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Intelligent LIFE Throughout The Cosmos

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:43 AM
Relating to your personal experiences, can you offer an opinion on reason for being, why we are what we are, and the ultimate objective that is intended for our "spirit"?
Did your personal ET experiences alter your view on this?
edit on 17/11/10 by Donegal_TDI because: typo

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Donegal_TDI
Relating to your personal experiences, can you offer an opinion on reason for being, why we are what we are, and the ultimate objective that is intended for our "spirit"?
Did your personal ET experiences alter your view on this?
edit on 17/11/10 by Donegal_TDI because: typo


My vision of "the Truth" is ever expanding. Meaning that yesterday I knew a little less than today, and tomorrow I'll know a little more than right now.

So I can only offer you what I've gathered/learned thus far via years of research and revealing personal experiences (of various kinds) that I've had throughout my Life.

You are what you are because you are an individuated reflection/manifestation/personification/embodiment of "The Creator".
What is known as the Big Bang (although not entirely understood by Humanity) is a fact. It may sound overly simplistic (and you may expect a more complex answer), but this "God" went Big Bang basically to "fragmentize" (yes, I am aware that is not an actual word) Itself millions upon millions of particles, which eventually became (and are still becoming) what you know today as Galaxies, Stars, Planets, etc. upon which Life (as we know it) sprung forth (and continues to spring forth). Thus, the Cosmos came to be.

To better understand the picture you must put yourself in the shoes of The Creator, or better yet, know that you are in fact part of that Creator.

Time and space? It is better if you don't think in such terms. Things just EXIST and Everything just IS.

But let's go back to the Big Bang. Why did it happen? With what purpose?
Simple, it all happened for The Creator to experience Itself in many forms, shapes and ways, and thus know Itself, cognize Itself, understand Itself, enjoy Itself, amuse Itself, love Itself, and LIVE Itself. That's why to achieve this It had to become "Many", millions and millions and millions of individuated Sparks/Souls/Egos. And through these Lives which It engendered, It would be able to LIVE and experienced literally ZILLIONS of different experiences and thus, come to know Itself and recognize Itself as Who-It-Is (the Alpha & Omega, the "I AM", etc).

The ultimate objective of the "spirit"?

To merge back with The Source from whence it came. And this is finally how It (The Creator) comes to know Itself and understand Itself, by re-gathering the Souls (and all their recollected experiences) back into Itself, thus re-uniting as ONE. This is how The Creator grows and expands.

I do not believe this is something that happens at one particular point in time and space, per se (the Merging, I mean), but it's rather a gradual process that occurs over Eons of Existence. Picture it like the ebb and flow of an ocean. So too is the Universe ever expanding and retracting. And the Souls within It (like the cells inside of a body) are developing through different stages of Life (also called Dimensions or Densities), as if climbing up a ladder, to eventually rejoin Their Source.

Now, there are many twists and turns and knots in this Grand Cosmic Drama. I just gave you the small overview of it.

If you just want to make it more complicated, I can tell you that there actually is no beginning and no end and that there are multiple layers of Reality intertwined and overlapping with each other. The Big Bang theory (which I said most people don't really grasp) is something that is not very well understood because people think in terms of linear time, when in fact Infinity is cyclical and multidimensional. I like to imagine it as a mirror within a mirror within a mirror, and so on.

This is a lot more complicated to explain, and many of the things I know, I know by thought, which is a different level of understanding that eludes human explanation, and thus it cannot be put into words. I often struggled with this, whenever I tried to put out my thoughts from my mind into paper, and I came to the conclusion that it is impossible. Even if I could describe parts of it (as I am doing now), much of the real substance and magnificence of it all is either diluted, distorted or lost the moment I try to utter it.

Bottom line, you can only experience it and come to know it by yourself.

And this is the purpose of Life (specially the current stage of Life on Earth): to begin to learn, or better yet, to relearn who you really are, and in that knowledge act!

Oh, and so that explains the losing or "veiling" of past memories upon incarnating on this Planet. If you at least partially understand the Cosmic Plan, you will begin understand the role that this memory loss plays and WHY it is so necessary.
But I'll let you think on that for yourself.

Hope it helps you understand everything a little bit better.
edit on 17-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Spell-check corrections.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

Oh, I forgot to answer your last question.

Did my personal ET experiences alter my view on this?

Absolutely. Many of the things I've been learning since childhood and many of the things I intuitively believed to be true (though having no "proof" of other than my faith), have been confirmed little by little by "supernatural" experiences. My ET experience is no exception. In fact, I'd even dare to say it has been the most incredible and yet realistic experience I had in my entire Life (current Life, that is), and it has been what gave me a more solid foundation upon which to base my beliefs, not to mention it game me much more enlightenment and encouragement.

