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Student Riots: Riot Vans and Rolls Royces

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posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Chevalerous

That "pretext" was on a timer from the very beginning.

If people honestly believed it would go on forever I'm half sorry and half laughing.

Duped for a noble cause.

No pyramid scheme can work. Even at 100% taxation they will all fail sooner or later as the population grows and the demand stays the same or if the population falls and the demand rises. Here we have both rising population and rising demand.

The only way to keep it going is to start killing off huge swaths of people so the bottom doenst fall out.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Chevalerous


I hope you read my reply to Dagar because believe it or not I agree with him on taxation......


posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by Chevalerous

That "pretext" was on a timer from the very beginning.

If people honestly believed it would go on forever I'm half sorry and half laughing.

Duped for a noble cause.

No pyramid scheme can work. Even at 100% taxation they will all fail sooner or later as the population grows and the demand stays the same or if the population falls and the demand rises. Here we have both rising population and rising demand.

The only way to keep it going is to start killing off huge swaths of people so the bottom doenst fall out.

No it's not a one timer

Were still paying much higher taxes than you in general and should get our services in return for the high taxes we pay each year!

Otherwise we would have the same tax system and society model as you have and pay much less taxes - and pay for these services ourselves!

Contrary to your American propaganda, It's generally not this system that is malfunctioning because it worked fine until the banks broke this system and now our common tax funds is directed to bail out the Banks with public funds instead.

The Banks and the financial institutions is the reason for this crap not the people nor our European health and educational model.

The Banks on Wall Street started this crap with their fraud when they sold us fraudulent faked AAA rated Credit Default Swaps and other toxic financial intruments through their subsidiaries in financial London to European investors, mutual funds and retirement funds!

That's what broke our systems you twits!

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by Chevalerous


Your post is spot on .....

The greed and desire for more wealth and money creation on Wall Street by those supposed (clever bankers??) is exactly what has tipped the 'balance' in other Economies not set up like America.....



posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Chevalerous

Even without betting your nations savings, or artificial credit based worth, on shoddy investments sooner or later the top would have been too large for the bottom to support. Before all of this bankster crap hit the news governments around the world were already cutting back and discussing reducing their payout and denying dependents. Then this all happened and gave then a nice scapegoat so they could further deny the reality of the system.

There is no way around it unless you deny service or start killing dependents off. That is absolute reality.

It's the same way with Social Security in the U.S.. Unsustainable unless a whole lot of people over the age of 50 suddenly die off. Even if we have 100% of our earnings to SS sooner or later the top would be too heavy for the bottom. It has nothing to do with the bank fraud of late or some irrational fear of socialism. It's just math.
edit on 10-12-2010 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

No not the protesters, the roisters.

Believe it or not there were some people there who were not rioting but attempting to have a peaceful demonstration.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

What i really would have thought, is ' why did i park my car on the street during a riot' but thats really beside the point. Any time action is taken by citizens there is going to be casualties, meaning there will be some injured, there will be some bloodied, and there will be some property damage. These things must happen.

In regards to my signature, I make it no secret that I support these actions in protest and retaliation for the gag order placed on Wikileaks, and I wish Julian Assange the best of luck in his defense. I hope he sues every single government nob that trying to get him crucified even though he has broken no laws.

Through out history the actions of a few individuals have always made the biggest difference. All of the actions bar one, which is the Civil Rights movement spearheaded by Martin Luther King Jr. (and the success of that movement is still debatable today), have involved violence. It's the only way anything actually changes. That is a simple fact of humanity. And while I strive to live harmoniously among my surroundings, including other people, the actions of the small percentage of people in higher places than the average working man and woman (government) have recently promised to wreak havoc with the future generations of the world. This must be stopped, and violent protest is the best way to move this along. The worst thing that we could do, is nothing.

The groups i openly support in my signature are only a part of the machine of change, but to truly make a change you have to take it to them on multiple fronts. Number one being with your body, and with your voice. I have a whole other thread specifically about this topic.

If you promise not to call me a pratt you're welcome to come over and throw your 2 cents in the mix

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You don’t really understand this do you?

Some students will pay 9 grand for their education, they have to pay the whole lot back. And at the end of the day society and the tax payer get the benefit of having the new doctors, teachers, lawyers, social workers, engineers and so on. I think its only fair that the tax payers should help pay some were for this.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2


Good retort but I stand by my name calling of you ..!!

My colleague was 'in his car', it was not parked, he was travelling home from performing an afternoon list of Endoscopies on patients.... Maybe he should have told the patients not to be So ill and can he do them another day ????

Violence is always required ? Did Ghandi say that or not ?? hhmmmm He was more of the collective conscious I believe...

I think it is an American trait to fight and scream and complain (similar to a petulant child wanting sweets in a candy store) and I can't accept you views on that hence my name calling..

However I do wish success on the 'other front' and maybe if that comes to the forefront then American Foriegn Policy might also appear much like a petulent child too)

Have a Nice Day


edit on 10-12-2010 by PurpleDog UK because: spelling

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:35 AM
Good old conservatives, pulling society kicking and screaming back into the golden victoria era!
To those of you pissing and moaning about how people expect "entitlement" i'm going to play your game.

My family have worked and payed into the tax system of this country. So yes, i am flipping entitled to a CHEAP education, and when i get my degree in teaching, i will PAY into the system to allow someone's child to be entitled to a cheap education, and when they enter the workfore, they to will pay into the system to furfil someones ENTITLEMENT to a cheap education.
It is my belief that we live in such times where every single human being is ENTITLED to Education, healthcare, food, suitible living conditions in a fair society thats works TOGETHER for the greater good - It seems that the only people that oppose that idea are those who think they are ENTITLED to make large sums of money.

Get a grip, if you dont know anything about how this country works, stfu and stay out of it.

