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Fox News Secedes From America

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posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 08:59 PM
FOX NEWS is the only real AMERICAN NEWS!

IT provides real American patrioticals to American patriotics!


posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 01:38 AM
I have been watching television news for over 40 years, and I consider FOX News to be both the most unbiased and pro-American source out there. The MSM and others have an obvious left/liberal agenda. It's nice to have a news source where the reporters and commentators have a pro-Constitution (remember what that is and what it says? It's supposed to be the Law of the Land, after all) attitude.

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness.....

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 01:42 PM
If you all are still buying into the Myth of a Right=Left Paradigm, you do so at the expense of your Constitutional Freedoms...?

Yes, that's right. Since both sides are tied to the CFR, (The Bilderbergers, Club of 300, Club of Rome (Global BS Warming), TriLateral Commission,etc..)

and 300 hundred Communications Corps became 6, Wordwide, thinking that the American People actually CHOOSE their Political Candidates is a 100% FALSEHOOD.

Read "Into the BUZZSAW", "Web Of Debt", "Tragedy and Hope", "Confessions of an Economic Hitman",

Watch "Freedom to Fascism", "The Money Masters", "Zeigeist, the Movie", and "Zeitgeist Addendum" and "Esoteric Agenda".

Opinions are arguable, Facts are not.

Shut off the TV and Radio. It's loaded with Reverse Semantics, also called "Double Speak". We are no longer living in the Republic our Founding Fathers created. We've lost out Heritage completely through incremental tactics.

If you insist on letting yourself get sucked into the distractions of "Right -Left Extreme Reporting" you will never see "the forest for the trees"... so paint your head lime yellow and let them continue to use your skull for a tennis ball.

Your Choice.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 02:25 PM
The Republican Party, and it's unofficial mouthpiece, Fox "News" has played their strategy well actually. They have made intellectualism a negative. They have embraced the dumbing down of America because they know that it is the ill-informed and ignorant that will keep their bread buttered. People that actually pay attention to current events, people that are educated will never tolerate a media that "tells" them what to think. They will not support a political party that will stab them in the back to line the pockets of the wealthy.

So we have become a nation of Palins and Plumbers. Knee jerk, superstitous and completely detached from rationality.

In 2004 when Bush was given his second term, I said that as a country, we deserve whatever happens to us. And we are so richly reaping what we've sown.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by rich23

Hmm, so Fox News is extreme, but their ratings are more than all of the other networks combined.

So, if those ratings and their popularity don't mean anything, then I guess Obama's supposed 60% personal approval rating doesn't either.

All of you who make comments about Fox news obviously have never watched it. Virtually EVERY show has something from all sides so that the VIEWER can decide.

Lemmings...all of you.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Angus123

Perhaps you think The “…tingling running up…” the leg of Sir Chris and the “I thought I was listening to the voice of a god” comment from one of his fellow totally unbiased NBC sister network talking heads are examples the height of intellectualism, I however consider such as evidence of the media’s “Slobbering Love Affair…” with our new fascist president. (Fascism “any movement, ideology, or attitude that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition…”)

No doubt one such as you, who has obviously cornered the market on political enlightenment, may have noticed the move to seize control of private enterprises by our head Tax Cheater In Chief at Treasury, the concurrent subordination of our Federal Reserve to the IMF (meaning UN control of our economy), our begging Red China to continue buying our Tbills, our admitting to being at fault for all of Mexico’s problems and the announcement that the Treasury now has the right to evaluate the salaries of all employees of companies that have received TARP funds – OR THAT ARE LARGE ENOUGH TO EFFECT THE US ECONOMY? No? Have you heard of how FRANCE AND GERMANY have lectured top US officials of SPENDING TOO MUCH AND BECOMING TOO SOCIALIST? Perhaps you heard how Red China lectured us on how TO BE CAPITALIST? No?

Perhaps you had better start getting your news from other than President Obama’s cheerleading networks before you’re a slave in your own nation. Its time to stop calling each other Republican or Democrat and start calling each other American; NO MORE DIVISION BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. We must save our Republic.