The Extraterrestrial contact I've been having have brought a lot of understanding about my own personal Life and identity, it has helped me find the pieces to the puzzle that I had been missing, helped me connect my present to my past, helped me relearn and remember lots of new and old things, and helped me further expand my knowledge (day after day, at a incredible speed rate), amongst many other things.
edit on 17-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Additions.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:41 AM
Intersting thoughts and thank you.

However, If we are part of the "Creator", and part of a Divine experience program, can you explain how he/she/it can tolerate such appalling cruelty seen throughout our earth. A particular picture springs to mind of a small child dying on the ground outside an encampment somewhere in Africa with a vulture in the background waiting to feed.
Compare that to a pampered child pushing their food around a plate.

There is something very wrong here in the experience program.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Donegal_TDI

However, If we are part of the "Creator", and part of a Divine experience program, can you explain how he/she/it can tolerate such appalling cruelty seen throughout our earth. A particular picture springs to mind of a small child dying on the ground outside an encampment somewhere in Africa with a vulture in the background waiting to feed.
Compare that to a pampered child pushing their food around a plate.

There is something very wrong here in the experience program.

The answer here is simple (yet again), but it may be difficult to swallow/assimilate.

How can The Infinite Creator tolerate such appalling cruelty? Well, because both what you know as "good" and "evil" came from It.

Your understanding is partial, and I mean that with no disrespect at all. Let me explain, you're looking at things from a... let's say, a "Human perspective". In other words, you're trying to see The Creator in Human terms, under finite Human concepts.

The Creator is experiencing Itself throughout all these things. When a child suffers, It experiences that suffering (though finite as it may be) because the suffering child is a tiny particle of The Creator. Likewise, when a child rejoices, It experiences that feeling/emotion as well. So we could say that It hurts Itself as much as It nurtures Itself. And like this, It knows pleasure and pain (amongst so many other emotions).

Were it not for "evil", The Creator would not know, nor it would be capable of experiencing, "good". And vice versa.

Problem is that the majority of people have been taught to see things from one perspective and one perspective only: that of the "good" side, praising good deeds, works and actions and denouncing all that is "evil".

Try for a moment to imagine it the other way around. Imagine a world were everyone was taught to do "evil". I'm sure some people would still choose to do "good" as well, regardless of their teachings. And so the "evil" people would look up at the sky and saying, "Oh, God, why does Thou allow these people to commit such good acts of benevolence!?"

Get the point?

So why are there so many people committing crimes, hurting others, murdering, causing wars and doing perversions in this world then?

Because without an opposition there can be no learning. Nobody can see what Light is without Darkness, and vice versa. So it is this very friction, clash and conflict between the two extreme ends of the Polarity (Positive and Negative Energy) what allows progression, advancement, learning, evolution. If it weren't so, then the Universe would become stagnant and everything would cease to function. Existence would be come futile, meaningless, insignificant, purposeless. It would literally cease to exist.

Life on Earth is about making a choice, a conscious choice, whether to fully commit oneself to follow the Negative Path or the Positive Path. It is this very equilibrium that sustains and balances the Universe.

So the greatest lesson here in this Dimension is to come to this realization ("awakening") of one's true nature and relationship with the Cosmos, understanding that a choice must be made to be polarized to either the Negative Path or the Positive Path (also known as the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others Paths, respectively). Only then, when the choice has consciously been made and by subsequent action one has proven its commitment to its own chosen vocation (Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others), can the Soul graduate from the schoolhouse and advance to the next grade (Density/Dimension).

Souls will keep reincarnating until they are polarized.

Negative or Positive, no Path is wrong. They are both equally needed.

And you begin to understand all this when you start to see from the Eyes of The Creator.

One death in the Infinite vastness of the Cosmos is like a grain of sand lost in the oceans, as so is one birth.

If it gives you any peace of mind, it is only the physical body that dies, the vessel, the shell, but not the Soul.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:58 AM
First, thank you for this thread. It has been said that you should be careful about what you say/write because it can come back to haunt you, and there is wisdom in this. Without going into too much detail you've layed out the basic premises of your viewpoint, from your own experiences. Very brave of you.

Many here haven't taken the 'plunge' to the next step, initiating their own contact by other means in hope of having/gathering their own evidence. Personally, I did, and I was surprisingly rewarded for that, and still am from time to time.

Which brings me to some things I was 'told'. Be careful. Like moths attracted to light, what you 'attract' has much to do with what is in your heart and your intentions; Just as important and critical as the keywords that you type into your browser and click 'search'. Still, you can accidently 'lock on' to other malignant and dangerous things, and it's not necessarily from their ranks, but ours as well.

