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Freemasonry Explained

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posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

To be honest, such a theory would really only float if Masonry actually had any power. It doesn't. I think the banks and the Vatican and any of the other groups actually calling the shots (Trilateral, Bildeberg, Bohemian Grove, CFR, etc...) are more interested in their own greedy ends... I doubt very much the Masons are even on their agenda. We're not a threat to them, so saying that their impetus was a reaction against us, or to keep us down, artificially inflates our real influence. Again, just my opinion.

Once again thanks for your thoughtful replies.

However you mention hidden laws, here in the United States, many of which I am familiar with, and have even argued them successfully in some limited court settings and interactions with arms of the government.

I wouldn't say this makes me a threat to the government but I can generally disuade the government from taking me on in an open courtroom once I start stating legal definitions of words, and ellements of common law, simply by infering that they really wouldn't benefit from having me stating those things in an open courtroom on the public record in front of other people.

So while your understanding of some of these things might not be typical of all Masonry but just a area of passion and study important to you, if certain elements considered Masons on a whole to be much more aware of the hidden laws in America than would you concede possibly that this would make Masons a greater threat to the establishment than say the average Joe on the street?

Now it would seem to me that much of what the government does is to convince people to disenfranchise themselves from their own inherent powre and divinity as a human being, by getting them to underestimate that power.

Now I can appreciate that Masonry has an image problem in part based on those who feel it is a vastly more powerful and influential organization than makes them feel secure with it, but do you think it wise, to essentially discount the individual power of a person and an organization in the face of what many would argue is tyranny and laws that increasingly opress the people?

I personally see Obama as four more years of George Bush and there certainly has been no effort by the President or Congress to repeal Bush era laws that intrude and negate liberties.

So would you say it's really a wise idea, since one could argue Masonry has stood up to tyrants in the past, to discount the power of the organization to effectively do that again, where perhaps the only real power of the organization is the shared identity that leads to common cause, but it's a powerful cause, and one that could prove to be a real problem to the Powers that Be?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I think the finer point lies between the individual and the institution. Masonry as an institution can do nothing against tyranny. Discussing politics in lodge is verboten. Individual Masons can take whatever action can be taken.

It wasn't a Masonic function to throw the tea into Boston harbor, but there were a bunch of individuals, many of whom were Masons, who thought it was the right thing to do at the time and took action as such.

To my knowledge, Masonry as an institution has no lobbyists in congress. (though I do believe there are 4 or 5 members of Congress who happen to be Masons, there is no particular political agenda they could push on behalf of their fraternity.)

As others have said, the power structure functions at most on the state level. And even if there were a congress of grand lodges, I don't know that they'd ever agree on an agenda that they'd want to push. (The reasons, of course, that religion and politics are not allowed to be discussed in lodge is that they are naturally the most divisive topics, and we prefer peaceful meetings, not squabbling over who is right when the variables are too many for any certainty on the matter...)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

I can appreciate what you are saying, and the thoughtfulness you are putting into it Mr. Norton.

Yet as someone who dabbles in the esoteric you might appreciate that some don't believe that coincidences are simply random events devoid of any structured meaning or purpose.

Regardless of what kind of core principles Masons share, they share a common identity and label, a distinction confered upon themselves and by one another.

In a world ruled by divide and conquer that identity signifies a very real division.

The value of the division may in fact possibly be limited to just the very fact it is a division, a division that gives a group a shared identity.

So when it comes too bellum omnium contra omnes, a philosphy I would wager such a learned and considered man as yourself is well aware of, then that division must ultimately be eliminated or become the one that eliminates all others.

In the war of all against all, where victory can only be declared where there is but one who has achieved the power to dominate to such an extent that one alone creates and imposes the identity all others, every other must then adopt and share, then we might conclude safely, that Masonry whether Masons feel they warrant it or not, has some powerful enemies, who would wipe it out for no particular reason other than it has it's own unique identity.

Now maybe this is something not previously considered or it has been and is just not a good subject to talk about, but personally I do not believe in coincidence.

Masonry is in fact under a sustained attack, likely from more than one quarter, so as the New Order of the Ages draws nearer, Masons very well might need to rethink their own tennents and philosophies or risk the ideals they do hold most near and dear being stamped out forever more.

Because so many people are frightened about Masonry, whether their fears are founded or not is not rellevant, what is rellevant is that people can be easily manipulated through their fears.

