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Many of you are actually Aliens

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:49 AM
RH- is actually a genetic et trait. For example, I have friend who is AB RH -. very rare blood, and he has extra arteries in the top portion of his legs. He never has a transition of falling asleep, he just passes out and wakes up at 4:30 am with wounds on his body and head. Now he's been getting some memories. But star children are not limited to RH -.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:49 AM
Interesting post and thread. I would agree that nearly all fit me. As a child I had (still have) memories of another world that I came from that was destroyed. I seem to know a lot more than I should. I heal up from wounds a lot faster than a normal person, and astound my doctors with my ability to self heal. I think of my real family as having a royal bearing of some kind. I have trouble understanding human emotions, like love, hate, anger. I am depressed a lot for no apparent reason. I feel that I have a mission here, but cannot tell exactly what it is. I recognise others like me in a crowd, and try to surround myself with those of like mind. I have some trouble being monogamous in a relationship. I am very empathic in that I can feel other's emotions, which sometimes confuse me. I tend to think that I will eventually be able to hear their thoughts too. This distresses me to know end. What some would call a gift, I would call a curse. I have been seeing the dead for most of my life, and can always feel the presence of a person, dead or alive. I have spoken to dead relatives, and friends. I look at most everything in a multi faceted, multi dimensional sort of way, and notice most human think in a linear fashion.
I have had visions of a non religious nature, which have shown me the Afterlife, and the End of time as we know it. I have precognition in dreams, where I "see" an event happen in a dream, then see it in real time. This is a gift, I was able to save the lives of two people dear to me. My birth records are cloudy, and show things that could no be. I have an uncle who swears he came from Venus, and talks about life there a lot.

So yes, I will fully agree with the OP. Some of us are alien to this world. I feel that that which is our people will come back for us, this is a strong feeling. I feel that the entire human race deserves to move on, but for those who wish to stay, they should be able to. I feel that some who come back here will teach humanity how to live, and care for their planet. I feel that the ones who did this job last time grew greedy, and kept the knowledge for themselves.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by MR BOB
** [color=limegreen]im sorry but this is a load of BS. its just an excuse for schizos **
** if you started going round telling people this in real life you would likly find yourself sectioned under the mental health act. **
[edit on 2-6-2009 by MR BOB]

I think as long as you are no danger to yourself or others, or the establishment, they leave you alone.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:57 AM
The kind of psi multidimensional abilities some have and the energy awareness, actually reveals how much sexual energy is picked up so quickly in people, when you connect to them in any way.

Seems to hold out for so many connected to ets. Lol.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
Most people who know me say that I am the strongest person they have ever known. Ever since 1970, my life has been one long nightmare, one crisis after another (usually several at once). Yet, I refuse to let it drag me down.

Check your numerology and cabalistic oracle with these programs. Make sure the vibration you are sending out with your name matches the vibration you have chosen. Use maiden name if a woman. Choose Y as a vowel in the numerology if it sounds like another vowel, or do not count it if is sounds not like a vowel.

Numerology is important. The oracle will help you see your soul path and those that you have hooked up and aligned with.

Numerology Calculator

Cabalistic Oracle

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:01 AM
Think I qaulify for all but no.5, Not quite purposeful me .
6 is a bit iffy too, sometimes when I'm riding my motorcycle into work or on the way home I'll often slow down for no reason only to have a car or other vehicle shoot out of a side road even though I can't see it approaching.
Still I don't feel I belong here and sometimes, a lot of the time to be honest I'm very disappointed with humanity as a whole as we don't seem to be learning any lessons of the past.
It's almost as if we are stagnating as a race and turning rancid same as standing water does in a pond. Sure we are technologically advancing but our wisdom isn't.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by SoulOrb

Originally posted by MR BOB
if you started going round telling people this in real life you would likly find yourself sectioned under the mental health act. **

I think as long as you are no danger to yourself or others, or the establishment, they leave you alone.

I think that by telling others about it you could be spreading harm.

There are people out there that will become attracted to this type of thinking and may be more 'dangerous' than you.

Would you take responsibility if someone followed your advise but then murdered someone due to their understanding of it?

I'm all for freedom of expression, but terrorist teachings have more integrity than magical 'we're special for nothing' musings and we ban that.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:05 AM
Well, for what it's worth, I was actually told once this exact thing by a psychic/clairvoyant/medium - that I am not from here.

I'll relate the story briefly:

My sister was dating this guy, who has since become a friend of mine, and who's stepmother was this person I am talking about. My sister had become good friends with this lady, had always wanted me to meet her because at the time I was pretty into metaphysics stuff. When the day finally came and my sister and I went to her house, what happened was pretty trippy.

