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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth
You hit a home run with that post how ever once I viewed the exploded picture below I wondered why they would be spread open and not in a cup configuration like you state.

not everybody does the cupping
method the same way. And in the
20's it was fairly new and not
main stream. She may have heard
of it but didn't exactly know how
to do it right. She also may have had
arthritis which makes her fingers
crumble in awkward positions.
It was already stated she/he was

But as Prove it now suggest,
I will let it go. I stated my case
so I digress

Have fun


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by elitelogic

The explanation that this is an actor rehearsing a part is plausible, but this is not actually a movie set. This clip was from the premiere at Manns Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, CA for the Charlie Chaplin movie 'The Circus'. I really do think there is something in the person's (I use the term person loosely) hand. What it is I have no idea. Just walk around with your empty hand held up to your face like the person in the footage. It really feels unnatural without something there.

What is even more bizarre which others have noticed is the man in front of the women. His head looks strange, no other way to put it. It is very long from the chin to the back of the next (pause at 3:21). Also you really can't make out his left ear. It looks like there is nothing there. He could just have some sort of difformaty or lost his ear. But man he just looks strange. The two are in perfect step with each other. Which is not totally strange, but is a little coincidence. The women, or whatever has massive feet hand, legs the whole nine. The face is very mannish as well. Now to say a time traveler would not walk around in broad daylight talking in to some sort of communication device is not totally true. Imagine yourself in the 1920s. If I saw a person walking down the street talking into what looked like to me a little black makeup box, cigarette case, etc., I would just think the person is crazy. Which this very much could be a crazy person talking into some box or something. But the both of them sure look strange. Cool video OP.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Fine, ask until the cows come home. Have fun.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
Highly suspicious.
If he's a "time traveler", who would he be speaking to on a cellphone?

Well, who's to say? Anyone. Do you think he/she might have companions? Do you think that if this were a time traveler that an official office might clandestinely be set-up somewhere, hidden from us via technology we haven't invented yet?

Originally posted by OldDragger
I'm pretty sure service was spotty in 1928. not many towers then.

You're thinking INSIDE the box. If they are time travelers, they might have tech we're not privy to, right? Even today there are satellite phones that don't require towers. C'mon. You've gotta do better than that for godssakes.

Originally posted by OldDragger
I'd like to see the original movie. Does it seem very likley that Chaplin would film this guy talking on a strange device and nobody would inquire what he was doing? Wouldn't even be curious?
Something fishy here.

There are a lot of "ifs," but in the end, this person probably went unnoticed. And, Chaplin did not do his own filming. A film crew did. I highly suspect that Chaplain even saw this shot. Does Harrison Ford film and edit his own material? No. Hardly ANY actors/performers film their own work. For one, they're performing while it's being filmed. So, would he be curious? It is hard to be curious about something you are unaware of.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:03 PM
Maybe this is timetravel disclosure... I believe it has already begun. We need to start watching closely for more 'hints' to come, in the meantime excellent find!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:03 PM
It looks more like a guy then a woman for me.

If that's a woman...

*Does a comic cartoon disgust face.*

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Mak Manto

I don't personally see the object on the anterior portion of the hand (towards the ear) though I do see something coming from the other side of the hand, though it could be shadow.

Having said that, clutch purse, snuff box, flask... any number of non-time travel objects would fit.

And that's if it's not just shadow.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
OK just when we thought we couldnt have more fun with this thread, Found a older picture of Charlie Chaplin....Look familiar? Could it be him in drag
(I apologize OZ, phage, chad etc I know you expect more from me


Just to bump, this is the old Charlie Chapman, which at a stretch, looks like the woman

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Debunked: No time traveler
Just a singer using the cupping technique.

You know...we have heard some very good ideas...some very plausible ideas on what may be going on in the video. And yours is a very good and plausible idea.

But unlike others, who present there ideas as present yours as THE answer.

I dislike that...I dislike that as much as someone saying that they are 100% sure it is a cell phone...both lines of thinking come from arrogance and ignorance. Arrogant that you can not be wrong...that YOU have the answer...ignorance that you deny the fact that there may be other possibilities.

