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RED ALERT! Argument over Obama BC is Bohemian Grove Deflection

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

I've read several of your threads and do not like your bombastic style of stating your opinion as fact. It's really unappealing to me. This thread shows that same type of flare...BUT, this Bohemian Grove group--I'd never heard of them before and your thread led me to a bit of research and the group is more than a little bit creepy, so S&F to you for at least introducing me to this very odd and interesting group. I do like to learn new things, and you aided me in that here.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:49 PM
Seriously.....Seriously you guys are falling for this?

First some posts a thread about how the people of the US are brainwashed through the media and education system but some of you seem not to believe it by your comments and constant attacks.

Second, MSM and left wing blogs are up in arms along with ATS doing damage control about this Obama kenyan birth certificate. Yet liberals/conservatives still don't think they're brainwashed because of all the so called conspiracies of everything from 911 to nationalized healthcare like the so called 24/7 access to your bank account and rationed healthcare. But your right thats not what this healthcare bill is about. It is a conspiracy to think its a eugenics plan

Then somebody posts a thread that says RED ALERT Obama BC is a deflection for bohemian grove when all of us informed and educated people know that the CFR and the bilderbergs are were the real policy is set. Not bohemian grove. Bohemian grove is just a place where the satanists do their rituals and mock sacrifices. I guess they could be discussing the sacrifice of several major cities with a nuke or dirty bomb; I am sure that is planned in the backside of the CIA, MI6 or in a cave in australia, oops I mean pakistan/afghanistan.

I think this birther issue really has the PTB off guard because most of them are foreigners who know nothing about the natural born citizen clause in the constitution even though it seems the constitution is pretty irrelevant these days.

Lastly the poster of this thread says this is a deflection but never says what that deflection is....

I have worked in media advertising most of my life and this is what you call damage control.... I am sure the Obama public relations companies are running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to saturate blogs and alt media with the fake birther document threads, ect. When in reality we just do not know the facts yet.

And nice spin about Orly towards Isreal..... Don't forget Peter Berg also has a lawsuit going to so why don't you just keep those comments to yourself. O wait, Berg? Is that jewish? Uhh ooohh, I wonder what I have done now.

Next thing you know you will be calling 'birthers' racist and Orly a racist because she has a russian accent. But none of you're brainwashed, you're far to intelligent to admit that.

I would give this topic creditability if he could point out an issue but...this poster does not, he only makes assumptions and weak ones at that. I thought threads like this couldn't get posted because they do not link to a news article or have some other creditable evidence? I tried to post a thread about Rik Clay 2012 and ATS never let it through.

Here is what we know.

•massive inflation is coming
•dollar collapse
•swine flu scare
•food shortages (remember 'rice' last year?)
•wheat shortages
•Peak oil (has now been getting spued out by the media)
•possible wars in iran and the middle east
•possible wars with russia becuase that is zbignew b's goal
•possible war with china because of the massive debt
•the 'chess pieces' being set up inside the U.S. for martial law or worse
•people (the media) call obama a socialist when he is a communist marxist
•possible round up of american citizens who disagree with the government
•deaths rising in afghanstan
•major equipment build up in afghanistan, maybe in eastern afghanistan for prepare iran invasion
•Isreal wants to attack iran
•Iran wants to attack israel
•India goes with nuclear subs
•China flexs its muscle through north korea with the balistic missle and nuke tests (my theory)
•Obamas father born in kenya distraction, truth or conspiracy
•new HIV strand was found that apparently jumped from monkeys to humans
•apparently a pig got swine flu?
•the US government now has some 44 czars with such statments and sterilize people through water
•nationalized healthcare
•gun legislation and restrictions
•china concerned about rising US debt
•stimulis money used to harden government assets and buy up 'hard' assets (my theory)
•US embassies told to buy enough local currencies to last a year
•US treasury market flop
•destruction of the constitution and implementation of a totalitarian new world order
•global warming is real, no its not, yet is it, no it's not, yes it is
•Obama is the anti christ - no he's not, yes he is
•this is the end of days, no its not, yes it is, no it's not, yes it is, no it's not
•Army national guard looking for internment and relocation specialists
•FEMA camps
•govt reports - people who attend churches and believe in god are terrorists, people that believe in the constitution are terrorists, people that disagree with your view points are racist and terrorists
•international bankers are stealing the wealth of this nation from the people

I think we have done pretty good to stay up with all of these issues but what are we being distracted from all might one?