Everything in this universe can be controlled/ changed/ manipulated/ used by the interplay of frequencies between energy and mass, including various combinations. Understanding those combinations will literally open up our understanding of how the universe operates, which includes ourselves. This is, in principle, how 'telepathy' works.

If you do find yourself communicating 'telepathically' with another intelligence, just think about what you want to communicate including all sensory input. Don't try to condense and structure your thoughts as if you were trying to formulate a sentence or paragraph. Let the whole of your thoughts come through as fast as they occur to you, for that is what is truly in your mind and heart. Doing otherwise only slows down the process and leaves much of the communication out of context. For this reason it can be a bit difficult to distinguish your thoughts from those of 'others'. Foreign thoughts will be instantaneous, direct, and (usually) enlightening from a different perspective that you've never considered before. And it may be in the general form of 'visions' and/or large chunks of information, for lack of better words, (you are receiving comprehensive thought after all). Also, it may be accompanied by a feeling of a cool breeze on your forehead. I was told that the corpus callosum is responsible for transceiving thought. It is more than just a bridge between the two hemispheres. I was also told that the majority of advanced intelligent species throught the universe communicate 'telepathically' to some degree or another... Anyway, I have more to say but maybe I've said too much. I hope it doesn't come back to haunt me.
They said it might, so perhaps it will, but not necessarily from them but our own.

I write this for those who are open-minded enough to try to gather their own evidence through personal experiences... lessons learned from an emic approach. And also to thank the OP for her/his bravery in starting such a thread in a usually hostile forum.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by PhotonEffect

Originally posted by RKallisti

Well, one being I was contacted/visited by an extraterrestrial. Another one, myself.

For real? How did they contact you? Where were you when they visited?

"Myself"? I'm sorry, I don't follow- are you an extraterrestrial?

RKallisti you completly ignored this guy's question what are you trying to tell us that you are an extraterrestrial?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:31 PM
@ RKallisti, you seem to be posting actively on this thread and something made me wanna ask your opinion on...

Do we always reincarnate in other planets and never stay on the same planet?

What if someone casted you in the core of the sun, could your soul escape and be reborn?

I'd love to see some replies on questions such as these
See I'm growing more and more aware of the magic of the universe, but there are fundamental puzzles I've not solved in my mind, which is why I want to bring the most crazy kind of questions on the table, perform an autopsy on these age old mysteries and then analyze what we've got. I don't want to base things on 'belief'.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Jonas86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by djstewillo
RKallisti you completly ignored this guy's question what are you trying to tell us that you are an extraterrestrial?

I didn't ignore it.

I actually replied saying the following (on the 2nd page):

Let's just say, for your peace of mind, that I am not.

Would there be any difference if I said I was? I think not.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Jonas86
@ RKallisti, you seem to be posting actively on this thread and something made me wanna ask your opinion on...

Do we always reincarnate in other planets and never stay on the same planet?

What if someone casted you in the core of the sun, could your soul escape and be reborn?

I'd love to see some replies on questions such as these
See I'm growing more and more aware of the magic of the universe, but there are fundamental puzzles I've not solved in my mind, which is why I want to bring the most crazy kind of questions on the table, perform an autopsy on these age old mysteries and then analyze what we've got. I don't want to base things on 'belief'.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Jonas86 because: (no reason given)

Well, I am glad to hear that you're growing more and more aware of the magic of the Universe ^^

Now, to answer your first question...
No, Souls that are sprung forth to Life on one Planet generally stay on that Planet and go through the whole Death and Rebirth Cycle on that particular Planet. Remember, a Planet such as Earth is basically a schoolhouse for the development/growth of Souls.

However, I could also point out that there are scenarios in which (from one reason or another) Souls from one Planet are transplanted to another Planet to continue with their progress.

As for the second question... It seems to me like a mere curiosity...
However, it could help me elucidate on something I haven't talked about yet: the Eternal nature of a Soul.
Hypothetically, if an embodied Soul was to be cast into the Sun, the physical body/shell/vessel of the Soul would be disintegrated/dissolved/destroyed but the Soul complex would Live on, unharmed; and thus be reincarnated on another body. However, I find it highly unprovable (and purposeless) for such an occurrence to take place. So we're talking hypothetically.

Thanks for the questions and for your interest.
edit on 17-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Additions.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Flux8
First, thank you for this thread. It has been said that you should be careful about what you say/write because it can come back to haunt you, and there is wisdom in this. Without going into too much detail you've layed out the basic premises of your viewpoint, from your own experiences. Very brave of you.