Why can't people just discuss things...why does it seem like it is a competition to see who is right..and who can get out the right answer first???

The truth is...we will never know what the right answer is to what is going on in that clip. All we can do is come up with some possibilities and then try to decide which ones seem more plausible or probable than the others.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by antar
Maybe this is timetravel disclosure... I believe it has already begun. We need to start watching closely for more 'hints' to come, in the meantime excellent find!!!

I'm breaking out my old tapes of The Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, and other pre WW2 comedy look for more Time Travelers.

The coffee is brewing and I expect I'll be up a long time. Wish me luck.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by Mak Manto

I don't personally see the object on the anterior portion of the hand (towards the ear) though I do see something coming from the other side of the hand, though it could be shadow.

Having said that, clutch purse, snuff box, flask... any number of non-time travel objects would fit.

And that's if it's not just shadow.


Which would make sense, but they're holding it near their near, and we can clearly see them talking into it.

Of course, it could be some crazy on the street who's talking to their dog, but you don't hold a purse or a snuff box to your ear and speak into it.

Besides, which, the object is long, black, and thin.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

OK lets not get into a WWWF
this thread is fun

*hands Boon and OS some baked pancakes with blueberries to share

Edit to add, perhaps talk to each other through a cupped technique and the other through a old electric hearing aid to hear each other better lolol
sorry couldnt resist....
edit on 21-10-2010 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Prove_It_NOW

Originally posted by antar
Maybe this is timetravel disclosure... I believe it has already begun. We need to start watching closely for more 'hints' to come, in the meantime excellent find!!!

I'm breaking out my old tapes of The Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, and other pre WW2 comedy look for more Time Travelers.

The coffee is brewing and I expect I'll be up a long time. Wish me luck.

OK that made me LOL,
DOnt forget the MArx Bros

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Prove_It_NOW

Originally posted by antar
Maybe this is timetravel disclosure... I believe it has already begun. We need to start watching closely for more 'hints' to come, in the meantime excellent find!!!

I'm breaking out my old tapes of The Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, and other pre WW2 comedy look for more Time Travelers.

The coffee is brewing and I expect I'll be up a long time. Wish me luck.

OK that made me LOL,
DOnt forget the MArx Bros

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Well since you said that your own thread is 'for fun' I'll just dump all over it now since intelligent discussion is not in the cards.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:11 PM
This is truly intriguing. I am going to buy a copy of this film and attempt to dissect it. 1928 and cell phones not even on Dick Tracy's agenda. This is certainly a discovery. The individual in question appears to be using a communication device that mimics today's cellular phones. A most wicked find indeed!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Prove_It_NOW
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Well since you said that your own thread is 'for fun' I'll just dump all over it now since intelligent discussion is not in the cards.


"Fun" and "For fun" aren't quite the same thing!

And I agree, this is fun. It's a very interesting study in psychology/sociology if nothing else. But, hey, being open to the improbable falls soundly within the precepts of reason. So have fun!


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:12 PM
I know, she's an alien disguised as a human in drag and she works for the CIA and Charlie Chaplin was an agent and she was his partner, but she forgot she was and let her guard down.

And VOILA, 2010 some guy who is a Chaplin fan discovered and YouTubed it. That;s it.

Disclosure!1!!1!1!! eleven

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

Do as you wish, but not sure why you feel the need to 'dump' on it...does someone needs hugz?
All discussion is welcome within t and c

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Originally posted by Prove_It_NOW
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Well since you said that your own thread is 'for fun' I'll just dump all over it now since intelligent discussion is not in the cards.


"Fun" and "For fun" aren't quite the same thing!

And I agree, this is fun. It's a very interesting study in psychology/sociology if nothing else. But, hey, being open to the improbable falls soundly within the precepts of reason. So have fun!


Well said Heff, who said research and investigation in to this subject matter needs to be angry to be taken seriously.....

edit on 21-10-2010 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

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