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Fox News Secedes From America

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posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 01:03 AM
I still find it ironic that Americans, or even people from outside the U.S. bash, and blame Republicans, obviously without one shred of understanding of what a Republican is.

If you are living in the United States, you are living in a REPUBLIC... Republicans are sons and daughters of the Republic. Those who advocate a Republic, and are against all forms of dictatorship.

However, I am not saying that there are no Reublicans in government who are corrupt, and have deviated from what Republicans should stand for.

When Americans bash other Americans for being Republicans, they are bashing the Republic.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 01:14 AM
If we're applying literal definitions to the political parties, then by definition the republicans are anti-democracy. They oppose the democrats, and the Democratic Party is obviously pro-democracy, meaning that republicans are anti-democratic, and therefor in opposition to the government.

That train of thought only applies if we're going off literal definitions instead of the more commonly accepted idea that The Republican and Democratic Parties represent a set of policies, ideals and agendas.

[edit on 30-3-2009 by TheDustman]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by rich23

Many thanks to you and ~Illusionsaregrander~ for taking a moment to impart unto my feeble mind some superbly enlightening clarifications concerning my previous post. It would appear that my "non-impartial" disarrayed ideas on the folly of human nature and objectivity exemplify quite a uber-pathetic gestalt eh ???

I must rationally acknowledge that my comment concerning Ayres was NOT objective.

Well, I suppose I should just learn to STFU, embrace my pathetic idiocy and not attempt to wrestle with any of these ethereal, hyper intellectual concepts that are being bandied about within this thread.

But for kicks, lessse if I understand your premise just a bit better now... emotional, personal value judgments are crap, Lil' Billy Ayres was just a sweet fluffy teddy bear whose ends justified his means, there is no good or bad and DUALITY & OBJECTIVITY ARE ILLUSIONS...RIGHT?

So why take the time to just single out fox news? Should not the premise be ALL *NEWS* *PEOPLE* *CONCEPTIONS* *ACTIONS* *EXISTENCE* exemplify nothing more than sparkling facets of Pratītyasamutpāda?

The desire for deliverance leads to a quickening of insight. The capacity for comprehension picks up new speed, depth, and precision. Like a sword the mind of insight-wisdom cuts through the net of illusions fabricated on account of ignorance; like a light it illuminates phenomena exactly as they are. As the power of insight mounts, driven by the longing for liberation, a point is eventually reached where a fundamental turn-about takes place in the seat of consciousness, effecting a radical restructuring of the mental life. The beam-like radiance of insight expands into the full luminosity of enlightenment, and the mind descends upon the supramundane path leading directly and irreversibly to final deliverance.

I promise I shall now digress & go off to skulk in the corner while the adults debate this perplexing "Fox News" issue.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 03:08 AM
It is a rather simple solution: these people are neither conservatives nor Republicans and they hijacked the Republican party for their own ends. They are too radical and are more like communists/national socialists in their idealism.

What is the small goverment crock I hear from this side? All they want to do is use the goverment to impose their will on others as long as the impositions are what they envision for a state.

On the whole extremes meet-- right or left-- and look pretty much alike. A true moderate that is simply the nescessary opposition in a free republic is a rare (but not quite lost) breed.

Murdoch is no conservative and I heard he admitted being a flaming liberal (no joke). Who's buying this dog and pony show? He's courting a self-destructive demographic for profit, nothing more.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by TheDustman
If we're applying literal definitions to the political parties, then by definition the republicans are anti-democracy. They oppose the democrats, and the Democratic Party is obviously pro-democracy, meaning that republicans are anti-democratic, and therefor in opposition to the government.

That train of thought only applies if we're going off literal definitions instead of the more commonly accepted idea that The Republican and Democratic Parties represent a set of policies, ideals and agendas.

This country is a Republic, and not a Democracy. A Republican is an advocate of the Republic. A Republic is a form of government that is not a monarchy or dictatorship, it is associated with the rule of law and that is what this nation is.