I must admit and you can probably tell I am biased in my opinion so technically I am brainwashed too but I try to make an educated decision on the facts and information presented to me.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by epete22]

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:58 PM
To all you Obama lovers and shall I jest "defenders of the constitution"

This issue isn't about race you nitwits. It's about upholding constitutional law versus legislative law.
Our core beliefs in freedom are under seige and you people just slay idividuals by calling them birthers. Is that the best you can do.......?

The one thing that I've learned in life is that no matter how much you disagree with someone's opinion, you should show them courtesey and respect for having that opnion. By doing this they may be more open to your side of the story and eventually you may convert them, but don't get angry if you don't.

This isn't just about the birth certificate. The two COLB's he submitted to the press and to fatcheck are not identical documents. Have you seen the one issued to lady that had twins at the same hospital the day after he was born? It looks nothing like the one he submitted to the public.
What about all the other documents in question? This guy is supposed to be about transparency and garnering public trust. By not releasing these documents, he is putting a bullseye on his chest.
Are you aware of what is going on across the ocean? Public leaders in Europe and Asia are now starting to question to legality of his presidency!

This needs to be investigated quickly. If this document is said to be authentic, then we indeed may well be on our way to civil unrest. The longer this issue is ignored the stronger this movement will become and the more damage will occur. The MSM will not be able to keep a lid on this for much longer.

He is innocent until he is forced to disclose this information.
Let the chips fall where they matter what the outcome.


posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:59 PM
well, at least we no they were discussing the maitreya!

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

Bravo!!! I replied earlier saying in part this same exact thing in reply to the fake bc thread. Diversion is the word. I forgot about the Grove happenings. Just like all this health care "stuff". Keep the poor little sheep busy over here and they won't have a clue what's happening on the other side of the pasture.

Tptb are not stupid. The condition of this planet should show people these elite are in control and know exactly what they're doing. That's why we that are awake need to be doing all we can to expose the lies and deceptions. I ordered a great bumper sticker today. It's a simple big red pill on a white background. It may not say a lot, but I know people will ask me what it is. Then I can tell them some things...hopefully they'll listen. And hopefully those that are awake will see it and knowing what it is will get online and find one for themselves. Imagine thousands of cars with these red pill bumper stickers? May not be much, but I'm trying.

Thanks for enlightening me more as to this whole birth cert. distraction. Great post.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by mumblyjoe
To fraterormus,

What a load of tosh this is. Bohemian Grove deflection indeed.... Bohemian grove BS more like.

And what was that other nonsense ''ATSers, you have been wagged because you were not smarter than TPTB''. Are you drunk or just stupid ? Or are you drunk and stupid ?

Take your other playmates (the ones who pretended to agree with you) and go and play somewhere else. Please do not waste out time with this drivel....

You obviously haven't read the entire thread lol.

Lets see the health care reform bill being pushed through, selling off our debt to ourselves and even then we couldn't sell it all, china doesn't even show up at the purchase of out debt which is a huge sign.

The birth certificate is the last thing anyone should be worrying about right now. After all we can always kick the president out/impeach him but we can't back track bills and payments when it comes to the economy. Not to mention the health care plan problems are harder to fix once the bill is passed.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by nosce te ipsum
reply to post by fraterormus

Bravo!!! I replied earlier saying in part this same exact thing in reply to the fake bc thread. Diversion is the word. I forgot about the Grove happenings. Just like all this health care "stuff". Keep the poor little sheep busy over here and they won't have a clue what's happening on the other side of the pasture.