[edit on 4/1/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by SGTChas
reply to post by Angus123

Perhaps you think The “…tingling running up…” the leg of Sir Chris and the “I thought I was listening to the voice of a god” comment from one of his fellow totally unbiased NBC sister network talking heads are examples the height of intellectualism, I however consider such as evidence of the media’s “Slobbering Love Affair…” with our new fascist president. (Fascism “any movement, ideology, or attitude that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition…”)

No doubt one such as you, who has obviously cornered the market on political enlightenment, may have noticed the move to seize control of private enterprises by our head Tax Cheater In Chief at Treasury, the concurrent subordination of our Federal Reserve to the IMF (meaning UN control of our economy), our begging Red China to continue buying our Tbills, our admitting to being at fault for all of Mexico’s problems and the announcement that the Treasury now has the right to evaluate the salaries of all employees of companies that have received TARP funds – OR THAT ARE LARGE ENOUGH TO EFFECT THE US ECONOMY? No? Have you heard of how FRANCE AND GERMANY have lectured top US officials of SPENDING TOO MUCH AND BECOMING TOO SOCIALIST? Perhaps you heard how Red China lectured us on how TO BE CAPITALIST? No?

Perhaps you had better start getting your news from other than President Obama’s cheerleading networks before you’re a slave in your own nation. Its time to stop calling each other Republican or Democrat and start calling each other American; NO MORE DIVISION BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. We must save our Republic.

[edit on 4/1/2009 by SGTChas]

I love it when people prove my points for me. Cheers!

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:33 PM
go fox....finally a network who is not afraid to speak the truth....they are without a doubt a refreshing change from the emotionless statues reading the news the goverment wants them to read..........glenn beck rocks

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Angus123

Fascinating. So apparently you approve of the efforts of the Obama administration and Democrat-controlled Congress to ram fascist measures down the throat of the American People? I would remind you that Obama was elected with a 53% majority. That means that 47% of the American people voted AGAINST him (and now it's beginning to look like he was elected with the aid of voter fraud thanks to ACORN and the sudden spiking of the expose before the election by the New York Times...big surprise there!).

He promised to be the President of ALL Americans and to bring bipartisanship to Washington. THAT's working out wonderfully, isn't it?

Instead, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are forcing their radical agenda on the country while "the iron is hot", while Obama still has a bit of popularity and political capital, just as Bush & co. did with their "national security" agenda after 9/11.

The People can not be fooled for long, and when they finally wake up they will be royally pissed off.

Just don't be surprised when it all blows up in our collective faces.

[edit on 2/4/2009 by RR98]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by falcon51
go fox....finally a network who is not afraid to speak the truth....they are without a doubt a refreshing change from the emotionless statues reading the news the goverment wants them to read..........glenn beck rocks

Peck is a punk ass toad

BS artist if I have ever seen one,,, Talks crap about 9/11 families and then uses the tragedy to pump his phony garlic.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Angus123

It has nothing to do with Fox news, actually. The Supreme Law of the Land, the final authority, is the Constitution of the United States of America as written, not as interpreted by power-hungry politicians or egocentric judges, or Internationalists that think we should conform to "international norms". Check out the entire Constitution with all its amendments, then re-read the 10th amendment. That is what it's all about, and that is what the editorial comment on Fox is all about, pal.

If you don't like the Constitution as written, propose an amendment(s) to make it more to your liking and let it go through the prescribed process, mate. Don't you dare short-circuit the process and BF the American People or disenfranchise them.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:49 AM
Three weeks ago they, Fox news with geraldo was the only news that reported martial law declared in Mexico. Never to be announced on any other TV since.

More BS to justify the deployment of 350,000 Military personnel from Mexico, China and Russians to invade the US.....

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by RR98
reply to post by Angus123

Fascinating. So apparently you approve of the efforts of the Obama administration and Democrat-controlled Congress to ram fascist measures down the throat of the American People? I would remind you that Obama was elected with a 53% majority. That means that 47% of the American people voted AGAINST him (and now it's beginning to look like he was elected with the aid of voter fraud thanks to ACORN and the sudden spiking of the expose before the election by the New York Times...big surprise there!).

