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Many of you are actually Aliens

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:41 AM
Even the U.S. government recognizes my wife as an alien. They gave her an alien identification number.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
reply to post by m0r1arty

That reasoning is a little twisted in my opinion. But to each, his own fears will become his reality.

Evidently I must be demonic if an angel can't comprehend my reasoning.

My throwaway statement - the more you see the worse it is.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

Without reading the whole thread, can I just point out something?

The six questions you listed can be answered "yes" for a variety of reasons, none of which are remotely related to extraterrestrials.

There are a variety of mental conditions, persona's and even psychological illnesses that could provoke someone to answer yes to any one of those questions.

[edit on 2/6/09 by Death_Kron]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:46 AM
It's good to hear people coming forward. I'm hesitant to discuss this subject these days in my RL because everyone thinks I'm a bit crazy. They also believe I'm 'gifted', which is probably the only reason I'm not completely ridiculed.

From the time I can remember as a young child, I spoke of 'other places' I had been and knew I was 'different' from most people. I always suffered from sleep disturbances, OOBES and night terrors. I would not be suprised to find if this too is a common denominator among us.

I am becoming increasingly aggitated lately. I basically feel distrupted. I've always believed I would live to see something 'big'.....perhaps the end of civilization? Not sure on that, but the apocalyptic dreams I suffered from as a child sort of lead me in that direction. In addition, I have random instances of 'special abilities' but I will not elaborate on that just now.

Basically, I'm wondering if anyone else is feeling increasingly disrupted a boiling pot that's about to pop it's lid....

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty
So in my opinion not only are you talking nonsense - you're also wishing harm to come to others by doing so.

And they hurt you how? Please tell us about your personal suffering from their person decision.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty

Originally posted by Hazelnut
reply to post by m0r1arty

That reasoning is a little twisted in my opinion. But to each, his own fears will become his reality.

Evidently I must be demonic if an angel can't comprehend my reasoning.

My throwaway statement - the more you see the worse it is.


I wouldn't put labels on you. However, the story you put forth is a sad, strange tale indeed. I feel sorry for people who feel they need someone else to lead them. There is no stopping people from believing what they choose to believe in. Most of those cases are full of people who are confused, emotionally busted, and lack self-esteem. Predators, even crazy ones can appear to be saviors. Caution and reliance on one's intuition/instinct would prevent a lot of problems. Religious ferver is not the same as spirituality.

I didn't say I'm an angel. I said I hope that my life is training for what is to come afterward. In my hopes, I want to help people find self-respect and self-reliance, to be their own leader.

When I read the title of this post, I poo-poo'd it before I read it. Then when I did read it, I found something constructive to add to the conversation. IMHO.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder

Many of you people are not actually humans. You may have human bodies and human blood, but you are not humans. You are extra terrestrial beings.

This statement raises a number of issues for me.

How can someone have a human body and blood and not 'be' human?

Is that not like saying 'This orange may have the skin, flesh and juice of an orange but it is actually an apple'?

I'm assuming you think that some people 'are' human otherwise you wouldn't have said 'Many of you people'. If that's the case then there must be something that is left of those people that, if you take away their body and blood, you can still refer to as 'human'. A soul or spirit I'm guessing.

In which case you seem to be saying that the soul of a 'human' is different to the 'soul' of an ET. What would this difference be? It can't be DNA as that is part of the body.

Is it simply the location of where the soul was created? E.g 'human' souls are created and develop on Earth, or our 'Earthly plain', if you like but ET souls come from a 'higher plain'? In which case are they ET's at all? This would seem to describe something closer to angels rather than physical beings.

One last question. If it's possible for humans to 'be' extraterrestrial does this mean it's possible that there are some ETs who are 'actually' human?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
There are a variety of mental conditions, persona's and even psychological illnesses that could provoke someone to answer yes to any one of those questions.
[edit on 2/6/09 by Death_Kron]

True, and also to rebuke, close their mind, or consider such possibilities, so with that in mind which one of these psychological illnesses might you have, denial, for example?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by jackieps1975
Basically, I'm wondering if anyone else is feeling increasingly disrupted a boiling pot that's about to pop it's lid....

There is alot of agitation on this planet, and things are being stirred up, and people little plans to live their life and die at a ripe old age in a retirement home while contributing to society and paying forward a good portion of ther work at their person life experience expense for the betterment of these yet nameless controllers, is being interrupted.

Well, it is not their plan, but they think it is, the TV told them so.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:55 AM
I agree, it would make perfect sense. Though certain memories are concealed from us.

Maybe the Heavens gate cult were right, a bit extreme but who knows where they are now. I mean that in a respectfull way.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
When I read the title of this post, I poo-poo'd it before I read it. Then when I did read it, I found something constructive to add to the conversation. IMHO.

That is the thing I do not think that some people get here, as we push forward it is harder and harder to hide things from others, as their gifts increase. Literally their email is tagged with their energy signature, and when we get that email we get the signature of their consciousness along with it, and we absorb that, and sometimes I know for me, I will react and in the end hit the nail on the head so to speak, but when I got back and see what they wrote and the progression, I wonder how the heck did I even know that particular thought. People think they can hide things, but not hide things from everyone. So on a group like this, there will be one person who will tag you, and out you.

And likewise people might for example think something of someone else, but not say that because they do not trust themselves, so they put something out in words which does not match their intuition.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by ghostnoise
Maybe the Heavens gate cult were right, a bit extreme but who knows where they are now. I mean that in a respectfull way.

Yeah. I mean we see their dead bodies, but who the hell knows, they might be on a ship on the 5th right now, laughing at this thread. LOL.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by jackieps1975
It's good to hear people coming forward. I'm hesitant to discuss this subject these days in my RL because everyone thinks I'm a bit crazy.