So yes, I would say some powerful force out there engaged in bellum omnium contra omnes is doing just that.

I suspect these threads are carefully considered and purposeful attempts to attract new members and I don't mean that in any accusatory or descriminatory way, but I contend that new members alone are not likely in and of themselves going to be sufficient to ultimately save your craft.

I hope the brothers are not as oblivious to this as decorum might require them to appear.

Thanks for your thoughtful replies.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
In the war of all against all, where victory can only be declared where there is but one who has achieved the power to dominate to such an extent that one alone creates and imposes the identity all others, every other must then adopt and share, then we might conclude safely, that Masonry whether Masons feel they warrant it or not, has some powerful enemies, who would wipe it out for no particular reason other than it has it's own unique identity.

A very profound thought Uncle. I often wonder if push came to shove, and there was a Masonic strucutre in place to act, what side of the conflict the Fraternity would come down on. Although we do not discuss politics in Lodge I do know the political leanings of many of my home lodge's bretheren. I suspect the large majority, if not all, would be opposed to the debasement of United States sovereignty by an agent, whether foreign or homegrown.

I tend to think that the Masonic protagonists of the Boston Tea Party had prior discourse on what their ultimate actions may cause. Whether they had this discussion in Lodge, after lodge or just as a group of men who happened to be Masons is lost ot history. I would like to think that if the circumstances ever arose again that there would be others among the Fraternity to wear the mantle of tyrannical opposition that those men wore so brilliantly.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Ah my prodigal nephew and esteemed heir, what kind of Uncle would I be if I did not illustrate these dangers for you?

Those are some noble sentiments, alas I fear the ultimate enemy will be one that threatens not just our nation and notions of sovereignty but all nations and notions of sovereignty.

Bellum omnium contra omnes was a heavily considered concept in Sir Francis Bacon's time, and I think it fair to conclude he was either trying to embody in Masonry some ability to battle against it, or to perhaps ideally even come out on top as that sole surviving faction.

Clearly though Masonry has always had it's rivals and one could argue that it was the Masons who prevented a Christian style theocracy from becoming the law of the land in the United States, by off setting their own ambitions with other ideals and notions. Clearly some Monarchies have been opposed to Masonry as well, as too would be communists.

We have seen through the European Union nations begin to pool and negate their own sovereignty and seeding and then defering and submitting to an international central authority that can override their own sovereignty.

So to imagine that these amalgamations are not taking place, and the threat is not real is probably unwise.

While I can appreciate that desire to proclaim Masonry primary a local thing despite it's global nature, the fact that it is a thing that spans borders and oceans and continents might in fact become one of the last bulwarks against movements and schools of thought, and organizations that are in fact rendering traditional nations and their previously held views and mechanisms of sovereignty mute and obsolete.

Or conversely one of the most powerful allies in such a cause.

I don't think though that men like Bacon saw this developing distopian nightmare though as the New Atlantis, or felt that one could be born out of such a oppressive system despite having first acheived a global span.

So in theory it might be far more than the Nation itself that the brothers would have to preserve through some real unified effort, but in truth the entire world.

In a world where if you can not beat them you must join them, I would say some reflection on this, while there is still time to reflect would be in order.

Thank you Augustus for weighing in.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Bellum omnium contra omnes was a heavily considered concept in Sir Francis Bacon's time, and I think it fair to conclude he was either trying to embody in Masonry some ability to battle against it, or to perhaps ideally even come out on top as that sole surviving faction.

Clearly though Masonry has always had it's rivals and one could argue that it was the Masons who prevented a Christian style theocracy from becoming the law of the land in the United States, by off setting their own ambitions with other ideals and notions. Clearly some Monarchies have been opposed to Masonry as well, as too would be communists.

A fascinating point as it is little known that the United States Constitution was based heavily upon the Masonic constitution whcih anteceded by several decades. One of the key tenets was to keep religion, specifically organized religion, out of the political or daily apparatus of governing. Not to say that religion can not play a part in society, just that it should not be the governing point of society.

We have seen through the European Union nations begin to pool and negate their own sovereignty and seeding and then defering and submitting to an international central authority that can override their own sovereignty.

So to imagine that these amalgamations are not taking place, and the threat is not real is probably unwise.