Democrats are anti-Republic by definition since they prefer a Democracy where "the mob rules". In a Republic every citizen and legal resident is represented.

This nation was founded as a Republic, and not as a Democracy.

Even thou some of the forefathers prefered a Democracy, they agreed on a Republic.

But for too long most Americans, and even those in government have become confused about the differences between a Democracy and a Republic.

The forefathers made clear even what form of government should be guaranteed.

Section 4 - Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

[edit on 30-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
It is a rather simple solution: these people are neither conservatives nor Republicans and they hijacked the Republican party for their own ends. They are too radical and are more like communists/national socialists in their idealism.

Real Republicans are not like that.

The Communist/National Socialist ideals have been implemented now, under the current administration which is supposedly Democrat.

I am not saying that Republican parties have not implemented UnConstitutional laws, which they have.

It is true that many in government who call themselves Republicans are not real Republicans, and instead are supporting what soon will become a dictatorship.

If we want to save the Republic as founded, and agreed upon by our forefathers, then Americans must understand what being a Republican means, and what a Republic really is.

[edit on 30-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 05:01 AM
Fox , Fair and balanced...yeah right....

a picture says more then a thousand words, so i ask you to Check out the picture collection (link further down), read those promter messages...

and realise that Fox is indeed Propaganda that would have made Hilter/Geubels jealous....

what i'm talking about:

How can anyone not see the unbalance in that....

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by JMasters
MSNBC has Joe and Pat, two right wingers if there ever was. Second, they had RON PAUL! On a lot during the elections.

Yes, but Joe has that shrew MICA sitting next to him. You know her story, don't ya'? Know who her daddy is? She's sitting right there steering Joe's show to where MSNBC wants it. Watch it sometime. It's a gas.

As for Ron Paul .... MSNBC had him on because they were trying to get Ron Paul as many republican votes as they could. They wanted McCain to lose so they put his best competition on. It certainly wasn't done out of the goodness of their tiny black hearts and it wasn't in the name of good balanced news reporting. It was AGENDA.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

So, supporting Ron Paul is a conspiracy? Yeah, you're not a right wing nut job.
Why do the Republicans hate Ron Paul? He with Colin Powell are about the only ones people that don't watch FN or hate America still like and respect.

Second, ON NOES there is a left and right wing person on a morning show? Wow, how dare they be... fair and balanced? Unlike FN which has 3 right wingers, with right winger guests. MSNBC dares to have one left winger on a show with two right wingers, plus left and right winger guests? Do you not see how stupid you sound? FN has all right all the time. And you blast MSNBC because they have multiple right wingers and gasp, a left winger, on a show?

Third, again Keith comes out and says "I'm liberal, I love America, I'm not calling for America to fail like the GOP is." Then rolls clips of right wingers saying that if you don't agree with the Presdient you're a traitor, then now that a black man is in office all they say is disent with the President or you're not a real patriot.

Fourth, Pat is on 24/7. Hell, he's on 29.5/9 he's on so much. And every show has left and right wingers on. MSNBC has had more Republican Senators and Reps in a day then FN has had all year. Probably because the GOP doesn't want to be on the same network that has Billo saying that little kids like being raped and women are at fault for being raped while Ann Coulter raves about exterminating all blacks and other lesser forms of life while crushing kittens and drinking their blood.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by xmotex

Exactly...Criticize the words and ideas. But, you must agree, name calling is not criticism. It only demonstrates the shallowness and lack of intelligent argument by the name caller.

I, personally, don't care where another gets their news, respect their decision to chose and demand the same respect in return. However, that is very often not the case here. Especially when it comes to threads about politics and religion.

My belief is that we all, around 98% of the time, seek out information and information providers that agree with our personal ideology. Additionally, I believe we, subconciously, block out most of what we hear and read, if we quickly determine it is in even slight contradiction to our beliefs.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Snisha
Well, I suppose I should just learn to STFU, embrace my pathetic idiocy and not attempt to wrestle with any of these ethereal, hyper intellectual concepts that are being bandied about within this thread.

