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Save the Planet: Have Fewer Kids

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posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by open_eyeballs
reply to post by Sliadon

Already have two. Dont really want anymore, but I guess it doesnt matter anyway since I have already doomed the earth for forever...

You have two kids??

Shame on you open_eyeballs!

This whole crisis is your fault!


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Sliadon

Well..... going by those figures i suppose we aren't really doing as much as we could.... mind you i'm on a small island so compare ours to your and it will be miniscule.....

I've just had a great idea.... let's blame the Americans

edited to add: and the chinese

[edit on 5-8-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by St Vaast
Frankly, I think it's a great idea

for people to have less or even no children

We could also murder people, that would really lower their footprint...

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Naw, just blame America, most nations seem to blame us for everything these days anyways. We've thickened our skin to the attacks by now


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by yellowcard

You are right!

Maybe that is why nations commit genocide?

I guess Ethnic Hatred is just a fabricated myth. Those people are just poor misunderstood individuals. They were murdering to save Mother Earth down the road. The more they can kill, the more they save the planet.

[shudders at own sarcasm]


edit to add: I'm not picking on you yellowcard, just continuing on the illogical logic you were mocking

[edit on 8/5/2009 by Sliadon]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Sliadon

hey according to women in general (including my wife) its always the mans fault...

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by open_eyeballs

Yeah, it always seems to end up being our fault man


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:41 PM
having less kids will not solve over population.
all it will do is some thing like
decrease those that think their are to many people around whilst the worlds top breeders (it has to be said muslims/africans/indians & others) have so far been out breeding every one els, i was going to mention the chinese but they tend to kill girls very young & try to limit familys to one child.
as for europe with its shrinking birth rate, rapidly being replaced by muslims & secondly africans. all this increase & decrease in births not forgetting mass immigration, is doing nothing to limit carbon footprints as the human race over all continues to expand very fast. the only differnce all this changing birth rates will have is the (soft genocide of slow breeding nations caused by fast breeding & mass immigration of other nations) this soft genocide will continue untill it reaches a tipping point thats where the slow breeders for the first time become minoritys in their own countrys. this is very likley to spark a war.
but all in all "no" carbon is likley to keep increasing with human expansion.
the choice we have is
slow breed your selves into oblivion & be over whelmed by fast breeders
become a fast breeder with the other fast breeders & iether way our carbon footprint increases & we all end up in oblivion any way

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by cooler
having less kids will not solve over population.
all it will do is some thing like
decrease those that think their are to many people around whilst the worlds top breeders (it has to be said muslims/africans/indians & others) have so far been out breeding every one els, i was going to mention the chinese but they tend to kill girls very young & try to limit familys to one child.
as for europe with its shrinking birth rate, rapidly being replaced by muslims & secondly africans. all this increase & decrease in births not forgetting mass immigration, is doing nothing to limit carbon footprints as the human race over all continues to expand very fast. the only differnce all this changing birth rates will have is the (soft genocide of slow breeding nations caused by fast breeding & mass immigration of other nations) this soft genocide will continue untill it reaches a tipping point thats where the slow breeders for the first time become minoritys in their own countrys. this is very likley to spark a war.
but all in all "no" carbon is likley to keep increasing with human expansion.
the choice we have is
slow breed your selves into oblivion & be over whelmed by fast breeders
become a fast breeder with the other fast breeders & iether way our carbon footprint increases & we all end up in oblivion any way

A DAMN IF YOU DO DAMN IF YOU DON'T situation so why worry about carbon foot printing. So Eat, Drink, and be Merry!

[edit on 5-8-2009 by Chai_An]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by cooler

Be careful not to attribute those traits to the groups of people collectively, rather look at it regionally. One being Islam/African/Asian doesn't mean that they are more likely to have more children than another. The decision, at least in the developing world, to have more children is an issue of insurance. Small rural communities in undeveloped areas don't receive the same government aid for their elderly and impoverished as say in their capital cities. A rural Congolese farmer would want to have many kids to help with the harvest as well as take care of him and his wife when he gets old, not to mention the fact that the infant mortality rate there is the 19th worst in the world and live birth rate is the 10th highest.