I certainly feel the threat is real and very serious. The British, by virtue of not allowing their currency to be absorbed, were somewhat presciencient in this regard. But I feel nevertheless, that they are also caught in a downward spiral of lessening sovereignty.

While I can appreciate that desire to proclaim Masonry primary a local thing despite it's global nature, the fact that it is a thing that spans borders and oceans and continents might in fact become one of the last bulwarks against movements and schools of thought, and organizations that are in fact rendering traditional nations and their previously held views and mechanisms of sovereignty mute and obsolete.

Or conversely one of the most powerful allies in such a cause.

I would hope for the former but without an overarching governing system (which Masonry does not have above the state level) there may be little to do premptively in the face of such a threat.

In a world where if you can not beat them you must join them, I would say some reflection on this, while there is still time to reflect would be in order.

I sadly reflect on this all too often as I watch, little by little, as our liberties and sovereignty slowly diminish. Perhaps one day I will do more then just watch....

Thank you Augustus for weighing in.

Certainly, your posts and threads are always food for the contemplative mind to digest.

Edit to add: Love the new avatar. Maybe we should unbundle those things and go to town.
edit on 10-11-2010 by AugustusMasonicus because: Networkdude has no beer

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Edit to add: Love the new avatar. Maybe we should unbundle those things and go to town.

All in due course Augustus. I think it safe to say some of us shall not be going quietly into that good night. I don't think certain entreaties and appeals will escape the studious and observant minds or ears.

By the way rumor has it that Network Dude is a major stock holder in IG Beverage!

I sadly reflect on this all too often as I watch, little by little, as our liberties and sovereignty slowly diminish. Perhaps one day I will do more then just watch....

Assuming for the sake of brevity and comity that Masonry at its core is about brotherly love and understanding the hidden esoteric meanings in the mechanisms of the Universe, then I would suggest at some point, some form of definitive and concerted actions are going to be required to preserve the practice, when it is fairly certain the Hegelian principles being used to create a homogenous mass are bound to lead to the State having all right in all things, with no room for any other discipline or philosophy, and no toleration of such.

I would hope for the former but without an overarching governing system (which Masonry does not have above the state level) there may be little to do premptively in the face of such a threat.

While this system might currently not exist, when Masters of like mind meet in common and unified purpose and cause, alliances are not long in the making or impossible to achieve.

I certainly feel the threat is real and very serious. The British, by virtue of not allowing their currency to be absorbed, were somewhat presciencient in this regard. But I feel nevertheless, that they are also caught in a downward spiral of lessening sovereignty.

They are in fact so hard pressed that a unknown and mysterious corporation known at this time simply as Corporation X are negotiating with Parliment and the House of Lords to purchase and obsolve the British of all their debts.

Certainly a fair portion of their sovereignty will dissapate though such a process, and I think it safe to say, nations will fall to debt in hostile financial takeovers much the way corporations have in the past.

Yet when one considers the nature of the beast, with a 14 trillion dollar debt nationally, and only a 1.9 trillion dollar pool of existing currency to pay that debt, then it is clear that this is a illusion being manipulated by powerful and determined forces.

A fascinating point as it is little known that the United States Constitution was based heavily upon the Masonic constitution whcih anteceded by several decades. One of the key tenets was to keep religion, specifically organized religion, out of the political or daily apparatus of governing. Not to say that religion can not play a part in society, just that it should not be the governing point of society.

There are many things that are little known, often not because they are secrets, but because on average few care to know many things that they imagine have no real impact on their day to day struggles to eek out sustinance and survive.

Yet there are those who do know, and these are the people in troubled times, that we need to truly step to the fore and share, or risk loosing all for not doing so.

Recuitment alone is not going to ensure the survival of your beloved craft Nephew, I wish for your own benefit that it would, but alas, this is truly not the case, one must adapt and sieze the day, if one wishes to perservere in the ever shifting tides of time.

I feel this a most auspicious time to deliver this message.

This may be the only way to get Network Dude to share his beer!

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
This may be the only way to get Network Dude to share his beer!

My beer is always available to share. Just not on Tuesday nights. At least not down here.

Proto, I am not leader, not by a log shot, but I am one hell of a soldier. And yes, we are on the same sheet of music.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by network dude

Proto, I am not leader, not by a log shot, but I am one hell of a soldier. And yes, we are on the same sheet of music.