I am sorry if I offended you with my bandying of hyper intellectual concepts. I cant help myself. You made a statement, and I simply pointed out that it was not in fact objective. What I DIDNT say, nor would I, is that you are not entitled to hold that subjective opinion. It isnt objective, but it is your right to hold it. And I made no effort to convince you you were wrong, only that you were not objective.

Originally posted by Snisha
So why take the time to just single out fox news? Should not the premise be ALL *NEWS* *PEOPLE* *CONCEPTIONS* *ACTIONS* *EXISTENCE* exemplify nothing more than sparkling facets of Pratītyasamutpāda?

I didnt make the thread, so I cant answer "why Fox News" with any other comment than "because they are the ones talking about making their own nation?"

In my own first post in this thread, I did say that I do not think the media in general is presenting us with objective reporting on many issues, and that by NOT reporting at all things Americans should know so that we can make good decisions, I was pretty unhappy with all the MSM news sources.

I do personally think that Fox News goes above and beyond in their lack of objectivity, but that is MY subjective opinion.

You do not need to be "hyper intellectual" to post or have an opinion here, I enjoy reading most opinions. And, I respected your opinion enough to reply, twice.

[edit on 30-3-2009 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by JMasters

"Billo saying that little kids like being raped and women are at fault for being raped while Ann Coulter raves about exterminating all blacks and other lesser forms of life while crushing kittens and drinking their blood."

Please provide proof for this statement. If you are unable, then have the decency to remove it. That is utterly ridiculous, even as an exaggeration.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Southern, you may not like Fox, and I really don't care. You may call Fox the mouthpiece of the radical right or whatever term you prefer, but again, I really don't care.

As far as it being a source for Conservatives, what do you care? You aren't a Conservative, you surely have a channel selector, don't you?

Or are you being held hostage and are forced to watch Fox?

Fox has their ratings.

Ratings mean dollars.

Similarly, talk radio for Conservatives is very successful. Every attempt by Liberals to counter their successes have fallen flat on their collective asses.

Other than other liberals, I don't think anyone really cares what you think, either.

Change the channel.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
I still find it ironic that Americans, or even people from outside the U.S. bash, and blame Republicans, obviously without one shred of understanding of what a Republican is.

If you are living in the United States, you are living in a REPUBLIC... Republicans are sons and daughters of the Republic. Those who advocate a Republic, and are against all forms of dictatorship.

To be fair, what Republican should logically mean, and what we apply that label to now, are not necessarily the same thing.

I can call myself a tree, and buy banners and wear them saying I am a tree, but if I am actually not a tree, then no matter what I call myself, I am not a tree.

Republicans today are not universally supporting the protection of our Republic from her enemies, not upholding and supporting our Constitution.

(Patriot Act?)

Just like calling the Democratic Party today has little meaning. They are both the Corporate Party, and neither one of them deserves the label they wear.

We the people are easily fooled by labels. Take the same old product and change the label to make it look better, and slap "new and improved" on it and we buy it up. Call an Act that undermines our Constitution the "Patriot Act" and we will completely over look that any Act that undermines our Constitution is not patriotic at all.

We are being played as fools. And our bickering among ourselves is the thing that is facilitating it. "United we stand, divided we fall," and what the hell are we doing? We are letting corporate shills, (whom we call "politicians") sell us bags of horse crap labeled "truth."

Our founders were influenced by Plato's Republic among other Philosophers. And they understood and attempted to prevent our nation falling prey to the corrupting influence of corporations. They knew that wealth should not be the sole decider of power.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous
to our liberties than standing armies. Already they
have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set
the Government at defiance. The issuing power should
be taken from the banks and restored to the people to
whom it properly belongs.

-Thomas Jefferson

If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them (around the banks),
will deprive the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered.

-Thomas Jefferson

Do not tell me that historically the "Republicans" have been defending our nation against this. Likewise do not tell me the "Democrats" have been. They have both been facilitating it.

Do not be fooled by names. A rose by any other name is still a rose, and a traitor wrapped up in a flag is still a traitor.

