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[HOAX] UFO Truth Revealed [HOAX]

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posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by MolecularPhD

I realized that people need to know what to do after seeing a UFO and that is why I wrote a report to Alan Hynek, having been encouraged by Jerry Ford, President then, to describe the experience...I believe that people who do actually experience such a sighting need explicit instructions on what to do and who to report it to...

I was traveling on a major highway when this ufo zoomed up to me out of the clear blue sky, totally cloudless, and while it was at a distance, it was still so important that I had to stop and get off the interstate to watch it seeing that it was quite a distance but so large that it seemed to be near. Knowing I could not follow it, I got back on the road, and commented on whether it was for real or not...It took us a long time to believe that it is a ufo and I made sketches of it...Mental telepathy is an aspect of such a sighting as I believe that occurs often. I had trouble with my car's ignition after that experience and I believe that people should learn and know how to report incidents of this kind.

Speed is the main difference between this and ordinary aircraft, especially upclose as that was.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:05 PM
Here is the exif data from the certificate.

Filename : jeddiphd.jpg
JFIF_APP1 : Exif
JFIF_APP14 : Photoshop 3.0
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ICC Untagged : 2Byte
Document specific IDs : 4Byte
ThumbnailResource : JPEG Format (Offset:11678Size:3788)
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Thumnail Width : 160
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Orientation : left-hand side
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DateTime : 2009:05:06 19:32:46
ExifInfoOffset : 164
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Thumbnail Information
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JPEGInterchangeFormatLength : 3760

Why would a scanned certificate need to go through Photoshop?

[edit on 6-7-2010 by tommyb0y]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:06 PM
LOL did anybody really need to see his fake diploma to know this was a hoax?

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:08 PM
If ATS really is a serious website into paranormal phenomena, and we identify people who are obviously lying and trying to fool other members into believing their delusional fantasies, shouldn't we ban them? This guy hasn't even received a warning.

Otherwise isn't it all a bit of a joke?

[edit on 6-7-2010 by Retseh]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by LiteraryOneTwo

You shouldn't even bother to reply to MolecularPHD because its been found out that he is a hoaxer. He doesn't have a PHD at M.I.T., and everything that he has said has been rubbish. You might want to check the last page to see his falsified diploma. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Namaste and Love

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by cripmeister

Oh... "UFO Truth Revealed" If what the OP has so-far told us, that multi dimensional effects has NOT been solved. ie:Infanite dimensional manifolds with a Poisson structure on them! Holy Kontsevich Batman!
Does this mean you will never show us that geometric proof? How about the deformation quantizations??
crap...I was just dusting off the old slide rule

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by RecentlyAwaken

For a PhD, there's a few more misspellings than you'd expect. In fact, there's a slew of grammatical errors, misuses of semicolons, etc. Now, it's definitely plausible that a PhD would carelessly let these things slip by, but with one caveat. A member, past or present, with the Army Corps of Engineers, misspelling "Corps" as "Core" is not one that gets by.

PhD's proofread, period, and once you're a member of the Corps of Engineers, you never, ever, for the rest of your life, will spell it Core. It's my opinion that the OP has absolutely zero credibility, and the entire story is a work of fiction, a fabrication.

[edit on 7/6/2010 by Unit541]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Retseh
If ATS really is a serious website into paranormal phenomena, and we identify people who are obviously lying and trying to fool other members into believing their delusional fantasies, shouldn't we ban them? This guy hasn't even received a warning.

Otherwise isn't it all a bit of a joke?

[edit on 6-7-2010 by Retseh]

And the square that has his name in it at the bottom isn't even centered. Take a real good look.

Namaste and Love

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Arkady
LOL did anybody really need to see his fake diploma to know this was a hoax?
Not really.
I read the whole freakin' thread, if I could kick myself in the butt, I think I would, cuz it wasn't worth it.

I also read the "13 year old invents a time machine" thread, and that is where I remembered MolecularPhD from, it is interesting to read if you want to see anything else written by the OP, in that it shows a lot of words and NO MEAT!

Like the old Burger King TV commercial said " Where's the Beef!"

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Arkady
LOL did anybody really need to see his fake diploma to know this was a hoax?

Nope, but, it makes it that much sweeter when its discovered. Indeed, before I even saw the fake diploma, I had already called him on his B.S.

Namaste and Love

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by tommyb0y
Here is the exif data from the certificate.

Filename : jeddiphd.jpg

Why would a scanned certificate need to go through Photoshop?

If you are indeed looking at the supposed diploma that has both a diploma and a Mensa certificate on it, would it not stand to reason that they were both scanned and cropped on some editing software? So that both could be viewed at the same time (just an assumption on my part in asking).

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:18 PM
Sorry OP, but I smell hogwash. It is possible you are who you say, and that you believe to be true what you say. However, for you to claim you know the truth about UFO's is a stretch. As others have said, information on the subject is undoubtedly highly compartmentalized. You may have only been privy to a small piece of the puzzle.

Many astronomers believe there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the known universe. There very well could be an infinite number of universes as well. When you break it down and think about how many stars exist in a single galaxy, well, the mind becomes boggled at the possibilities.