Infant Mortality Rate

Birth Rate

On the other side, in Libya the nation enjoys more of an urbanized setting and they have a higher growth rate of GDP compared to Congo, as well as less issue with Infant Mortality and a lower Birth Rate indicating that they have begun to follow a more "Westernized" manner of living and thusly do not have as much a need for the massively larger population.

GDP Growth

Bir th Rate

In fant Mortality Rate


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by yellowcard

Originally posted by St Vaast
Frankly, I think it's a great idea

for people to have less or even no children

We could also murder people, that would really lower their footprint...

Yes. An entirely new and original idea! Eliminate the sub-humans and create more lebensraum for the superior races. It's just so crazy it just might work! Who needs all those Jews and Gypsies? Slavs and homosexuals? A waste of resources. They are mere human cattle taking food from mouths of the worthy! And who really wants to burden the state with the care of legions of unproductive retards and cripples? Let them die so that they will no longer be capable of perpetuating their rancid blood!

A pure, superior and limited race of humans is the only way to ensure our survival. It must be done for the survival of the species.

What a novel idea. It's only so amazing that nobody ever thought of it before!

P.S. Read a history book.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by passenger

I'm *pretty* sure that yellowcard made their statement in jest to poke fun at the fact that since this whole "having fewer kids thing" is going to save the planet is similar to suggesting that mass murder is a good idea.


P.S. I love emoticons

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Sliadon

I hope so.

Unfortunately, it's getting harder and harder to tell. I've had conversations, in person, with people I've known for years and they've surprised me by making statements in favor of 'population control'. To me, that's sick.

The idea that some self-professed enlightened types would , self-righteously, take it upon themselves to say to others - sick, elderly or unborn or others - that they have no right to exist in the name of a 'greater' good is disturbing. Especially in the context of a 'carbon-footprint' or some other fantabulous rationale.

P.S. Ha! The emoticon thing! You may mock me now but it will come back to haunt you! Mark my words.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by passenger

Don't worry, I'm right there with you and so are several others posting in this thread. This whole approach of green friendly to deal with population "concerns" sickens me and that is why I started this thread.

As far as the Emoticon thing I'm really sorry I really could not help myself! When I stumbled on that gem earlier it gave me one of the best laughs I have had on this site!!!


[edit on 8/6/2009 by Sliadon]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Sliadon

Thanks. I was just trying to point out that there is some good data and websites out there showing that certain countries are in for a decline in population such as China although most of that is in the future next 40 years or so. Some countries are even doing the oposite and extoling the virtues of having more kids to increase their populations and reverse the trends. Even more alarming to some is that make up of the population with a large segment of elderly and retired workers.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Sliadon

Your post has brought about a really poignant and, personally, timely topic.

As it happens, I was arguing with my own mother about just this same subject, this very night. She had expressed her concerns about 'carbon footprints', climate change and sustainable populations and other b.s. - and I tore into her. I told her that if she had listened to that garbage 30 years ago, I might have never have been born for the cause of a 'greater good'. Furthermore, neither would her grandchildren have ever been born. That did give her pause.

I tried to explain that the movement that is growing is not going to allow the individual to decide but will have a system to decide for the individual. Everyone thinks that they are 'special'. But the system might not think the same way. Do we really want to allow the system to decide for us? What system can decide who is good for humanity and who is bad? What system can accurately predict the birth of a maniac or a Mozart?