Tptb are not stupid. The condition of this planet should show people these elite are in control and know exactly what they're doing. That's why we that are awake need to be doing all we can to expose the lies and deceptions. I ordered a great bumper sticker today. It's a simple big red pill on a white background. It may not say a lot, but I know people will ask me what it is. Then I can tell them some things...hopefully they'll listen. And hopefully those that are awake will see it and knowing what it is will get online and find one for themselves. Imagine thousands of cars with these red pill bumper stickers? May not be much, but I'm trying.

Thanks for enlightening me more as to this whole birth cert. distraction. Great post.

please tell me how you get a bravo with three exclamation marks and a thanks for enlightening me. If this enlightens you....O sh^t we are in for some deep doo doo.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Darthorious

Originally posted by mumblyjoe
To fraterormus,

What a load of tosh this is. Bohemian Grove deflection indeed.... Bohemian grove BS more like.

And what was that other nonsense ''ATSers, you have been wagged because you were not smarter than TPTB''. Are you drunk or just stupid ? Or are you drunk and stupid ?

Take your other playmates (the ones who pretended to agree with you) and go and play somewhere else. Please do not waste out time with this drivel....

You obviously haven't read the entire thread lol.

Lets see the health care reform bill being pushed through, selling off our debt to ourselves and even then we couldn't sell it all, china doesn't even show up at the purchase of out debt which is a huge sign.

The birth certificate is the last thing anyone should be worrying about right now. After all we can always kick the president out/impeach him but we can't back track bills and payments when it comes to the economy. Not to mention the health care plan problems are harder to fix once the bill is passed.

We all know the dollar is going to collapse, MSM didnt use the birther issue as a distraction for the bond market failing....Did they? I didn't see it. I guess the NWO is a conpsiracy and the north american union and the Amero?

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

Uhhhhhhhhhhh...Orly Taitz began filing her various suits against Obama WELL BEFORE he ever made it public that his administration was against continued growth of the settlements...try again, genius...

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by epete22

Originally posted by Darthorious

Originally posted by mumblyjoe
To fraterormus,

What a load of tosh this is. Bohemian Grove deflection indeed.... Bohemian grove BS more like.

And what was that other nonsense ''ATSers, you have been wagged because you were not smarter than TPTB''. Are you drunk or just stupid ? Or are you drunk and stupid ?

Take your other playmates (the ones who pretended to agree with you) and go and play somewhere else. Please do not waste out time with this drivel....

You obviously haven't read the entire thread lol.

Lets see the health care reform bill being pushed through, selling off our debt to ourselves and even then we couldn't sell it all, china doesn't even show up at the purchase of out debt which is a huge sign.

The birth certificate is the last thing anyone should be worrying about right now. After all we can always kick the president out/impeach him but we can't back track bills and payments when it comes to the economy. Not to mention the health care plan problems are harder to fix once the bill is passed.

We all know the dollar is going to collapse, MSM didnt use the birther issue as a distraction for the bond market failing....Did they? I didn't see it. I guess the NWO is a conpsiracy and the north american union and the Amero?

Don't feed the trolls.

2nd line

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:30 PM

[edit on 3-8-2009 by epete22]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:40 PM
why would the elite meet after teh non elite. that doesn't make any sense.

the leaders are supposed to meet first to decide what to do and then tell the soldiers what's up. something sounds dumb about this.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:46 PM

10% smart people - those who do research
40% average - those who don't do research but don't BS
50% tards - those who don't do research and say whatever pleases their hearts.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:54 PM
Really doesn't matter what the Birthers scream, since its one more way to divide & conquor. The real war has been between the reptilians & the vulturites for thosands of years. Humans are just pawns. In there game of Divide & conquor. Course that covers just about every conspiracy out there. Welcome to the real world.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Threadfall
I've read several of your threads and do not like your bombastic style of stating your opinion as fact. It's really unappealing to me. This thread shows that same type of flare...BUT, this Bohemian Grove group--I'd never heard of them before and your thread led me to a bit of research and the group is more than a little bit creepy, so S&F to you for at least introducing me to this very odd and interesting group. I do like to learn new things, and you aided me in that here.