Which brings me to some things I was 'told'. Be careful. Like moths attracted to light, what you 'attract' has much to do with what is in your heart and your intentions; Just as important and critical as the keywords that you type into your browser and click 'search'. Still, you can accidently 'lock on' to other malignant and dangerous things, and it's not necessarily from their ranks, but ours as well.

I am perfectly aware of that and constantly reminded of it. Thank you for bringing it up and letting other know.

If you do find yourself communicating 'telepathically' with another intelligence, just think about what you want to communicate including all sensory input. Don't try to condense and structure your thoughts as if you were trying to formulate a sentence or paragraph. Let the whole of your thoughts come through as fast as they occur to you, for that is what is truly in your mind and heart. Doing otherwise only slows down the process and leaves much of the communication out of context. For this reason it can be a bit difficult to distinguish your thoughts from those of 'others'. Foreign thoughts will be instantaneous, direct, and (usually) enlightening from a different perspective that you've never considered before. And it may be in the general form of 'visions' and/or large chunks of information, for lack of better words, (you are receiving comprehensive thought after all). Also, it may be accompanied by a feeling of a cool breeze on your forehead. I was told that the corpus callosum is responsible for transceiving thought. It is more than just a bridge between the two hemispheres. I was also told that the majority of advanced intelligent species throught the universe communicate 'telepathically' to some degree or another... Anyway, I have more to say but maybe I've said too much. I hope it doesn't come back to haunt me.
They said it might, so perhaps it will, but not necessarily from them but our own.

Interesting you note that. And thanks for the advice. I try to keep the info as less complex/structured as possible, as it often leads to misunderstandings and confusion otherwise. As I have come to the conclusion long ago, this language is a hindrance/obstacle to communication itself. Words are so very misleading. People more often than not have varied perceptions, so when you're trying to convey a message, they all end up getting different interpretations from it. And on top of that, most people take things too literal and can't see the underlying message that is being conveyed. They stuck themselves in the solidity of the words, so to speak, and can't grasp the essence of the message as a whole. That's why when speaking of greater "Truths" it is often resorted to metaphors and symbology. And yes, more advanced Beings communicate via thoughts, images and emotions. Also geometry and math are other Cosmic languages.

And yes, I am familiar with the "cool breeze" feeling, even through my hands and limbs, specially whenever I sense a high energy frequency around me or when I am receiving an influx of "knowledge".

I write this for those who are open-minded enough to try to gather their own evidence through personal experiences... lessons learned from an emic approach. And also to thank the OP for her/his bravery in starting such a thread in a usually hostile forum.

Well, thank you too for your insight.

Many here haven't taken the 'plunge' to the next step, initiating their own contact by other means in hope of having/gathering their own evidence. Personally, I did, and I was surprisingly rewarded for that, and still am from time to time.

Is there anything you would like to (or can) share with us?

edit on 17-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Spell-check.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by RKallisti

I used to practice astral projection a lot. The farthest I was able to get on my own was the outskirts of Uranus. It was a pretty scarey place. I often just floated in the atmosphere. There were special "trips" that came to me while sleeping that took me to places I wouldn't have dreamed of going.

My experience with Pluto was short, dreamlike and I didn't ask for it. It was a wonderful experience, and very refreshing. I have many adventures provided me by entities that I can't name, but have showered me with love and insight. Most of my experiences are really out there, so I can't really talk about them with you're average Joe, that's why I was so happy to find this site.

As I read more and more post my memories come back to me and I feel more cofortable sharing them, when it seems appropriate. I really love this thread. Thanks.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:23 PM
My observation is that their are probably tens of thousands of different intelligent species in the Milky Way galaxy alone with billions more out in the universe proper. I would also like to thank Rkallisti for having such interesting info and sharing it with us all. One thing I do find interesting is why there is not more of a variety of beings showing up. There seem to be only a couple dozen different types showing up in encounter reports when we should basically be swamped with different types of entities.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by eaglewoman

That is truly wonderful!

I'm glad that you may find this Thread to be of use to you.

Why do you say that you used to practice AP a lot? What about now?

Oh, and if you don't mind me asking, could you describe these Entities that you met?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:48 PM
Um, you may be talking about someone else. I have never astral projected in my life, although I do thank you for the other comments.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by johnthejedi24

I was replying to eaglewoman on my previous post.

Anyways, why aren't we being swarmed by different species of ETs?

First of all, planet Earth is NOT the only Planet that other Intelligent Entities may show interest in. Think it this way: Earth is not the center of the Universe. There are literally thousands of other Planets like Earth (going through a similar same stage of development, I mean) that ETs may also interact with.