Dont call yourself a Patriot, be one. Defend your country from the Corporate Party and its two ugly heads.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Obviously you did not read my entire post.

I never said that the Republican party is not corrupt, or that they have not passed UnConstitutional laws, on the contrary, they have...

What I have been trying to say is that Americans have been led to split into several groups, and meanwhile we continue bickering over which form of government should lead this nation, the nation is being dismantled.

Every American should see himself, and herself as a son, or daughter of the Republic, as Real Republicans, because this nation is a Republic.

Since most Americans will not change their minds, and will continue to bicker about what form of government should be in power, TPTB will continue to take a hold of this nation, and will dismantle it so that no American will recognize it as a REPUBLIC...

I am not saying for Americans to stand behind the current Republican party, because it is as corrupt as the Democrat party, but rather to stand behind the agreement that our forefathers reached when this nation was founded.

Only united can we stand against oppression. Divided we will only fall to a new National Socialist dictatorship, or worse.

[edit on 30-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Then we do not disagree at all.

I agree that it is time to stop "calling" ourselves things, and to start being them.

And it is time to stop believing that the labels that are given to things are accurate description of their contents. Time to stop electing the Corporate party no matter what "guise" it is sold to us under.

And I could not agree more that it is time to begin to recognize that we the people are on ONE side, not two or more. And stand in unity for our nation and her Constitution.

And stop selling our freedoms because we are quivering masses of fear, frightened of every shadow. I think that is what makes me the most angry, we have become so cowardly that we beg these traitors to take away our freedoms to "protect us."

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by rich23

Lots of crapola about who your favorite biased media is or personality. Although I stopped watching FOX News when Bush got elected I have never seen the great Constitutionalist Judge Andrew Napolitano on any other news channel.

I watched the Judge flip out about Bush and the Patriot Act and on and on and on, and he did it on FOX News and he backed it up with Law, Constitution and common sense. So keep blasting Oberman and Hannity and what not, but I dare any of you to find a fault in the Judge and the fact hat FOX News keeps him aboard as a balance even though he verbally argues nearly everything FOX News pushes as agenda...

Let's be fair here people, there is good and bad in all things in life and the Judge is a GOOD THING. If the Judge is the one running this separation from the United States, I will join immediately. I would alos advise all of youto read his books. Constitutional Chaos and a Nation of Sheeple. Then slander him if you dare...

To be fair CNN's Jack Cafferty is another one I admire and respect for his candor and truth...

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by WTFover

"Billo saying that little kids like being raped and women are at fault for being raped while Ann Coulter raves about exterminating all blacks and other lesser forms of life while crushing kittens and drinking their blood."

Please provide proof for this statement. If you are unable, then have the decency to remove it. That is utterly ridiculous, even as an exaggeration.

First, little kids love being raped!

The situation here with this kid is looks to me to be a lot more fun then when he had under his own parents. He didn't have to go to school, He could run around and do what he wanted."
Yep, Shawn Hornbeck loved being raped so much he didn't want to leave the kidnapper.

Then, women deserve too be raped...

“Now Moore, Jennifer Moore, 18, on her way to college. She was 5-foot-2, 105 pounds, wearing a miniskirt and a halter top with a bare midriff. Now, again, there you go. So every predator in the world is gonna pick that up at two in the morning. She's walking by herself on the West Side Highway, and she gets picked up by a thug. All right. Now she's out of her mind, drunk.”

Yep, women deserve to be raped, are asking for it.

So, next time you question me you might want to make sure to be ready too open mouth and insert foot.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by JMasters]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

In California, I don't think you'll have to worry about a Fox encouraged "war" that will affect you.

Keep watching that MSNBC.

That's your meat!

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:45 PM
Newscorpse (the source for the OP), is nothing more than a far left mouthpiece trying to masquerade as a non-biased website.

All you have to do is check out the advertising all over the website to see this.

So, it means a lot of you are quoting from a site that is every bit as biased as you like to claim Fox News is.

Hypocritical? You decide ...

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