Threadfall, I respect that about you.

I never presume to have all the answers. I don't presume to have even the right answers. However, the one thing I can do is think and the least I can do is help other people who desire the genuine quest for Truth to think too.

I do indeed have a sardonic perspicacity (or persiflage, if you'd rather) that is misunderstood by many...however I am okay with that...because what is most important is helping one another find a light in the darkness.

Is the Bohemian Grove behind all of this distraction in the MSM over the BC issue? Who knows!?! Certainly none of us can say for sure, although each and every one of us here on ATS we would choose to speculate and debate as much as we like.

However, what many here have already figured out, and what the main point of this Thread that there is most definitely a concerted effort to generate distraction from the things that are truly important. Many already have voiced agreement that there are some seriously major attempts going on to divide us, distract us, and conquer us. It is clear to many that we are indeed being wagged by TPTB. I don't think many here would doubt that one bit.

I am willing to concede that there are plenty of other Current Events that TPTB are attempting to keep our eyes and our attention diverted from. I'll be the first person to be open to other possibilities than the first thought I come up with and genuinely consider them. I can live with holding two separate pieces of the puzzle in my hand that might be the right pieces but do not happen to be the two pieces that happen to fit together.

So, this Thread is a wake up call. It is a Red Alert because factions of the MSM are clearly attempting to deflect our attention away from some pretty important things to spend our time bickering over something that is almost ludicrously trivial by comparison to some of the things mentioned so far by other posters on this Thread. We have been played against each other, the seeds of distrust have been sown, and we have fallen for it hook, line, and sinker to turn on one another.

When you know that you've been wagged, do you just continue to go along with it, or are you compelled to not be played a fool anymore? I know I never personally like having to wipe egg off my face.

So, if not the Bohemian Grove, let us consider who else stands to gain over the many of us being too preoccupied with the differences between a SFBC/COB and a LFBC/COB? To what ends would they do such? And how can we put our differences aside to do something about it and stop being played.

For those who feel that facing Depression, Death, Disease, Pestilence, Famine, War aren't as important of issues as having every single one of the most recent 50 Threads on ATS be filled with bickering over whether you can obtain a LFBC/COB in Hawaii if you asked for a copy of your's today and why a SFBC/COB isn't enough satisfactory proof then go to another thread and find contentment in your your hunt for your Great White Whale.

However, if you believe as me, that a SFBC/COB vs. a LFBC/COB is a Fool's Errand in comparison when faced with such monumental issues as Depression, Death, Disease, Pestilence, Famine and War, then let us stop allowing ourselves to be distracted on the small stuff when there are far bigger fish to be fried!

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by epete22
Can someone help me on this.

If BHO jr father BHO Sr is and was knowingly born in Kenya doesnt that just prove the fact that BHO jr is not a natural born citizen?

Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kanyadhiang village, Rachuonyo District[1] on the shores of Lake Victoria just outside Kendu Bay, Kenya, at the time a colony of the British Empire, and raised in the village of Nyang’oma Kogelo, Siaya District, Nyanza Province.


to be a natural born citizen both parents must have been born in the United States. is this the distraction? Distracting us from the fathers birth home to focus on the birth certificate?

[edit on 3-8-2009 by epete22]

this is probably thread hijacking, but here goes:

It doesn't matter where Obama Sr. was born as long as Pres. Obama was born in a state or territory, he's a citizen.
This refers to the 14th Amendment, which states that:
* the child is born in the United States
* of parents who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of a foreign power
* or, whose parents have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States
* or, whose parents are there carrying on business and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity of the foreign power to which they are subject

becomes, at the time of his birth, a citizen of the United States, by virtue of the first clause of the 14th amendment of the Constitution. this means that if you are born here from one or two immigrants who are not naturalized, you are still a citizen.