I would submit that the true measure of a human being is how we treat our fellow humans. How we conduct ourselves and how we exhibit the higher states of consciousness: caring, compassion, understanding, charity and empathy. Those are the factors that separate us from animals. Not raw intelligence or adaptive dexterity. Our greatest traits cannot be predicted or prescribed. They cannot be enforced or subjugated. But they are essential to our race. They are the essence of being human. In order to propitiate them, we must practice them. That can only come about by honoring all created life and accepting it for the gift it is. That will make us all better humans.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 01:37 AM
"Population Control" is code language used by a bunch of soul-less racist elites to indicate their hatred for brown and black-skinned people and their desire to kill them off. Margaret Sanger & company down to the present day establishment elites in the USA want a certain kind of "reproductive freedom" so they can make money off of their abortion clinics, but not so fast on the "reproductive freedom" if you are actually going to have children!

I had seven children. We raised them very well. They all went to university and went on to obtain a variety of professional degrees. The world is better for having them in it with the tangible evidence of the medical research they do etc.

Honestly, at this point when this topic comes up I just want to scream. The core of the subject is thinly veiled racism coupled with absolute selfishness. And because the "lie of it" has been repeated so often, many have come to believe it. But it remains a lie, the purpose of which is to control and inhibit human freedom and to eliminate undesirable ethnic groups.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by passenger
I tried to explain that the movement that is growing is not going to allow the individual to decide but will have a system to decide for the individual. Everyone thinks that they are 'special'. But the system might not think the same way. Do we really want to allow the system to decide for us? What system can decide who is good for humanity and who is bad? What system can accurately predict the birth of a maniac or a Mozart?

I couldn't agree with you more, and your last post shows a lot of insight. If it weren't so long and I'd not get in trouble with Mods I'd post the whole thing again! Star for you.

There have been movies with subjects like this before. And yeah, they are Science Fiction. But one thing I have learned from these movies is that usually they are based on some shroud of truth. When Star Trek launched no one thought that technology would show in the "real world" and yet it has started to.

My point is, these thoughts of a government decision to limit how many children you can have among other things is not so far-fetched anymore.

Very good post, passenger.


posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
"I had seven children. We raised them very well. They all went to university and went on to obtain a variety of professional degrees. The world is better for having them in it with the tangible evidence of the medical research they do etc.

I wish that more people such as yourself would've posted earlier. Both of my parents came from large families (my mother was 1 of 10 and my father 1 of 8) and each member of the family except for one of my uncles went off to college and achieved so much.

I don't know if the complete reason is racism, although I will say that I have heard very many people indicate their opinions about people of other race both on ATS and in real life and it makes me sick to hear such vulgarity. I think that it is more a sense of elitism. The NWO are members of well to do elite families and enjoy lives that a normal person couldn't dream of. Probably so extravagant you wouldn't like it anyways coming from a much more humble background. I think that they discriminate mercilessly based off their schema of what being "rich" is. Someone like you or myself might say that we are 'rich' because we have a loving family and good support group of friends and have found a niche that makes us happy -- something that the NWO would scoff at.

I think of it a lot like the stratification of Rome with the wealthy elite Patricians and the common man, or the Plebian and the feeling of superiority the Patricians had over the common people.

Regardless, thank you so much for your story and I am happy your children went off to achieve so much!


posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

For me it has nothing to do with 'racism' i tell you why.... because i'm mixed race..... there are large 'white' families too with 7, 8 or 9 kids, what i'm seeing where i live is Ethnic groups from Africa & The middle east having way too many kids!!! If you look at where they came from and the problems in their countries you wonder why they are coming here still re-producing at the same rate.... it doesn't take a genius to work out that if this continues there will not be much more room left (especially on this small island called Britain) Maybe if they were over in a massive country like America or Australia you wouldn't notice it so much.....

And i'm not selfish.... i look at it as them being selfish because they are not thinking of others only themselves.....

As i said earlier more children means more houses and more houses means more appliances.... more appliances means more pollution & less greenland!! Don't you see the cutting down of the Amazon to make way for Industries as a threat to our Oxygen supply? Also a lot of the wildlife is dying out..... God or The Gods or whatever you want to say is not happy with it..... you can tell from all the disasters happening in the world.

Anyway..... after saying that... good luck to you.

[edit on 6-8-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

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