I hope they riot until the government BACKS DOWN.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:36 AM
Good old conservatives, pulling society kicking and screaming back into the golden victoria era!
To those of you pissing and moaning about how people expect "entitlement" i'm going to play your game.

My family have worked and payed into the tax system of this country. So yes, i am flipping entitled to a CHEAP education, and when i get my degree in teaching, i will PAY into the system to allow someone's child to be entitled to a cheap education, and when they enter the workfore, they to will pay into the system to furfil someones ENTITLEMENT to a cheap education.
It is my belief that we live in such times where every single human being is ENTITLED to Education, healthcare, food, suitible living conditions in a fair society thats works TOGETHER for the greater good - It seems that the only people that oppose that idea are those who think they are ENTITLED to make large sums of money.

Get a grip, if you dont know anything about how this country works, stfu and stay out of it.

I hope they riot until the government BACKS DOWN.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by stimmy

The military IS a job. It will pay for schooling. Instead of suckiing off the teet of the taxpayer, you will be an adult who actually takes responsibility for his/her own life and will contribute to society instead of just taking from it.

Nothing in life is free. Someone has to pay for it somewhere. The free ride is over.
Entitlement programs have broken your government.
Protest and whine all you want. The money simply isn't there.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
Get a grip, if you dont know anything about how this country works, stfu and stay out of it.
I hope they riot until the government BACKS DOWN.

YOU get a grip .. you can riot and illegally cause destruction to the country .. but that doesn't change the fact that the system is BROKEN and that there IS NO MONEY. Whine. Stomp your feet. Cause financial loss to all your neighbors. But what part of 'the system is broken there is no money' don't you get?

Free ride is over. Entitlement is broken. Get a job. Pay for it yourself.

reply to post by kevinunknown

Socialism. It doesn't work. It produces inferior products and services. It goes broke.
(as evidenced by this situation.)
edit on 12/10/2010 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Apparently feel-good intentions and well-wishing for all supercede hard figures and absolute math.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by raceway40
reply to post by HomerinNC

WOAH!!!! What a minute Homer, you saying people protesting against a anarchy is bad? I hope this is not true but if this is the case then I see why the American people have become to rank and file. Sorry MY generation (yes MY im 22) i guess will have to clear this world of this filth since others are so tame.

You don't want to do that because MY generation (im 22 also) will have to clean the filth of the people who think they are cleaning filth trust me alot more of us arn't going to take your anarchy BS...

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

I understand that. I love Mohandas K. (Mahâtmâ) Gandhi. I only question his wisdom on one point: How do you non-violently combat a system that is bordering the lines of fascism? Would his non-violent way of life have helped in the fight of say Hitler? Will non-violent protest get us anywhere in our fight against a different kind of fascism? The hidden kind, the non-swaztika wearing kind. We can talk about the merits of a non-violent life style but there is one thing that history has proven: peaceful protestors end up dead with out being able to take a shot back.

I personally am not of the mind set that handcuffing my self to another 25 people and laying down in front of a tank will work in this day and age. Our time on this planet stands to be more perilous than other periods of time, at least in terms of the looming class war, the current wars in the Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen, and the impending threat of nuke war. Especially so if you consider the dreaded E word, the Economy. I urge you to continue practicing your non-violent way of life as the world needs people like you to keep our instincts to fight grounded. But in certain instances, violence is absolutely the answer.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

Ghandi had an answer for that.

He said the Jews, in the face of a enemy who only wished to cause their complete eradication, should have thrown themselves off cliffs to do the rest of a world a favor regarding the escalation of WWII.

Ghandi is not a role model unless your only goal in life is to be a doormat then die.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
Get a grip, if you dont know anything about how this country works, stfu and stay out of it.
I hope they riot until the government BACKS DOWN.

YOU get a grip .. you can riot and illegally cause destruction to the country .. but that doesn't change the fact that the system is BROKEN and that there IS NO MONEY. Whine. Stomp your feet. Cause financial loss to all your neighbors. But what part of 'the system is broken there is no money' don't you get?

Free ride is over. Entitlement is broken. Get a job. Pay for it yourself.

reply to post by kevinunknown

Socialism. It doesn't work. It produces inferior products and services. It goes broke.

The free ride is over.

You must surely be aware that THERE NEVER WAS A FREE RIDE!
I come from the working class and was raised in a broke household with barely two pennies to rub together half the flipping time. Ive watched my father go out to work 40hrs a week reach his 50's and have SWEET F.A to show for it - Where was this free ride your talking about?? dont tell me my dad is so stupid that he MISSED the free ride?? What about his brothers and sister who went and did the same thing on the grand old minimum wage? They have nothing to show for their hard work and to add insult to injury, they have lame ass toss-pots like yourself talking out of your #ing arse about "not damaging public property" Guess what, parliment is full of theives and i dont see any of them robbing bastards behind bars!!
Working class people are SICK of proping up the rich!

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

You have pretty much summed up my point in much easier language to understand. It's not the best philosophy for a survivor, or some one who wishes to proactively take steps that have a real impact on the society around us.

I have the utmost respect for the mans passion in his pursuit of his goals, but Gandhi's goals were not concerned with corrupt government and subtle attacks on personal freedom.

To have an impact on that system (our current system) I believe the kids in the UK are right on track. They don't like whats happening, and everyone now knows it because they are smacking right in all of our faces.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

star and flag. i feel what you put forward is very possible and a tactic they would use. it is so they will eventually have the right to arrest anybody and beat the hell out of them, just for protesting, even if peaceful.

i heard them on the news have a discussion about how the police should use tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons. the media are the ones stirring the pot and calling for over the top methods, and never question if these things were done on purpose, i think as protesters start to understand this and they grow in number, they will soon be marching on t.v. channels.

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