Fear not my friend, I am a natural cane sugar cola drinker, bottled by Boylans in New Jersey, we now know, why I intend to leave the empire to Augustus Masonicus!

Ultimately some of histories most powerful leaders emerge simply through a process of default.

The second most powerful of Masters is the inspirer and it's through their ability to provide inspiration and hope to others through sound and popular ideas that causes the mantle of leadership to fall upon them. While they will never rival the most powerful of Masters the Puppet Master, the inspirer can change the course of events and confound the Puppet Master if he fails a way to engraciate himself to the Inspirer and attach him to his strings.

Whether you recognize it or not, you are trying to lead, in your own way, by putting out a message like you have in this thread, that takes some initiative.

That takes leadership.

The true master is a humble person, it is only through that quality that they become approachable so others can tell and teach them how to master them.

Yet I do sincerely believe my friend, that more than recruitment alone is going to be needed to ensure the continued sanctity and practice of your craft.

Leaders will have to emerge, Masters will have to convene, risks will have to be taken, fates will have to be sealed.

These things do fall on certain people and organizations from time to time in the evolution of society and nature, and failure to rise to such occassions usually does mean elimination through evolution.

I think wise men who value their freedom and ability to self determine their own lives, and ways and destinies to the greatest extent possible, have to be cognizant of this my friend, and further that ultimately any organization's primary duty is to see to it's own defense and continuation.

We are in fact all under attack currently when it comes to the freedom to determine reasonably to the extent it does not harm others our own destinies and ways, which in fact makes us all brothers in a common cause.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Whether or not he was murdered or not, the public image was damaged and membership declined significantly.

I've researched the Skull & Bones, but I haven't read about what you posted.

What do you think it may be covering up? Not specific, but general if you have one formed.

I'd be more apt to argue, but my access to decent internet access is not great.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by torqpoc
reply to post by network dude

Dear Network Dude,
Thank you for that insight, however what you have written is already widely known =) As you state, those with lesser moral fibre have already divulged this, and alot more, information about the Freemasonry society.

What you don't go into, and I doubt you will, is the impact and power that the higher tiers of your society have on the rest of society. It is one thing to make an analogy about workers/masons in antiquity wishing to keep their work a "black art" and what Freemasonry is today.

My respects for being so honest, but I very much doubt you even have an inkling of the bigger picture.


edit on 9-11-2010 by torqpoc because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-11-2010 by torqpoc because: Spelling

I would like to publicly apologize for my tone when replying to this post. While I disagreed with it, it was respectful and deserved a more thoughtful response than what was given.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by network dude

Dear Network Dude,
That was not necessary, but very much appreciated. You have my deepest respects and I do hope you will continue to enlighten us all. Persons of your calibre are few and far between and you are a very good advocate for the Order.

All the best,

edit on 12-11-2010 by torqpoc because: spelling

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:36 AM
How about posting the ritual, the modes of identification, and the membership rolls.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by vcwxvwligen

how about you click this link and find those exact answers.
They are there. Bus as you know all too well. I took an oath not to tell anyone, so I won't. But as far as the role, I don't know about other lodges, but when we have our insallation, I will post the newspaper article with us in it. At least you will know who the officers in my lodge will be. Then you will be that much closer to whatever it is you are searching for.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by vcwxvwligen

Duncan's Ritual and Monitor

That's at least a place to start.

If you want the one for the Scottish Rite, you can buy it here.

Point I want to make here, telling people to Google it isn't incredibly effective. Most searches these days bring up well... these and similar threads, bogus sites, and Lodge websites.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by network dude
the hats are funny. It's part of the "fun" aspect of it. Everybody looks goofy.

Actually, those were hats that were worn by servants during the Ottoman Empire. I guess as long as blissful ignorance reigns, everything is funny and goofy.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 03:07 PM
I can understand the explanation of freemasonry as you stated.

Because I have been a surveyor.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:27 PM
It's weird how Masons/Satanists, who are in despise for the universe, practice what is most fundamental in that universe: sex and violence. The physical and biological universe does just that. It's very violent, and it wants sex as much as possible.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by flow1

if I may, I would ask do you separate yourself from the Physical universe?
because of you don't and you are flesh and blood, then well , you have just described yourself. We don't need all that info. TMI.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by torqpoc

There is no top teir in masonry. The highest degree is the third.

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