She opened the door and hugged my sister, took one look at me, and then acted like she had been hit by some kind of cosmic wind or something. She threw her hand on to her forehead, stepped back a couple of steps into her living room and with this horrified look on her face and then pointing at me proclaimed "He's not from this planet, He's NOT from this planet!"

I'll never forget it as long as I live.

You can only image both my sister's and my reactions! We were more startled at her than she was at me!

But after bit, things calmed down, and we all sat and talked. She went on to tell me that I was from Orion, I believe it was, and amazingly I had always had some kind of weird fascination with that constellation. Not totally sure it was Orion though, but regardless, those three stars of Orion's belt have always been intriguing to me.

And your criteria list there just about pegs me to the "T". So I can believe this. Great thread!

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
Thank you for sharing this, some already know who and what they are and have been feeling that pull to go home. Others are not yet fully aware of who they are although it seems awareness is coming at earlier and earlier ages as of recent and that can only mean time is approaching soon that much will be revealed. This may well help wake up some of those that are still sleeping or just starting to become aware.


Thank you NephraTari! Yes, we need to start spreading the word to as many as possible.

There are millions of Starpeople on this planet, who feel alone and cut off from everyone, because they can't relate to being human - and don't know of existence of other Starpeople here.

We need to tell them that they are not alone here.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:20 AM
People have to be very careful, and keep their wits about them. There is going to be a time, providing certain things happen, in which they may be gathered together. But there may be another group of people interested in who finding out who the starseeds are too, with far more nefarious reasons.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty
Would you take responsibility if someone followed your advise but then murdered someone due to their understanding of it?

I am confused. What is it you do not get about this.

I think if you are



they leave you alone.

I think murdering someone, or being part of a subversive group, is possibly breaking rule number two.

Serious if you are going to be critical, please keep it in this solar system at least, you are way out of the park on this one.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
People have to be very careful, and keep their wits about them. There is going to be a time, providing certain things happen, in which they may be gathered together. But there may be another group of people interested in who finding out who the starseeds are too, with far more nefarious reasons.

I love you mystiq, however harboring the fear vibration, although even based in reality, is a device that only creates a chink in the armor for them to use, and it is best something for us not to have in our psyche, as true as it is, since it lowers our vibration which is our defense.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:31 AM
Don't you think that if one is truely a "Star Person", that he or she would "know" that they are not alone???

Do we not sense a kindredness amongst ourselves now?
We are pack animals indeed..whether in human vessel or not.
I understand the importance of connecting with "tribe"; however, am having a problem with the need to label.

This thread is a little "Messiahonic" to me.
Faith being seen here as a crutch.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:31 AM
Finally - it's about time the infiltrators wake up.

PS. Doreen Virtue is hawt.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty
There are people out there that will become attracted to this type of thinking and may be more 'dangerous' than you.

Here's hoping, by the way.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by nethawk
Finally - it's about time the infiltrators wake up.

PS. Doreen Virtue is hawt.

Or is it "the time", as in perfect time.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:34 AM
I always wanted to feel special. I have to admit that I have always felt like I was waiting for something to happen. It always seemed that every time I went somewhere new, something out of the ordinary would happen. No, not magical or anything, just out of the norm. A fire drill the first day I enter a new school, or an assembly or something, for examples. Nothing big, just felt sorta weird.

I have no psychic powers other than a bout of deja vous once every couple of years; never felt like I was great in social groups until lately, but it never reached the level of thinking this planet wasn't my home. I always felt I was here for a reason, but then, I don't believe in randomness. And I am pretty sure everyone, when they are alone with their thoughts, feel they have the simple answer for the world and that everyone else is making life so complicated and "Why don't they just see it?".

We all want to feel special, it's human nature. Truth is we are. We are all unique, just like everyone else.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by SoulOrb
Here's hoping, by the way.

Here's an example of 'special people' playing a silly little game that got taken too seriously.

So in my opinion not only are you talking nonsense - you're also wishing harm to come to others by doing so.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

That reasoning is a little twisted in my opinion. But to each, his own fears will become his reality.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

Yes, I think as soulorb said. Those of us that came from an earlier generation were meant to help the next with understanding who they are. I have an immense number of indigo's around me right now, as a matter of fact I have one coming to me today for help because she has been having trouble with those dark beings that make it hard for indigo's to sleep at night. I am going to show her a meditation that should help.

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