If you're parents are both citizens and born abroad, you are a citizen through jus sanguinis. this means that if your parents are military overseas of expatriates, their children are citizens. However, offspring of these citizens are not if their parents have not resided in the US at some point prior to engendering that child.

Now, post-1986, a person is a U.S. citizen if all of the following are true:
1. One of the person's parents was a U.S. citizen when the person in question was born;
2. The citizen parent lived at least 5 years in the United States before his or her child's birth;
3. A minimum of 2 of these 5 years in the United States were after the citizen parent's 14th birthday.
(Not applicable to the president)

This is the crux of the 'birther argument, that Pres. Obama is not a 'natural-born citizen' under the Constitution. Now, the Constitution does not provide a definition, so the birthers have constructed one that excludes Obama (IMHO). Statute law, which confirms to condition four of Justice Curtis' dissenting opinion on citizenship r: Dred Scott v. Sanford, states that anyone who is born of a US citizen outside of US borders or boundaries shall be a natural born citizen, with the exception of those whose fathers have never resided in the US. This is explicitly laid out in the Naturalization Act of 1790.
There are considerable gymnastics to make this seem inapplicable to Pres. Obama. His dad lived here, so he qualifies as natural born expressly stated in this Act (the only Act to specifically state 'natural born' in US law), negating the thrust of the argument.

So, to recap:
You can descend from US parents.
You can descend from one US parent so long as the father of the child dwelt in the US previous to the child's birth.
Your parents can be military and you be born abroad.
You can be the child of citizens who were born overseas and be born overseas yourself, so long as your folks spent some time in the US.

Info via Wikipedia and other assorted references.

[edit on 3/8/09 by MagoSA]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:09 PM
I hate to be the one to ask this, but I feel I have to...

Can somebody please explain to me the damage that a foreign born Obama can do to the U.S. and its' constitution that a domestically born George Bush and Dick Cheney could not?? To me, the entire issue is meant to divide, distract and disorient.

I honestly wish that all you Constitution defenders had of been front and center for the previous 8 years and not M.I.A. until a Democrat got in the White House.

And by the way, am I imagining things or was it not the Republicans who were pushing for an amendment to the Constitution so that Arnold could be president one day (sooner, rather than later, as I understood it)??????

The entire thing is another left vs. right canard.

Wake up.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:18 PM
Finally somebody besides me that has figured out that the birthers are just a distraction, I didn't know it was a bohemian grove meeting. Besides the birthplace of the puppet doesn't matter when he is what he is .. a puppet.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
The Grove meets every year. Do you have the minutes to this years meeting? What exactly are/were we to be watching for?

The Grove, like the CFR, like Obama's Birth Certificate when relugated to matters of speculation (they are always relugated to matters of speculation) produces nothing but speculation.

Speculation-spectre = Ghost.

Provide some concrete intelligence from what went on at this years meeting, illustrate the actual agenda as they discussed it and see it.

Suggest how their real plans, not their speculated or imagined plans, but their real plans can be defeated.

Now then you would have something to look at.

Perish the thought, you might even have something to react too!

How many speculative threads would you like about the Bohemian Grove, what will it accomplish, how does it help?

Many people can see there is something wrong with Obama's birth certificate issue, that there is something 'real' behind it, that is 'really' effecting people closer to the point that they collectively might even take action.

Can you produce a 'real' critical mass issue based off of this year's retreat at the Grove?

If you can you should spit it out.

I'm not the greatest researcher in the world, but i do recall seeing the order of business at "le grove", as my retarded politics uncle likes to call it, and i seem to recall some sort of owl festival with people in coats running around....

I'm sorry, but that's enough for me to let me know that old people with old money are screwed up beyond all belief, leading me to believe in their alleged perversions.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
Not to mention the Attorney that submitted the civil lawsuit went to college in Israel.

I'm gonna check on that, would make sooo much sense... i wondered why my instinct was telling me that (video of her and him in front of the building) the officer looked so quite and as though he was not 100% behind it, like before they stepped out in front of the cameras she whispered "you know your lines, i'll do the rest..." am i the only one who kinda felt that.

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