFdiddy

Maybe they could fund a rights movement for popularising half century age gap marriages


I am the same general age as the guy who got cut up. To me there is no appeal in a kid young enough to be my grandchild. This is "warped behavior" pure and simple and the father knew it. I also doubt that this was the first time Dad confronted lover boy.

The kid and the courts may not have been able to see this pervert clearly but I am sure that Dad could. Actually given a father's instincts to protect his family I am not surprise this has not happened more often.

As far as the father did not raise her right - BS. Teens rebel that is nature's way of getting the young kicked out of the nest.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
wats wrong with yous.. some of you peeps are sick. SHe can choose to have sex with a 90 year old if she wants.. wat the hell has it got to do with any of you lot. its legal and that is the end of it. her farther should be locked up for this....

I agree...and as one of the first posters said, its the result of bad parenting? dont know this girl, her situation or her boyfriend. To make an assumption like that is ridiculous. I take a particular offence to those saying she is in the wrong for dating someone so much older, or the man is demented, as my current boyfriend is 26 years older than me. Its not 40 years but come on people, you should be able to date who you want without ridicule, ESPECIALLY not having your father castrate the man...this father has obviously gone insane and this whole thing has nothing to do with how he parented the daughter.

It may very well be this guy is demented or some kind of pedo, but how do we know? how can we make that judgement not knowing the parties involved? Some people DO just fall in love and sometimes those people are a lot of years me on this one, it happened to me (and neither of us are demented!)..
edit on 12-12-2010 by Xavialune because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 08:37 AM
The establishment now deems what is acceptable. The rule of the law outweighs both kinship and morality. Family is becoming detached from the foundation of what makes us be. The end is near my friends, listen to those who encourage this nonsense

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by PFdiddy
The establishment now deems what is acceptable. The rule of the law outweighs both kinship and morality. Family is becoming detached from the foundation of what makes us be. The end is near my friends, listen to those who encourage this nonsense

so are you saying that castrating someone is a moral option in this case, and the authorities are in the wrong for prosecuting the man??

If this is how you'd have your family behave I'd question your sanity too. However I may be misinterpreting your comment, I don't know.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Lysergic

I don't know what country you're from...
In the U.S.,you're not considered an adult until
you're 18 years old.If you're under 18,you're
jail bait!

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Xavialune

I am saying I empathise with the man who committed the violent act. Personally I have little regard for the law. I say that, as I rely on my natural instinct and good nature to do the right thing. Not my understanding of the law, regardless of what country I am in.

The girl is 17, old enough to feel emotion, but doubtfully has an understanding of what wisdom and experience can lend to manipulation.

At the end of the day, it seems the father has followed his instinctual nature rather than the rule of the law. As heinous a crime he may have committed (by some opinions), it is also somewhat commendable.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
A 47 year old father from Germany Castrates his daughters boyfriend.

Boyfriend 57 years old... Daughter 17 years old.

The guy already turned to the police, but they couldn't help him as it isn't against the law to be with a 17 year old in Germany.

I don't know about Germany, but in the U.S. if someone is over the age of consent but still a minor parents can still seek a restraining order in court to keep someone like this away, since the minor is still in their custody.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by IamCorrect

Really? I'd laugh if the law changed, so would half the answers on this board. Iron fist away!

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