I'm still waiting for you to explain away the abduction phenomenon and the vast number of UFO sightings that occurred well before the Germans introduced what we perceive to be UFOs. Furthermore, how is it that the Germans were light years ahead of other countries with this kind of highly advanced technology, yet were behind the USA in developing the Atom bomb? While you're at it, why don't you explain cattle mutilations, crop circles, and how the pyramids were built. Maybe the Nazi's also invented time travel, and decided to go back in time to Egypt and use their fancy advanced technology to build the pyramids just for fun?

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by tommyb0y

Well TommyBoy, that is quite the damning information that you have there. Yep, I think its completely sealed now. Although we all knew it was photoshopped and a complete fabrication, the information that you just provided is the proverbial, "NAIL IN THE COFFIN."

What a joke. I can't believe that this guy really thought that he was going to get by with this B.S. thread after thread, post after post.

Well MolecularPHD, looks like you're gonna have to cancel your membership and start anew because there are going to be many that will stop at nothing to disavow every post that you will make in the future. But when you do, for God's sake, don't tell people that you have a PHD in anything. You'll simply be busted again.

Your credibility is in the toilet where it belongs. And to think you created a thread touting all of this definitive knowledge of "what is really happening." What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to...

Sorry to be so cruel but, when you practice to deceive, someone is eventually going to call you on it.

Namaste and Love

[edit on 6-7-2010 by PsychoX42]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

Good point!

I think whats needed is an examination of the stamps at the bottom of both certificates!

I will bet they match.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:19 PM
Well done with the thread. As a fellow scientist working for the government i must admit i have to warn you about informing about these things in these details. ATS is used by many of the large leading countries in the world. I see you have the information of the Usa\Germany deal, not many who has that information. There is one person who i think you forgot to mention and that is the person with the letter R, i believe you know who i am talking about, the family is still alive and they might not like what you just posted.

Anyway. Well thread indeed BUT what you have written has NOTHING to do with the Extra terrestrials and area 51.

I do know about the project you have mentioned, while some people were working on that one, others were given some other assignments.

In 1950 the world leaders,with the us in charge were gathering about the topic. Extra Terrestrials.

For many years the top scientists,historians and archaeologists had been working together ( i have personally worked with it for 35 years) of finding proof about extra terrestrials "out there", our easiest starting point would of course then be our earth.

After studying most of the religious\mythical scripts the last 35 000 years and gathering DNA samples,bone fragments ect- and being contacted through satellite in outer space we had to make a meeting.

To make a long story short, i will not give as much information as you do, i still want to keep my job
-- Extra terrestrials were contacted.

A deal with them were made, they saw that our DNA and skin tissue together with their science would be a huge benefit for them. They were allowed to "abduct" humans for DNA samples,skin tissue,brain tissue and more. But the humans would be unharmed.

Some humans however got psychological problems after the experiments,the human mind were alot more fragile than suspected.

In return we got Technology from them and information. Information about our world TELLUS and future events in our own galaxy+++ more.

What you have written here in your thread is very correct, you have missed out some minor things but not of huge importance. But it is not to be mistaken with a totally different cause.

Besides - The world governments has already started to inform the public of Extra terrestrials. That is a part of a 18 month plan. These are the things wich has been done so far.

* Usa+other governments in the world has informed of working together with a special alien race- for over 50 years. Source- CNN, and 12 other news stations around the world. Newspapers has also been informed, a foreign example is NORWAY with their newspaper VG ( World Order) wich has the headline " The world government informs of working with an Alien Race for over 50 years"

* History Channel ( Together with handpicked scientists\historians\archaeologists) informs us about the planet Tellus and its history with Extra terrestrials. Information \ facts\ . This is a paid deal by the government and are not to be mistaken with former ( Alien Astronauts).

* After the 18 months wich are used for informing the public slowly about extra terrestrials and giving them the time to "chew" on the thought of actually NOT being alone,the plan is to introduce them to the human race. The timing is tactical and are very much planned together with other things going on in the world today.

What can i say, after i have been standing 2 meters away from an extra terrestrial together with other scientists i am pretty much sure about those FACTS that they do exist.

Extra terrestrials simply exist,even if you want it or not. If you dont even believe the governments of the world own words? Well fear not, you will soon be talking to one.

PS: Threadmaker,please be careful with the information you withhold. There is a reason for it being "classified" for others. Every job has a confidential rule.

To be realistic am happy someone did this. Thank you.

Minnesota Science Facility-

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Archirvion

Um...dude, you obviously haven't been reading all of the information up to your post. The OP has been found out to be a liar, a hoaxer, and a deceiver (I bet I could have just used one of those because they all mean the same thing.)

He doesn't have a degree at MIT, and his information is totally incorrect.

You wasted all of that time on a very long post for nothing.

Its a HOAX.

And just so you know, almost everyone on ATS knows the information about the U.S. and Germany, just not as the OP suggested. Before agreeing with this guy so wholeheartedly, you might want to read the final two pages of this thread so that way, your credibility isn't put into question as well. Just some advice.

Namaste and Love

[edit on 6-7-2010 by PsychoX42]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by PsychoX42

As a scientist myself, the information given is actually correct. BUT it has nothing to do with Extra terrestrials.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by PsychoX42

well, i didnt read all he wrote to be honest..i only bothered reading the part with hitler and the V rockets..wich is i just took the rest to be legit.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Archirvion

Yeh, right, and I'm the next president of the USA.

Read my post on page 7.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:26 PM
interesting, love to hear more about the abductions. and any other info pertaining to dimensional travel you may b willing to release. will keep a weary eye though.

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