He promised to be the President of ALL Americans and to bring bipartisanship to Washington. THAT's working out wonderfully, isn't it?

Instead, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are forcing their radical agenda on the country while "the iron is hot", while Obama still has a bit of popularity and political capital, just as Bush & co. did with their "national security" agenda after 9/11.

The People can not be fooled for long, and when they finally wake up they will be royally pissed off.

Just don't be surprised when it all blows up in our collective faces.

[edit on 2/4/2009 by RR98]

Fascist measures from the Obama Administration.
He's such a fascist that one. He did away with Habeus Corpus which served as a human rights guideline since the Magna Carta. Extraordinary rendition. Torture. Betraying American covert operatives identity. 8 Tax cuts for the top 2%, none for the rest.

Oh... wait.....

Lol, next contestant please.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

From your perspective sure,but not to a lot of other peoples.I mean some watch only MSNBC,others CNN,and others(like you) Fox.Really each station IMO plays to a certain viewer audience.But I will say Fox is very overt about being strongly Republican oriented.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 12:12 AM
Obama works for the same organization that Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush JR works for, the Illuminati. Obama is just signing papers and reading the teleprompter as instructed.

There is not two party system. Both are contolled by the CFR and Rockefellers as the Rothschilds controls RIIA in England.

They are evil to the core, and even Prescott Bush, grandfather to Bush, along with DuPonts, Rockefellers, Henry Ford, IBM and many more FULLY funded or materially supported the Nazi party and Hitler in 1928 after they planned the Great Depression in 1927 leading us to our first planned military coup of the US Government by the US Government in 1933, second one that failed overtly, was in 1960-1963 and the third one was with NIXON, in the early 70's....

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
Obama works for the same organization that Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush JR works for, the Illuminati.

So okay... what exactly is wrong with the "Illuminati" Seems they get the job done and have ways to deal with the opposition...

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by RR98
I have been watching television news for over 40 years, and I consider FOX News to be both the most unbiased and pro-American source out there.

Oh dear, oh dear. Someone who clearly doesn't know the meaning of the word "unbiased".

Subtitles for the hard of thinking: you can't be unbiased and pro-American at the same time.

This has been a public service announcement.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Angus123
Fascist measures from the Obama Administration.
He's such a fascist that one. He did away with Habeus Corpus which served as a human rights guideline since the Magna Carta. Extraordinary rendition. Torture. Betraying American covert operatives identity. 8 Tax cuts for the top 2%, none for the rest.

Oh... wait.....

Lol, next contestant please.

He hasn't undone any of that stuff has he? No, he's added to it. There's a video earlier in the thread of a bunch of black kids doing a weird "Obama" chant and dance. Maybe the new fascism will have more funky choreography this time round.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
So okay... what exactly is wrong with the "Illuminati" Seems they get the job done and have ways to deal with the opposition...

Maybe it's the nature of the job they want to do... you know, reducing everyone to a corporate serf, in hock to the third and fourth generation thereof, and so on...

you old devil's advocate, you...

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by yellowcard
I don't know why Fox News gets slammed so often, when MSNBC is far far far more biased. It's really silly, I switch between both networks, CNN and CNBC...and let me tell you MSNBC is by far the worst. They actually have commercials that basically call Republicans and Libertarians idiots...I mean, really now, it's absolutely ridiculous what MSNBC spouts, Fox actually looks fair at times in comparison, and I hate Fox News, what they did to Ron Paul pretty much gave away their position if nothing else. However, MSNBC has two of the most popular admitted liberal talking heads working for them, Maddow, Olberman and then still Matthews.

[edit on 28-3-2009 by yellowcard]

I watch Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN everyday and you're absolutely wrong, nothing comes close to Fox News in bias. Matthews is definitely not liberal, he's more of a centrist. Fox News on the other hand is completely hard right except for Shepard Smith who is also centrist. Fox News' hard right anchors include Steve Doocy, Neil Cavuto, Glenn Beck, Bret Baier, Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, and Greta Van Susteren.

My math isn't that great but I count at least seven hard right anchors vs two liberal anchors. How you managed to claim that MSNBC is more bias than Fox News is unknown to me.

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