Secondly, different ETs have different interests and agendas. The Cosmos is truly infinite. Some ETs are not even aware of the existence of Planet Earth. It is NOT as if just because you're an ET you know all the mysteries of the Comsos and have traveled to every single corner of the Universe and visited hundreds of world. No, ETs are also learning, discovering and progressing as well. They also need to make preparations, draw plans, depend on resources, and take other matters into consideration.

You have to understand that the ETs that visit Earth are those that have evolved in such as a way that they have developed the means and technology of interstellar travel. Not all ETs are capable of doing that (yet). Some are more advanced and some are less, both technologically and spiritually.
Furthermore, some ETs are so far away that it wouldn't be very productive for them to travel all the way to Earth, and it'll be best for them to just explore/visit closer worlds in their Star System or Galaxy. Think about it, just like Humans, ETs are progressing, they have obstacles, complications, drawbacks, etc.

Ask yourself this, why aren't Humans traveling to Sirius, Lyra, Zeta Reticuli, Tau Ceti or Alcyone?
Instead, they just stick to what's closest to them: the Moon and Mars, for instance. Why?

And last but not least, there is "order" in the Universe. Many of the most advanced civilizations hold "Galactic/World Councils" in which they work together in cooperation and try to divide their efforts in the best possible ways to optimize the results. Some ETs are assigned/allowed to work with Earth, and others with other Planets. Simple as that.

Hope that answers some of your questions.

edit on 17-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Additions.

edit on 17-11-2010 by RKallisti because: Spell-check.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:46 PM
Rkallisti, you mentioned Phil Schneider a couple pages back and I would like to know your opinion oh him and his stories. As for me, I believe most of his story about Dulce is a load of crap although I am sure we have our share of advanced underground bases. In terms of the Reptilian species I am mixed, I believe they exist and our both intet-dimensional and inter-planetary in nature. I do not believe they control the world but they may have had an impact on our affairs as a species in the distant past. They may also have had a hand in our genetic modifications to become modern humanity.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by RKallisti

Great thread.... Like yourself I base my beliefs on research I feel to be true.. Kinda like fate as you said but I’ve never thought of it like that. I’ve become very bored with Government control, banks etc and don’t really care anymore. IV kinda stopped my research.

I had an amazing Experience with a few friends a couple of weeks back where I completely lost touch with reality.. It’s hard for me to explain what it was like. We were in a big house in a very rural area.. I believed we had invented this reality just to experience it. Just because we could.. I didn’t think there was anything outside this house. Around the boundaries was this electric wave or fabric made up of something more like computer code than matter. I knew were were all the same thing or person experiencing this together but in a different way. I used to think visualisations were based on memories or things you have experienced in the past but I now believe your just experiencing reality in a more raw form.

edit on 17-11-2010 by spungy because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by RKallisti

Hello again Rkillisti:

Back in the 70’s, I was heavily involved with Scientology, which encouraged and taught methods of AP. I was enthralled with the alternate religion, as my family were “Pentecostal Holy Rollers,“ and that wasn’t working for me. I delved into the auditing process and met some truly blessed people: Chic Corea, Al Jareau, Stanley Clark, John Travolta, and INGO SWAN! I was truly inspired at 19 years old. (oops, name dropping? Sorry…)

As a teenager I quickly grew away from the oppressive structure of the organization. I moved to the Island of Maui in 78, where I lived for 27 years. I was free and had a brand new life and met some more very wonderful and eclectic folks. I did the “70’s thing”, ya know full moon drum parties, 11/11 parties, solstice and equinox parties…………I had some “Experiences!” AP was easy in those days.

After 911, things got a lot more serious. Putting my daughter through college, Divorce, Dad had a stroke, I moved back to California, Dad Died. Then Mom Begins to break down and leaves us within 2 years. I’ve have lost my bloom, so to speak. That’s why I am so glad I found this site, to get back into the curiosity and mystery that I so need.

As for the beings, “As above so below.” There are every clan and tribe of human and animal, that has been and will ever be, that are recognized in the extra dimensional realm. I have perceived angels, who are stoic and little greenish/grays that are silly and playful. Light time travel beings and the Anunaki who are terrifying but, in my experience it was because their love for me was so great, being in their presence was the equivalent of standing beneath Niagara Falls. I perceived “The Ancient Ones.” They were are big as the mountains, and they were sitting down! They were smiling down on me as if I were a child in a play pen.

My heart is pounding as write this! I hope this isn't too long..

Nom Myo Renge Kyo

edit on 17-11-2010 by eaglewoman because: Miss spelling of Anunaki

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by eaglewoman

Wow, you met all the beings? That's astounding. You met them through astral projection?

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