You are not crazy. You are not human. Like many of us here. It's indeed time for Starpeople to come forward.

There are millions of us here on this planet.

Let this thread be known - also outside the ATS.

It's time to let every member of Starpeople know that they are not alone here.

+2 more 
posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:03 AM
Spooky...I really don't want to rain on your parade here, but as I started to read your thread, I though to myself...this sounds a little Doreen Virtue really....and lo and behold, there she is.

Of course there is the possibility of all of these extra-terrestrial origins being true, and potentially verifiable, when we work out how, but I would take EVERYTHING Virtue says with a bucket of salt. She's very slick, well educated, had a doctorate, allegedly, and is an excellent marketer of her stuff. She's a very clever, very rich girl. What most people don't realise is that her degree and doctorate are in psychology, which should be a huge red flag to anyone working in the spiritual community. I've also had the misfortune to work with some of the people that she has "trained" as angel therapists, and let me tell ya.....I've never met such vacuous, ungrounded, shallow, gullible, JUDGEMENTAL and spiritually dangerous people in all my life.

There may well be truth in all this, but it's not coming from Dr. Doreen. It's all marketing and hype, and is there to manipulate people and sell stuff. I'm sure you will think this is ridiculous talk from someone who claims to be part Fae, does meditations, talks to dead people....and all the rest....I know it looks like that. The big difference is that I'm not a guru, and I would die of embarrassment if anyone ever called me that...I am not setting myself up here as a source of all definitive knowledge. I have a strong connection that can be very useful to others on occasions, and guides my own path, but I'm not selling endless theories, and presenting them as fact to vulnerable people. Neither am I claiming to train people to do a similar job, several hundred at a time, in as little as a week, for about a £1000 each. How ridiculous is that. Do the arithmetic and you will learn more about her motivation.

This theory is worth investigating, but I would suggest if you can that you try to do with with other sources than Doreen Virtue and her multi-level marketing. Good luck! And apologies for the rant. My pledge not to post trashed again.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:03 AM
Interesting thread Fox, guys, gals, ???, what's PC for ET's?

I'm not a starguy, I don't fit any of the characteristics. I feel planted and content right here on terra infirma and I have no longing to leave. Does that make me unprogressed or underdeveloped as a being? I think not. But then that's what someone unprogressed or underdeveloped would think. Enough, my head hurts.

Now that we've established who's who here, all you illegals can go back where you came from, I'm calling immigration!

OK, maybe that joke makes me unprogressed or underdeveloped. You do have humor back home don't you?

Carry on you wayward starkids. Just stay off the lawn!

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:04 AM
I've always thought I was different from others but I wonder if that may just be part of my personality... I sure do wish I was from "somewhere else" though! But only because it "feels cool"...I don't think that if I am "alien" I am automatically better than anybody else here.

I feel I have a purpose but that purpose has constantly been frustrated and blocked throughout the years, so I wonder who's playing on who. Do I really have a purpose? Or is it just my wish to be special? I don't really know. What I'm sure of, all my life I've been kind of a spectator of anybody else's life, constantly wondering: "why is it so hard for me to do this and that?" and therefore reaching the conclusion: "I must be an alien!"

It's a sad feeling but sometimes it can be uplifting too. It just raises questions that don't have an answer in this lifetime.

Thank you Spooky FM for the great thread.

PS: maybe now I know why sometimes I want to cry when I see a UFO.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by MarrsAttax
Many of you people are not actually humans. You may have human bodies and human blood, but you are not humans. You are extra terrestrial beings.

My understanding of what Mulder meant was that the soul did their progression in another system and decided to come here to incarnate, instead of a soul that might have evolved mostly through this system, however, all souls I think have originated in other system, but for me what she was saying was maybe one or two incarnations, recent arrivals on a soul level.

However does it matter. I think the point is that if you have been here for 5000 lifetimes and you get your memory wiped everytime, this is the chance to get out of that karmic system and off into a place you can proceed to develop further without losing your lifetime knowledge.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Thanks to the OP for this thread... Although what you have written is something I have known my whole life...

I am not sure about others, but the last 8 months or so, have been a massive transitional time internally. I actually sometimes feel like I might spontaneously evolve at any moment!... Also, the connection has intensified dramatically. Not sure how to explain that, but I am sure many understand what I mean

I am truly looking forward to assisting as many as I can through the coming times... The time is NOW


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
week, for about a £1000 each. How ridiculous is that. Do the arithmetic and you will learn more about her motivation.

Chances are she will attract those that can pay 1000 pounds each, man it sucks, cause I want to do it for free, but I need to pay my rent this month and I got no money yet.

Oh well, push forward, do my thing, looking at her is not going to pay my rent. I am only responsible for my own spiritual growth. Let her do her think, for a vibration of judgement or jealously will do more to harm my progression than hers.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:10 AM
This is an interesting thread. I get where folks are coming from in regards to the different characteristics pointing towards a 'star origin' when related to a form of mental illness. But at the same time, I think some of the more vocal critics of this thread are missing the point, a bit off track for sure.

I guess, Mr. Mulder, I'm wondering about your source. Is your source Ms. Virtue? She has a lot for sale, no?

As off-based as some of the notions likening this idea to terrorist teachings and the Heaven's Gate, there is a part of that criticism rings true. There's risk with any belief.

Someone asked that if this caused someone else to murder another, would the OP take responsibility? Does high priest of (whatever religion) take responsibility when his/her followers do harm to another while invoking the cause of their religion? No.

Then again, belief in nothing doesn't seem all that fun.

But again, who is this source?

By the way, I'm 5/6 on the attribute list. Felt myself become 'aware' of something I couldn't put my finger on at an early age. Always have been an 'outsider' on the 'inside'.

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